Busselton Bowen Therapy and Bodywork in Busselton, Western Australia | Massage therapist
Busselton Bowen Therapy and Bodywork
Locality: Busselton, Western Australia
Phone: +61 417 173 770
Address: Sickle Drive Vasse 6280 Busselton, WA, Australia
Website: https://www.naturaltherapypages.com.au/connect/gaymau/service/22564
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24.01.2022 Taking bookings for next week now . $70 One hour session . 0417173770
24.01.2022 The motto of the ‘Chameleon Approach', is that an Emmett therapist has the ability to assess and tailor the treatment according to the specific needs and beliefs of each client.
23.01.2022 Discover the power of gentle touch with Bowen therapy.
21.01.2022 Assalamualaikum Homeopathic Medicine for Different Diseases
20.01.2022 "Bolile plmânilor nu se rezolv cu antibiotice i pilule. Plmânul este un organ respirator...de via. Tristeile, frustrrile, toate tririle înbuite îl îm...bolnvesc. Plmânii sunt ferestre ctre lume, ei trebuie s respire viaa, relaii, contacte. Oamenii triti i suprai îi vduvesc aceste organe ale vieii prin blocaje i stagnri de energie. Nu degeaba, despre bolnavii de plmâni se spune c sufer de oftic, c sunt ofticoi. Bolile plmânilor se formeaz din copilarie, din pântecele mamei, din suprrile i tristeile prinilor, bunicilor i ale altor rude apropiate. Sunt transmise în câmpurile energetice ale copiilor, care devin apoi adolesceni cu probleme i oameni maturi bolnavi prin necunoatere i netiin. Cea mai puternic form de vindecare pentru un om cu plmânii slabi, îmbolnvii este respiratia. Omul bolnav de plmâni trebuie s respire profund. De dou ori pe zi, in locuri cu aer care permite respiraia, persoana afectat trebuie s trag aer in piept vreme de câteva minute, de la nivelul diafragmei, prin ridicare pe vârfuri. Respiraia trebuie s mearg mân în mân cu acceptarea cursului vietii. "Accept ce mi se întâmpl i m las purtat de energia vieii, nu ma impotrivesc in fata energiei divine" poate fi o formula repetat timp de mai multe ori pe zi. In afara acestor metode, omul bolnav de plmâni trebuie sa-i curee periodic colonul, întrucât organele de respiraie sunt legate de sntatea colonului gros. Acesta este înfundat de alimente devitalizate i de lucrurile pe care plamanii nu le-au digerat, ca i stare afectiv. Alte lucruri pe care trebuie s le fac un bolnav de plmâni, sau un om care rcete des si are probleme frecvente cu sinusurile: -s evite lactatele i zahrul, productoare de mucus -s-i maseze, prin presopunctur, marginile nasului. -s menin nasul curat, întrucât acesta este gura plamanilor, orificiul prin care acesta respir. -dac zona locuit este poluat, o dat pe sptmâna este bine ca persoana în cauz s se deplaseze intr-o zon curat, de deal sau munte, pentru curarea plmânilor. Nu întmpltor spitalele erau fcute înainte în zone curate. Cei ce locuiesc în orae este bine s respire profund in zone de parc, sau in perioade de dup ploaie, când aerul este mai curat. Alte recomandri: - automasaj prin reflexoterapie, sau apelarea la un reflexolog compatibil energetic. - detoxifieri repetate prin posturi i practici spirituale, rugciuni i cin. - consumarea unor alimente care întresc plmânii, cum sunt cruciferele (varza, conopida, broccoli) ridichea neagra, nucile si migdalele, mceele etc. - frecatul zilnic al palmelor i aezarea lor in zona omoplailor i a pieptului, pentru transmiterea de energie. - în cazuri extreme, sculatul între orele 3-5 dimineata, cand energia plamanilor este maxim i masarea zonelor reflexogene ale plmânilor, urmate de exerciii profunde de respiratie. Cine nu tie aceste zone îi poate înclzi palmele i le poate ine în zona organelor pentru energizare. Program special de alimentatie (stabilit de un terapeut, sau de persoana in cauz, care are cunotine sau discernmânt) Acest regim, de curare, trebuie s conin multe sucuri i supe de legume, fructe si seminte inmuiate in apa, argil, produse apicole, mcee, ctin i fructe de pdure, ceaiuri depurative. Sursa: Gabriel Socaciu See more
20.01.2022 Worry and anxiety can activate your sympathetic "fight/flight/freeze" nervous system response. While this is an appropriate response in the face of danger, chro...nic activation can cause significant health issues. If you're feeling stressed, it's time to try Bowen therapy! Its gentle touches can help to downregulate your nervous system from fight/flight/freeze to rest/digest, where healing can occur. See more
