Cairns Calendar | Local service
Cairns Calendar
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25.01.2022 Rainforestation ! Get along and support emerging Indigenous artists as they step into the light and browse a range of unique Indigenous artworks. Find a unique Christmas gift, or the next showstopping piece for your home. !... The event is a collaboration with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and cultural organisation UMI Arts. #pamagirriartmarket #rainforestation #umiarts #kuranda #emergingartists #markets #indigenousartwork #cairnsevents #cairnslife #cairnscalendar #thingstodoincairns #whattodoincairns #whatsonincairns #whatshappeningincairns
25.01.2022 Happy World Tourism Day! An absolutely perfect day in paradise to be out exploring our backyard! #cairns #paradise #home #staycation #perfect #weekend #tourism #cairnscalendar #reef #rainforest #tnq #fnq #queensland #lovewhereyoulive
25.01.2022 ? Why not head up to Kuranda and treat yourself to a Kuranda Riverboat Blues Cruise! Enjoy live Blues by Graham the Bluesman whilst cruising the Barron River and watching the sunset. For more information #kurandariverboat #grahamthebluesman #kuranda #bluesmusic #blues #barronriver #rivercruise #cairnsevent #cairnslife #cairnscalendar
20.01.2022 Mini Car Rentals ! If you need a cheap car hire deal then check out there Mini Rates for Mini Budgets. They have a wide range of reliable vehicles available from Economy, Compact to People Movers. Plus Luxury Convertibles, great for those upcoming formal occassions! Mini Car Rentals is the most trusted Cairns Car Rental A...gency and they also offer Cairns Bicycle Hire and Cairns Motorcycle Rentals too. . #minicarrentals #cairnscarrentals #carrentals #cairnsbicyclehire #cairnsmotorcyclerentals #carhire #cairnscarhire #cairnscalendar #supportlocal
20.01.2022 , " " Munro Martin Parklands ! Brought to you by the Cairns Regional Council with the Cairns Choral Society, this one-night-only event is certain to get your foot a-tapping, leave you with a smile on your face and fill you with the essence of Christmas. , ... ! #gettinginthemoodforchristmas #mmp #munromartinparklands #cairnsregionalcouncil #crc #cairnschoralsociety #cairnsbrass #cairnsyoungvoices #fnqdanceacademy #turningpointedancestudios #adrianstrooper
20.01.2022 ? If you love live, acoustic music played in an amazingly, unique venue then get your tickets now for Clint Boge who is performing his intimate solo show at the Tanks Arts Centre this Friday night. For more information #clintboge #tanksartscentre #cpac #acousticmusic #livemusic #cairnsevent #cairnslife #cairnscalendar
20.01.2022 If you love classical music then do not miss the on at the Cairns Performing Arts Centre this Sunday at 2.00pm. For more information #classicalfavourites #cairns #orchestra #concert #classicalmusic #cpac #cairnslife #cairnsevent #cairnscalendar
19.01.2022 Salt House ! The Savannah in the Round Summer Series Pop up Country Music Festival is on at the featuring Casey Barnes, The Buckleys, SaltbushSix and more PLUS a special guest appearance by the Boy from the Bush, Lee Kernaghan. ' , ' !... For more information ' Mareeba Rodeo ! For more information #salthouse #savannahintheround #savannahsummerseries #countrymusic #countrymusicfestival #caseybarnes #thebuckleys #saltbushsix #leekernaghan #cairnsevent #cairnslife #cairnscalendar
19.01.2022 ' German Club Cairns ! . ! For more information on tomorrow's celebration #germanclubcairns #octoberfest #cairns #cairnsevent #cairnslife #cairnscalendar #festival
18.01.2022 The Cancer Council Queensland's Virtual Walk for Women’s Cancers is on this Saturday. Be loud, proud and unite in pink for your walk in your local area! Have you signed up yet? Start raising money now and be sure to get your pink tutu to wear on your walk once you raise your first $30. for more information #WalkforWomensCancers #CancerCouncilQld #cancercouncilcairns #virtualevent #virtualwalk #fundraising #breastcancer
18.01.2022 ? Thanks to Cairns Esplanade's Free Active Living Fitness you can learn or improve your skills for free! Get down to the Skate Park Cairns Esplanade at 5.30pm today or from next Thursday onwards at 5.00pm and you can learn to skateboard with highly qualified ASF Skatebaord Coaches all thanks to Cairns Regional Council.... For more information #cairnsesplanade #skateparkcairnsesplanade #skateboarding #cairnsevents #cairnslife #skateboardcoaches #cairnsregionalcouncil #cairnscalendar
18.01.2022 Have you been to the Tanks Arts Centre to check out Energy 2020 a presentation of visual art produced by school students across the region? ' - , ’ -- . For more information #energy2020 #tanksartscentre #cairnsregionalcouncil #visualart #2020creativegenerationsawards #cairnsevent #cairnslife #cairnscalendar
17.01.2022 Mt Sheridan Plaza' , -, ! Santa Photos at the Plaza will take place in Centre Court from 10.00am to 2.00pm with Romy Photography providing the Santa Photo packages. , - :... November 28th to December 12th - December 12th to the 24th - . #mountsheridanplaza #romyphotography #santaphoto #christmasphoto #christmastradition #cairnscalendar #thingstodoincairns #whatshappeningincairns #whattodoincairns #whatsonincairns
16.01.2022 #breakingnews From 4pm today, you can grab a drink or meal at your favourite venue without having to be seated. How awesome is that!!!
