Captured by Alison in Sydney, Australia | Photography and videography
Captured by Alison
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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25.01.2022 I've been a bit snowed under with my editing recently so I've fallen rather behind on my socials. Do you ever have those moments where you keep thinking of things to do and then get distracted by another task? That is me constantly! So I hope you enjoy this gorgeous smile as much as I did while editing!
24.01.2022 Just do the next right thing | Take a step, step again | It is all that I can do Disney, Frozen II This year has brought so much grief and stress to so many people and particularly in the last month and even just yesterday, there have been some unthinkably sad situations that people I love are going through. I just couldn’t post some upbeat quote because sometimes, it’s ok to not be ok and to just sit and grieve. As the Bible says, there is a time for everything. And when... you’re ready, you can take that first step and focus on each little step, rather than the whole journey. Bizarrely, these are lyrics from Frozen II that the character Anna sings. Not the sort of thing that I’d usually post but my girls have been singing the songs from the movie and it’s been in my head. It’s actually quite a good song if you have a moment to listen to it. And if you need a listening ear, I am here for you.
23.01.2022 The winds were strong during our session but this gorgeous family’s love for their little girl was even stronger! Some more special photos to come with her grandparents and dogs!
23.01.2022 Another gorgeous family from my mini session day. These two sisters were so sweet - such good buddies already! Just a quick note on my availability. If you would like to book a family session with me this year, I've only got a few in November and December left. So let me know quickly so we can get you booked in.
21.01.2022 I am so thankful for my returning clients and it was such a treat to capture this lovely family again, but this time as a family of four! We enjoyed a glorious sunset and lots of sweet and funny moments between these sisters. I think they will be good buddies as they grow up! What’s your favourite childhood memory of your sibling(s)? My brother and I loved playing forts in the cubby house or by making one out of pillows in the lounge room. Just a quick update on availability too I have availability for one November and one December session left for this year, so let me know if you’d like one of them.
19.01.2022 If you haven’t met me before, hello!! I’m Ali, the owner and photographer behind Captured by Alison. My gorgeous daughter (the same one who wanted me to put her generous offer on my website have you found it yet?) took this photo for me. Her class is talking about what they want to be when they grow up for news this week and she told me this morning that she is going to say she wants to be a photographer. Thank you so much for all the warm support about my new logo, I am excited to have something that truly captures my photography and what motivates me. If you’d like to know the story behind each logo I’ve had, have a read of the blog post I wrote link in my previous post. I love hearing random facts about people so thought it might be time to share a few more about myself! 1. There is strong disagreement in my household about the colour of my hair. I’ve always been blonde and I maintain it still looks that way, but my children are very insistent that it is brown (or purple if they can’t find a brown crayon because purple is the closest colour"). 2. Our family loves card games and board games. We are currently teaching the girls 500 because that was a favourite in both John’s and my families. 3. I am not talented at sewing. Seriously. I joined an adult ballet class (there’s a bonus random fact for you) and we moved on to pointe shoes a few weeks ago. That meant I needed to sew my elastics and ribbons onto each shoe. I tried my best but still made every mistake possible. I kept sewing the wrong ribbons on and eventually figured out I’d sewn the same ribbon to both shoes, thus sewing my shoes together! I even tried marking the shoes L and R so I could tell which was which and got that wrong. So you’ll be pleased to know I’ve decided not to sew my own masks and am purchasing some from people who actually know what they’re doing! So that’s a bit about me! How about you? Any game recommendations or other sewing disasters to make me feel better??
18.01.2022 Another dose of gorgeous sleeping baby for your Monday. When I chat to my families about the perfect location for their photos, sometimes it's a matter of talking through whether they prefer beaches or green spaces and I suggest my favourite places until we find the spot for them. Other times, like in this case, a couple will come to me with a place in mind - one that is special to them - and that makes for their perfect photo location.
18.01.2022 "If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be enthusiasm." - Bruce Barton Well there is no shortage of enthusiasm in our household! This morning they were most enthusiastically (and loudly) committed to playing dogs! It did make it slightly difficult for me to respond to a client email but I wouldn't have them any other way! And let's face it, they've clearly inherited our genes!
18.01.2022 "What colour is in a picture, enthusiasm is in life." - Vincent van Gogh I went to the van Gogh alive exhibit a week ago and it was fantastic! To be surrounded by his work (I thought I'd seen a lot of his paintings, but it turns out I'd only just scratched the surface) with quotes like this one from letters to his brother, was just remarkable. And as an overly enthusiastic person who loves colour, it felt like this quote was speaking right to me!! Have you been to the van Gogh alive exhibit? What stood out to you?
