Cairns Revival Fellowship in Manunda | Pentecostal Church
Cairns Revival Fellowship
Locality: Manunda
Phone: +61 7 4053 3866
Address: 58 Arthur Street 4870 Manunda, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Page 14 The MARK of the BEAST After spending a very enjoyable Q&A evening with the young people last Friday night we have decided to post this little study long ago. The original ’doodle’ was titled, ‘Who are the People Sealed in their Foreheads’? One of the questions asked by the young folk was, What is the ‘mark of the beast’? Some say it is a barcode or even perhaps a microchip. What does the Bible say? We will explore the differences between the words sealed mark and sign in the Bible, and beginning in the New Testament, see how this all relates to the Spirit Filled Church today. Firstly, the word sealed (Strong’s Greek ref. 497 used in Eph. 1:3; Rev. 7 :3-8 means to stamp (with a signet or private mark) for security or preservation. In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were SEALED with that holy Spirit of promise, (Ephesians 1:3) Wow! Get yourself Filled with the Holy Spirit of promise with the evidence of speaking in other tongues (See Acts 1:8; 2: 1-47) and you will have God’s own private mark for your security or preservation and then, if we endure until the Lord return, we will be one of those sealed in their forehead and standing before the throne of God in His kingdom described below! And I (the apostle John in his vision) saw another angel ascending from the east...Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. 12, 000 from each tribe of Israel (excluding Dan- replaced by Levi) totalling 144,000 will be sealed. After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes and palms in their hands... Rev. 7:3-9. Take a special note of verse 9. A number of people which no man could number, races of people who were not descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) by natural birth but ALL SEALED with the Holy Spirit of Promise - God’s private mark for security or preservation! Sons and daughters of Abraham by adoption. There is a great example of this in the Old Testament: Ezekiel was taken captive to Babylon in 597 BC along with the wicked king Jehoiachin. This was 11 years before the final destruction of Jerusalem. In about 591 BC Ezekiel was living by the brook Chebar in Babylonia and God gave him a vision of what was going to happen to the wicked idol worshipping people still in Judah and particularly in the Temple in Jerusalem. You can read Ezekiel’s account of what God revealed to him, as he was picked up by a lock of his hair and transported to Jerusalem to see the evils being committed there. (Chapter 8) In his vision Ezekiel saw six men (angels) representing the coming judgement of 586 BC, ...every man with his destroying weapon in his hand...every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a WRITER’S INKHORN... And he (God) called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer’s inkhorn by his side...Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem and SET A MARK UPON THE FOREHEADS of the men that sigh and cry for all the abomination that be done in the midst thereof. Then God said to those 6 slaughtermen - ...slay utterly old and young, maids, little children and women BUT COME NOT NEAR ANY MAN OPON WHOM IS THE MARK... (Ezekiel 9:1-6) Those with the the mark were to be protected. Among those to be spared were 3 men who God had specifically promised to deliver without fail from Jerusalem - Jeremiah, Jeremiah’s friend and protector - Ebedmelech the Ethiopian eunuch, and Barak, Jeremiah’s scribe -there were others God delivered but not of note like these 3 faithful men. Jerusalem was so bad at this time that God said that even if the 3 Godly men Noah, Daniel and Job were there; they would only save themselves by their righteousness - not even their families. (Ezekiel 14:14-20) What was the mark on the foreheads of these dear people who sighed and cried for the abominations of Jerusalem? That word ‘mark’ Heb. ref. 8420 means ‘a signature’. They had ‘God’s Signature’ on them the surety of their promised preservation, ‘signed gently and kindly’ no painful ‘scratching’ or ‘etching’ by the angel with the writer’s the inkhorn- busily doing God’s command. Those ‘marked’ people were very safe indeed! The people from Israel (Judah) who were taken captive at the same time as Ezekiel gave him a really hard time! Some of them were STILL serving idols after their captivity worshipping the Babylonian queen of heaven Ishtar (Venus) identical with Astarte, an ancient Semitic deity - and probably the Babylonian ‘angels with wings’! (Jer. 7:18; 44: 17-25) God said, I will set my face against that man, (serving idols) and will make him a SIGN and a proverb, and I will cut him off from the midst of my people; and ye shall know that I am the LORD. This is the ‘sign’ you DO NOT want to have if you are doing the wrong thing! (Hebrew ref 226.) This word sign means a ‘signal, flag, beacon.’ (This is the same word used to describe the Great Pyramid in Isaiah 19: 19-20) Pretty hard to hide from an avenging God if you have this mark and you stand out like the Great Pyramid! Finally, we come to the mark of the Beast. Who is the Beast? The book of Revelation gives us extensive detail on the Beast- an evil religious system not an animal as such. Read chapters 13-18. