Campbelltown City Bowling Club in Campbelltown, New South Wales | Sports club
Campbelltown City Bowling Club
Locality: Campbelltown, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 4625 1043
Address: Cnr Browne & Howe Sts 2560 Campbelltown, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Great turnout for our Melbourne Cup Luncheon. Plenty of games and prizes, in an great atmosphere of fun and laughter. Thanks to everyone who supported the event.
25.01.2022 Campbelltown City Bowling Club The Club has mapped out a path to get you back on the bowling greens. The club asks that the below procedures are maintained. Bowls Session Procedures..... Bowls NSW and Women’s Bowls NSW released a circular on 30th April 2020 advising Clubs that they may open their greens with restrictions. The Board of Campbelltown City Bowling Club has determined that the green facilities will be open from Tuesday 5th May. The following conditions apply: *Social distancing must be adhered to (min 1.5 metres). *A limit of 2 people will be allowed to use each rink. *There must be a rink space (empty space) between each rink in use. *Only 4 rinks per green. *A limit of 8 people per green. *At this stage, we will only be operating 1 green. *Only one person to handle mat and jack. *Sterilised jacks and mats will be collected from the director. *Members must book a session time by contacting Col Appleby on 0422 630 166. *Please note these sessions are limited to 1 hour. *Sessions will be limited to morning and only permitted from Tuesday to Friday. *Session time: 9.30 am; 10.30am and 11.30am. *No social roll up’s everyone must book as per Government Requirements. *Session cost will be $5 per person. *Only financial bowling members of the Campbelltown City Bowling Club will be allowed to use the green. *Members using the facilities must not congregate on the premises and must arrive immediately before their designated bowls session time and depart immediately after. *A Director will be onsite to assist with bookings and to ensure sanitisers are available. *Hand sanitiser and disinfectant will be supplied at entrance to greens and stationed at each green in use. *Scoreboards are not to be used. *Alcohol is not to be consumed on the premises. Pat Phibbs Chairman
24.01.2022 Celebrating Australia Day at the Bowling Club. A day of social bowls between the Aussies and The Rest of the World, along with games including a Pie Eating competition, eating a dry Wheat Bix, Thong Throwing and more. A great atmosphere with plenty of laughs.
24.01.2022 Just a reminder that our halloween night is on this Friday 1st Nov. Then Joey D Saturday night!! Limited tickets remain for our Melbourne Cup Luncheon so get in quick.
23.01.2022 Congratulations to Dave Moore on taking out the Minor Singles today just ahead of Sam Murray. Both bowlers proved fitting finalists as the game came down to a close finish with Dave just getting the upper hand at the end.
23.01.2022 Come on down for a fun night of entertainment and trivia.
23.01.2022 This Saturday night with Joey D. Women in Song plus trivia questions 6-9pm
22.01.2022 Looking for crowd free betting today? Come on down to the bowlo! We have plenty of people to help you place your bets and no long lines.
22.01.2022 NEW ENTRY CONDITIONS What we are doing to keep you safe. Campbelltown City Bowling Club is registered COVID Safe Venue. As part of this process we are continually updating our COVID Safe Plan to reflect the latest advice from NSW Health. Due to current closure of a number of local venues we have implemented additional entry conditions to ensure the safety of our staff and patrons and help minimise the risk of transmission. Effective from 17 July 2020.... Patrons who have visited any of the following venues between Friday 10 and Sunday 12 July will not be permitted entry. o West League Club o West Tennis Club o Lakeside Golf Club Camden o Country Club Gledswood Hills o Macarthur Tavern. These new measures strengthen processes already in place including: Refusal of entry for any person who has visited a known hotspot within the last 14 days including: o The State of Victoria. o Crossroads Hotel o Planet Fitness Casula o Picton Hotel For your safety and that of our team, all staff have completed COVID-19 training and COVID Marshalls will be on hand to ensure a safe experience for all. We have increased cleaning cycles of high traffic areas. Toilets will be cleaned regularly and gaming machines sanitised after each use. We need your support. If you are feeling unwell or displaying symptoms of respiratory illness (cough, sore / scratchy throat, shortness of breath) or unexplained fever you are not to enter the Club and are encouraged to see your GP to test for COVID-19. You can help protect our community when visiting by: Always practice good personal hygiene including regular hand washing / sanitisation and correct cough / sneeze etiquette. Maintain social distancing of 1.5 metres Using contactless payment wherever possible.
