DP Carpentry & Maintenance | Carpenter
DP Carpentry & Maintenance
Phone: +61 405 642 665
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25.01.2022 It's been a long week! #longweek #workhard #carpenterforlife #lifeofacarpenter #wouldntchangeathing #lovemywork #woodforlife #busyweek #busyweekahead #lovewhatido #bookingupfast #bookyourappointmenttoday #freequotes #skeletonart #woodcarvings #amazingwork #skills
25.01.2022 Some before and afters of one of our skirting jobs on a 2 storey home. All skirting pre painted by us before installation #skirting #skirtingboards #prepainted #beforeandafter #2storey #carpenterperthwa #dpcarpentryandmaintenance #skilledtrade #perthtradesman #skirtingboard #professionalfinish
24.01.2022 Another happy customer. Thanks Dean #happycustomer #recommendation #recommended #fixedtheproblem #skilledworker #highlyrecomended #icanfixthat #wecanhelpyou #bookingupfast #getinquick #xmasisnear #carpenter4life #carpentryaustralia #customcarpentry #finecarpentry
23.01.2022 Some inside shots of the sun tunnel. Makes such a difference to dark spaces #suntunnel #suntunnels #darkspace #darkspaces #brighten #naturallight #cheaperthanyouthink #perthwa #perthtrades #maintenanceman #maintenanceneeded #sunlight #rooflight #rooflights #skilledcarpenter #experienced #qualitywork
23.01.2022 Wood is life! #woodislife #lovewood #woodlove #lovecarpentry #carpentrylove #lovemyjob #carpenter4life #carpenteratheart #newday #freshweek #perthwa
22.01.2022 This customer wanted a custom made wine rack. I think you'll agree this is a wine lovers dream! #winerack #custommade #custommadecase #winedisplay #winetime #wine #redwine #whitewine #champagne #carpentrylove #woodworkerforlife #woodworkercommunity #woodworkerlife #displaycabinet #wineloversdream #winelovers #winelover
21.01.2022 This table is something else! Inspired by Salvador Dali. Just amazing! Picture taken from https://www.popularmechanics.com//12-amazing-diy-furnitur/ #tableart #amazingwoodwork #salvadordali #inspired #justamazing #somethingelse #artofinstagram #artoftheday #inspiredwoodworking #verytalented #loveofwood #loveofart #finecarpentry #carpentrydesign #carpenteratheart #unbelievable
19.01.2022 Another way to add natural light to a dark area in your house is to install a sun tunnel #suntunnel #suntunnels #naturallight #brighten #skylight #skylights #maintenanceman #propertymaintenance #maintenancematters #expertinthefield #handyman #handymanservices #skilledcarpenter #perthtradesman #perthtrades #dpcarpentry
18.01.2022 Custom made shelf unit. The customer wanted this to fit between 2 walls. We are very happy with the outcome #custommade #customcarpentry #shelfunit #shelving #shelvingunits #madetomeasure #madetofit #happyoutcome #anotherhappycustomer #happycustomer #carpentrylove #carpentrylife #woodworkersofinstagram #woodworker #woodwork_feature #perthcarpenter #perthtradesman
16.01.2022 We have fixed many damaged aluminum frames over the years, and are yet to find one we can't repair! Here we have some before and afters of what we can do #fixedtheproblem #repaired #aluminumframe #windowframe #beforeandafters #fixed #aluminumwindows #carpenterperthwa #dpcarpentryandmaintenance #traditionalcarpentry #professionalfinish #highlyskilled #carpenterperth #maintenanceperth
16.01.2022 Happy Halloween from us to you #happyhalloween #halloween #halloween2019 #halloween2019 #halloweenfamily #scary #spooky #trickortreat #trickortreat #lollies #candy #familyfun #dressupfun #boo
15.01.2022 This client had a modern home but wanted a colonial take on it #colonialhouse #colonialhomes #colonialstyle #colonialhome #colonial #moderndesign #modernhome #modernhomes #eyefordetail #attentiontodetail #perthcarpenter #carpenter #carpenterlife #lovewhatwedo #spoton #perthwa #perthsor
15.01.2022 Now that's rustic! Photo taken from Pinterest. #rusticdecor #rusticwood #rustic #rustictable #rustictables #rusticwoodworking #rusticwoodwork #rusticwooddecor #rustichomedecor #woodentable #coffeetable
15.01.2022 Here we needed to reduce the overhead cupboard to accommodate the customers new fridge. We then added another pantry to the left hand side to balance it. And we were able to make sure everything matched perfectly #overheadstorage #madetofit #madetomeasure #pantry #perfectlymatched #woodwork #wooden #wooddesigns #woodworking #woodworkfeature #timber #craftsman #woodworkingtools #woodworkingplans #woodcut #popularwoodworking #woodworkingtips #woodworker #carpentertools #carpentrywork #customcarpentry
