Bunbury Vet Clinic in Bunbury, Western Australia | Medical service
Bunbury Vet Clinic
Locality: Bunbury, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9721 5999
Address: 183 Blair St 6230 Bunbury, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.bunburyvets.com.au/
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25.01.2022 With spring just around the corner, now is the time to be getting your pet sterilised. Throughout July, we are offering a 15% discount on all sterilisation surgeries performed on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at the Bunbury Vet Clinic and Eaton Vet Clinic. https://www.bunburyvets.com.au//discounted-sterilistation/
25.01.2022 15% of sterilisation procedures. Just a reminder that we've still gove a couple of weeks left for our offer of 15% of sterilisation procedures performed on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at our Bunbury and Eaton Vet Clinics. With spring just around the corner, now is the best time to sterilise your pet to avoid unwanted pregnancies. https://www.bunburyvets.com.au//discounted-sterilistation/
25.01.2022 August - Bravery Award Winner Miss Molly the 4yr old Miniature Pinscher was admitted to hospital in a critical condition for immediate intensive treatment for rat bait toxicity. Molly stayed with us for 2 days where she received a life saving blood transfusion as well as enduring multiple blood tests and a range of medications to get her back on track. ... We are happy to report that this little superstar has finished her medication, her blood results were great and has been given a clean bill of health. Congratulations to Miss Molly for being the bravest little girl! **Special Thanks to Hunter- Dr Kates hound, for donating his blood and saving Miss Molly's life! Extra treaties for you Mr H!
25.01.2022 When was the last time you gave your pets mouth a check-up? Even minor dental disease can increase the risk of kidney, heart disease and other whole-body problems. Signs of dental disease include: bad breath, stained teeth, drooling, facial swelling, difficulty eating and pain when touching the lips or face. If your pet hasnt been in for a mouth check-up lately, call us to make an appointment today.
25.01.2022 If you’ve got your holidays booked and you’re planning to put your pets into boarding whilst you’re away, you need to ensure that your pet is up-to-date with their vaccinations prior to boarding. Canine cough is a common respiratory disease seen in dogs, and can be especially prevalent in situations when dogs are stressed or anxious. Make sure to book your pet in with us for their vaccinations well before you plan to head away.
24.01.2022 If you notice your dog shaking their head, scratching their ears or giving off a bad odour from their ears, they might be suffering from an ear condition. Infections, allergies, parasites and foreign bodies can all cause ear irritation in pets, so its important to have your pet examined to determine what treatment may be needed. Give us a call today to keep your pet comfortable and their ears healthy.
24.01.2022 Have you noticed your cat displaying slightly more aggressive behaviour towards you, your family or other pets? Status-induced aggression might be one reason. This means your cat is trying to establish social dominance within their household. Avoid rewarding your kittys aggressive behaviour with play, attention or food. If you notice your cat blocking doors or swatting household members as they pass, just turn a blind eye until they have relaxed.
22.01.2022 Dr Joc had her hands full today with this fluffy bundle of joy! Humphrey, Lotus Blossom, Honey, Hattie and Fluffy were in for their first Vaccination and Microchip before going to their new homes and starting the next chapter of their little puppy lives.
21.01.2022 Some useful advice if your pet gets sick when your vet is closed.
21.01.2022 Installing a cat scratching post inside your home can be a great way to encourage cats to scratch without ruining your favourite furniture. Scratching posts come in all manner of shapes and sizes - you can even build your own. Scratching behaviour is normal in cats, so providing them with one or more scratching posts will help save your furniture and keep kitty happy.
21.01.2022 It’s important to always ensure your pets have access to fresh drinking water. During warmer weather, pets can quickly become dehydrated, which can lead to heat stress and can be fatal. It is a good idea to provide multiple water bowls in case one gets knocked over, and place them in a shady or protected spot so the water stays cool on a hot day.
21.01.2022 Its often the quieter times at night when you might notice your pup chewing at their paws. This usually means their paws are itchy and inflamed, which is commonly caused by allergies, and generally heightened by springtime. If you notice your pup licking their paws, irritating their ears or developing any areas of redness, inflammation or rashes, contact us today so we can assess and treat your poochs itch.