19.01.2022 Appointments still available next Thursday and Friday .
17.01.2022 DEEP FASCIA OF FOOT A. The skin and subcutaneous tissue have been removed to demonstrate the deep fascia of the leg and dorsum of the foot. B. The deep pl...antar fascia consists of the thick plantar aponeurosis and the thinner medial and lateral plantar fascia. Thinner parts of the plantar fascia have been removed, revealing the plantar digital vessels and nerves. C. The bones and muscles of the foot are surrounded by the deep dorsal and plantar fascia. A large central and smaller medial and lateral compartments of the sole are created by intermuscular septa that extend deeply from the plantar aponeurosis.
17.01.2022 EMMETT Technique a Safe and Effective Muscle Release Therapy.
16.01.2022 The power of proprioception!
15.01.2022 Book your Bowen Appointment today ! Still great value at only $70 per one hour session . Most massage treatments alone cost more and do not provide the same assessing and alignment the body needs to make permanent changes for pain relief .... 0417173770 Located in Vasse Newtown .
15.01.2022 De ce s aplicm uleiurile pe spate tiai c fiecare nerv din corpul nostru este conectat cu ira spinrii într-un anumit punct? Spatele are contact direct cu... tot sistemul nervos din corp? Când aplicai uleiurile cu grad terapeutic pe spate nu doar primii beneficiile lor, dar i stimulai sute de nervi care pot contribui la sntatea întregului corp. Dac dorii suport intr-o anumit zon, în poz avei mai multe sugestii de ce uleiuri s folosii pentru a avea cel mai bun efect! Dilueaz pentru a minimaliza sensibilitatea pielii. Nu trebuie s foloseti toate uleiurile menionate, dar pe cele care le ai la îndemân(unul, dou sau 3 din ele). Vertebre C1-C4: CAP, CREIER, URECHI, SINUSURI Uleiuri ajutatoare- Frankincense, Peppermint, DDR Prime Vertebre C5-C7:MUSCHI,TIROIDA,MUSCHII GÂTULUI, UMERIlemongrass, Past Tense, Lemon, Melaleuca Vertebre T1-T3: ESOFAG,PLMÂNI, INIMACelery seed(nu e disponibil la noi) ,Air, Yarrow Pom, Cypress Vertebre T4-T5: VEZICA BILIARA, FICAT, SISTEMUL CIRCULATORGrapefruit, Zendocrine, Smart&Sassy, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Vertebre T6-T8: STOMAC, PANCREAS, SPLINA DigestZen, Coriander, Geranium, Cinnamon, Fennel, Cardamom Vertebre T9-T12: URETERE SUPRARENALE, RINICHI, INTESTINUL SUBIREClove, Basil, Zendocrine, Lemon, Juniper Berry, Peppermint Vertebre L1- L2: INTESTINUL GROS, APENDICE, ZONA INGHINALA Ginger, Green Mandarin, Lemon, Peppemint, Basil Vertebre L3 - L5: VEZIC, ORGANELE REPRODUCTIVE, PROSTATA, SCIATIC Lemon, Juniper Berry, Thyme, Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Copaiba Sursa: Essential Life
14.01.2022 Appointments available. Friday pm. Monday 21st to Thursday 24thAppointments available. Friday pm. Monday 21st to Thursday 24th
14.01.2022 This week is looking good! You too?
14.01.2022 555555 #TikTokUni ------ http://bit.ly/TikTokTHoffcial
14.01.2022 Exciting new electric massage table just arrived !
13.01.2022 EMMETT Technique is a Fast, Effective & Gentle Muscle Release Therapy suitable for all ages.
13.01.2022 Why should I choose EMMETT Technique? Because it can help with overall health and well being. A Fast Effective Muscle Release Therapy.
