Christine Berry Coaching in Suffolk Park | Business service
Christine Berry Coaching
Locality: Suffolk Park
Address: PO Box 240 2481 Suffolk Park, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 I'm very excited to announce that I have written another book! This topic is particularly dear to my heart and has been a culmination of many hours of research but more importantly, the practice of the mindfulness myself. For me learning how to be more mindful in my life has been a game changer, particularly for stress management but also for the quality of my relationships and depth of connection with others. It's become a way of life now and brought so much more clarity and... fulfilment to my daily experience of life.. particularly since I am such a busy person. If you would like a copy at a very low cost, it's online now for a short time at this price. If you have the time and inclination to leave a review, I'd really love to hear your thoughts. There will also be downloadable meditation tracks available as supplemental to the book within the next couple of weeks.
24.01.2022 I was very excited to be asked to join my spiritual mentor Barry for a session on life visionaries on Facebook live today. I trust you will find some of my insights here helpful.
23.01.2022 While my lovely new website is being created, I thought I'd share the process I take my clients through: 1. Values elicitation exercise: What do you care about most? 2. Mindset for success session: Who do you need to be and what do you need to action to have the business you desire? 3. Goals and planning: How to get clear on your vision?... 4. Choosing your options: What are my business options? 5. Business plan for the new business: How do I move forward? 6. Researching your ideas: Who wants this product? 7. How to implement your new business including the tech, hiring help: Who can help you with your new venture? 8. Taking it to the next level: Bringing it all together for the long term I deeply enjoy helping my clients uncover the parts of the puzzle that help align them with their new venture, where they might be sabotaging their efforts, what is standing in the way of success, and then working out the right business model from there. I have seen so many people come in to do online ventures and been burnt out or unsuccessful and 90% of the time, they chose the wrong business model for them, they felt overwhelmed by the complexity, thought "if they can do it, so can I".. except the playing field is not the same and the mindset isn't either. It's important to work on ourselves before we choose to jump into an online business, if we do that we can feel a strong synergy, be moved by our message, values proposition and products, ultimately feeling lit up by the work we do, bringing passion and excitement into the venture. This shows to your clients and customers, your message is on point with your people and and it feels in alignment with who you are. If you are driven by a desire to know yourself and what you can offer the world, please get in contact. Conscious business is the thing that lights me up and I can't wait to share that with you. Christine
21.01.2022 We Are All Connected Being aware of the connection between all things can help you in terms of the broader effect you may be creating. There are times when we may feel disconnected from the world. Our actions can seem like they are of no major consequence, and we may feel like we exist in our own vacuum. Yet, the truth is that our simplest thought or action -- the decisions we make each day, and how we see and relate to the world -- can be incredibly significant and have a pr...ofound impact on the lives of those around us, as well as the world at large. The earth and everything on it is bound by an invisible connection between people, animals, plants, the air, the water, and the soil. Insignificant actions on your part, whether positive or negative, can have an impact on people and the environment that seem entirely separate from your personal realm of existence. Staying conscious of the interconnection between all things can help you think of your choices and your life in terms of the broader effect you may be creating. Think of buying a wooden stool. The wood was once part of a tree which is part of a forest. A person was paid to fell the tree, another to cut the wood, and yet another to build the stool. Their income may have had a positive effect on their families, just as the loss of the tree may have had a negative impact on the forest or the animals that made that tree their home. An encouraging word to a young child about their special talent can influence this person to develop their gift so that one day their inventions can change the lives of millions. A poem written "merely" to express oneself can make a stranger reading it online from thousands of miles away feel less alone because there is someone else out there who feels exactly the way they do. Staying conscious of your connection to all things can help you think of your choices in terms of their impact. We are powerful enough that what we do and say can reverberate through the lives of people we may never meet. Understanding that you are intimately connected with all things and understanding your power to affect our world can be the first step on the road to living more consciously. Further to this I invite you to think of your business as interconnected and can be yet another way to live a conscious life. **from Daily Om
19.01.2022 This was inspiring for the first day I got up and took a run on the beach ... in a month...
18.01.2022 The true purpose of a goal isn’t to hit the goal. The true purpose it so develop yourself into the type of person who can achieve your goals, regardless of whether you hit that particular one or not it is who you become by giving it everything you have until the last moment- regardless of your results- that matters most. Quote by Dan Casetta, written in The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs by Hal Elrod and Cameron Herold.