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Rev. 13:18) 666 There is no secret about this ‘number of a man’- 666.-this ‘beast is the Pope. He also identifies himself by ‘etching’ the Lion with Eagles Wings from ancient Babylon on his Papal Tiara. One title which the Pope has taken unto himself is Vicar of the Son of God. In the Latin tongue this is Vicarivs Filli Dei See the attached photographs for details and the chart Jerusalem the Holy City Not Rome. Do not confuse the mark Ezekiel speaks of with the mark mentioned throughout the whole Book of Revelation. Once again this is the ‘mark’ you do not want to have! If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in their forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation...and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Revelation 14:9-11. This mark (Greek Ref 5480 means a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp as a badge of servitude, or sculptured figure (statue): - graven mark. It comes from 5482 (Greek Strong’s Concordance) and means to sharpen to a point akin to 1125 through the idea of scratching. OUCH! This is not the ‘kind and gentle mark’ spoken of by our friend Ezekiel. This is a painful scratch or etching it would go deep into people’s lives, hearts and souls: hard to remove. This Mark’ can sort of be likened to a tattoo - for example the numbers (certainly a ‘badge of servitude’) seen on the arms of the Jews who survived the concentration camps of Europe. The mark of the beast is not a’ physical’ mark: (unless you have tattoos of Mary or Angels with wings! No condemnation intended here for folk who have come out of that system, but it identifies those who follow the religion of Babylon which was to continue after the Fall of Babylon and emerge out of pagan Rome under a different name- Roman Catholic Rome! They simply gave their pagan gods ‘Christian’ names. This system was to cause grief and pain to as many as carried its ‘mark’ or were under its evil influence through the Reformation. Things like ‘buying your relatives out of purgatory’ and the many other (absurd) burdens heaped on people through the Dark Ages. If you are sceptical about these facts, a little study of the Spanish Inquisition will be enlightening. Read Revelation 17 which identifies this beast as a woman arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her abominations. In Catholic countries beggars have starved on the steps of cathedrals which are decked with gold and precious stones. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMONATIONS OF THE EARTH. How does the Bible further identify this woman? And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads (V.7) are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. (Revelation 17: 1-18) Rome is known as the City on Seven Hills. Conclusion: The mark of the beast being identified as a ‘barcode’ or a ‘microchip’ is as much a fairy tale as are the Nephilim in our last article. REMEMBER IT IS GOD THAT IS CLEVER! Not us. Jock and Hellen. See more
25.01.2022 Thanks to Sr Genevieve and friends for this lovely Gospel tune, 'In His Hands'.
24.01.2022 With the Holy Spirit comes power. Learn self control and discipline to harness that power.
24.01.2022 Your hands are beautiful because they are full of God. Anthony Viera
21.01.2022 Praise the LORD, there’s two name written down in glory with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues. Welcome to the family of GOD, Joseph and Joshua Kumung.... Heaven is rejoicing and so are we Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38 #baptism #godswordistruth #fellowship #townsville #flindersstreet #sharingthewordofgod #ambassordorofjesus #acts238issalvation #repent #baptise #holyspirit #salvation #eternallife #revivalfellowshiptownsville #townsville #jesusislord #preachthewordofgod #todayisthedayofsalvation
21.01.2022 This is a great read all the way from Christchurch, NZ. Although he had been brought up attending a church, when we met Aaron last year, he had not received the... Holy Spirit. Many people assume they have received the Holy Spirit if they have given their heart to Jesus, however, this is often not the case. We showed Aaron and his now wife, Aimee, that in the Bible the infilling of the Holy Spirit was always accompanied with the sign of speaking in tongues. After seeing this from the Scriptures (Acts 2, Acts 8, Acts 10, Acts 19, Mark 16:15-18), Aaron and Aimee asked for prayer. We found a quiet place in the park, had some prayer together, and Aaron received the Holy Spirit (and spoke in tongues)! Aimee also received the Holy Spirit just the same a little while later and both of them were baptized. Until this time, Aaron had been wheelchair bound with Refractive Congenital Musculoskeletal Degeneration which had caused monoplegia in his right leg. For 8 months prior, he had been in immense and agonizing pain. When God filled Aaron with the Holy Spirit, he also healed Aaron from this pain. Aaron has not used his wheelchair for a day since! All glory to God! If you haven't heard about the miracle working power of God or you want to receive the Holy Spirit, DM us. Or you know, you could fumble your way through life, wondering about its purpose until you die. Up to you.