12.01.2022 It's all connected! Your sore knee might stem from your ankle or your shoulders. Or the source of your headaches might be your gut. That's why we use a whole-body approach in Bowen therapy!
12.01.2022 Taking bookings for next week. $70 one hour session Bowen Therapy & MassageTaking bookings for next week. $70 one hour session Bowen Therapy & Massage
10.01.2022 Feeling run down and lethargic? Have you tried a EMMETT Technique Lymphatic treatment??
08.01.2022 WHY ARE THE PSOAS MUSCLES CONSTANTLY CONTRACTED DURING PROLONGED PERIODS OF STRESS? Whether you run, bike, dance, practice yoga, or just hang out on your couc...h, your psoas muscles are involved. That’s because your psoas muscles are the primary connectors between your torso and your legs. They affect your posture and help to stabilise your spine. The psoas muscles are made of both slow and fast twitching muscles. Because they are major flexors, weak psoas muscles can cause many of the surrounding muscles to compensate and become overused. That is why a tight or overstretched psoas muscle could be the cause of many or your aches and pains, including low back and pelvic pain. ANATOMY Structurally, your psoas muscles are the deepest muscles in your core. They attach from your 12th thoracic vertebrae to your 5 lumbar vertebrae, through your pelvis and then finally attach to your femurs. In fact, they are the only muscles that connect your spine to your legs. Your psoas muscles allow you to bend your hips and legs towards your chest, for example when you are going up stairs. They also help to move your leg forward when you walk or run. Your psoas muscles are the muscles that flex your trunk forward when bend over to pick up something from the floor. They also stabilize your trunk and spine during movement and sitting. THE PSOAS AND FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE The psoas muscles support your internal organs and work like hydraulic pumps allowing blood and lymph to be pushed in and out of your cells. Your psoas muscles are vital not only to your structural well-being, but also to your psychological well-being because of their connection to your breath. Here’s why: there are two tendons for the diaphragm (called the crura) that extend down and connect to the spine alongside where the psoas muscles attach. One of the ligaments (the medial arcuate) wraps around the top of each psoas. Also, the diaphragm and the psoas muscles are connected through fascia that also connects the other hip muscles. These connections between the psoas muscle and the diaphragm literally connect your ability to walk and breathe, and also how you respond to fear and excitement. That’s because, when you are startled or under stress, your psoas contracts. In other words, your psoas has a direct influence on your fight or flight response! During prolonged periods of stress, your psoas is constantly contracted. The same contraction occurs when you: sit for long periods of time engage in excessive running or walking sleep in the fetal position do a lot of sit-ups Here are some tips for getting your psoas back in balance: Avoid sitting for extended periods Add support to your car seat Try Resistance Flexibility exercises Get a professional massage Release stress and past traumas Stretch HOW TO STRETCH Roller Psoas Stretch Use a foam roller for this passive, relaxing stretch that lengthens your psoas, one of your deep hip flexors. 1. Place the roller perpendicular to your spine and lie with your sacrum (the back of your pelvis) not your spine on the roller. 2. Pull your left knee toward your chest, keeping your right heel on the ground. You should feel a stretch on the front of your right hip. 3. To increase the stretch, reach your right arm over your head and open your left knee slightly out to the left. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs. Repeat as needed.