20.01.2022 To keep our cats and dogs healthy, their diet ideally requires a balance of wet and dry pet food, to ensure they receive all of the essential vitamins and minerals that our pets need. Just by chewing and crunching their biscuits, our pets are keeping their teeth clean and reducing their plaque build-up. For tips on occasional treats beneficial to healthy teeth, speak with us today.
20.01.2022 Friday cuteness overload!! Nurse Emily had her daily dose of puppy cuddles with 9 week old Border Collie Storm today...
20.01.2022 Exercising pets during the heat of the day can result in heat stress and other injuries, such as burnt paw pads. During warmer weather, it can be a good idea to exercise your dog during the cool of the early morning or later in the evening. You can also exercise your pet on grassed areas to ensure they’re protected from the heat of pavements or roads. Always ensure your pet also has access to fresh drinking water after exercise to prevent dehydration.
19.01.2022 Congratulations to our June 2020 Puppy School Graduates These puppies are prepped and ready to take on the world! Pippin the Cavoodle - "Class Dynamo" ... Marshall the Golden Retriever - "Mr Charming" Bob the Cavoodle - "Coolest Dude" Cozy the Cavoodle - "Class Sweetheart" Bella the Cavoodle - "Little Miss Smarty Pants" ZsaZsa the Papillon - "Class Queen" If you want to learn everything these clever puppies know, play with friends and win some prizes, call us on 97215999 to attend our next Puppy School. All puppies from 8-12 weeks and had their first vaccination are invited to attend. We are limited in class spots due to social distancing regulations. #PuppySchool #Graduation
19.01.2022 Puppy Class Graduates!! Congratulations to these lovely puppies (and their owners) for putting in the hard work and graduating with flying colours! Raven, Honey, Yohji, El Guapo and Bonnie
18.01.2022 June - Bravery Award Winner! Derik is not only the cutest little pug you've ever laid your eyes on but he's also the bravest! ( He was also awarded his Bravery award on his 10th Birthday!!) Happy Birthday!! Derik had a nasty Mast Cell Tumour removed here at Bunbury Vet Clinic then went up to Perth Veterinary Oncology for chemotherapy treatment.... Luckily for this little trooper the tumour is likely to be very slow to return, and unlikely to spread which is great news for his family! Congratulations to Derik and well done to his mum who was very quick to notice this new lump and bring him in straight away to get it seen to.
17.01.2022 Pets need access to fresh, clean water all the time, but if you notice your pet drinking more water than usual or you’re refilling their water bowl more often, it could be a sign that something is amiss. Increased drinking can be caused by various diseases, such as diabetes, kidney problems and changes in other areas of the body’s metabolism. If you think your pet may be drinking more than normal, call us for advice today.
17.01.2022 Please secure your dog when on the back of a ute! Over the last couple of weeks, we have treated multiple dogs after they have fallen off the back of utes. PLEASE secure your dog on a short lead so it cant fall off. Some of the dogs have had horrific injuries, and its so easy to prevent.
17.01.2022 October Bravery Award 3yr old German Shepherd Sarge is our latest Bravery award winner!! Sarge was in recently for castration but there was one small problem, he only had one lonely testicle. The other was hidden away in his abdomen! ... When a male animal is born the testicles start their lives high up in the abdomen near the kidneys and eventually make their way down to the scrotum. Sometimes one or both testicles don't quite make it, a condition called Cryptorchidism which can lead to all sorts of health issues if left. Sarge underwent surgery and has since made a full recovery. Well done Sarge!