20.01.2022 Sunday communion meeting 13th September 2020
20.01.2022 This is Episode 1 of a 4-part series with Pastor Jock & Hellen Duncan. Their amazing story, spanning 60 years, includes how they came to know God, the early hi...story of the Revival movement. Amazing healings, protection from disastrous circumstances, life transformations there’s a lot to cover in our conversation. It’s a wonderful story of God’s power alive on our earth. Head over to Revival On The Air Today for this and future episodes. #trflife #healedbygod #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraclesdohappen #miraculous #church #HolySpirit #HolySpiritBelieving #holyspritled #holyspiritfilled
20.01.2022 Hear Sam’s true story of protection while he served in Afghanistan in 2010-11 in a new video found here:
19.01.2022 Today Cairns had another baptism. Praise God Evan is looking to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Mark: 16 verse 16
19.01.2022 All the way from Melbourne, former Te Puke gal Julie Darbyshire shared an abridged version of her testimony at our Zoom meeting tonight. She may be in Lockdown ...with the rest of Melbourne, but that has certainly not dampened her spirit where God's testimony is concerned. Praise the Lord for the joy of the Lord during these tumultuous times! See more
16.01.2022 Page 13 ANGELS THROUGH THE AGES cont. from Page 12. Who were the Nephilim? Before we continue with GOOD ANGELS God’s Special Messengers to mankind, we need stop for a moment in our adventure through the Scriptures and mention ‘BAD ANGELS’ -‘these characters’ who are related to the ‘Nephilim’. According to some, the ‘Nephilim’ were the offspring of Lucifer and the angels who God expelled from heaven. These fallen angels, some claim, ‘married’ human women and had children. This doctrine came into being as a result of quite a list of misunderstood Scriptures: and a complete misunderstanding of the whole Plan of God. (Isaiah 14:12-17; Rev. 12) This is the Scripture this ‘doctrine’ is founded on: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose... There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:1-4. The ‘story’ goes that the angels who rebelled and were expelled from heaven by God came down to earth and married the daughters of Adam and Eve and giants were born from this union. Apparently, this comes from the ‘book of Enoch’- so called. Enoch was a Godly man we think he would be horrified at this ‘doctrine’! The only ‘message’ God has seen fit to impart to us from Enoch is in the Book of Jude verses 14 &15! These ‘beings’ (half man, half angel) called ‘nephilim’ were referred to and apparently ‘invented’ by the English poet Milton back in the 1663 in his epic poem Paradise Lost. This ‘doctrine’ has been around a long time (we have known about it for years) and is perpetuated by folks who are ignorant of what the Bible really says. What does the Bible really say? Jesus said, And Jesus answering said unto them, do ye not therefore err, BECAUSE YE KNOW NOT THE SCRIPTURES, neither the power of God? For when they shall rise from the dead, THEY NEITHER MARRY NOR ARE GIVEN IN MARRIAGE: BUT ARE AS THE ANGELS WHICH ARE IN HEAVEN. Mark 12:25; Luke 20:35 ANGELS always appear as men but are neither male nor female. The unscriptural doctrine of ‘half men half angels’ (nephilim) has spread through ‘Christendom’ and become accepted worldwide, (like angels with wings; the Doctrine of The Rapture, etc). Some say these ‘nephilim’ even influence politicians and world leaders today - who are ‘supposed’ to be descended from these ‘cross breeds of men and angels’! This ‘doctrine ’comes from a complete misunderstanding of the plan of God and probably came about for the following reasons: The Catholic Church taught that God created the world in 6 ‘literal days’ apparently no-one investigated the Hebrew word day and found it can mean an Age! They thought ALL the families of mankind all over the earth were created on the 6th Day! As the Reformation got under way and people broke from the evils of Catholicism the ‘light ’of the Truth began to dawn: but they took some of the Catholic ideas with them (like a whole world flood: in which case every person on earth HAD to descend from Noah and his family!) ‘Theologians’ (even today) continue to ‘make’ Adam (in the garden of Eden in Chapter 2) - just an explanation of the Creation of mankind in chapter 1! They do not realise Chapter 2 (formation of Adam; later Eve) is a separate creation (formation) to the ‘6 -day-man’ creation of mankind all races, male and female instantly at the same time - being spoken into being (not formed out of the dust of the ground). In these two chapters we have God involved in Two Creations pre-Adamic and then Adamic could be thousands of years apart! In summary, there were Two Creations of Mankind. The First in Genesis 1:26-31 was God’s Special Six Day Man all over the world example being ‘the hunter gatherers’- and others who were to become the Gentiles who Jesus a descendant of Adam and Eve, was going to come to save. Unlike Adam and Eve, these people were not given choices by God to obey or not to obey. God then rested on the Seventh Day. On the Eighth Day (eight signifies the ‘new beginning in the Bible) God wanted a personal relationship with mankind, and so He formed Adam from the dust of the ground and placed him in the Garden of Eden a special ‘safe place’ for a special person. Adam and then Eve were separated from the First Creation who were outside the garden. God made them separate from all the hunter gatherers God had Created previously in Genesis Chapter 1. Note: God makes a distinct difference between the ‘2 creations,’ with a name-change. In Genesis 1 creation, he is Elohim the ‘Mighty God’ (translated simply ‘God’) and in Chapter 2, He is named Jehovah the ‘Personal God’ (translated as ‘Lord God’). Hence 1st creation descendants are the sons of God (Elohim), while the daughters of men (Adam) are of the 2nd creation the daughters of Jehovah-God. Again in summary, when the sons of God - Gods’ First Creation of Mankind saw the daughters of men- ‘daughters’ /descendants of Adam and Eve they married