15.01.2022 Looking for a particular skirting? Or would you like your own unique one off design? We can accommodate any style you are after. In any colours, size and style. Contact us for a free quote today #skirting #skirtingboard #skirtingboards #unique #accommodate #anystyle #freequote #skilledcraftsman #craftsmanstyle #eyefordetail #highendwork #25yearsandcounting #passionforwood #woodisart #lovewhatwedo #happycustomers #highlyrecomended #perthwa #perthwoodwork
15.01.2022 Staircase envy Photo taken from http://materialicious.com/2012/03/19-amazing-staircases.html #staircase #stairs #staircases #staircasedesign #staircaseenvy #stunningdesign #inspired #seamless #seamlessdesign #woodwork #woodworkcraft
14.01.2022 Now that's a clock! Image taken from https://www.designboom.com//alex-chinneck-ties-antique-cl/ #woodart #woodwork #finewoodworking #wooddesign #woodworker #woodgrain #woodturning #woodporn #woodshop #woodcraft #woodworkingwoman #woodworkersofinstagram #woodenfurniture #woodstove #woodwork_feature #woodwork_design #palletwood #woodwood #woodworkinglove #woodworkingproject #woodlovers #woodlover #woodartist #woodworkers #finewoodworking #woodworkerlife #woodworkingtool #woodworkingprojects #grandfatherclock
13.01.2022 Before and after pics of some overhead cupboards we installed either side of the rangehood which we finished off with some cornice for that clean finished look. On the left you will also see an appliance cupboard which is hidden away nicely with a roller door #beforeandafter #overheadcupboards #kitchencupboards #rangehood #cornice #finishedlook #cleanfinish #appliancecupboard #hiddenstorage #rollerdoor #kitchen #happycustomer #happytradesman
13.01.2022 Need a work area in your garage or shed? The client really wanted a garage work station and this is was what we designed for their particular needs. The overhead cupboards have adjustable shelves and the base cupboards were made with solid divisions right to the concrete slab to maximize the benchtop being solid when hammering on it. The benchtop was a 32mm solid practical board with a 50mm jarah edging on the front, we also screwed another 18mm MDF board on top so the top ca...n always easily be replaced when it starts to look beaten. We then intergrated a metal tool cabinet he already had and put a heavy duty shelf next to it with the 50mm jarah edging. Finally we added a peg board in between the cupboards #workstation #workarea #garagestorage #shedstorage #overheadstorage #overheadcupboards #adjustableshelves #solid #benchtop #jarrah #edging #toolcabinet #heavydutyshelving #heavyduty #pegboard #dpcarpentryandmaintenance #carpenterperthwa
11.01.2022 This customer requested a raised platform in their theatre room with LED strip lights along the bottom. The picture doesn't do this one justice! #raisedplatform #theatreroom #ledstriplights #woodart #woodwork #finewoodworking #wooddesign #woodworker #woodshop #woodcraft #woodworkersofinstagram #woodenfurniture #woodstove #woodwork_feature #woodwork_design #palletwood #woodwood #woodworkinglove #woodworkingproject #woodlovers #woodlover #woodartist #woodworkers #finewoodworking #woodworkerlife #woodworkingtool #woodworkingprojects
10.01.2022 Here we have some more hidden drawers for your kitchen! Perfect for keeping sharp objects away from little fingers
10.01.2022 Wish you had more natural light in those dark corners of your house? A skylight is such an affordable way to add natural light. Here we installed a 600mm skylight in the same colour as the roof, and made the opening above the kitchen so the customer had more light to work under #naturallight #skylight #kitchenskylight #kitchenlight #affordablelighting #morelight #skylights #kitchen #affordable #easyinstallation #colourmatched #dpcarpentryandmaintenance #carpenterperthwa
09.01.2022 Came across this page on Instagram, love this idea. Imagine what you could do with all those off cuts of wood! Image taken from http://RichWoodArtStudio.etsy.com/ #artofinstagram #woodart #woodartist #creativewood #boldcolors #offcuts #lovethisidea #inspirational #woodarts #reclaimedwoodart
09.01.2022 Have too many pairs of shoes? (Me! ) Know someone who does? Then check out these before and afters. We turned the space under the stairs into a shoe lovers heaven! There is enough room here for over 100 pairs We can turn any space, any size into a useful storage solution ... #shoes #shoelover #shoehoarder #shoeaddict #addictedtoshoes #shoestorage #beforeandafters #underthestairs #storagesolutions #storageideas #storage #shoeshelf #shoelovers #shoelove #storagegoals #dpcarpentryandmaintenance #carpenterperthwa
09.01.2022 Concrete staircase before and after shots. Strings were created so the finished floor coverings had a natural professional finish.