06.01.2022 Bowen Therapy is a ‘State of the Art Healing modality’! I and many others have found it to be to be one of the most profound and effective healing therapies Kno...wn. I have tried all manner of complementary treatments before I discovered Bowen Therapy, Massage, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Shiatsu, Kinesiology, Reiki, Yoga, to name a few. There is nothing out there like Bowen Therapy, it is unique and it gets results. Many who have experienced the incredible nature and effectiveness of Bowen tend to adopt it as a priority treatment. To clarify, I am not discounting the intrinsic value of all the other healing modalities out there. As I understand that everybody is different and what is effective for one person may not be for another, and that we may require specific treatments pending on the problem at any given time. However, Bowen Therapy in many cases is able to achieve very positive outcomes in a short space of time and maintain resolve. Many of my patients including myself prior to Bowen Therapy had to have ongoing long drawn out treatment protocols to achieve resolution, if at all. The reason for Bowen Therapies effectiveness is because of its special qualities. It is a multifaceted treatment, meaning that it works on many levels of the body, and is active for some time. Its cross fibre gentle moves in precise areas release muscle tension locally and throughout the body, brings about increase hydration, circulation, increase mobility, detoxification, and results in musculoskeletal re-balancing. An additional ‘key’ factor or what makes it ‘unique’ is that it re-balances the autonomic nervous system which controls all subconscious body functions, like heart rate, breathing, elimination etc. When stress has accumulated in the body we can stay in sympathetic mode, or Fight and Flight, a danger response for too long. Its like a car that is going at 150 km an hour constantly, it is not sustainable. Eventually something gives and breaks down and we get an illness, or there is no energy left to heal and repair something even simple. We forget how much energy it takes to keep up with all the trillions of jobs that our body has to do every day to keep us alive and functioning optimally. Bowen Therapy calms the nervous system and stimulates parasympathetic mode, the emergency is over and we are able to rest relax repair, digest and FEEL GREAT What other therapy is able to do all this? Try it for yourself you won’t be disappointed!
06.01.2022 As well as the muscles, Bowen therapists work on your fascia. Fascia is an important, highly mobile, connective tissue, which runs throughout your body. It is v...ia the fascia that we often address levels of tension and discomfort. Via Bowen Association (UK) Read more: https://www.bowen-technique.co.uk/why-is-bowen-therapy-hel/
05.01.2022 RHOMBOIDS MUSCLE PAIN Each one of us has had muscle pain at some point in our lives. Some people, however, experience worsening and commonly occurring muscle ...pain in certain areas. Among this is rhomboid muscle pain, which is more common and worse than any other pain and is one of the most frustrating pains. There are many people who don’t know where exactly is rhomboid muscle situated, but they have felt pain in that region at some time or other for sure. Pain of the rhomboid muscle is the pain, which is present in the upper back region just beneath the neck and between the upper shoulder blades. Rhomboid muscle helps in controlling the arms and shoulders. If you have spent an entire day carrying heavy load, then the rhomboid muscle bears the brunt of it. The rhomboid muscle is shaped like a triangle and is a very thin muscle. It is a skeletal muscle that is connected to the bone and helps in movement of the joints. The rhomboid muscles include rhomboid minor muscle and rhomboid major muscle. Rhomboid muscle connects the spine to the medial edges of the shoulder blades along with helping in maintaining a good posture. If these muscles are used excessively then it causes pain. This excessive use can result from playing sports, such as golf or tennis and can also occur from carrying heavy load on the upper back and even wrong movements, such as trying to reach for something heavy from a high shelf. All the muscles in the body are composed of many tiny muscle fibers. They have to move in unison for movement of the joints and limbs. All these tiny muscle fibers build up the muscle and hence are very strong. However, if isolated and left on their own they become weak and become more susceptible to tear. This is commonly seen when an individual goes to gym. Pain in the rhomboid muscle causes difficulty in the patient in moving his/her arms and can be described as mild to severe pain in the upper back. Treatment for Rhomboid Muscle Pain comprises of rest, cold compresses and medications. Possible Causes of Rhomboid Muscle: * Sitting on chair for long time with poor posture especially from prolonged use of computer * Sitting in a car for long time can strain your rhomboid muscles causing inflammation of the rhomboid muscle. Signs & Symptoms of Rhomboid Muscle Pain * Patient experiences pain and loss of movement. This is called as shoulder blade pain or rhomboid pain. * Patient will also have swelling as the body is healing from rhomboid muscle pain. This will result in more discomfort. * In some patients, there is compression of a nerve leading to acute shooting pain resulting in painful and difficult movements.