them. The old Catholic teaching has Adam as the first man on earth - he wasn’t. These Two Creations of Mankind explain where Cain got his wife AND then built a city, i.e. you need lots of people to build a city! The Bible says Cain got his wife from a place called the land of Nod a place not far away - inhabited by the First Creation the sons of God Gods’ Six Day Man. If Bible reading people had understood this, the ‘theory of evolution’ would never have got off the ground! And neither would the’ Nephilim’. We know the devil is going around like a roaring lion and like an angel of light on the earth today, seeking who he may devour, (1 Peter 5:8) - this ‘doctrine’ of ‘nephilim’ is just another one of his tricks to terrify people and have them continually ‘looking over their shoulders’ in fear. That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lay in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love... Eph. 4:14 Does any real Bible believer seriously think God ALMIGHTY was going to allow satan (and all his fallen angels) to ‘mess’ with the perfect DNA of His Creation of Mankind - and ‘make’ some sort of evil/ angel/hybrid/ human? When mankind or accident crosses a horse (64 chromosomes) with a donkey (62 chromosomes), we get a mule. That’s where the line stops a mule cannot breed. Man has 46 chromosomes and large apes have 48. Cross a human and an ape unthinkable! The resulting ‘creature’ would be a ‘mule’. Finding a ‘nephilim’ is about as likely as finding one of Darwin’s’ half man/ half apes. REMEMBER IT IS GOD THAT IS CLEVER! Not us. Jock and Hellen See more
16.01.2022 Page 11. ANGELS THROUGH the AGES Introduction. There is a very good market today for anything to do with ‘angels. People who maybe do not even believe in God ar...e ‘angel mad’. They decorate their houses with angel statues and pictures and have them dangling from the rear vision mirror in their cars. The world is flooded with angel ‘likenesses’, angel charms, angel tattoos, angel costumes, angel pictures, angel books, praying to angels - even songs with lyrics like she walks like an angel- well ‘she’ must be very manly. Angels ALWAYS appeared as men and do not have wings! But what do we really know about angels? Are they real? Are angels relevant to us today? In this article we will answer these and other common questions like: What are angels? Who did/do they appear to? What is their purpose? Do we worship angels? Do angels have wings? What gender are angels? Where are the angels? Do we see angels today? What do they do? How many are there? Are there bad angels? Are there other ‘heavenly creatures’ that have ‘appeared’ to people? Yes Cherubim and seraphim - we will meet them a bit further on in the article. ANGELS. Here is a quote from Unger’s Bible Dictionary. P. 52. Angels are certain spiritual and superhuman beings introduced to us in the Bible as messengers of God. Angels appear most frequently and conspicuously in connection with the coming and ministry of Jesus Christ. His words concerning the angels are of unmistakable meaning and value. According to his teachings they are personal, sinless, immortal beings, existing in great numbers, and in close relation not only with individual men, but also with the history of Gods kingdom. There are but few books of the Bible- such as Ruth, Nehemiah, Esther, the Epistles of John and James that make no mention of angels. Part 1 Angels in the Old Testament. When you consider all the people of the Old Testament; there were really very few who had a visit from an angel. Those who saw an angel were not always of the children of Israel e.g. Hagar, and Baalim the heathen soothsayer: they had important messages (prophecies) given to them which were to concern Israel in the latter days. We will meet these rare people who saw an angel, in chronological order. Angels did not appear to anyone just for fun- or to give them something to boast about. A visitation from an angel was a very scary thing and it did not happen unless God had a very good reason for it. 1.Circa 1914 BC. An ANGEL appeared to Hagar the Egyptian servant girl of Sarah (74) who, at that time, was the barren wife of Abraham -then 84. Sarah, impatient for the fulfillment of the promises to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-5; 15:1-6) had given Hagar to Abraham to have a child by her. When Hagar conceived Sarah was jealous and treated her harshly. Hagar fled into the wilderness where the angel found her and gave her a message from God of ENCOURAGEMENT and COMFORT for her present distress. He instructed her to name her unborn son Ishmael (means God will hear.) This was followed by a PROPHECY (the future told before it happens) from God about Ishmael who was to become the father of the future Arab nation/s. And he will be a wild (Hebrew ‘running wild’) man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of his brethren. Genesis 16:7-12. It was not that Hagar or Ishmael were important in themselves but rather that God who declared ... the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done...(Isaiah 46:9-10), knew that their descendants would play a large part in the ‘happenings’ at the ‘end of time’ that will bring about the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus. This prophecy spoken by the angel has been fulfilled. 2.Circa 1901BC. Abraham aged 99 was given a REVELATION from God. (a)Three men (the Lord (was this Jesus? Was this the ‘4th man in the fire at the time of Daniel?’) and 2 ANGELS) appeared to Abraham and promised Sarah would bear a MIRACLE child in her old age. Sarah was 89 and she laughed and mocked at the idea. ...And the Lord said, Is anything too hard for God? [Three is God’s ‘divine number’ and signifies ‘complete’.] Genesis 18:1-15. (b)Then the Lord PRONOUNCED the coming JUDGEMENT of Sodom while the two ANGELS went to have a look at the city. (verse 22). Genesis 18:16-23. 