08.01.2022 Need work done before xmas? Book now to avoid disappointment as we are booking up fast! #booknow #booknow #bookforxmas #avoiddisappointment #bookingupfast #keepcalm #nearlyfullybooked #almostbooked #fillingupfast #calltoday #enquiretoday #contactformoredetails #perthcarpenter #perthcarpentry #skilledtradesman #carpenteratwork #carpenteratheart
07.01.2022 Thinking of giving you robe a makeover? Need more space to store everything? Then let us help you out. We can custom fit any size robe to maximise it's space to its full potential. Drawers, shelving, cupboards, clothes rails ...... you name it, we can fit it! #robe #robes #wardrobe #fittedwardrobes #morespace #storagesolutions #customfit #maximisespace #fullpotential #drawers #slidingdoor #clothingrack #shelving #cupboards #younameit #wecanfitit
06.01.2022 Looking at getting side access to your house? Here we have installed a quality hand made gate with horizontal slats (can also offer vertical or diagonal slats). These are made from fully welded powder coated aluminium. We also supplied and installed a double sided lock for extra security #sideaccess #sidegate #horizontalgate #slats #aluminiumgate #fullywelded #powdercoated #powdercoatedaluminium #aluminium #suppliedandinstalled #doublesided #lock #security #dpcarpentryandmaintenance #carpenterperthwa
06.01.2022 R U OK? #ruokday #ruok #ruok2019 #ruokday2019 #askthequestion #maketime #listen #checkonfriends #seriousproblem #dontbeafraid #depressionisreal
05.01.2022 Contact us for a free quote today. These spots won't last! #freequotes #free #quotes #noobligation #loveourjob #carpenter4life #carpentrylife #loveofwood #doingwhatwelove #alwayscreating #highstandards #callustoday #perthtrade
05.01.2022 Absolutely amazing! Taken from http://creativecarpentryco.com/gallery.html #woodart #woodwork #finewoodworking #wooddesign #woodworker #woodgrain #woodturning #woodporn #woodshop #woodcraft #woodworkingwoman #woodworkersofinstagram #woodenfurniture #woodstove #woodwork_feature #woodwork_design #palletwood #woodwood #woodworkinglove #woodworkingproject #woodlovers #woodlover #woodartist #woodworkers #finewoodworking #woodworkerlife #woodworkingtool #woodworkingprojects
04.01.2022 Looking for more space in your house? Thought about using your attic? We can install attic storage to even the hardest of roof structures. We offer very affordable prices which include the installation of an attic ladder. #morestorage #morespace #atticstorage #atticladder #atticrenovation #affordableprices #veryaffordable #storagesolutions #perthtradesman #perthtradie #perthcarpenter
04.01.2022 Cubby renovation. We lined the inside with fibre cement sheets and added architrave and skirting. We then added a moisture barrier and installed weather board cladding. Final touch will be a fresh coat of paint to finish it off. #cubby #cubbyreno #renovation #renovationproject #renovations #fibrecement #architrave #skirting #moisturebarrier #weatherboard #cladding #freshcoatofpaint #perthcarpentry #carpentryskills #carpentersofinstagram #reliabletradesmen #attentiontodetail #skilled
04.01.2022 We can literally squeeze an access ladder to your attic anywhere. Here we have put one in the linen cupboard! If you are thinking about getting attic storage give us a call and we can arrange a free quote #atticstorage #attic #floor #storage #linencupboard #access #ladder #cupboard #linen #linencloset #atticladder #extrastorage #extraspace #freequotes #competitiveprices #carpentry #carpenteratwork
02.01.2022 Before and afters! This client needed more space to store pots and pans, wanted a larger oven and still have room for their microwave. We adapted the opening to make room for the larger oven and drawer, and made sure that the oven sat flush. We used a black crystal gloss which gives the whole unit a really stylish finish #morespace #morestorage #oven #microwave #potsandpans #kitchenstorage #blackcrystal #crystalgloss #stylishlook #beforeandafter #carpenterperthwa #dpcarpentryandmaintenance #revamp #homerenovations #refreshyourhome
02.01.2022 This client started out wanting a bench for their microwave. After going through some suggestions we decided on making the most out of the space. Ideally they wanted the microwave out of sight so we designed a deep cupboard with a roller door front. We included 4 pot drawers with upgraded 70kg runners, and finished it off with a display cupboard with glass inserts in the doors #kitchenbench #microwave #hiddenstorage #hiddenmicrowave #outofsight #deepcupboards #rollerdoor #rollerdoorfront #potdrawers #potstorage #upgraded #runners #displaycupboard #displayunit #displaycabinet #glassdoors #dpcarpentryandmaintenance #carpenterperthwa
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