18.01.2022 Why is it that boys always end up with the most gorgeous eyelashes? It's true in my own family - both Mr Captured by Alison and my little guy have stunning eyelashes! Moving on from the eyelashes (maybe there's some repressed jealousy I need to deal with!), I just love the comfort and security that only a mummy can provide! Mothers, you are so important and so loved!
17.01.2022 I love seeing how couples look at each other when they have a quick moment away from the kids. Look at that love!
14.01.2022 Sometimes, you just need to sit on a waterfall with your favourite people and have a laugh! If you saw my stories a week or so ago, you may recognise this particular waterfall! I love checking out new locations. So what makes a good location? It can be a special place that your family loves visiting or it could be as simple as somewhere you went on a walk with a friend (like this one!). It all comes down to what you love and what you want to see in your images. If you love the beach, I've got some great ones! If you'd love an amazing vantage point for the setting sun, I have some favourite spots! If you love the bush or a garden setting, that's gorgeous too and we have lots of lovely options. Whatever is meaningful to you will make for some memorable images and it's something we will chat about prior to your session.
13.01.2022 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Jesus - Matthew 11:28 I’ve been thinking a lot about anxiety this week and my own attempts to not let myself be overburdened with it. The verse that originally sprang to my mind this morning that I considered posting was from Matthew 6 where Jesus asks if any of us can actually add a single hour to our lives by worrying, because that has certainly be echoing in my mind lately. Then I realised today is... R U OK day and while I needed that reality check this week, that is not where everyone is up to at the moment. I find amazing peace in my relationship with Jesus and my sure hope for the future and I pray you would find the same. But whatever you believe, please remember that it’s ok to admit that you aren’t ok. Remember that most of the time you are only seeing or hearing everyone’s highlight reels. And for those who this applies to, the concept of the incredible mother with a perfect work-home-life balance is false. She isn’t real. What is real is you, your good moments and your low moments. And you can share them all with me. Are you really ok?
13.01.2022 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 I don’t know who might need to hear this at the moment but this verse has been on my mind today. I hope it brings you comfort and peace.
12.01.2022 I've been so flat out with editing and had forgotten that I needed to post a quote before I could post a photo. Part of me was grumpy at myself for setting up such a needy Instagram layout and the other part was desperately trying to think of a good quote to post. But as with all my quotes, I never want to post something random just for the sake of posting a quote, I want to share relevant things that have been going through my mind with you. And this verse was what I kept co...ming back to. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:34 There is so much I could say about this but I’ll keep it brief. We’ve been looking at this verse and its surrounding chapters which make up the Sermon on the Mount at my church and it is a good reminder for me, someone who is prone to worrying and writing to-do lists which sometimes just serve to stress me out further, that my worrying isn’t actually achieving anything. In fact, a few verses before, Jesus asks who of us can add even a single hour to our lifespan by worrying. If anything, my worry is shortening my lifespan! So now as a bit of a joke between John (Mr Captured by Alison) and I, I’ve started writing my to-do lists under the title tomorrow’s troubles. It cracks me up each time. So if you’re finding yourself worrying about the Christmas to-do list, have a read of this. And if you’d like to know what the therefore is there for, read what comes before.
12.01.2022 This gorgeous family were first up on Saturday morning. Would you believe this little girl's mum and I have been friends since Year 1? It's true! How long is your oldest friendship?
12.01.2022 I love the brilliance of colour that jacarandas add to the tree line. And how happy is this little one to be aeroplaned by her daddy! What do jacarandas make you think of? There was a joke that went around after I finished uni that all uni students, particularly at USYD, felt anxious whenever the jacaranda trees started blooming because it meant exams were upon them, but I can't say I ever felt that (maybe that's because my uni didn't have a giant jacaranda tree staring at me in the main courtyard!) I think of warm afternoons as a child, pretending the jacaranda flowers were fairy's toothbrushes.
11.01.2022 Is there anything that says childhood more than a little person with a dandelion?
10.01.2022 Are you on Instagram? I'd love to connect with you there! @capturedbyalison I'm setting up my story highlights as a go-to place for all the extra bits of information that will make your whole photography experience a wonderful one! I've added some videos today showing the different types of paper you can have your keepsake images printed on and I'll be adding more which show the different frames available as well as the dresses in my client closet. If there's anything else yo...u're interested in, let me know! See you on Instagram!
