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Canine Obedience Club of Townsville Inc | Other

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Canine Obedience Club of Townsville Inc


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25.01.2022 Today is International Dog Day Time to celebrate the special bond you have with your fur buddy and the love they bring to your life. Maybe you could take them for a walk, play a game with them or just spend some quality time with them. They are so easy to please, and give us so much. Let them know how much they mean to you .... See more

23.01.2022 Hi Everyone, due to unforeseen circumstances, I wish to advise all Pet Dog Training classes are cancelled for tomorrow night, 28th July . We truly appreciate your ongoing patience and understanding and will resume our training as soon as possible. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Kind regards, Deb Fazel, Training Coordinator.

19.01.2022 Hi Everyone We are very grateful for your continued patience and understanding . We are very keen to start up our lessons again with you and your fur buddies. Dogs Queensland will provide the final word as to when we will be able to begin lessons again with everyone on the field. We are hopeful, but still require confirmation, that a possible date for recommencement of classes may be the 14th of July.... In order to do this we would all need to comply with the proposed phase three corona virus requirements to ensure a safe learning and training environment for all of us. This means we would all need to do the following: Be well and symptom free when we go onto the field; Keep up our social distancing from each other (at least two meters); Limit spectators/extras as much possible; Bring our own chair/s Keep up our hand washing hygiene, and Download the covid safety app. Your voluntary compliance with these measures would maximise safety and enjoyment for everyone. Each lesson you attend, you would be required to sign a book to you confirm you are well and that you agree to your phone number or email address being sent to Dogs Queensland. Your signature would confirm all conditions for our proposed date for a return to training would be met. It would also ensure everyone on the field is covered for insurance purposes. I know we are all looking forward to getting back on the field to complete our first intake and then begin our second and final intake for the year. So, this is how we would like to proceed with our return to training if we are given the ‘go ahead’ by Dogs Queensland: Resumption of Intake one might begin on Tuesday evening 14th July at 7pm and continue for another four weeks to 11th August, and The second intake might commence either on the 18th or 25th of August, with a two week break over the school holidays (21st September to the 5th of October), and conclude on either the 20th or 27th of October. A determination of the exact dates will be made by Dogs Queensland in the very near future and we will advise everyone by email. Please email me if you have questions or require further clarification in relation to the information above. We look forward to seeing all of our four paw students and their parents again in the very near future . Kind regards Deb Fazel Training Coordinator See more

19.01.2022 A small but dedicated group of handlers have been learning and teaching their dogs a range of different tricks, everything from the 5 second nose-hand touch, weave between legs, back up, and the step up, just to name a few. The Trick Dog Workshop planned for this year has been postponed to 28, 29 and 30 May 2021 and will be run by Gay Westmore from Brisbane. More info will be available early next year, and will be one not to miss! In the meantime all Club Members are welcome to join the TDT Group, please email Julie Doig [email protected] to find out more. It is heaps of fun for both handler and dog! Below are some pics taken from a recent practice session.

18.01.2022 Hi everyone, Are you interested in Rally Obedience? What is Rally-O? It has become very popular since it's introduction a few years ago, so why not come along to this workshop being held by the Club and learn more about it, or increase your skills if you've already started. This five week Rally Obedience Workshop will commence 7.00pm, Thursday 12 March 2020 with an Introductory Talk for handlers only (no dogs), Classes with dogs will commence the following Thursday from 7.0...0pm - 9.00pm for the next four weeks. The workshop will explain all the Rally stations from Novice to Advanced. Please note that dogs are to be crated when not being worked (the Club can provide some crates if you don’t have your own.) Cost : $50.00. Register by email to Secretary Judy on [email protected] Walk-ins accepted on the night but appreciate prior registration so we have an idea of numbers. Rally O is a heap of fun, we hope to see you there! See more

17.01.2022 Hi Everyone, If you are interested COCT is holding a double Rally O and Obedience trial on August 28th and 29th. Trial details can be found at K9 entries. This trial is being limited to handlers living in the Mackay and north region. Please note all handlers must abide by COVID regulations and supply their own sanitizer, facemask and chair. No spectators are allowed. This restriction has been put in place due to the Queensland border closure effective 1pm tomorrow. So if you are an NQ local and would like to come and join us at our trial entries will reopen tomorrow morning.

16.01.2022 Hi everyone, We have just received advice from Dogs Queensland that our training classes can recommence on Tuesday 21 July 2020, which is great news! Everyone who attends training on Tuesday and Thursday nights will have to comply with the Club's COVID-19 Safe Plan as outlined in a previous post below. If you aren't sure on anything please contact your Instructor for further info. We look forward to seeing you and your wonderful dogs again starting this week!

14.01.2022 REMINDER RALLY OBEDIENCE WORKSHOP Hi everyone! Our five-week Rally Obedience Workshop will commence at 7.00pm, Thursday 12 March 2020 with an Introductory Talk / Presentation (no dogs) by Instructor Julie Doig. Both Club Members and non-Club Members are welcome to attend. Classes with dogs will then commence Thursday 19th March at 7.00pm. Your dog needs to be crated happily & safely while not being worked, and you need to have reasonable control over the dog where there... is no excessive pulling or leash reactivity. No prong collars, e collars or choker chains allowed. If you are unsure if your dog can attend the workshop Julie can discuss this with you during the Introductory Talk. Cost of the course is $50.00 which includes the Introductory Talk and four Thursday night training sessions between 7.00 and 9 pm. Please email our Secretary Judy on [email protected] to register. Rally Obedience is a heap of fun, we hope to see you there! See more

13.01.2022 Hi everyone, The March-April 2020 Companion Dog Magazine has been released! If it hasn’t landed in your in-box from our Secretary head to our website and download it from the Magazine tab. The Club has been busy holding a Tracking Workshop, taking part at the Get Active Expo, a display at the Thuringowa Library, and those fun work-bees getting the tracking trailer and clubhouse cleaned out and sorted before the trialing season. ... Our trialing season commences with a Track and Search trial 21 & 22 March followed by a double Obedience, Rally and Agility trial 3 & 4 April. If you'd like to help out at any of these trials please let us know! With Easter and Anzac Day both falling in April there is advice on why those yummy Easter eggs are so dangerous to our pups, and a moving tribute to those dogs who lost their lives serving our country. Read about squinting, successful training tips, and just what is that slimy stuff in your dog’s water bowl. Hope you enjoy the read!

