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Canning Vale Prekindy in Canning Vale, Western Australia | Education

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Canning Vale Prekindy

Locality: Canning Vale, Western Australia

Phone: +61 448 101 511

Address: Canning Vale Community Centre Cnr Eucalyptus & Waratah Bvd 6155 Canning Vale, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Our "Native Bird" project continues. The children were concerned that the djakal ngakals (galahs) were not yet using our nesting boxes. We wondered if they might come if we put out some food for them. So today we made some bird feeders, making our own glue with flour and water to stick the seeds on so the birds wont get sick from the glue. (This project was a total sensory experience. We discovered that the glue was best applied with hands and the seeds feel lovely as they trickle through the fingers!) #native bird project

25.01.2022 We are waking!!! (Not that we were really ever sleeping) and we can't wait to finally be seeing our Prekindy children at Prekindy instead of through our computers!!! If you are wanting to enquire about a place in Prekindy for this year or 2021 please get in touch (enquiries@canningvaleprekindy, We'll have something for you very soon!!

24.01.2022 A lovely video to explain social distancing to children Hedgehog and Tortoise want to give each other a great big hug, but they're not allowed to touch. From the creators of the internationally adored The Hug, Eoin McLaughlin and Polly Dunbar - While We Can't Hug.

24.01.2022 We always love welcoming Faerie Cara to our school holiday activities Join Eco Faeries for two Enchanted Environments in January Along the River ages 3-7 a...t Burswood Park Tuesday 5th Jan In the Caves ages 3-7 at Yanchep National Park Wednesday 13th Jan Bookings essential Burswood Park Perth School Holidays

23.01.2022 Plenty of fun to be had these holidays

22.01.2022 Oh Wow!! How beautiful is this?! This years National NAIDOC poster winner is our very own Boorloo (Perth) based artist - Tyrown Waigana. "Always was, Always Will be"

21.01.2022 To everyone in our CVPK team, thank you for your dedication and passion in everything you do here. I am so very grateful to have the privilege of working alongside you all every day. To all my Early Childhood Education colleagues elsewhere, thank you for your support, wisdom, inspiration and for your dedication to the important work we do. #EarlyChildhoodEducators'Day2020

21.01.2022 Have a peek inside our magical place for 3 year olds

19.01.2022 New dates announced

19.01.2022 Introducing our New Nipper Program Starfish Nippers - Australia Who is it for? The program is designed for young people from Under 6 to Under 13 years with a ...disability, including physical and intellectual disabilities and learning difficulties, and can be modified to suit an individual participant’s needs so everyone can be included. What are the benefits? Based on the positive feedback we have received, it is apparent that there are not only benefits for our Starfish Nippers and their families, but for all of our Age Group Managers, Woodside Nippers and club members. Starfish Nippers will learn life skills from excellent role models (their Age Group Managers), increasing their beach and water safety knowledge and improving their swimming and board skills, while developing their fitness and improving their coordination. We hope to see their confidence increase as they interact with their peers and club members and encourage each other to have fun together in an inclusive community environment. To register your interest in Starfish Nippers please contact Simone Blom on 0437 941 424 or email [email protected] by 24th January 2021 (There are limited spots available). For more details and to see the images and videos of the program in action Nipp #coogeebeach #starfishnippers # City of Cockburn Surf Life Saving WA

19.01.2022 The power and importance of outdoor play is backed by science. We are so lucky at CVPK to have the beautiful outdoor environment we have.

18.01.2022 Tuesday 26th May is National Sorry Day - the day that acknowledges and recognises members of the Stolen Generations and is an important part of the healing process for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. You can find more information about Sorry Day here ... Sorry Day is followed by National Reconciliation Week. Ironically, the theme for this year is "We're in his together". No one could have forseen the added relevance of that theme when it was chosen last year!

18.01.2022 Yes! Yes! Yes!

17.01.2022 Here's an idea for the start of the holidays

16.01.2022 I could not love this more

14.01.2022 Our native species are so beautiful

14.01.2022 NAIDOC Week in Prekindy really took place over a few weeks. We explored symbols and art and created our own stories using clay inspired by George Walley's song "Wandjoo My Friend" and the story from one of our paintings. We joined the Muggerah Dance Party to learn some awesome dance moves and sang all our favourite songs from the Aboriginal Songs in Schools song book and CD. We created our own Acknowledgement of Country using Noongar words we know and love Always Was, Always Will Be

12.01.2022 Another idea for the holidays

11.01.2022 What a treat!!! While we were busy counting birds last week we noticed 2 little Djitti Djittis (Willie Wagtails) visited a lot. When we looked a little closer we noticed that they were collecting bits of grass to create a sweet, soft little nest. This morning they were taking turns to sit on it so we think there might just be a few eggs in there now!!! We feel very happy that we get to share our beautiful garden with these cheeky, feisty little birds and lucky that we now have nature's answer to insect control!!

10.01.2022 Our long term project at CVPK has been to improve the biodiversity of our outdoor environment so that children can learn from and with their natural environment. Along with our Bush Tucker Garden we have created a Butterfly garden. Over the last few weeks the children have been watching Monarch butterfly caterpillars hatch from their eggs, grow, shed their skin, form a chrysalis and finally emerge as butterflies. This week we released one of our butterflies (affectionately named Cupcake) into our garden. The children were sad to see her go but understand her important role in nature.

