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Calvary Public Hospital Bruce in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Medical and health

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Calvary Public Hospital Bruce

Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Phone: +61 2 6201 6111

Address: Mary Potter Ct, Bruce 2617 Canberra, ACT, Australia


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25.01.2022 With the stress COVID-19 has placed on everyone's lives, it’s now more important than ever to look after your overall health and wellbeing. Women’s Health Week 7-11 September is a great reminder to take time out to check in on your health and to keep making positive changes that can last a lifetime. It is a great time to schedule those health checks you may have missed over the last few months. Visit to find out more and access a range of resources. #WomensHealthWeek

21.01.2022 It was a long journey in 1885 from the dark slums of nineteenth century industrial England to the sunny shores and oppressive heat of Sydney. Six pioneering Sisters immediately set to work nursing the sick, running a soup kitchen, a night refuge, a school for the visually impaired, a parish school and providing social services to those in need. Soon they would establish the first of many hospitals on our shores. These were the indomitable women of the Sisters of the Little Co...mpany of Mary who’s pioneering spirit of being for others started an approach to caring for the sick, the dying and those in need that was to grow and expand across the country. We are Calvary Health Care. Today, we celebrate 135 years since the Sisters sailed into Sydney, and the legacy they have left us all.

19.01.2022 Today is Global Handwashing Day and this year’s theme, Hand Hygiene for All highlights the importance of handwashing. The COVID-19 pandemic provides a stark reminder that one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of viruses is also one of the simplest: hand hygiene, especially handwashing with soap and warm water for 20 seconds. Don’t forget to wash your hands today with soap and water to stop the spread of viruses.... #GlobalHandWashingDay #HandHygieneforAll

17.01.2022 1 in 5 Australians are effected by mental illness annually, yet many don't seek help due to the stigma. During the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritising your mental health and wellbeing is more important than ever. Today is World Mental Health Day and the message is simple: "Look after your Mental Health Australia." Visit to make a mental health promise and to access useful information and resources.... #LookAfterYourMentalHealthAustralia

17.01.2022 Like their hospital colleagues, staff in Calvary’s community and residential aged care services do their utmost to keep people safe and provide excellent, personalised service and support for those in their care. Today, we join our colleagues everywhere in celebrating Aged Care Employee Day. Across Calvary, more than 3000 staff provide quality care and comfort to our seniors and frail aged. They include nurses, care workers, allied health professionals, hospitality teams, dr...ivers, cleaners, laundry staff, leisure and lifestyle officers, administration teams and volunteers. Tom Webb is one of them, and finds his job as a personal care worker both challenging and rewarding: It requires great patience, endurance and mental fortitude. It forces me to be a better person, giving unique insights into life that I can harness. It clears my mind and places any personal troubles into perspective. I feel it's truly a privilege to help those who have lived such extensive lives. You can read more inspiring stories from our dedicated staff at To all we say thank you for caring.

17.01.2022 Today is Dying to Know Day. This year more than ever we’ve learned about the importance of staying connected and having early conversations about living and dying. When those close to us understand what we value most it can help them to support our choices when we approach the end of our life. This is a conversation that can begin at any time and continue as our needs change over time. You can read more about Dying to Know Day and some online events at

13.01.2022 This week we celebrate #MulticulturalHealthWeek20 (7-11 September) and this year's theme is Health Literacy and the Safe Use of Medicines. During COVID-19 it is more important than ever to know the active ingredient that makes your medicine work. If you need to go to hospital make sure you take your medicines or a medicines list with you. Fact sheets are available in over 20 languages at

13.01.2022 Across Australia, an estimated 2.65 million Australians provide a staggering 42 million hours of unpaid care each week. National Carers Week, from October 11 to 17, is a time to recognise the enormous contribution made by the army of unpaid carers who provide care and support to a family member or friend with disability, mental health condition, chronic condition, terminal illness, an issue with alcohol or other drugs, or who are frail aged. Importantly, National Carer’s We...ek also gives carers a voice to be recognised and supported in what is often a role that is not always a choice. We applaud the commitment, courage and selflessness, and the spirit of being for others of carers everywhere. You can read carer’s stories on the National Carers Week 2020 website at