21.01.2022 Attention Members & Guests. Please see attached document regarding our current response to COVID-19.
21.01.2022 It's Membership Renewal time for all members who expire in 2020! Renewals are due by 31st July.
21.01.2022 We're baaack!!!! The Club will re-open from Wednesday 1st July 2020.l The Club will be operating on a reduced schedule including days and times, for more information please call the club.... The safety of our patrons and staff are paramount, so we will be adhering strictly to all COVID directives from NSW Health. The NSW Government has also announced a further easing of restrictions commencing on the 13th June 2020. These changes include : * No more than 20 persons per green (i.e. max of 4 people per rink) this does not include staff or officials. * Social distancing of at least 1.5m must be adhered to all times. * Organised matches may commence, which includes both social and competition matches. With the easing of restrictions, the 2nd round of the Mens Major Singles will be carded for Saturday 27th June. Closing date for nominations for the Major Pairs will close on the 19th June. We will continue to limit bowls to one green until 1st July, at which time with the anticipated further easing of restrictions, we hope to return to normal pre-COVID bowls. The current bowls roll up online booking system that is currently in place will not change. Campbelltown City Bowling Club is looking forward to welcoming you back to the club. PAT PHIBBS Chairman
20.01.2022 Enjoy a fun night of entertainment as Joey D brings a taste of Country to the bowling club. Don't forget our meat raffles and trivia . Come early and dine at chilli Joe's for the best Thai cuisine in Campbelltown.
20.01.2022 Afternoon roll ups will now be available at 3pm & 4pm Tuesday's and Thursday's see previous post for details and availability. Bowlers, zone is still taking entries for open, senior & presidents singles and pairs.
19.01.2022 Yesterday the NSW Government announced tougher restrictions for Hotels /Pubs in NSW. These restrictions do not apply to Clubs as we are already compliant. The health and safety of staff and patrons continues to be our number one priority. Campbelltown City Bowling Club is registered as COVID Safe venue with the NSW Government and our COVID-19 plan continually evolves to reflect the latest Health advice.
19.01.2022 Join us Friday night for Raffles, Badge Draw & Free Live Entertainment with Joey D!!
19.01.2022 Enjoy a fun night with Joey D on Friday night as he brings to life the great Crooners of our era. In addition, we have the return of the 15 Meat Trays and of course the Badge Draw.
19.01.2022 Euchre is on again tonight at the club for any players interested. Be at the club at 6pm $10 entry
19.01.2022 Join us tonight from 6:00pm for our Friday Night Meat Raffles!! Members Badge Draw Jackpot $900.00.
19.01.2022 The generosity of our friday morning bowlers has been supported by a further collection of $467.05 from our Friday night patrons. This donation, along with 96 cases of bottled water provided by office works- Campbelltown, was delivered to the RLF Cobbity depot today. I would like to identify the Manager of Office works, whose community spirit during these challenging times, along with staff- Bianca, Cailtlin and Reehan and the bowlers & patrons of the Campbelltown City Bowling Club for supporting our heroic fire fighters during this most difficult time.
18.01.2022 Join us this Friday night for free live entertainment as Joey D plays Country & Western also we have our meat raffles and members badge draw from 7-10pm.
17.01.2022 On Monday, a working bee was organised at the Bowling Club for the purpose of preparing and repainting the railings around the front of the club. It was great to see so many helpers who gave up their time to support their club. Also thanks to Chilli Joe for providing lunch to all the helpers.
16.01.2022 Social Bowls is back at Campbelltown Bowling Club!
15.01.2022 Join us this Friday night (3rd of Jan) between 7-10pm for a great night of entertainment with Joey D. Test your knowledge with fun trivia questions and prizes to be won!
15.01.2022 An Important Update for Members, Guests, Staff & Visitors Dear Members, Guests, Staff and Visitor, in light of yesterday’s announcement from the Prime Minister, licenced Clubs across Australia including Campbelltown City Bowling Club will be CLOSED until further notice. This is effective from today, the 23rd March 2020. On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff we thank you for your understanding and continued support. Campbelltown City Bowling Club has been serving our ...members and the community for 97 years and will continue to do so. We look forward to welcoming you back soon as we can. For any outstanding Club matters please use our email to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible ([email protected]). Thankyou Pat Phibbs Chairman
14.01.2022 Tonight from 6:30pm we have 10 ham & 5 pork to give away in our raffles plus free live entertainment and members badge draw.