17.01.2022 What do you do if your pet is unwell or injured when the vet is closed? Hes a few simple steps to follow. https://www.bunburyvets.com.au//how-to-access-veterinary-/
17.01.2022 Congratulations to our August graduating Puppy Class This class consisted off: Archie - Maltese " Mister Cool"... Joey - Kelpie X "Mr Smarty Pants" Arthur - Rhodesian Ridgeback "Big Boy Award" Bindi - Border Collie X "Class Queen" Charlie - Maltese X "Bravest Puppy" Darby - Red Kelpie "Class Dynamo" Well Done to all our graduates who are now ready to take on the world! If you would like to join in the fun, our next class is starting 29th August and all puppies 8- 12 weeks and who have had atleast their first vaccine are invited. Please call us on 97215999 to secure your spot. #puppyschool #puppypupil #schoolfriends #ClassMates #GraduationPuppyParty
17.01.2022 Over the last few years, we have noticed an increased number of brachycephalic dogs such as French Bulldogs and Australian Bulldogs attending our clinic. They are such happy, beautiful characters that its easy to understand why people buy them. Their big eyes and happy outlook will brighten anyones day. However, we are seeing a lot of these dogs with severe breathing issues, which often needs surgery to improve their quality of life. This condition is called Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Disease (BOAS). If you have a brachycephalic dog or are considering getting one, please read this article. https://bunburyvets.com.au/isnt-breathing-like-that-normal/
16.01.2022 Be aware that grass seeds are coming out again. Please check your dogs paws and coat after any walks through long grass. Every year we remove dozens of grass seeds from the ears, paws, noses and coats of dogs. This video shows just how quickly they can work their way into the skin. https://www.facebook.com/watch/
16.01.2022 15% off Sterlilisation Procedures in July 2020. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays of July at our Bunbury & Eaton Vet Clinics. Phone bookings are essential, so our experienced nurses can provide you with all the necessary health advice leading up to your pets desexing procedure. ... #LetsDesexSomePets
15.01.2022 Harper and Hunter say "Brrrrrrrrrr" Trying to stay warm this chilly Friday! Show us your puppies staying snug. #SnugglesRequired #RecommendedTreatmentCuddles
14.01.2022 June - Bravery Award Winner! Derik is not only the cutest little pug youve ever laid your eyes on but hes also the bravest! ( He was also awarded his Bravery award on his 10th Birthday!!) Happy Birthday!! Derik had a nasty Mast Cell Tumour removed here at Bunbury Vet Clinic then went up to Perth Veterinary Oncology for chemotherapy treatment.... Luckily for this little trooper the tumour is likely to be very slow to return, and unlikely to spread which is great news for his family! Congratulations to Derik and well done to his mum who was very quick to notice this new lump and bring him in straight away to get it seen to.
14.01.2022 It can be tempting to feed your furry friend food leftovers but dogs can actually develop pancreatitis if they eat a rich or fatty meal, such as fat gristle, bone marrow or other fatty foods. Pancreatitis involves inflammation of the pancreas, which is a gland in the abdomen involved in the digestion of food. Symptoms of pancreatitis can include vomiting, loss of appetite and a painful abdomen. If your pet is showing any of these signs, have them checked by one of our friendly vets as soon as possible.
13.01.2022 What do you do if your pet is unwell or injured when the vet is closed? He's a few simple steps to follow. https://www.bunburyvets.com.au//how-to-access-veterinary-/
12.01.2022 Love them or leave them, magpies are an iconic Australian bird. When nesting, magpies swoop their perceived threats to protect their young. Smart enough to distinguish friend from foe, magpies may even extend their trust to you by taking some feed. Although its not recommended to feed wildlife, if you do, find a natural source like mealworms from a pet store, as mince and other human foods are not balanced enough for our feathered friends.
12.01.2022 Calling all puppies! We have 2 spots left in our next puppy class! This class will start Thursday 27th August, please contact the clinic on 9721 5999 for more info
11.01.2022 Older cats and dogs can make the best pets but that also means they require a little additional care to keep them comfy, mobile and in good health throughout their twilight years. A regular senior vet check-up is a great way for us to assess your pets condition and quality of life. There, we can discuss any tests, preventative treatments or ongoing management that might be needed to ensure your furry family member can stay happy and healthy. Book your pet in for a senior check-up with one of our friendly vets today.