05.01.2022 Last appointment this week 2.30pm Friday. Taking appointments for next week. 0417173770 $70 1hr sessionLast appointment this week 2.30pm Friday. Taking appointments for next week. 0417173770 $70 1hr session
04.01.2022 Having trouble externally rotating (turning out) one of your legs? That's one of the less intuitively obvious side-effects of this particular restriction betwee...n the erector spinae (specifically the iliocostalis lumborum) and the quadratus lumborum. It also creates low back tightness and pain. The hip it limits will tend to be the one on the same side as the restriction. A simply DIY that can sometimes help is to lay with a tennis ball under the erector, then slowly side-bend to the opposite side. Repeat this move multiple times up and down the interface between these two muscles. See more
04.01.2022 A great piece on Bowen therapy and midwifery in MIDIRS - Midwifery Information & Resource Service, with thanks to BTPA. Read it in full at https://www.bowentherapy.org.uk//MIDIRS-Nov2011-bowen-midw Individual treatment results vary as no two bodies are the same.
04.01.2022 Appointments available for next week. $70 per hour session 0417173770Appointments available for next week. $70 per hour session 0417173770
03.01.2022 Your brain doesn't have to make sense to you for it to do things.. It just does.... All your organs are controlled by nerves, and where do the nerves com...e from? Your head and your spine.... So that means if you have an organ problem, you should probably check the nervous system first. Digestion issues may cause the middle back to hurt. That's why I ask about digestion history and bowel movements in all cases. What’s does your poop have to do with the back? So many people with stagnation in their drainage pathways and ileocecal valve irritation have back issues. ALWAYS check the organs and reset them using the nervous system. If that doesn't work, then look into the biochemical pathways in your body to see if that helps your back. Inflammation in the liver can cause chronic mid back and right shoulder blade pain. AND scoliosis is way more than just a curved spine. #dr_walid #watching_your_back #backpain #organs #heal #empower #teach #nerve #neuroskeletal_therapy #nervoussystem #healthenerves #nervereset #sydneybackclinic #drwalid #drwalidaboudehn #beirut#lebanon #health#wellbeing#healthy #painfree
02.01.2022 PLANTAR FASCIITIS SELF-TREATMENT Regular, gentle stretching of your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia may help to ease your symptoms. This is because most peop...le with plantar fasciitis have a slight tightness of their Achilles tendon. If this is the case, it tends to pull at the back of your heel and has a knock-on effect of keeping your plantar fascia tight. Also, when you are asleep overnight, your plantar fascia tends to tighten up (which is why it is usually most painful first thing in the morning). The aim of these exercises is to loosen up the tendons and fascia gently above and below your heel. 1. Soleus Stretch With both knees apart and your toes facing forward, lean into the wall until you feel the stretch in your lower calf. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times. 2. Step Stretch Stand with your toes on a step and your heels off the edge. Slowly lower your heels down, hold for 15 seconds, and then lift your heels to their starting position. You can either do both feet at the same time, or one foot at a time. Repeat five times. 3. Roll Stretch Using a mini roll, roll it back and forth from your toes to your heels. Alternatively you can use a tennis ball or a glass bottle. 4. Plantar Fascia Massage Using two fingers, apply small circular friction to any tight knots or lumps in the plantar fascia. The pressure should be deep, but not so much that you tighten up with pain. 5. Elastic Strap Stretch Sit on the floor with your legs straight in from of you. Take a stretch strap and place it around your toes. Gently pull the strap towards you. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then release. Repeat 3 times. 6. Toe Stretch Place just toes up on the wall with the ball of the foot and heel on the ground. Lean into the wall slowly until stretch is felt. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times. Can plantar fasciitis be prevented? There are certain things that you can do to try to prevent plantar fasciitis, especially if you have had it before. These include: Regularly changing training shoes used for running or walking Wearing shoes with good cushioning in the heels and good arch support Losing weight if you are overweight Regularly stretching the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon, especially before exercise Avoiding exercising on hard surfaces
02.01.2022 Next weeks availability for either : Bowen/ Bodywork session. 60 minutes : $75 or Natural Therapy Consulations ... 90 minutes : $95 . 2/11 Tuesday : 10 am to 4pm 3/11 Wednesday : 10 am to 3pm. 4/11. Thursday: 10 am to 6 pm 5/11. Friday:10 am to 11am . 6/11. Saturday : 10 am to 6 pm 7/11. Sunday 10 am to 3pm . 0417173770
01.01.2022 Open today . One 3pm appointment available. Also taking appointments now for next week .Open today . One 3pm appointment available. Also taking appointments now for next week .
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