Cave Divers Association of Australia | Businesses
Cave Divers Association of Australia
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25.01.2022 South Australia’s border with Victoria remains open, but directions have been put in place regarding their latest case. If you’ve been in the Greater Melbourne... Area on or since 12.01am 28 January 2021, having not been in the hotspot areas, you must get a test on day 1, 5 and 12 and isolate at a suitable location until you get a negative day 1 test result. If you’ve visited any of the listed hotspots at the specific time listed, you must self-isolate at a suitable location for 14 days and get tested on day 1, 5 and 12. If you’ve been to the Grand Hyatt Melbourne or are a close contact of a person at the hotel on or between 12.01am 21 January 2021 and 12.01am 31 January 2021, you must contact SA Health immediately and quarantine (at a place determined by an authorised officer) for 14 days, receiving COVID-19 tests on days 1, 5 and 12. Please remember to keep checking the listed hotspots, as more locations are likely to be added.
24.01.2022 The latest issue of Dive Log Australasia is now available. It includes an article written by member Jane Ellem. Well done Jane on a great article! To read please click on the link:
23.01.2022 Hi all, hope you’re having a good weekend. Met some snorkellers at Kilsbys this morning, didn’t catch all their names except for Huey, Dewey and Louie. They loved playing with our bubbles on the dive. They wanted to send special regards to members over the border and look forward to being in the water with you again
23.01.2022 When the time has finally come to ditch the tracksuit for the drysuit...
23.01.2022 As you know there was an accident down in Tasmania involving a person who had a fall in a cave. It was great work all by involved and an amazing outcome. There is nothing better when people come together and use skills to help others and the community. The CDAA would like to express its congratulations to all involved and a speedy recovery to the person who was injured. ... To the CDAA members involved in the rescue, thank you for being the best of ambassadors for the caving community and cave diving. You should all be super proud and get some well deserved rest.
23.01.2022 For this week only, if you live outside Victoria, you can send your dive buddy in Melbourne a free dessert (not great for maintaining the drysuit figure but it’s only for this week). More details in the link. If anyone manages to get a dessert to their dive buddy please post a photo!
23.01.2022 With great sadness, we acknowledge the unexpected passing of one of the CDAA's most colorful personalities - Trent Lee. Trent and a colleague were both killed early this week, when an explosion occurred at their workplace in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Trent was working for a Norwegian aid agency conducting surveys of World War II discarded ordnance, when a device exploded causing the death of both men The Solomon Islands is littered with unexploded military ordnance from... WW2 and the Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) is an NGO that aims with the help of the Solomon Is. police, to locate and remove them. Trent was an avid cave diver, explorer & adventurer, destined to live life to its fullest. He was an integral part of the first Australian exploration cave diving teams, invited to record and explore the huge underwater cave systems of Feng Shan and Duan areas of Guangxi Province, Southern China. He worked with the expedition team & local Chinese people to ensure UNESCO world heritage status was granted to their unique underground karst. Trent was also a key person in enabling the Blue Creek Cave system in New Zealand to be mapped and recorded. Trained as a Hydrogeologist he was a scientist through and through but unlike most, he was also a man of practical application, problem solving and ingenuity. Trent brought an intelligent problem solving 'can do' attitude to all the expeditions he joined and was sought after by his peers to assist and increase the capability of many exploration projects. CDAA, GUE and TDI cave trained , hailing from Newcastle Trent dived caves in NSW, Mt Gambier, China, PNG, New Zealand and the Nullarbor. Most recently Trent had relocated to the Solomons where he had purchased an Island with the intent of building an eco-retreat and home for himself and his partner Kathryn. Trent had a great interest in educating those less fortunate than himself and I have proud memories of Trent teaching both Government officials and local farmers how to treat and protect the quality of their water in rural China. More recently he had made and was installing water supply systems in the rural communities throughout the Solomons. Trent loved to help those who didn't have ...most recently employing locals to assist in locating and recording dangerous military explosives throughout the rural Solomons Islands. Trents laughter, wit, ingenuity and drive will be sadly missed around many a campfire in the years to come. VALE Trent Lee - Rest In Peace. (Steve Trewavas on behalf of the CDAA) Photos : Duan City in Guangxi Province south west china. Trent following virgin line he laid the day before, and one of him filling some of the many tanks from the trip.
23.01.2022 Great to release Episode #59 - Victor Tovar. This episode is sponsored by XDEEP and supported by the patrons of Speaking Sidemount. Victor is the principal of C...ave Tribe through which he provides specialised and personalised diving training with an emphasis on sidemount and cave courses. Victor is passionate about foundational skills and as you'll hear in this episode he focuses on progressively building foundational skills while gaining experience and comfort in the environments his students wish to explore. In this episode Victor and I discuss... His background in diving and how he got into sidemount and cave diving. We discuss and he shares more on his philosophy in developing divers, we talk about the importance of selecting the right equipment... The traps for instructors in forming relationships with equipment manufacturers, and then we go deep and far into Victor's home cave, Cueva Del Agua... We talk about what makes it different and how it's unique challenges make it a great cave for both new and seasoned cave divers... We discuss the difference between exploration and sport cave diving and then finish with an update on the current extent of exploration of Cueva Del Agua... All this and much more... Victor has recently announced that he is taking a break due to the season end and COVID slow down. I am sure we will see Victor back soon developing awesome divers at Cueva Del Agua... :)! BIG thanks to: Our sponsor - XDEEP To become a patron of Speaking Sidemount and support the show go to - Cave Tribe: #xdeep #sidemountdiving #sidemountpros #cavediving #cavetribe #victortovar PLEASE SHARE ! To Listen: Apple Podcasts - Download or Stream - Stitcher - Spotify - TuneIn - Patreon -
22.01.2022 Dreaming of the day when we can travel again...put this one on your list if you haven’t already!
22.01.2022 Kilsby's Sunday 4/10/20 AM dive is available for booking online
22.01.2022 For any interested members who happen to be in Mount Gambier on 21/22 November.
22.01.2022 A few updates from today's transition committee meeting. From this Thursday, cross border communities will be able travel within 70km of the Victorian and South... Australian border. Furthermore, people from exempt states travelling to South Australia via Mildura will be able to transit through provided they are not stopping. We continue to act on health advice on our road to recovery and the health and safety of South Australians absolutely remains our priority.
