Casey Jane Creations | Graphic designer
Casey Jane Creations
Phone: +61 459 244 550
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25.01.2022 We are Hiring! - This position can be tailored around your skill set.
23.01.2022 Eeeek! I’m so excited to be working alongside the Palace Hotel and getting their online ordering system up and running! So much love for the Palace since getting my first waitressing gig there back in 2018 and blessed to see some familiar faces again. I can’t wait for this to go live on Monday so I can order me some damn good food!
22.01.2022 Mornings like these... redefine what it means to wake up early Up at 3am today to film the day in the life of our city’s street crew Capturing what an amazing job the team does so the rest of the world wakes up to a clean and safe town ... Thanks @jesica.mckenzie for these amazing opportunities
22.01.2022 11 years playing and a lifetime of spending my weekends down at the hockey stadium, I couldn’t recommend a more family-friendly sporting organisation than the Eastern Goldfields Hockey Association. Today I play alongside my amazing CBC A1 Women team in the grand final and despite a bumpy year of injuries and recovering, I’m so grateful I get to spend this time with my second family
22.01.2022 What an exciting gig to take on last minute! I got a little tongue-tied when he walked past and said hi... I was a blubbering mess of a fan-girl but oh well Now I get to say I met the Premiere!
21.01.2022 Working 9-to-5 Mmmmm nah not for me. I often hear about the importance of setting strict working hours so that I stay on track and make sure I have time for my personal life.... That it’s best to lock myself in my home office from 9am through to 5pm so that I can really hammer out my work and get shit done, and fit all my personal errands into the few hours I get in the afternoon before I go to bed. But if I’m honest, that’s not why I chose this lifestyle. I didn’t choose to run a business so that I could work 9-5, if I wanted to work during those hours and those hours only then I would have saved myself all the troubles that come with running a business and go work for someone else. Being my own boss gives me so much freedom to work when I want to. I get to go out for lunch dates and spend the day doing personal errands, then sit down at the computer late at night when my inspiration is at it’s peak and work wonders - or completely vice versa. It’s taken a while to truely appreciate this flexibility and to not see it as something I should feel guilty about. It’s working for me and that’s all that matters and if 9-5 works for you, then that’s all that matters too. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
21.01.2022 The feels are real
20.01.2022 Gosh this was a crack up to be a part of! Gotta love the fun had at Goldfields Physio
17.01.2022 Got to love working alongside such a truely amazing boss babe Thanks Jes for the creative space you provide me to drop bangers like these
17.01.2022 Working events with photo walls means new profile pic
17.01.2022 #choosetochallenge Happy International Women’s Day to my amazing babes out there So grateful to be surrounded by such strongly driven women who motivate and remind me daily to keep chasing my dreams ... Special thanks to my squad here for everything we’ve been able to achieve this last year - having your support means the world to me Here’s to many more years of building our fempire
16.01.2022 The only way to do great work is to love what you do. And I sure loved filming this event! A massive thanks to Jesica Mckenzie and director of Manski & Schi, Sammy Schimanski, for having me at this amazing event and for letting my creative brief be "Do what you do best" ... Being around so many amazing women and watching them radiate with confidience as they strutted their stuff on the runway really gave me a little nudge to consider it for next near I know I'll be back regardless!