15.01.2022 I know this has been one of my greatest challenges as a parent and Madisyn has put how I feel about this very succinctly. I wonder if you can relate? Practicing Non-Attachment as a Parent BY MADISYN TAYLOR... One of the hardest things to do as a parent is to allow our children to be who they want to be. Parenting asks us to rise to some of the most difficult challenges this world has to offer, and one of its greatest paradoxes arises around the issue of attachment. On the one hand, successful parenting requires that we love our children, and most of us love in a very attached way. On the other hand, it also requires that we let go of our children at the appropriate times, which means we must practice some level of non-attachment. Many parents find this difficult because we love our children fiercely, more than we will ever love anyone, and this can cause us to overstep our bounds with them as their independence grows. Yet truly loving them requires that we set them free. Attachment to outcome is perhaps the greatest obstacle on the parenting path, and the one that teaches us the most about the importance of practicing non-attachment. We commonly perceive our children to be extensions of ourselves, imagining that we know what's best for them, but our children are people in their own right with their own paths to follow in this world. They may be called to move in directions we fear, don't respect, or don't understand, yet we must let them go. This letting go happens gradually throughout our lives with our children until we finally honor them as fully grown adults who no longer require our guidance. At this point, it is important that we treat them as peers who may or may not seek our input into their lives. This allows them, and us, to fully realize the greatest gift parents can offer their offspring--independence. Letting go in any area of life requires a deep trust in the universe, in the overall meaning and purpose of existence. Remembering that there is more to us and our children than meets the eye can help us practice non-attachment, even when we feel overwhelmed by concern and the desire to interfere. We are all souls making our way in the world and making our way, ultimately, back to the same source. This can be our mantra as we let our children go in peace and confidence.
09.01.2022 When you are angry at your partner, what is your most likely response? Do you: Tell him or her immediately how you feel, no matter where you are and what you are doing... Or do you push aside the feeling and hope that it passes? Be honest now....Continue reading
08.01.2022 From Ellen Watson: The only bird that will peck at a Eagle is the crow. He sits on his back and bites his neck. The eagle does not respond or fight with the cro...w it doesn't waste time or energy on the crow It simply opens its wings and begins to rise higher in the sky .The higher the flight the harder it is for the crow to breathe and then the crow falls due to lack of oxygen. Stop wasting your time with the crows. Just take them to your heights and they'll fade. Vibrate higher and higher and all the crows of your old beliefs will fall away . Remember we suffer because the way we are thinking . Supra conscious means beyond of everything we think . Like the Eagle , we won’t bother anymore for small dark thoughts . Just ignore them . Have a great Day. See more
08.01.2022 Here’s to us mummas hope you’re having a wonderful day
07.01.2022 Loved this article: Putting Our Tools to Use We have all built up a toolbox of unique tools to help us navigate life, we just need to use them.... Every craftsperson has a toolbox full of tools and a number of techniques to help them bring inspiration into form. In the same way, throughout our lives, we have discovered our own life tools and techniques--the ways and means that have helped us create our lives up to this point. Sometimes we forget about the tools and skills we've acquired, and we wonder why we aren't moving forward. At times like these, it might just be a matter of remembering what we already know, and rediscovering the tools we already have at our disposal. In the process of becoming who we are and creating our lives, we have all gone through the experience of being inspired to do something and then finding the tools we needed to do it. If we look back, we may be able to remember that we used, for example, the tool of writing every day in order to clarify our intentions. We may also have used the tools of ritual, meditation, or visualization to make something happen. In addition, we may have been fueled by a new idea about how the universe works, which is what gave us the inspiration to use these tools. In order for ideas to be powerful, they must be imbued with the energy of our engagement with them, and in order for tools to be effective they must be put to use. This sounds obvious, but often we fall into the habit of thinking we are engaging with ideas and using tools by virtue of the fact that we are reading about them, or listening to other people talk about them. In truth, using our tools is a very personal action, one we must take on behalf of ourselves. Like artists, we are each unique and no two of us will receive the same inspiration, nor will we bring it into form in the same two ways. To discover the truth of our own vision, we must take action by remembering our tools and putting them to use. BY MADISYN TAYLOR
07.01.2022 I received this in an email today and it perfectly captures the issues we face as start up entrepreneurs. I know it's been from removing what's stopping me unconsciously from succeeding thats's brought about even more success. Let's see what's blocking you and get it cleared and out of the way. In my coaching practice I use NLP and muscle testing to get to the root cause of our blocks and clear them out! Sneaky Ways You Sabotage Yourself... It's easy to get excited about starting a project, passionate about the idea of trying something new, or enthusiastic about working towards a goal. But, it is also common to inexplicably get off track or lose motivation in those pursuits, especially when it comes to things that may be more transformative or impactful to us. In those moments, it's important to remember that you don't need to be perfect in order to achieve anything, but it is necessary for you to be open and believe in yourself to truly go after them. The single most powerful thing you can do for yourself and your future endeavors, is to become aware of how your core beliefs and thought patterns may be holding you back. When we understand how to identify our self-limiting views, break the habits that do not serve us, and establish constructive behaviors, we feel a greater sense of ease and free ourselves up to bring about our plans, ideas, and desires. With expert guidance, you can find and change any behavior that is standing in your way and allow you to welcome and accept your growth and success.