16.01.2022 ? Then look no further than Jackley's Bakehouse! They specialise in cakes and baked goods for all occasions from birthday cakes, custom order cakes to edible marketing. Baked by their family for yours! Jackley's Bakehouse's purpose built cake studio is in Mt Sheridan Plaza and features massive display windows showcasing their cake skills, it's a must see cake store sure to temp...t. ’ ' . ’ ! For more information #JackleysBakehouse #MtSheridanPlaza #cakes #madetoordercakes #ediblemarketing #cupcakes #cakestudio #customordercakes #Cairnslife #CairnsCalendar #supportlocal
16.01.2022 Cairns and tablelands recreational motorcyclists Salvos Cairns Triple M Cairns. It has been a tough year on lots of people so please help us to make a difference to not only disadvantaged kids but through our raffles to the animals of Yaps too! Harley Magic . . ... #cairnsandtablelandsrecreationalmotorcyclists #2020cairnstoyrun #salvoscairns #triplemcairns #yaps #harleymagic #charity #cairnscaharity #cairnsevents #cairnscalendar #thingstodoincairns #whatshappeningincairns #whattodoincairns
15.01.2022' Madisons Function Rooms Red Beret Hotel. Don't miss this final opportunity to promote your business's goodies and vouchers as fantastic gifts for this year's fast approaching Festive Season. ! ... #tradingmatecomau #tm #madisonsfunctionrooms #redberethotel #networking #businessnetworking #cairnsbusiness #cairnscalendar #thingstodoincairns #whatsonincairns #whatshappeningincairns
13.01.2022 ? Caffiend is the foodie cafe of Cairns with ever changing menus that will keep you going back again and again. Plus if you join the Caffiend family you'll be in the know about exclusive offers and enjoy birthday surprises.... #caffiend #foodiecafe #cafe #cairnscafe #cairnslife #cairns #cairnscalendar
13.01.2022 Have you got your tickets for the - Think Different NOW! Business Event that is on this Wednesday night at the Red Beret Hotel upstairs in their Madisons Function Rooms? Get in quick as tickets are limited! For more information #tradingmate #thinkdifferentnow #businessevent #getonit #susanfisher #sfconsulting #allanbunyan #thinkdifferenttoday #megdavie #virtuallymeg #nqpowersolutions #badfishyjetboating #redberethotel #cairnscalendar #cairnsevent
13.01.2022 ? Whether it is for corporate headshots, personal branding or just a lovely photo shoot for yourself or family, Veronica from Blueclick Photography knows how to capture it. Veronica has more than fifteen years’ experience and a long list of satisfied clients, she offers a range of photography styles whether in her comfortable studio or on-site at a location of your choice. She wil...l bring your story to life! , . For more information #blueclickphotography #photography #cairnslife #cairnsbusiness #portraits #commercialphotography #cairnscalendar #cairns
13.01.2022 Cairns Chamber of Commerce' Pullman Cairns International? This annual long lunch is a great event and your ticket price includes welcome drinks and a 2 course Christmas lunch while being entertained by international comedian Danny McMaster. , , !... #cairnschamberofcommerce #ccoc #pullmancairnsinternational #dannymcmaster #cairnsbusiness #businessnetworking #cairnsnetworking #xmaslunch #cairnscalendar #thingstodoincairns #whatshappeningincairns #whattodoincairns
13.01.2022 , ' ! Need some holiday activity inspiration? If you are looking for fun and adventure then take an awesome ride on Bad Fishy Jet Boating - Cairns It's a thrilling 35 minute ride up the beautiful Cairns Inlet that is just plain loads of fun. It really is the most thrilling way to cool off in Cairns. Plus they also have great group rates and restaurant and ride combos.... For more information #badfishy #jetboat #jetboating #cairns #cairnslife #thisismyparadise #cairnscalendar
11.01.2022 Night Sky Secrets / ( ) ? Night Sky Secrets' moto of Looking Up Out Down, reflects their now expanded nature of their business. They specialise in products and services that help you discover and explore the earth and the sky in all its exquisite detail with products that are durable, easy to use and above all, make Astronomy, Bird-watchin...g, Fossicking, Prospecting, Maritime and many other outdoor activities, everything that you are looking for. , ! #nightskysecrets #astronomy #birdwatching #fossicking #prospecting #maritime #cairnsbusiness #cairnscalendar #localbusiness #supportlocal #supportlocalbusiness #buylocal