14.01.2022 Huge night at the bowlo! Mega ham raffles plus jackpot lucky number and badge draw..
13.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there, we hope you have a great day!
13.01.2022 Attention all pennant players! Pennants has been temporarily postponed due to virus concerns. At this point club championships will continue. We will keep everyone updated with any changes.
12.01.2022 Roll-up availability and details can be found here You will see seperate tabs for each upcoming week plus rules/conditions. Contact Col Appleby 0422630166 to book a session.
12.01.2022 Christmas Ham Raffles start Friday night. Tickets on sale from 6:00pm.
12.01.2022 We have extended our Membership renewal period! Memberships that were due to be renewed by 30 June have been extended until 31 July 2020. To ensure you continue to receive all Member benefits please renew your membership before 31 July. Thank you.
12.01.2022 Country & Western night with Joey D and the club is starting to fill up. Get down soon to join in the raffles, badge draw and free live music till 10pm.
11.01.2022 Congratulations Donna. Employee of the month for October. Love your commitment to the Club. Keep up the good work .
11.01.2022 Congratulations to the 2020 John Long Memorial Shield winner's Craig Hancock, Nathan Kent & Micko...
11.01.2022 Wishing all our amazing members & guests a very Merry Christmas
11.01.2022 We are so happy to be opening our doors again to our Staff, our Members and their guests on the 1st July 2020. We want to assure you that every measure has been taken to provide you all with a welcoming, COVIDSafe experience. By following a few simple rules, together we can ensure Campbelltown City Bowling Club remains a safe environment for our Community. Let's keep up the good work & Play Safe WHAT WE HAVE DONE... Campbelltown City Bowling Club has prepared a COVIDSafe Plan. We have also developed our COVIDSafe Staff Training Plan to ensure your Club is a safe and welcoming environment. The Club has been thoroughly cleaned and professionally sanitised. Our cleaning procedures have been elevated to the required standards of the NSW Health Department. Hand sanitiser has been made available throughout the Club Our venue floor plans have all been reset to provide a safe and comfortable socially distanced environment. We have removed all communal bar and dining items. We have adapted our venue entry and exit technology to ensure the required contact details are available to the NSW Health Department, should they be required. As we head out, our behaviors need to be a little different. To help you understand how, we have prepared the necessary [RULES OF PLAY] and have allocated a Safety Marshall, in addition to our Duty Directors to help you to abide by the rules. Our 'rules of play' are clearly visible around the Club, and we have floor markers to help everyone keep a little distance where required. WHAT WE WILL CONTINUE TO DO We will follow the required patron entry procedure as advised, to adhere to Covid screening measures. All staff and patrons will need to answer a few questions, prior to entry into the Club. All of our venues will be regularly cleaned using a COVIDSafe approved disinfectant and sanitiser in-between seatings. Our Safety Marshall will continually monitor our venue capacities, and with the help of our Duty Directors we will ensure that everyone is [PLAYING SAFE] If at any time any of our staff, members or guests are not feeling well, we have prepared the necessary protocols to help OUR STAFF ARE HERE TO HELP We ask that you show respect to other patrons, and co-operate with guidance provided by our staff. Failure to follow the rules may result in being asked to leave the Club, so we can all remain safe, and your Club remains open. THANKS FOR PLAYING SAFE
11.01.2022 A great fun night at Campbelltown City Bowling Club in celebrating Halloween, with good entertainment by Chris, trivia and dancing and with friends. Currently planning our next event for the last Friday in November. Stay tuned.