10.01.2022 Furbabies like these gorgeous doggies are a special part of the family too! Just a quick note on availability. If you'd like a session this year, please do get in touch as I now only have availability for one weekend session in November and two in December. :)
08.01.2022 A beautiful testimonial from Claire. It has been such a treat to photograph her family each time. You can read the full review below. I have had three photoshoots with Captured by Alison now. The first one was with my daughter, who was one at the time, my daughter was shy and clung to me but Alison has a way with children and was able to get some beautiful photos. I was so impressed I went and arranged a family photo shoot a month later. Fast forward three years, I wanted an...other family photoshoot with my newborn in them and Alison, once again, was amazing with my daughter and helped us all feel at ease. My daughter liked Alison so much she asked when we would see her again. The photos we received were absolutely amazing and I was once again super impressed! I highly recommend Captured by Alison!! As I write this, I’m also listening to Gladys bringing back more restrictions so while none of us know exactly what the next few days or next year will bring, I really am thankful for the families that I have had the privilege and opportunity to photograph this year. Thank you to my wonderful families and supporters!
06.01.2022 It’s so special when grandparents can join in the photos. I treasure a photo I have of my Grandpa holding my hand as I took some of my first unsteady steps. Sadly, I never had the chance to meet my other grandfather. So it is such a joy for me to capture grandparents with their special little people. It’s a beautiful bond that is worth remembering.
06.01.2022 I’ll let you in on a little secret I don’t expect every image I take to turn out perfectly. Take this one for example. I was climbing over some rocks to take some closer ones of the family after that gorgeous waterfall shot when I looked up to see this little moment. I still had my telephoto lens on so I quickly took a shot but I thought it would probably be a throw away image as the angle was so much lower than I usually prefer. Nope, I was wrong. I’d probably prefer it from a higher angle but I love how she is just lost in thought, studying the flowers. That spontaneous, natural moment.
05.01.2022 I’m trying something new. I just love the enthusiastic and sometimes unsteady walk of a little person headed right for their Mummy or Daddy. It is such a joyful moment! So I wanted to try a gif to showcase the joy! Let me know what you think!
04.01.2022 Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby? I have such happy memories of my babies sleeping on me. Sure, there were painfully aching arms and shoulders and that endless to-do list going around my head, but once I learned to go with the flow, it became my favourite part of the day. The gorgeous mummy in the photo was actually my very first visitor to the boarding house when we were in Year 7. She hasn't been able to get rid of me since!
03.01.2022 One of my favourite things about a sunset session is watching how the sky changes throughout the evening. You never know exactly how it will look! And here’s a little bit of trivia for you as I do sometimes get asked this. Each gallery takes me approximately 10 hours to complete after the session. It is a lot but it is worth it! I like to take the time to carefully consider and select each image for the gallery, so I make sure you see all the gorgeous moments from your session. And then I hand edit each of those images in two programs until it looks exactly as I want. A lot of love and care goes into each gallery!
03.01.2022 You all know how much I love my sunset sessions, but there is something particularly stunning about the morning light sparkling off drops of dew in the leaves and grass! What a glorious morning we had!
03.01.2022 This year has turned us a bit upside down but I'm certainly feeling the excitement of today being the last day of school! Anyone else looking forward to a break from the homework and school lunches? I've just got one session left and then I will be taking a break in January to spend time with my buddies. So I am around now if you'd like to purchase a gift certificate for Christmas and then I will be check emails every now and then if you'd like to book your family session in for 2021 (sessions are available from April). So in other words, please chat to me now as I can't guarantee how often I will check my emails in January!
03.01.2022 I am very excited to share my new look with you all! I've been working with the lovely Jess from @bower.edit (instagram only) to create this beauty! I've written a blog post to celebrate the old and showcase the new if you'd like to hear the story behind each logo. As an extra little bonus, my gorgeous and kind-hearted daughter (you may remember her Year 1 persuasive text I posted a couple of weeks ago) also has an offer for... you hidden somewhere on my website, so definitely see if you can spot that! So enjoy and let me know what you think of it!
02.01.2022 Saturday was my mini session morning amongst the flowers and it was lovely! This sweet family is getting ready to welcome their little one any day now! More photos from other sessions will come throughout the week.
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