12.01.2022 Hi everyone, The May-June 2020 edition of the Companion Dog Magazine very nearly didn’t make it due to COVID-19 shutting everything down and putting us in limbo, but at the last moment Members set their fingers to the keyboard, so I’m pleased to let you know it has just been released. If the mag hasn’t landed in your email in-box from our Secretary Judy, jump to Magazine tab on our website and download your copy.... There is a wonderful article from our Sports Dog Co-ordinator on the many ways to keep engaged and active with your dog during isolation; we farewell a beloved pet taken too soon; and welcome a new pup to our midst. It’s the season for runny noses, and what it means if your dog starts displaying this symptom. Hope you enjoy these articles and the others in the mag!

11.01.2022 Upcoming Beginners Pet Dog Training course Important notice New Guardians registered for the course starting on: Tuesday 6th Oct 2020 Introductory Information Evening... 7 pm at Heatley Park (across the road from Heatley high school ). Entrance via carpark near tennis courts. We look forward to seeing you (without your fur buddy) on the night. Please contact me on 0419 292 380 anytime before 1pm on 6th Oct if you know you will not be able to attend. cheers Deb Fazel Training Coordinator See more

10.01.2022 Hi Everyone I am very happy to advise Dogs Queensland have just provided approval, in writing, so we can begin training again next week, 11th August. There will be no training tonight. See you all on Tuesday evening next week. Kind regards... Deb Fazel Training Coordinator See more

10.01.2022 Hi everyone, The July-August 2020 edition of the Companion Dog has been released and if you are a member, it's landed in your email inbox from our Secretary Judy by now. You can also download it from the magazine tab on our website. There is a great article on Scent Work (Dogs Queensland have just added this as a competition, more info on that coming); photos of our members and their dogs during lock down and trick dog training, and looking after your dog's joints and weight. Our AGM has been moved to September, and we would love to see some new faces join us on the Committee. The nomination form is in the mag so if you are interested in any of the positions contact the Secretary for more info. Hope you all enjoy it!

09.01.2022 Hi everyone, We are awaiting a decision from Dogs Queensland, to be made on 22 April 2020, if our double Obedience/Agility/Rally O Trial scheduled for 15 & 16 May 2020 can proceed. We will advise the outcome as soon as we are notified. It is hoped the double Track and Search Trial scheduled for this weekend 21-22 March 2020 can be rescheduled to 9-11 October 2020, we are awaiting advice from Dogs Queensland.... We ask everyone to please take care and follow the recommended guidelines from Queensland Health in these challenging times.

08.01.2022 Dear Members, The Club has been advised by our governing body, Dogs Queensland, that all training and trials will be cancelled (or suspended) until after 30 April 2020. This includes : Tuesday night and Thursday night training; The Rally O workshop being held on Thursday night;... The Track and Search Trial on 21-22 March 2020; The double Obedience and Agility Trial on 3-4 April 2020; and The Tracking / Track & Search Trial on 11-12 April 2020 It is hoped that the current COVID-19 outbreak will be controlled using these measures and we will be able to return to training in the near future. Updates will be posted as they come to hand. See more

08.01.2022 A timely reminder to ensure your four legged friends are up to date with their vaccinations.

07.01.2022 TRAINING CANCELLED TONIGHT, TUESDAY 10 MARCH 2020 Hi everyone, The weather bureau has issued a severe weather warning for our area with severe thunderstorms and heavy rainfall with possible flash flooding over the next several hours. As the safety of our Instructors, handlers and dogs is paramount, all training tonight is cancelled, so please stay safe at home with your dogs. Continue practicing the exercises you’ve been taught, make them short and fun sessions in different parts of the house. And maybe a game of nose works as a reward at the end!

04.01.2022 Hi Everyone, we regretfully advise all Pet Dog Training classes due to start tonight at Heatley Park have been cancelled due to the current and very unexpected weather conditions. Classes will resume next week on 28th July. Please accept our sincere apologies for the unexpected inconvenience. We look forward to seeing you all next week. Kind regards, Deb Fazel, Training Coordinator.

04.01.2022 Hi everyone, Dog’s Queensland has advised that the cancellation of all training and trialing has been extended to 31 August 2020. While this is disappointing for us all, we have to abide by this decision in the interest of everyone’s safety. We ask everyone to please take care and follow the recommended guidelines from Queensland Health. The recent relaxation of some restrictions is promising, let’s hope it continues in the right direction. We will keep you updated as news becomes available.

02.01.2022 Hi everyone, The September-October 2020 Companion Dog Magazine has been released and should by now be in your in-box if you are a club member. Non-members can download it from the Magazine tab on our website. Read all about our first Covid-safe Obedience/Rally trial held in August, results from the AGM, book reviews, and an interesting article on paws and reflect. Hope you enjoy it!

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