11.01.2022 Tickets for our Melbourne Cup Luncheon are now on sale. Call (02) 4625 1043 to book.
09.01.2022 Dear Member, You are hereby notified that the Annual General Meeting of the Campbelltown City Bowling Club Co-operative Limited, for the election of Directors and transaction of General Business for the ensuing twelve months, will be held in the Clubhouse on; SUNDAY 13th SEPTEMBER, 2020 at 9:30 am.... Nominations are called for the positions of: CHAIRMAN HONORARY TREASURER DIRECTORS (5) Nominations for office shall be in writing, signed by the Proposer, Seconder and Nominee and shall be lodged at the Club Office no later than Saturday 22nd August 2020 at 6:00 pm. Nomination forms are available at the Bar or Office upon request. Should the number of nominations exceed the number required, then a voting process will be conducted in the Clubhouse from Sunday 6th September to Saturday 12th September, 2020. If voting is required a 'Notice' will be displayed within the Clubhouse after 22nd August, 2020 and will advise of the dates and times that voting will be conducted. SOCIAL MEMBERS ONLY: You are hereby notified that as a Social Member voting entitlement is restricted to the election for the Main Board ONLY. Special resolutions and/or Notices of Motion for presentation at the Annual General Meeting must be in writing, duly signed by the Proposer and Seconder and handed to the Chairman no later than Saturday 15th August 2020 at 6:00 pm. A copy of the Annual Financial Statements for the Period ended 30thJune 2020 may be obtained from the Clubhouse as soon as they become available.
09.01.2022 We would like to thank the bowler's, staff and friends at Campbelltown Bowling Club and a special thanks to Bob Lawlor who arranged an impromptu whip round this morning and raised enough money to buy 496 bottles of water which have been delivered to the RFS Camden West Depot to aid in fighting fires in the south west. Well done to all, we really appreciate all the help.
09.01.2022 Bare Foot Bowls. South western sydney local health district, NSW government. Tackling the challenge project. The tackling the challege project was launched at the campbelltown city bowling club. The project is all about collecting and sharing stories of men who have overcome life chalenges. To get involved call, 4621 8701. It is a project in partnership with local government and non government organisations. ... Barefoot bowls, grab some friends and give it a try! See more
07.01.2022 SPECIAL GUEST!!! Doc Finlay will be performing at Campbelltown City Bowling Club this Saturday (11th Jan) between 6-9pm. Enjoy listening to 50 years of music you grew up with. Chilli Joe's will also be open for dining, providing you with the best thai cuisine in Campbelltown.
07.01.2022 Have a great day!! We hope to see you soon. Meat Raffles tonight from 6:00pm. Members Badge Draw Jackpot $700.00 Joey D performing from 7:00pm.
06.01.2022 Members & Guests, Please follow this link to view our 2020 financial report
05.01.2022 Happy golden anniversary Greg & Gwen. We all love and appreciate you both for the countless hours you've put into our little club, congratulations xx
04.01.2022 Come down and join us tonight!! Chilli Joe Thai Cuisine Restaurant is open for Lunch & Dinner (Bookings are essential) Meat Raffle Tickets on sale from 6:00pm... Members Badge Draw Jackpot $800 Joey D performing from 7:00pm See more
04.01.2022 Congratulations to our Major Singles finalists Jake & Adam. After an exceptionally high class final, Adam Johnson has gone back to back and taken out the title. Well played gentleman :)
03.01.2022 It's always great when players from our club win or achieve zone recognition. Firstly the triples team of Adam Johnson, Rick McConnell & Luke Grainger have taken out the zone 5 State Triples over the weekend and will now go on to represent zone 5 against the remaining 15 zones in the state. The second group consisting of Jake Alchin, Jack Best, Luke Grainger & Rick McConnell have been selected to represent Zone 5 at the State Interzone Championships later this year. Massive congratulations to everyone.
03.01.2022 We would like to send our sincere thanks to the members of the public who have taken the time and effort to make sure our local brigades have food and drinking ...water available to us. Cobbitty RFB would also like to thank Campbelltown Bowling Club and Officeworks Campbelltown for their generous monetary donation. If you’re ever looking for a nice place to take the family for dinner or a game of bowls, check out the bowling club!! Campbelltown Bowling Club Cobbitty Rural Fire Station #lawnbowls #yummyfood
02.01.2022 XMAS HAM RAFFLES.. 10 hams every Friday night starting this week. Starting a 6:30pm dont miss out..
01.01.2022 I would like to thank Warren Morrison of the Sleeping Giant , Campbelltown for his support of our Melbourne Cup Luncheon. The event was very successful with all having a fun filled day.
01.01.2022 Join us tonight for Remembering Elvis with Joey D plus Elvis trivia. We also have our meat raffles & members badge draw.
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