Call Your Midwife | Pregnancy care centre
Call Your Midwife
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25.01.2022 Great learning opportunity. Great to see those doing the research sharing it and making it so easy to access!
25.01.2022 NEW BLOG Hi all, I’ve just posted a new blog. This particular piece was inspired by another blog in the media recently. After reading that I felt really c...ompelled to write something in the hope of educating the women + men of the world who are expecting a baby. The blog I’ve written is called The real formula for success + I hope you enjoy the read. So much love x Amberley
24.01.2022 So much food for thought.
23.01.2022 Food for thought.
23.01.2022 The research just gets stronger and stronger!!
22.01.2022 This looks like a positive way to end the day for maternity workers.
20.01.2022 No preventable maternal death is acceptable. 60% of these deaths happen in areas of conflict. That is sobering.
20.01.2022 It is that time of the year again. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
19.01.2022 In New Zealand even the Prime Minister understands the importance of continuity of care.
16.01.2022 We know so much about the microbiome. We know how important it is for babies to have skin to skin with their mothers. And yet some babies need to leave their mothers chests to receive resuscitation. And yet people use the surface these most vulnerable babies need for all sorts of non sterile paraphernalia.... When are we going to stop putting dirty charts, keys, and other "stuff" on the surface for the newborn? One day will we start using sterile covers until the baby can get back to its mother and it's rightful microbiome?
16.01.2022 CROWDFUNDING COMING SOON! I’m pretty elated to say in just two weeks I’m launching my crowdfunding campaign To give you insight into why I hope to create a ...Breastfeeding Documentary, here is a vid which wraps my aspiration and drive up in a bow. My crowdfunding campaign will run from July 1st-28th and I am super lucky in that many incredible labels like @notsomumsy @haakaanz @madetomilk @shanghaisuzylipsticks @discoyoga @maxandmee @franjoskitchen @nurturedbirthmelbourne and @lennyroseactive are donating items for people to buy (these will be the perks) and this money will then go directing to the making of this documentary. Another way you can support the making of this doco is by buying tickets to the events I run during the campaign like the 662 Movie Night ( which is for clients, followers, family and friends. I deeply hope this project resonates with you so that together we can bring it to life for the betterment of future generations So much love x Amberley P.S Warmest of thanks to the mamas who allowed to capture their daughters so they could feature in this video by @djnarelle
13.01.2022 Always worth sharing again. Such compelling evidence. What can we do to make it standard practice?
11.01.2022 Thankyou Kristina Kenneally. What a wonderful initiative for parents experiencing loss.
10.01.2022 Spoke to 150 midwives about the fantastic start in life we as a perinatal team from Berwick to Wallsend over to Haltwhistle (and everywhere in between) give our Baby Northumbrians! Keep up the good work !
07.01.2022 When I first started in private practice I knew the direction I was heading. I planned to work one-on-one with mamas wanting to learn how to breastfeed. What I... didn’t count on along my journey was how rubbish the breastfeeding education resources were out there and how this would negatively effect my ability (and enthusiasm) in educating the women I worked with. In all honesty, the majority of breastfeeding videos shown these days are deadset shockers Think a fusion of daggy music, questionable styling and poor production quality Not only are the videos available outdated they are supremely uninspiring. Before long I knew I needed to do something about this... and not just for the women I work with in-person, for the many mamas who contact me from all over Oz and beyond, longing for quality and helpful breastfeeding info. I can clearly remember the historic day for my business at the beginning of 2018 when I sat working on my Mac at a cafe, deciding which breastfeeding video on attachment to recommend the mama I was working with have a look at, to solidify her knowledge. A green vertical garden covered the wall behind me and while listening to the chill house music I had an epiphany. Why continue to use education resources which I didn’t love (but actually felt embarrassed recommending), why not create my own? So over the last 12 months I have made it one of my many missions to create my own breastfeeding resources and ones which excite. Wonderfully my breastfeeding education Video Series has been sold all over Australia plus New Zealand, the States, Canada, the UK and Estonia and continues to be purchased by new mamas every week Women having babies today want information delivered to them in a way which speaks to them. Today’s generation of mothers deserve to feel enlivened about breastfeeding their baby and thankfully (according to the lovely feedback I regularly receive) the videos I have produced are making mamas feel exactly that So my commitment to you all in 2019 is to continue to vivify you about breastfeeding and to keep delivering content, in all forms, which educates, inspires and totally floats your boat P.S If you loved my breastfeeding education Video Series, wait to you see what I’m launching this year | Lovely by @djnarelle #662
07.01.2022 This infographic makes it very clear that there are substantial benefits for women being cared for by a known midwife.
05.01.2022 Since the pandemic began, hospital trusts and care systems have taken measures and made recommendations that affect the options available to pregnant and women and families. These measures and recommendations vary depending on where you are in the world. Which in itself tells you that there is much that we don’t know for certain. If we did, we’d all be doing the same thing. Some of these - for instance the suggestion that women with an active CoVid-19 infection give birth in a consultant unit - are just recommendations. It’s up to you whether you agree to this or not. Other recommendations and restrictions aren't optional, but you still have choices. For instance, some hospitals are restricting the number of people who can be with you during labour if you decide to give birth there, but remember that you don't have to go anywhere in labour until/unless you want to. You don’t have to agree to procedures such as induction of labour unless you want to. (Loads of induction info at The important thing to remember is that, while you can't always insist on being given something that you want (such as the use of a facility in the way that you want it), you can always say no. You may also want to try to negotiate before the big day. But hospitals and health professionals are also under enormous pressure to do the right thing, and in most cases they are genuinely trying to protect as many people as possible. And when choices are being restricted in the interests of public health, it's more important than ever to think about what you would want in different circumstances and what your plan B and plan C are. More on that in What's Right For Me? Making decisions about pregnancy and childbirth. But remember: your body, your baby, your decisions. #childbirth #happybirthday #midwife #midwifery #doula #birthdoula #birthdecisions #drsarawickham #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #whatsrightforme #womenempowerment #writersofinstagram #homebirth #birthsafeathome #evidence #induction
05.01.2022 "Pregnancy and parenthood can be joyful, but there are also challenges."
03.01.2022 Don't forget today is the last day you can give a response to this document. If you are in Australia, now is the time!!
02.01.2022 Wow. So much more research suggesting we need to think differently about birth.
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