10.01.2022 The 2020 Cairns Airport IRONMAN in Cairns is on tomorrow! Be aware access to the Cairns Airport, Cairns Beaches, Smithfield, and the Northern Beaches will remain open at all times but at different times will be effected by this race so when planning your travel ensure you leave plenty of time as traffic delays may occur. ' '. ... For more information #cairnsairport #ironmanincairns #ironman #asiapacificchampionship #cairnsevent #cairnslife #cairnscalendar
10.01.2022 Cairns Calendar is a proud supporter of the Cairns Regional Council's ' . ! A donation of $65 will buy a family a hamper, $35 will buy a senior a hamper or if you prefer you can just select your own amount to donate.... Donations can be made at - . #cairnsregionalcouncil #mayorschristmascheerappeal #christmas #charity #fundraising #cairnsevent #cairnslife #cairnscalendar
09.01.2022 ? Then don't miss the Tradelinked Cairns-PNG-Pacific Business Networking event on today at 5.30pm at the Patio Bar at The Chambers. This networking event facilitates the engagement of like-minded businesses trading between Cairns and our near international neighbours. This is a free event and no registration is required.... For more information #tradelinked #tradelinkedcairnspngpacific #cairnsbusiness #cairnsnetworking #networking #cairnsevent #cairnscalendar #business
09.01.2022 Modern Family Early Learning Westcourt ' ? Modern Family Early Learning Westcourt has a quest to be Cairns’ best in early childhood education by empowering their educators and providing them with the environment, resources, and support to create the best learning opportunities for the children in their care. They provide educational experiences that exceed traditional early education standards. From the moment you through our doors, you will experience the difference for yourself. Modern Family Early Learning Westcourt , ! #modernfamilyearlylearning #earlychildhoodeducation #cairnsearlychildhood #cairnskids #cairnscalendar #localbusinesses #supportlocal #cairnslocalbusinesses
09.01.2022 Are you looking for an interesting and educational, great school holiday's activity that's free? Then head to the Cairns Art Gallery! They have a number of fantastic exhibitions on at the moment including Shifting the Narrative: Alternative Histories, Tropical Tropes, Question Bridge: Black Males and one that is sure to excite the kids and adults alike, Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly Series. For more information on the Ned Kelly series #cairnsartgallery #sidneynolan #nedkelly #art #galleryart #schoolholidays #cairnscalendar #cairns #cairnsevents #cairnslife
08.01.2022 Smithfield Shopping Centre ! Join in the magic and experience the spirit of Christmas from 11.00am to 3.00pm, celebrating the arrival of Santa and spreading Christmas joy with activities for families throughout Smithfield Shopping Centre. : & :. ! ...! #SmithfieldShoppingCentre #Christmas #christmasinCairns #Santaarrival #Christmasjoy #Christmascraft #Santaphoto #cairnscalendar #Cairnslife #cairnsevents #thingstodoinCairns #whattodoinCairns #whatshappeninginCairns
08.01.2022 n Munro Martin Parklands Kate Miller-Heidke ! . #KateMillerHeidke #MMP #MunroMartinparklands #CairnsRegionalCouncil #CRC #livemusic #Cairnsevents #Cairnslife #CairnsCalendar #thingstodoinCairns #whatshappeninginCairns #whatsoninCairns #whattodoinCairns
08.01.2022 , ? Cairns Calendar truly believes in the importance of supporting our local businesses and this year more so than ever! When buying your Christmas gifts this year why not keep your money local by shopping local, supporting our amazing local businesses and thus our local community!... Cairns Calendar' ' ! Cairns Calendar' ' #cairnscalendar #localbusinesses #shoplocal #supportlocal #cairnsbusinesses #christmas #cairnschristmas