05.01.2022 Yes, yes and definitely yes :)
04.01.2022 Hi all, I am happy to say that I have spent some time recently and written a couple of books. If you would like to check them out and maybe purchase, the links are below. I'll add a sweet discount for those keen to purchase now too. There will be 3 more titles coming too: One on relationships One on parenting... and one on one of my fave topics, mindfulness. Stay tuned :)
04.01.2022 Yesterday I watched a great presentation by 3 of my favorite change-making humans, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and Lynne McTaggert. They spoke of the state of the world at the present moment and a way forward for humanity. It reminded me of the movie Avatar in some ways and i thought it profound that someone created such a movie so long ago that highlights the plight that we may be facing ourselves and the way out is to band together in love. Sounds simple, but given that we... are currently being told to seperate and not love our neighbours, is again ironic. There is a much more subtle yet insidious control occurring on our planet, unlike Avatar which was much more dynamic for the a movie's sake. The message in this wonderful summit I am watching though is the only way to conquer fear is with love. We are inherently caring and loving beings, I mean how many stories do you hear of incredibly brave acts by us to help our fellow humans.. to jump into the fire (so to speak) and save another. The only way we can create a life with less fear and control is to band together as one in love for ourselves and each other. Sounds utopian and somewhat pollyanna but I feel deeply for everyone right now, going through all the hard times this situation is bringing us. A new reality needs to come forward super fast. They talk of the 6th mass extinction of the planet, this one brought about by human thinking and behaviour, rather than a comet hitting :) Bruce Lipton shared a great quote that says: You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Buckminster Fuller This link below takes you to FREE course that Bruce, Gregg and Lynne created to change the model. If it calls to you, please feel free to take a look. <3
03.01.2022 Owning The Roots Leading by example is inspiring, not only to those whom you lead, but also for yourself. We all know from experience that we can't change other people, yet most of us have a tendency to try. This is because we naturally feel the need to do something to change situations that we find troubling. It often doesn't occur to us that the best way to create change is not to try to convince others to change but to change ourselves. When we make adjustments from within..., we become role models for others, and leading by example is much more inspiring than a lecture or an argument. We sometimes look outside ourselves for what's wrong with the world, but the outside world is really just a mirror reflecting us back to ourselves. When we encounter negativity -- anger, and fear -- we empower ourselves by looking for its roots inside of ourselves. For example, if you have a friend who is unreliable, observe yourself and notice if there are ways in which you are unreliable. You may be surprised to discover that you have your own struggles with this issue in ways you weren't able to see. Once you own the issue for yourself, you can begin to work for change within yourself. This will also enable you to have more compassion for your friend. At the very least, as you strive to become more reliable, you will become more of the person you want to be. In the best-case scenario, you will be an inspiration to others. You can apply the same method to larger issues. For example, if there is something you see in the larger world that you would like to change -- let's say, greed -- try taking responsibility for changing it in yourself. Instead of being angry with those you see as greedy, seek out the roots of your own greed and come to terms with your power to transform it. This may be the best way to lead the world toward greater moderation and generosity.
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