3.Circa 1900 BC. Two ANGELS visited Lot, appearing as men, they came to the wicked city of Sodom to WARN Lot, Abraham’s nephew, to flee from Sodom before God destroyed it. Genesis 19:1-38 A conditional promise of PROTECTION - following obedience. Good lesson here. 4.Circa 1898 BC. Hagar mocked Sarah at the feast Abraham put on celebrating the weaning of Isaac when he was 2 or 3 years old (that was the custom then), Sarah requested that Abraham banish her, and Hagar and Ishmael wandered off in the area of Beer-Sheba, ...where the ANGEL of God called to her out of heaven... Fear not...for I will make of him a great nation... Genesis 21: 1-21. PROTECTION and PROVISION. 5.Circa 1875 BC? God tempted Abrahams’ faith by asking him to sacrifice Isaac his miracle ‘son of promise’- (Isaac was to inherit EVERYTHING. Genesis 17:15-19, 25:5) As Abraham was about to slay the lad; Isaac- NOT Ishmael, as some erroneously claim! Isaac - possibly a ‘lad’ of about 20-25 by then- definitely ‘a lad’ if you were as old as Abraham?) And the ANGEL of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham...Lay not thine hand upon the lad: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine ONLY son from me. According to God, Isaac was Abrahams’ ONLY SON and heir NOT Ishmael. God provided a ram, caught in a thicket to replace Isaac as a sacrifice, and symbolic of JESUS CHRIST Gods’ ONLY SON: who ALSO would inherit everything - and would willingly come and die for the sins of the whole world. This JESUS, son of Abraham, would one day be born of the line of Abraham through Isaac, Jacob, Judah, King David and his son Nathan (not Solomon). Genesis 22:1-14. (Note: no ‘saviour’ would come through the line of Ishmael!) 6.Then the ANGEL of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the SECOND time. Wow! What an honour for his faithfulness! Read about the BLESSINGS, PROMISES and MORE BLESSINGS of this second visitation of an ANGEL to Abraham. Genesis 22:15-18 To be continued. REMEMBER IT IS GOD THAT IS CLEVER! Not us. Jock and Hellen
16.01.2022 Hello all! It will take forever to tell everyone personally but we wanted to share some news. We have had a miracle happen and in April 2021 it is expected that... we will become parents to mini-Finney. Since her late teens, Yarni had 17 years of health difficulties with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Fibroids with all the usual symptoms including infertility. We have been married for 22 years and for 8 of those she endured various fertility treatments by one of the leading hospitals in this field and without success or any hope for the future. Fertility treatment finished in 2012 and we have had no medical intervention since then. This was clearly never going to happen for us and it took a long time to accept. However, we learnt to be content and were happy in our lives together doing our best to serve the Lord and our fellowship we’ve belonged to for over 30 years. In addition to becoming unexpectedly pregnant after all this time, Yarni no longer has the symptoms of her debilitating condition and a recent scan showed no sign of Fibroids. Yarni is now 42 and I will turn 50 one month before the baby is due and with everything else considered this is an unexpected miracle for which we give God the glory and hope He will give us the strength and wisdom to become good parents. So, not quite the same account of bearing children in old age as Abraham & Sarah in the book of Genesis, but not far off! Thank you to all those who prayed for us. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy - Psalm 103:8 KJV. Lotsaluv & Godbless, L&Y xx. Click the link to see Yarni sharing the account personally. It’s about the 127 minute mark, but the whole night was great so watch it all and enjoy.
15.01.2022 LESSONS FROM PROPHECY This POST is an ‘advertisement’ for the article we are posting on Saturday called THE FALL OF BABYLON. Around 10 years ago I wa...s flipping through old magazines published by the Fellowship over the last 50 years, looking for information on the Throne of David. I came on an article titled THE FALL OF BABYLON in the Voice of Revival May 1989. It was an excellent article, but unsigned. We think it was probably written and researched by one of the scientists who had come to the Lord in Melbourne in the ‘early days [as a direct result of the 15-minute Radio broadcast every Sunday morning on 3GL (Geelong)]. The only illustration was a picture of the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The information in this article was too valuable to ‘mould in a drawer’ for another 20 years- so we had it typed by a sister and Jock added pictures and more info. (available now as a PDF by email). Because there are ‘Two Babylon’s’ ancient and modern, I have typed that old article again for your background information, to POST on Facebook. It lays the foundation for the previous POST on Page 14, THE MARK OF THE BEAST. There are many lessons to learn from prophecy, and the study of it is nothing short of a treasure hunt; we find marvelous ‘nuggets’ along the way. Down through the ages God has ALWAYS provided a way of escape for His people in every prophesied destruction. We were thrilled to find that God had, as usual, made provision for His people to be safe when Babylon fell on that fateful night, when Belshazzar saw the writing on the wall. This advertisement is also to warn you that it is a VERY long read- because we did not want to split the article. Cyrus the Great was ‘the big player’ at the time and we hoped to catch your attention for Saturday’s POST with the HAPPY 29th OCTOBER CYRUS! REMEMBER IT IS GOD THAT IS CLEVER! Not us. Jock and Hellen See more