11.01.2022 Spring means slugs and snails in our gardens. Although it can be tempting to reach for snail bait as a quick remedy to unwelcome garden guests, snail bait contains metaldehyde or methiocarb, which, if ingested by your dog or cat, makes it deadly. As snail baits are formulated to attract snails with ingredients like molasses, many dogs can find the smell attractive too. Avoid using snail bait if you have pets and, if you suspect your pet has ingested snail bait, call us immediately.
11.01.2022 As spring begins to near, skin allergies will rear their unpleasant heads too. Allergy treatment in dogs has come a long way, and with such a range of new treatments available, relief is conveniently at hand. Allergies are best treated before a flare-up becomes severe, so if you start to notice your pup with red skin, pustules or increased scratching, make an appointment with us today. Prevention is always better than cure.
09.01.2022 Although the arrival of spring hopefully also means the arrival of warmer weather, pets with arthritis will still require management into the warmer months and beyond. Arthritis in pets is a chronic condition requiring ongoing year-round treatment to help keep them comfortable and as active as possible. Book an arthritis check up with one of our vets today to keep your pet playful and pain free.
09.01.2022 July Bravery award winner Lucy was running around off lead living her best life, when she returned to her owner with a nasty laceration to her chest. Lucys owner is still unsure how she injured herself but greyhounds are known for having paper thin skin so its possible she snagged herself on a tree branch doing greyhound zoomies! ... The wound was so deep that the surrounding muscle layers were exposed and torn in parts. Lucy was admitted to hospital where her wound was cleaned, a drain placed and then stitched up. Lucy was hospitalised for 2 days and sent home on strict rest, pain relief and antibiotics to avoid any infection to the surgery site. She has since been in multiple times for her check ups and has been super brave every visit, always greeting us with a wagging tail and looking for her treaties! Well done Lucy you brave girl!
09.01.2022 What does it take to become a dog trainer? Surprisingly, there are actually no minimum education or experience requirements to become a dog trainer, but that doesnt mean there arent standards of excellence in the dog training world. Look out for trainers who practice force-free or fear-free training, particularly if they have qualifications from a recognised training or behaviour program.
08.01.2022 Just a reminder that there are only a few days left to get 15% of sterilisation procedures at the Bunbury Vet Clinic and Eaton Vet Clinic. There are limited spaces on each day, so make sure you book now to take advantage of this offer.
08.01.2022 Be aware that grass seeds are coming out again. Please check your dog's paws and coat after any walks through long grass. Every year we remove dozens of grass seeds from the ears, paws, noses and coats of dogs. This video shows just how quickly they can work their way into the skin. https://www.facebook.com/watch/
08.01.2022 If you need to transport your cat to the vet or for boarding, it’s important to always use a pet carrier, so that the cat remains safe and contained. To create a more relaxing experience for your cat, you can familiarise them with the pet carrier prior to travel and use a calming cat pheromone spray inside the carrier. Speak with our friendly team for more advice on how to make transporting your cat a positive experience for all.
07.01.2022 Why is my dog constantly scratching and licking its paws? Does your dog get itchy skin, sore ears, or lick their paws constantly? They may have allergic skin disease. Spring and early summer tend to be the worst time for allergic skin disease in dogs as there are high pollen levels in the air. Its no coincidence that many people with hay fever find their dog gets itchy at the same time their hay fever flares up. A lot of dogs with allergic skin disease have a pollen allergy.... Rather than causing hay fever or asthma, like in people, dogs tend to get skin problems. The pollens cause inflammation in the skin, which can make the dog quite itchy. The inflammation also creates heat and moisture in the ears and between the toes which creates the perfect environment for yeast and bacteria to grow, leading to infections. Fortunately, treatment has come a long way over the last few years. There are now treatments available which are very safe and effective, and avoid many of the side-effects we see with steroid treatment. Early intervention and management of allergic skin disease is especially important. Because secondary infections are so common, we often end up needing to treat an infection as well as the underlying condition. This ultimately causes avoidable pain for the dog and costs more to treat. By treating early we can often prevent these infections from being established, and with a proper maintenance plan, we can minimise the risk of the problem recurring. Early signs of allergic skin disease include licking paws (dogs dont do this out of habit), shaking their head, scratching excessively, and red skin around the ears, belly and armpits. Signs that a secondary infection is present include a bad smell, mucky ears, lumps in the skin, and pain when scratching their ears. If youre worried about your pets skin, talk to your vet as soon as they start showing any signs of itching or redness. It will save your pet a lot of discomfort and yourself a lot of money. See more
06.01.2022 Just like cats and dogs, rabbits also need to have regular vaccinations to protect them from the potentially-fatal rabbit calicivirus disease. This calicivirus disease causes rabbits internal bleeding but luckily vaccinating is a simple way to keep your bunny protected. Depending on the age of your rabbit, its best to chat with one of our team to find out how often rabbit vaccinations are required.