13.01.2022 Meant to do this on my business page but whoops Getting over those live video anxieties
12.01.2022 Sweet Jesus.... Day 4/7 is DONE For those who aren’t following along with my stories - I’m currently completing the Cape to Cape hike, a 135km stretch along the South West coastline.... And boy is it a tough one. On day two I injured my knee and with the help of a brace and some strong pain meds I have been able to push through. Today however has been the worst and I was struggling to walk before we even left our accomodation. And to top it off, when we arrived at our starting point, there was a stranger there who made the comment that I shouldn’t do the hike because of my knee. Well you know what lady? I didn’t come all this way to quit now. I didn’t mentally prep for this hike for the last 8 months. I didn’t sprain my hip 6 weeks out and sit around doing nothing- no I got up and went to the gym and did whatever strength building exercises I could do so that I could recover from my sprain. Not one single cell in my body has contemplated not continuing this hike. So, lady, thanks for your opinion that I should give up. But I ain’t taking it #notaquitter
10.01.2022 To all my female babes out there in business- whether you’re totally killing it or are even just starting out - I freaking love you! Keep on slaying those goals! Keep on pushing past the limits people try to place on you, simply because you’re a woman.... Keep on challenging those expectations and doing what sets your soul alight - never dim down for ANYONE! And to all the men standing by her side and supporting her every step of the way as she makes her mark on this world - keep being the good eggs and never stop choosing to do better. Here’s to the women in this world and the men who support them
09.01.2022 I have never truly appreciated the whole manifest your reality until just now. Throughout my whole business career, whilst things have been tough at times, a lot of my opportunities and experiences have seemed to have just ‘fallen into my lap’. But when I think back to the day or two before all of those great ‘coincidences’ happening, I’ve noticed the amount of vibrations I sent out into the universe are, well pun intended, out of this world.... Whenever I found myself lacking work and desperate for something new, it suddenly manifested into a new client randomly calling me with a work opportunity just days later. And this has managed to happen every. single. time. without fail. Now I’m no one for woowoo stuff but a few weeks ago I recognised a pitfall in my business and quite frankly was too scared to address the issue. After weeks of shoving it to the back of my mind, it came up today in conversation that I really needed to face it head-on. As nervous as I was to finally be facing it, I knew I had the courage and the confidence to do so. But before I could even finish mapping out my plan of attack, I get a random phone call and sure enough, it’s the solution handed to me on a silver platter. It’s really solidified that whilst yes, I work effin hard for the results I get, a little manifestation never harmed anyone
09.01.2022 I tend to catch myself doubting my abilities to handle what gets thrown at me, but thinking back to how far I’ve come and what I have been able to achieve, I know that I can tackle anything
09.01.2022 Enthusiasm is common, endurance is rare. Pushing through today’s 20km stretch, this constantly went through my head as I was desperate to block out the aches and pains. I’ve always been one for endurance.... I hated sprints at school carnivals, give me a long distance run any day. And when it came to working towards anything good in life (yeah I’m looking at you my business), being in for the long run was more important than the quick fix. So today, though I was struggling like a crippled broken crumbling mess, I’m in for the long run. There’s no backing out of this one (unless it’s on a stretcher ) how this relates to this adorable af duckling I saw I don’t know but damn this hit the sweet spot on our walk
07.01.2022 Teaching the world through adorableness? Yes please!
07.01.2022 Find me where the wild things are What a surreal feeling it is to take a moment in nature and truely listen to the music our beautiful world makes. Growing up in the bush has allowed me to develop a deep passion for being in nature and surrounding myself with natural wonders.... Tomorrow I get to take my love for nature to the next level and embark on my first ever official hike! I’m going on a 7 day journey that will take me, my mum and a handful of other amazing women along the Cape to Cape hiking trail, a 135km strip of heaven along the South West coast line. I can’t wait for the sights I’m going to see, and though I might not be physically ready (or have all of the gear I need), I know the views are going to outweigh any struggles I face. Also... I see another personal project in the making