12.01.2022 Elizabeth shares her story of healing. I often had vertigo and medication only worked to a limited extent. I suffered constant dizziness, hyper-sensitivity to a...mplified sounds, a sensation of falling over, and being confused in crowded situations. There had also been occasions when vertigo made it impossible for me to go to meetings without musician’s earplugs. My vision would occasionally be distorted and solid objects would look bent affecting my coordination. I am sure that over that time the Lord’s protective hand was on me constantly as I did not have any injuries apart from bruising and I was able to continue my work as a high school teacher. There were many times when I felt frustrated and only gained comfort through prayer. In 2003, in a prayer line at one of our conventions I received a wonderful healing from the many symptoms of Meniere’s syndrome. I felt a strong tingling all over my body, and my ears felt as though they were about to explode. I took out the earplugs and, despite the high level of noise at the Sydney Town Hall, I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the meeting with a clear head. Since then I feel as though my life has started afresh and it is such a pleasure to be able to see clearly. I have learned just how debilitating it is when a member of the body, like the inner ear, is not functioning properly and most of all how the Lord is truly my best friend especially in the most desperate circumstances. I have learned to rest in the Lord and wait patiently (Ps. 37:7). I can truly praise the Lord for His wonderful protection and freeing me from the constraints of this condition through His wonderful healing power. You may see Elizabeth from time to time at Woodcroft as she has two gorgeous granddaughters Poppy and Shiloh who they love to visit! Join us at meetings on Sundays (doors open at 12:45 for 1:30pm) and Wednesday night (doors open at 7pm for 7:30 start) in our Hall. Livestream available for those who are unwell or unable to attend. (link in our Bio) Click on LIVE then select Woodcroft #TRFlife #onlinechurch #whatsyourstory #viralmessag woodcroftrevivalfellowship
11.01.2022 #revivalfellowship #revival #london #harrow #hemel
10.01.2022 The Promised Land is Here
10.01.2022 GOD'S THRONE - HIGH AND LIFTED UP. What does it look like? 1/. Micaiah; 1 Kings 22:19 (circa 900 BC) And he said, Hear thou therefore the word of the ...LORD: I saw the LORD sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left. 2/. Isaiah; Isaiah 6:1-4 (circa 740 BC) 1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. 3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. 4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. 3/. Ezekiel; Ezekiel 1:26 and Ezekiel 10:1 (circa 590 BC) 26 And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. 10:1 Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne. 4/. Daniel; Daniel 7:9-10 (circa 550 BC) 9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. 10A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened. 5/. Stephen; Acts 7:55-56 (circa 33 AD) 55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, 56 And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. 6/- The Apostle Paul; 2 Corinthians 12 (circa 56 AD) 1 It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. 3And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) 4How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. 7/. The Apostle John; Revelation 4 (circa 95 AD) 1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. 2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. There could be more, but all of these great men were privileged during their life time to have the third heaven (the first being our earth’s atmosphere and the second being the universe) opened unto them. God’s throne/presence/glory is always there and we see it by faith, but these men were privileged to actually be able to get a glimpse - to see it in a vision. Ezekiel’s description is by far the most descriptive, with John a close second. What I get from these visions, is that the throne of God is not just a grey headed/bearded old man sitting on a throne in a throne room in a palace surrounded by a few nobles/courtiers. The throne/presence of God fills the heavens. It is massive; almost beyond description. The whole vision establishes the glory of God [Ezekiel 10:4 Then the glory of the LORD went up from the cherub, and stood over the threshold of the house; and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was full of the brightness of the LORD's glory]. Some 'things' were added from the time of Ezekiel vision as they later happened - e.g. in John's vision "...four and twenty elders..." 12 Patriarchs of the OT and 12 Apostles of the NT. Soon and very soon brethren, we will not only get a glimpse; not only see, but enter in and be part of God's Great Throne. See more
10.01.2022 A Little Project? This is a happy little ‘lock down’ occupation to keep a grandma out of mischief. A while back I thought of a fun thing to do. Why not write t...he story of Jeremiah as a true adventure story for a 12-year-old and call it Great Is Thy Faithfulness? Invite the kids (big and little) to come back with us in a ‘time machine’ to the year 588 B.C. - the beginning of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem. Meet the main characters- follow their adventures and see how the Lord looked after them. Maybe something parents could read to kids. Who knows? Aside from being otherwise busy lately, this is the reason for the uncharacteristic silence from this corner. This is what Jeremiah said, This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. It is the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. Lamentations 3:21-26. REMEMBER IT IS GOD THAT IS CLEVER! Not us. Jock and Hellen. See more
10.01.2022 Episode 2 of a 4-part series with Pastor Jock & Hellen Duncan, an amazing story spanning more than 60 years, is now available to listen to. To find earlier epis...odes, visit our website, or find them on your favourite podcast app. Until our next episode, God Bless