12.01.2022 Has there ever been a more important time to ask, R U OK?, and to progress the conversation if it isn’t? Today is R U OK? Day and we are all being asked to learn what to say if someone in our life says they are not OK. This year’s theme ‘There’s more to say after R U OK?’ focusses on building our confidence and skills so to help us know how to navigate a conversation with someone in our life who might be struggling.... We don’t have to be experts, but by knowing what to say when someone says they're not OK we can show we care and genuinely help someone access appropriate support long before they’re in crisis. That conversation could change, or even save, their life. By asking, listening without judgement, encouraging action and checking in, you can help someone you care about through a tough time. Be part of the conversation - find out more at R U OK?

11.01.2022 What do you see when you plunge the depths of Stuart Clues’ moody depiction of Lake Mackintosh, in Tasmania’s rugged west? The artwork means many different things to the mental health consumers who chose it. Art has the ability to ease anxiety, stress and depression, and to distract and quiet the mind. The large acrylic canvass is the end result of a project that began with a family donation, and then enlisted the generous support of the landscape artist, who essentially gif...ted his talent and time to the cause. Find out more about the story and the artwork at

11.01.2022 During NAIDOC Week 2020 (8-15 November) celebrations are held across Australia each year to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. NAIDOC originally stood for ‘National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee’. The 2020 NAIDOC Week theme Always Was, Always Will Be acknowledges that hundreds of Nations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islan...der cultures covered this continent. All were managing the land - the biggest estate on earth - to sustainably provide for their future. As part of Calvary’s own journey of reconciliation, we commissioned Thomas Croft, a Barngarla man, born in Whyalla, South Australia, to create a design to remind us of the centrality of the importance of reconciliation, community and care. The image reminds us that we heal when we celebrate our First Peoples as a river offering life to our communities.

11.01.2022 Thanks to the bloomin’ marvellous team at Events ACT, patients, visitors and staff at Calvary’s Canberra hospitals and health facilities are now enjoying the legacy of the city’s Floriade festival. Covid-19 forced organisers of the annual spring festival to run the event as a ‘tulip trail’ around different city locations instead of the traditional en masse plantings at Commonwealth Park. But the change of approach didn’t stop the tradition of gifting tulips at the end of the ...festival to provide some colour and joy to those in hospitals and aged care centres across the capital. Floriade finished on Sunday and teams have been out and about to cut and deliver blooms to Calvary Public Hospital Bruce (pictured), Calvary Bruce Private, Calvary John James Hospital, and Clare Holland House.

09.01.2022 Congratulations to our wonderful Allied Health staff and teams who were major winners in the 2020 ACT Allied Health Excellence Awards. Miriam Lawrence, Lead Pharmacist for Medication Safety, was named the 2020 ACT Allied Health Professional of the Year in recognition of her outstanding contribution to leadership. Miriam also won this year’s Allied Health Management and Leadership Excellence Award. Other Calvary winners were pharmacist and educator Sarah Smith, and allied assistant Chris Myers. The team behind the PEPA palliative care project, developed across Calvary Public Hospital Bruce and Clare Holland House, won the award for Allied Health Excellence in Provision of Services to Improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing. The awards were announced by ACT Health today to coincide with Allied Health Professionals Day. You can find out more about the Calvary award recipients, and their peers from other services, on the ACT Heath website

03.01.2022 We understand that having surgery can be a daunting prospect for some. Our perioperative staff are warm and reassuring; looking after patients during this time from the minute they are admitted, to when they leave recovery to head to home or to the ward for a longer stay. They work closely with the surgeon, anaesthetist and other staff to provide individualised care for all patients. Perioperative Clinical Manager Linda says I have the privilege of building a rapport with a... patient before their procedure and being the calming influence during what can be a stressful time. This week is Perioperative Nurses Week, and we want to thank all our perioperative staff who care for our patients and make them feel comfortable.

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