10.01.2022 Can you see our Madjitil Moorna Member, Lisa, lying on the ground with her nyinny Yongka ( little kangaroos)? Our Koorlong team performed their final workshops Canningvale Pre-Kindy last week with teachers Lisa and Amy, as their 3 year olds graduated to 4 year old Kindy. Lisa is our Moort (family.) She has been embedding Noongar Language and Culture into her Pre- Kindy program for many years now, and more recently has embraced the Koorlong team in her efforts to make this integration more authentic. Lisa tested and trialled our virtual resource package with her classes during Covid and reported the difference it made when the videos were shared with the parents as well as the children. The children were excited to meet these screen stars and made us lovely cards to thank us. Koorlong would like to thank Lisa for being an ally in the Reconciliation process, and for giving us her unwavering support in a highly unusual year. See more

10.01.2022 The beautiful new white sand in our sandpit is perfect for drawing pictures in. We all drew our houses and maps of how we get to Prekindy!! A big thank you to Soils Ain't Soils Canning Vale for donating a trailer of sand.

08.01.2022 What do you call a stack of seedling pots that reaches from the ground into the tree? TALL!!! of course. The tallest tower ever made by a group of CVPK children, with recycled plant pots. How did they manage to get it so tall without using a ladder?

08.01.2022 Hey everyone, we are having a parent and child event for our families tomorrow, Saturday, 31st October. Paul Osei from Akwaaba African Drumming will be running some fun half hour African drumming workshops. We still have come spaces in our 11.30am and 12.15pm sessions for anyone else who would like to join us. The event is free to current Prekindy families and a gold coin donation on the day for everyone else. Tickets can booked here Each child must be accompanied by a parent and tickets booked in pairs.

08.01.2022 The family (Mum & 5 children) who escaped the Star Street fire are currently staying in a motel and hoping for some local community assistance with short-term n...eeds. If you can assist with children's clothes, snacks or entertainment, that would be dearly appreciated. Girls sizes 14, 8 and 0, boys size 9/10 and 4. Please drop off to a staff member at our reception, and we will arrange for the items to be given to the family *We will update this post with more information when we know*

07.01.2022 Canning Vale Prekindy is committed to reconciliation. Learning about and embedding Aboriginal culture and language is an important part of our educational program. We acknowledge the Wadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the original custodians of the land we learn and play on and pay our respects to elder past and present. Always Was, Always Will Be.

07.01.2022 Last week the CVPK children helped to build some nesting boxes to go in our trees. They also drew pictures and wrote messages onto the boxes, for the Djakal Ngakals (Galahs) who we hope will use them. Next step is to get the boxes high into our trees and wait.

06.01.2022 We need your help. We have been asked to create a list of 10 meaningful words that describe the shared values of the CVPK community. We would like to know what words come to mind from what you know about us either because you are or have been a part of our community or from learning about us here.

06.01.2022 Who's in? If you would like to take up the challenge head to for ideas and support.

05.01.2022 Our joyous return to prekindy this week has had all the necessary elements - piles of leaves to rake and jump in, rain to catch, power tools and muddy puddles - heaven!!

05.01.2022 Everyone needs some dawdle time

05.01.2022 Diwali in Prekindy

05.01.2022 CVPK recently hosted a workshop for educators from other early childhood services on Biodiversity awareness and action in early childhood in conjunction with Little Green Steps WA We got to show our beautiful outdoor environment to other educators and share the ways we use what we have to inspire a love of nature with our Prekindy children.

04.01.2022 Flowers of Djeran (April & May). During this season were transitioning out of the hot season and getting ready for the wetter months. This is great time to go for a bush walk to see the Flowering Gums, Wattle and Banksias.

04.01.2022 Happy Early Childhood Educators' Day for this Wednesday & all through the week! We hope that Australia's early childhood educators know how much they are recogn...ised & appreciated - not just on the day, but every day. To each and every one of you, we say thank you. #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay #LoveMyECE #YouAreAwesome See more

03.01.2022 What a way to finish the Prekindy year!! This week our children parents and educators were joined by the Koorlong Noongar Songs in Schools team and members of the Madjitil Moorna choir to sing songs from the Koorlong repertoire that the children have been learning all year. Thank you Kobi, Cez and Keira (and Sara, Kylie and Jemma) for firstly sharing songs via video so that we could connect with them and you during our COVID 19 closure and then for coming along this week in person. for some of the children it was like meeting movie stars!

02.01.2022 On this week! Coming along to Wednesday's Pre-Schoolers Park Party will be Old Macdonald's Travelling Farm WA East and some very special guests ! Also... joining in the fun will be Communicare Parenting and Families, Child and Parent Centres, Kidsafe WA, Roberta Jull Family Day Care service, Save the Children, My Integra, Wanslea, Forest Lakes / Thornlie Family Centre INC, Park Play and more! Activities at Friday's Kids' Mess Fest include bubbles, foam, mud, oobleck and slime! Bring along a picnic (and perhaps a spare change of clothes) for this one! See more

02.01.2022 Today is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day! This year's theme is "We are the Elders of tomorrow, hear our voice". Read more here:... #NATSIChildrensDay2020 #ChildrensDay2020 #EldersOfTomorrow #StrongInCulture

01.01.2022 I love this. All feelings are valid. It's how to express them constructively that is the challenge.

01.01.2022 Da Da!!! Here they are. Our 2 beautiful nesting boxes in the trees ready for some djakal ngakal (galah) babies. A big thank you to Landcare for the grant to help out with this project. We can't wait to see what happens next

01.01.2022 Today our children and their families got to spend some time with Paul from Akwaaba African Drumming, Art and Craft learning to play the drums and dance together. Thanks Paul for such an engaging experience. Nothing like music and the beat of the drum to bring a community together

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