09.01.2022 The Great Pyramid is the only remaining wonder left of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. It has intrigued mankind for centuries. The pyramid was never used as... a tomb and never contained treasure like the other pyramids. The Bible speaks of the pyramid in Isaiah 19:19-20, we read ‘In that day shall there be an alter to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. It shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt’ Situated on the Gizeh plateau it is placed in the exact centre of all the land area of the world. Lines down through the North, South, East and West axis of the pyramid, divides equally the earths terrain, It is only 3 minutes off the true North, making it the truest building in the world. The word Gizeh in Arabic means edge or border and the lines produced from the 2 diagonals of the pyramid, to the North West and the North East, enclose the Nile Delta, thus embracing the fan shaped country of Lower Egypt. The word pyramid means a light treasure, and as it is referred to by the scriptures, must therefore be linked with the Bible. The Bible is the light of God in Word form. The Pyramid reveals in measurements the same message as the Bible, also by means of its reflections and shadows define the Solar Astronomical year. We are able therefore to follow events, through history. Such events recorded are the flood, exodus, birth and death of the Lord Jesus, and many major events in our day and age like the 1st and 2nd world wars, great depression etc. Who was the architect of the Pyramid, where was this knowledge obtained for such a structure? The architect would also have had to be linked with the Bible. Pure coincidence? Or is it the hand of God working in both to foresee all the world events. The pyramid has been described as the Bible in stone and is therefore a witness in this modern age to reveal and to prove God. See more
05.01.2022 This is a fantastic story. Alison shares her fascinating story of how she was miraculously healed by God of Anorexia & Bulimia, along with depression and other... health issues associated with these illnesses. According to the NEDC (National Eating Disorders Collaboration) about 16% of Australians are affected by eating disorders and they have a higher rate of mortality than the general population. Like Alison, you too can let your past go! Search for Revival on the Air on your favourite podcast app to listen to this story and many more. #bulimiarecovery #bulimianervosa #bulimianervosarecovery #bulimiaquotes #bulimiafree #bulimiarecocery #bulimiagoaway #bulimianoressia #anorexia #anorexiarecovery #anorexianervosa #anorexiafighter #anorexiawarrior #anorexiarecover #anorexiafight #anorexiaproblems #anorexiasucks #anorexiawin #anorexiarecovering #anorexiaquotes #anorexiaproblem #anorexiarelapse #anorexiasurvivor #AnorexiaNervosaRecovering #trflife #healedbygod #godprovides #miracle #miracles #miraculous
03.01.2022 Page 12. ANGELS THROUGH THE AGES. ANGELS in the Old Testament Part 2. Cont. from Part 1. Page 11. 7.Circa 1860 BC. Isaac was 40 when his father Abraham sent his... trusted servant Aliezer to Nahor (Abrahams’ brother in Syria) to bring Isaac a wife from among their relations. (Sarah had died at 127 when Isaac was 37.) The Lord of heaven...shall send his ANGEL before thee...and thou (Aliezer) shalt take a wife (Rebekah) unto my son from thence... Genesis 24: 7. PREPARATION, GUIDENCE, DIRECTION and PROVISION for the PROMISES to Abraham to be fulfilled. Read the whole chapter. 8.1800BC. Jacob (aged 40) stole the Birthright from his older twin brother Esau. 30 years later (1770 BC) at the age of 70 he stole the Blessing also from Esau then fled from a highly offended brother! (See chart 430 Years Bible Chronology Simplified). Jacob arrived at Bethel (just north of Jerusalem), found a big Stone as a pillow and lay down to rest. And he dreamed, behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the ANGELS of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold the LORD stood above it, and said, I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac ... and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: (just happens to be the order of the expansion of the British Empire) and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 28:12-18. (An interesting confirmation of this prophecy is a book written by an Indian, Vishal Mangalwadi- THE BOOK THAT MADE YOUR WORLD- How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization) All these promises to Jacob were witnessed by the STONE on which he dreamed. He anointed the Stone with oil (a libation- see below) -the first anointing of the Stone -there were three. The ANGELS here were ‘heralds’ and messengers from God of REVELATION, PROPHECY (of the latter times), ENCOURAGEMENT (Jacob was homeless and ‘on the run’ to Padanaran in Syria!) 9. 1750 BC, Jacob who was now 90, had acquired 2 wives in Syria, Leah and Rachel, 2 concubines Zilpah and Bilhah (secondary wives a bit like Hagar was to Abraham), fathered 11 sons, built up his flocks. Having now spent 20 years with his father in law Laban in Padan-aram, Syria, the ANGEL of God appeared to Jacob again and said, I am the God of Bethel, where thou anointest the pillar... (Hebrew: matstsebah- memorial stone) return unto the land of thy kindred. Gen. 31:11 -13. Was this the First 50 Year Jubilee? Time to set the captives free? God’s exquisite timing again? On this journey to the land of thy kindred, the ANGELS watched over Jacob and his family (Gen.32:1-2). As they approached the land of Edom in fear and trembling, Jacob prepared a ‘present’ for his estranged twin brother Esau (means Edom red). Just two ‘young fellas’ of 90 ‘summers’ each - totalling 180 years; this was a *‘jubilee year’ for Jacob and Esau - time to proclaim liberty from 50 years of ‘bad blood’- HATRED and FEAR between these only sons of Isaac and Rebekah. Time to for them both to be set free. Jacob was coming humbly to make PEACE, after a 20 -year separation. *Lev.25:10-13. Now, with a good ‘attitude’ toward his brother Esau; God could bless him for the second time. (Good lesson here for us). Jacob did not know it but it was time for his next visitation from the Lord’s ANGEL. Jacob sent his two wives and their children over the ford of the Brook Jabbok. And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man ( an ANGEL -see Hosea 12: 3+4) with him until the breaking of the day... ...Jacob said, I will not let thee go unless thou BLESS me...and he (the ANGEL) said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God. BIG BLESSING! Because his sinew shrank Jacob limped for the next 57 years until he died at 147 in Egypt- a constant reminder of God’s PROMISE from the ANGEL. Genesis 32: 1-32. (Note: portions of chapter 31 35 do not appear to be in chronological order- bit like the Books of Daniel and Jeremiah) And God said unto Jacob, Arise and go up to Bethel... But first he hid the family ‘gods’ under the oak at Shechem - and then he went to Bethel AGAIN (second time) and built an alter there according to God’s instruction. And God appeared unto Jacob AGAIN ...and BLESSED him.