06.01.2022 I’m so blessed to be working alongside such amazing women! I can’t wait for this to go live!
05.01.2022 What a weekend away it was with a bunch of amazing boss babes to share it with. If you missed my numerous stories, this weekend I went away with a group of 7 other women in business to Perth go on wine tours, have slumber parties and hike waterfalls I also got to spend the time learning about everyone’s backstory and what has driven them to take control of their life and build a business for themselves.... It was so powerful and motivating to hear everyone’s stories and helped me realise just how far I have come in the last 5 months since moving back to Kal. Despite this little adventure being a big fuck you to my social anxiety, having the opportunity to finally surround myself with a group of babes killing it in the business world gave me strength to keep working towards my goals and whilst keeping and eye on the bigger picture, making sure to take every day as it comes. So cheers to being a part of this amazing group of babes and achieving our goals both in business and in life (So we managed to forget to get a group photo of everyone together so I drew a solution )
05.01.2022 So I did a live and then Instagram decided to crash... post it is What a journey I got to experience last week when I did the 135km Cape to Cape hike along with my Mum and 10 other amazing women. It was pretty surreal when I kept getting messages from friends and family saying they were so proud of me and that they were so invested in watching my stories and following along. ... Here I was thinking I was just doing this hike as something different to do... Now I’ve had people tell me they’re inspired to do it! And to have someone say those words... You inspire me It’s just a whole new level of accomplishment. When someone says that I inspire them, that inspires ME. So - to keep this loop of inspiration going, I want to open up the doors to my next fitness adventure and share it with y’all. I’ve signed up to take part in my first Tri! (Mini Tri but a Tri none the less) So over the next 4 weeks (JESUS WHY IS IT SO SOON) Ima train my best and hopefully inspire someone to take on such a challenge with me
03.01.2022 Not all hustle is loud. Sometimes hustle is quiet. Just you alone at the grind.... Not talking about how badass you are. Letting your work speak for you. (Headphone warning: it’s about to get LOUD)
03.01.2022 Say YES to more opportunities As I’ve been piecing together my vision board over the last couple of days, I kept coming back to an image that reminds me to hesitate less and just go for more things in life that bring me excitement. Today, I had that exact opportunity come up - an opportunity to say heck yeah! despite the urge to hesitate on the moment.... And five hours later I’m on a plane to go film for a new client. I honestly probably would have hesitated just long enough for the opportunity to pass if I hadn’t been constantly walking past my vision board for the last few days, getting that frequent reminder that I’m willing to go all out to achieve what I want in life. So here’s to saying Screw it, let’s do it and not hesitating when the opportunity to live our best life gets presented to us.
03.01.2022 The last few weeks (more like months) have just been a non-stop race to keep up with everything going on in my business. I’m so grateful for all of the work I’m being blessed with but I also know the importance of taking time out for myself. When I heard Drapht we’re coming to Kal to play a show at the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club Inc I quickly snatched up the chance for a night out, despite only hearing about it 3 days before the event ... But the joys of working my own hours? No hesitation in saying yes to a Wednesday night concert
02.01.2022 It’s LIVE! Get your Hoovers Cafe or Palace Balcony Restaurant fix- you can order without leaving their Facebook page! Within minutes of launching it we had orders coming through! So grateful for the opportunity to work alongside The Palace Hotel and set up their online ordering system. If your restaurant or cafe needs something similar, let me know and we can have it set up pronto!
02.01.2022 So excited to be bringing to the world the story behind the Smile
02.01.2022 This project was just too fun to not share I’ve only done a couple of projects with F45 Training Kalgoorlie so far but it’s been such a great experience being in their gym and being surrounded by the energy they harbour there. It was a pleasure to go along and capture their third birthday celebrations the other week ... Happy birthday guys! Here’s to another year of amazing things
02.01.2022 It’s a good day to have a good day Got bulldozed by a cold at the start of the week which threw me off course a little but managed to get back on track eventually Yesterday whilst at the gym I got the notification that Jesica Mckenzie and Ellenore Stokes had gone live for the first time on their new Facebook group Help A Business Out ... Only having launched a few days ago, it was amazing to see over 100 members having already joined the group and after how insightful the first live was, I can only imagine how much that number will grow! What an epic bucketload of information they shared and advice they had to offer in regards to marketing and branding for businesses. I’m genuinely so grateful for this space they have created for the business community and can’t recommend it enough! If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or employee in charge of marketing, I highly recommend joining this group and surrounding yourself with everyone involved in it. I can’t wait to watch this space expand and grow into something truely amazing (not that it already isn’t ) JOIN NOW! PS: thanks ladies for entertaining me with your live whilst on the bike at the gym... lost track of time and spent the whole live riding and now my legs don’t like me this morning
01.01.2022 What an amazing FREE service to be offering Goldfields businesses! If you need help setting up an online presence for your business, give the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc a call today and register your interest! From websites, social media, online ordering systems, branding, and Google and SEO setup, the KBCCI can get your local business online pronto!
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