07.01.2022 ? Then why not head to Cairns Aquarium and enjoy their experience! You'll enjoy exclusive after hours entry to the Cairns Aquarium, a welcome drink and appetiser served by Dundee's at the Cairns Aquarium and a two-hour personal guided tour where you learn how animals behaviour adapts from day to night.... #cairnsaquarium #aquariumbytwilight #dundeesatthecairnsaquarium #aquariumtour #cairnscalendar #cairnsevent #thingstodoincairns #whattodoincairns #whatshappeningincairns #whatsonincairns
06.01.2022 ! : Head on up to Port Douglas and check out the on at St. Crispins Cafe & Events from 4.00pm to 8.00pm.... : The Yungaburra Markets are on from 7.30am to 12.30pm. The Original Kuranda Rainforest Market are open from 9.30am to 3.00pm. The Kuranda Heritage Markets are open from 10.00am to 3.00pm. : The Sunday at the Port Douglas Market are on at Rex Smeal Park from 8.00am to 2.00pm. The Tanks Markets are on at the Tanks Arts Centre from 9.00am to 2.00pm. ! #stcrispinscafe #portdouglas #twilightchristmasfair #yungaburramarkets #originalkurandarainforestmarkets #kurandaheritagemarkets #portdouglasmarkets #tanksmarkets #localmarkets #cairnscalendar #thingstodoincairns #whatsonincairns #whattodoincairns
04.01.2022 . . . If you would like to pay your respects the Cairns RSL Sub Branch invites you to join them at the Cairns Cenotaph.... ! #RememberanceDay #CairnsRSLSubBranch #minutessilence #CairnsCenotaph #RSL #Lestweforget #Cairnslife #Cairnsevents #CairnsCalendar #
04.01.2022 Join Dj GlennW Cairns today for an afternoon of funky vibes at Dundee's at the Cairns Aquarium Sunday Sesh! Treat yourself to their special & , available from 11.30am to 5.00pm. A Seafood Platter (bugs, prawns, chilli calamari, fish, oysters and fresh tropical fruits) PLUS a bottle of Wild Rock Marlborough Sav Blanc $! For more information #djglennwcairns #dundees #cairnsaquarium #sundaysesh #cairns #cairnslife #cairnscalendar
03.01.2022 Cairns Jockey Club' Norweld Cannon Park Racecourse ! Come see Cannon Park come to life with family fun, live horse racing and plenty of fashion from 12.00pm. , , - ... . ! #CairnsJockeyClub #CannonParkRacecourse #Norweld #NorweldEngineering #ChristmasPartyRaceDay #Christmas #horseracing #Cairnslife #Cairnsevents #CairnsCalendar #thingstodoinCairns #whatshappeninginCairns #whattodoinCairns
02.01.2022 Thinking you are in need of a wardrobe makeover? Then why not check out the Your Wardrobe Cairns event on this Saturday at the Cairns Showgrounds from 9.00am to 1.00pm! It's all about fashion sustainable-ness where savvy shoppers can hunt for stylish clothing and accessories. For more information #yourwardobecairns #cairnsshowgrounds #fashion #retrofashion #sustaiblefashion #cairnscalendar #cairns #cairnslife #cairnsevent
02.01.2022 Riley, a Crystalbrook Collection Resort's . .! Relax poolside with some great tunes and drinks in celebration of turning two! Get in the groove with beats by international DJ and one of Ibiza’s favourite sons Jamie Porteous.... ! #riley #crystalbrookcollection #poolparty #dj #jamieporteous #poolside #cairnslife #cairnsevent #cairnscalendar #thingstodoincairns #whatshappeningincairns #whattodoincairns #whatsonincairns #cooloff
01.01.2022 ! Whether it is fishing you are into or just sight seeing, Cairns Boat Hire is your one-stop-shop for water activities in Cairns this weekend. Hire one of their self-drive boats, they even have fishing rods for hire too, and head up the inlet and explore the maze of creeks, fish, crab or just take in the spectacular wildlife and see if you can spot a crocodile!... . For more information #cairnsboathire #trinityinlet #boathire #boating #adventure #fishing #cairnslife #cairns #cairnscalendar
01.01.2022 Veranda Theatre Cairns Performing Arts Centre! Don't miss this great production set in a Queenslander in Cairns. This is a funny, bitter and quirky take on the dynamics of a dysfunctional family. With warring siblings, an ageing patriarch and a dangling inheritance, what can possibly go wrong? . . .. ... Prospect Terrace is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. ! #prospectterrace #angelamurphy #verandatheatre #cairnsperformingartscentre #cpac #queenslandgovernment #artsqueensland #cairnslife #livetheatre #cairnscalendar #cairnsevents #thingtodoincairns #whatshappeningincairns #whattodoincairns #whatsonincairns
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