- Third time! Then God REMINDED him that his name was no longer Jacob - but ISRAEL! (means ruling with God) And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a NATION and A COMPANY OF NATIONS shall be of thee, and KINGS shall come out of thy loins...and God went up from him in the place where he talked with him...And Jacob set up a pillar (Hebrew: matstsebah - memorial stone in the place where he (God) talked with him, even a pillar (Hebrew: matstsebah- or memorial stone) of stone and he poured a DRINK OFFERING thereon, and he poured OIL thereon. This was known as a ‘libation’. We will attempt to explain a ‘libation’. Each time Jacob anointed the STONE, he performed a libation. He anointed the STONE TWICE with OIL, and ONCE with a drink offering. Three times in all. (Genesis 28:18; 35:14. This drink offering was strong wine to be poured unto the Lorda sweet savour unto the Lord. See Numbers 28:7-8. In 2 Timothy 3:3 when the Apostle Paul said, This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come For men shall be lovers of their own selveswithout natural affection, TRUCEBREAKERS Strong’s Bible Con.Ref. 786 on the word for trucebreaker here in the Greek means without libation. In ancient times it was customary to pour out wine or water as an offering to a god and this was called a libation - which usually accompanied a TREATY. (David poured out a drink offering to the Lord 1 Chron.11:17-19) This meant that if a ‘libation’ was not performed: - the agreement was not ‘sealed’; a person became a trucebreaker and their contract/treaty was not binding/legal. The drink offering (Strong’s Ref.5262 on ‘drink’ here from 5258 is libation - to pour out, especially a libation; by analysis- to anoint a king. It is interesting to note that the STONE of Destiny has always been associated with the ‘anointing’ of the kings and queens of Israel/Ireland/Scotland/Britain until this day. Going back to Jacob: this ‘anointing’ of the STONE was a symbolic ‘signing of the document’, the Unchangeable, Unconditional, Unalterable and Everlasting Covenant God had originally made with Abraham when he was 75. (1925 B.C. Gen. 12:1-4). The Covenant was Established in Isaac, and Ratified and Confirmed to Jacob - thirty years after Jacob had stolen Esau’s birthright, (the twins were 40 at the time.) When Jacob anointed the STONE with oil on the first occasion at Bethel (when he was only 70 - Gen. 28:18) with GOD and the ANGELS as WITNESSES: he signed God’s ‘treaty’ or ‘deed of title’, ‘for himself’. Twenty years later, when he was 90 and returned to Bethel, he anointed the STONE the second and third time. This time Jacob was representing Isaac (still alive and aged 150 - Isaac had 30 years yet to live to be 180!) and his grandfather Abraham (75 years before had died at 175): and anointing the STONE on behalf of them. So, in 1750 BC, 175 years after the ‘call of Abraham’ in 1925 BC: God ‘seals the whole family deal’ with Jacob and his descendants for ever! (See 430 Years Bible Chronology Simplified). This double ‘anointing’ of the STONE on his second visit to Bethel completed ‘signing of the document’ - the Promises delivered by God’s ANGEL and GOD HIMSELF to Jacob the first time. If Jacob had not poured out the ‘libation’ on each occasion - even missed one out of three: he would have been a TRUCEBREAKER and there would have been no DEAL between God and Jacob! No ‘legal document’ to the National Promises given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants (Natural Israel) and God- for ALL TIME! See Deut.4:31. [Natural Israel- the Ten Tribes, now living in ‘the lap of luxury’ in the west and abounding in the natural blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are blind to their identity. Many have found those natural blessings to be empty and meaningless: because they do not have the Blessing of being Spiritual Israel.] As someone said to us recently, How important is the B.I. message to our Fellowship! It’s the vehicle that lights our way through the prophecy path in Scripture. The New Testament application of this ‘anointing’ is the pouring in oil and wine (Luke 10:33,34) Without the oil of the Holy Spirit and the wine (representing the spilt blood of Jesus) in our daily lives; we have no TREATY (making us Spiritual Israel) with God at all: and we are TRUCEBREAKERS and have no DEAL with God and He will say to us when Jesus returns, I know you not.(Matt. 25:12) If you would like to make the ANGELS in heaven very happy; then take the advice of Jesus- when He said, ...there is joy in the presence of the ANGELS over one sinner that repenteth. Luke 15:7. It is of no earthly use, or heavenly use, to be born of natural Israel; if you are not born again or sealed into ‘Spiritual Israel’. (John 3:3; Acts 2:37-39) To be continued with Moses. REMEMBER IT IS GOD THAT IS CLEVER! Not us. Jock and Hellen. See more
02.01.2022 Make sure you listen to Ben & Emily as they discuss their own experiences in this area and then our very own Woody family Alex and Geogia share their story in e...pisode 2....make sure you have a listen today. This is Episode One of our 2-part series on Introverts & Extroverts, where we delve into the differences and how these personality traits affect marriages. the meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed" #introvert #extrovert #introvertsextroverts #marriage #god #divorce #relationships #husband #wife #couples #therapy #counselling #trflife
01.01.2022 Fantastic meetings on Sunday with encouragement from the talks and Spiritual gifts. Strong theme which came out was that God looks after his people ...he is in ...charge and gives us exactly what we need, when we need it! Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10 KJV Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain. Proverbs 30:8-9 KJV Also had a bit of entertainment from our Youngies. Have a great day Saints and remember the Lord is on your side.
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