05.01.2022 Limited appointments available with a specialist dermatologist this Thursday.
05.01.2022 If you’re heading away for a holiday and can’t take your pets with you, a pet sitter can be a great option. Not only can your pet remain in their own home where they’ll be most relaxed, but the pet sitter can also look after your house and ensure your pet gets all the attention and exercise they need. Speak with our friendly team for advice on local pet sitter options, and ensure your next holiday away is the most enjoyable time for you and your pet.
05.01.2022 Congratulations! Such smart little puppies! They all graduated from Puppy Classes with flying colours Zara, Pedro, Zyla, Archie and Kya, it was a pleasure to meet you all
05.01.2022 Puppy School Graduation Congratulations to our graduating puppies from our August class. Gary the Yorkie - "Mister Cool" ... Charlie the Cavalier - "Mister Charming" Otis the Tenterfield Terrier - "Class Clown" Pip the Shetland Sheep Dog - "Bravest Puppy" Storm the Border Collie - "Miss Smart Pants" CJ the Staffy - "Class Dynamo" If your puppy wants to join in the fun of our next class, please call us on 97215999. #PuppySchool #PuppyPupil #SchoolFriends
02.01.2022 Have you ever wondered why pets need anaesthesia for dentistry? There are several reasons. Firstly, we cant reason with your pet to tell them it will all be over shortly, so keeping them calm, still and awake while using ultrasonic scalers and polishers in their mouth would be terribly difficult. Secondly, general anaesthesia is preferred to sedation. Not only does it allow the airways to be kept clear and avoid aspiration but, most importantly, it keeps your pet stress-free and pain-free.
01.01.2022 As the weather warms up, it’s a critical reminder to never leave your dog inside your car dogs die in hot cars. As the temperature inside a car quickly rises, pets left inside can quickly succumb to potentially fatal heat stress. Do not risk your dog’s life in a hot car instead, leave your dog at home with shade, shelter and access to fresh water.
01.01.2022 Full Time Experienced Veterinarian An opportunity has become available for an experienced veterinarian to join our friendly, caring and dedicated teams in Bunbury and Eaton, Western Australia in a full time position. About Us... We are a group of two small animal clinics in the beautiful South West region of Western Australia. We are well equipped with all the usual diagnostic and monitoring equipment (including colour Doppler ultrasound, digital endoscope and access to a local CT scanner). We accept referrals from throughout the South West for orthopaedic surgery, ultrasonography and chemotherapy. We also have a visiting ophthalmology referral service visit our Eaton clinic monthly. With shared after hours, we aim for a great work/life balance. Each vet works 4 days/week, 1 in 3 Saturday mornings and 1 in 12 weekends on call. We are closed Saturday afternoons and Sundays, so its a great job for anyone with a family or sporting interests. About You We are looking for someone who: Enjoys building great relationships with clients Provides exceptional customer service Communicates well with clients and team members Delivers high standards of patient care and thoroughly works up cases Is flexible, organised and manages their own time well Is comfortable with sole charge and after hours work Is competent with routine soft tissue surgery Is committed to ongoing continuing education and Has a minimum of 2 years experience working as a veterinarian Bunbury is just 2 hours south of Perth and one hour from the Margaret River region. With plenty of beaches, great sporting facilities and fantastic schools, its a great place to live and raise a family. If this sounds like the job for you, please send your CV and cover letter to Josie at [email protected]. Applications will remain open until a suitable applicant is found. Position will become available in October 2020.
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