21.01.2022 ALL FORESTS CLOSED All forests are closed to the public effective immediately, in line with SA Government COVID-19 restrictions. This includes all land under F...orestrySA management, including campgrounds, accommodation venues, picnic grounds, trails and recreation sites. We thank you for your cooperation.
20.01.2022 FUSSI, a South Australian caving club has just published a special edition of their latest newsletter: Women Cavers Of Australia. It features members of the CDAA and makes for a great read. To read, go to: Enjoy!
20.01.2022 Episode #57 is UP :)!!! This is the second episode in my latest catch up with renowned cave explorer Steve Bogaerts and is a must-listen especially if you are a... professional diver... Over the past two years, Steve has had it pretty tough with respect to diving. A series of DCS incidents, on successive dives, each a little worse than the previous, has led Steve to hang up his fins and retire from diving. Just the thought of one of the world's great cave explorers having to quit under circumstances such as this is gut-wrenching but to his credit, Steve has continued to be active and regularly shares enlightening posts of various topics related to sidemount. Cave diving and exploration. In this episode, Steve and I discuss his DCS incidents, what he has learned about them, his thoughts on the possible cause, his advice for professional divers, and his plans for the future. BIG thanks to: Our sponsor - XDEEP To contact Steve Bogaerts about speaking opportunities - [email protected] Episode 56 - Steve Bogaerts When Shit Get's Real. See a segment at - And those of you who have become patrons of the show. To become a patron of Speaking Sidemount and support the show go to - #xdeep #sidemountdiving #sidemountpros #cavediving #stevebogaerts Thanks and Image credit - HP Hartmann PLEASE SHARE ! To Listen: Apple Podcasts - Download or Stream - Stitcher - Spotify - TuneIn - Patreon -
19.01.2022 It’s Way Back Wednesday! This was sent to us by Bruce Mcculloch. He wrote: 1974. My first Mt. Gambier dive. Locations in those days were closely guarded secrets, so this was easy to find.
19.01.2022 Guidelines is starting to hit letterboxes. Ain’t she pretty? Thanks to Dave Bryant, our contributors and our printer for helping us get there! Let me know if you want to try your hand at writing for our next issue- I got plenty of ideas! COVID-19 has taken a lot away but it will not take away your Guidelines! Meg, Publications and Records Director.
19.01.2022 Specialist police divers are taking to the depths of sinkholes along the Limestone Coast today, including the iconic Kilsby Sinkhole and Piccaninnie Ponds to b...etter refine their underwater evidence gathering skills. The nine divers from SAPOL's STAR Group Water Operations Unit will also practice body retrieval at different depths and varying visibility. Check it out here:
19.01.2022 Mount Gambier: Belinda takes a deep dive into the must-see and do Kilsby Sinkhole on the outskirts of Mount Gambier. With a unique history from training promine...nt South Australian divers to secret defence missions, the Sinkhole has been a trusted and favourite cave-diving location for generations. And in a refreshing twist, its crystal-clear waters is used to create craft Sinkhole Gin! Catch up on #SAWeekender anytime on 7plus
18.01.2022 FYI for Melbourne based members
18.01.2022 Kilsby's Sunday 15/11/20 8AM dive is now available for booking online
18.01.2022 Nice to see my diving mate Josh Richards - Space Pirate up close earlier this year when he visited me at the Kilsby Sinkhole. I love to see the different breat...hing setups you humans have and I'm really glad Josh wasn't afraid to get up close and personal. Looking forward to seeing you again Josh!
18.01.2022 As part of SAPOL’s Special Task and Rescue (STAR) group, specialist divers from our Water Ops Unit are currently training in sinkhole environments across the Li...mestone Coast. This isn’t out of the blue; SAPOL’s divers participate in regular training to ensure they’re never out of their depth and are ready to assist in times of emergency. This year’s particular focus has been on gathering evidence and locating and retrieving deceased persons, within a sinkhole environment. The photos below were taken at One Tree Sinkhole, Mount Schank, where nine divers dived to a depth of 36 meters! #TankYouForYourWork #WaterOps #SouthAustraliaPolice
17.01.2022 Episode now available for listening!
17.01.2022 We are pleased to announce that members can book onto Kilsby’s again. Please check your email inbox or the Notices section on the website for the interim access arrangements.
16.01.2022 Postponement - New Dates for OZTek | OZDive Expo '22! 2020 was a tough and confusing year, one which most of us hoped would rapidly improve ... sadly, that has ...not happened (so far). In order to provide the absolute BEST possible event, postponement was the most realistic option. COVID has placed us all in a constant cycle of border closures and lockdowns. In this environment, it's impossible to hold our beloved OZTek & OZDive Expo as it is intended. The Result? New Dates: October 1-2, 2022 Venue: Melbourne Conference & Exhibition Centre Note: Please be aware this is a long weekend for QLD, ACT, NSW & SA (not VIC, TAS, NT or WA). So, if you were planning to travel to Melbourne for the event, you may have an extra day up your sleeve More news soon - Block out OCT 1-2, 2022 in your diary & start planning! A massive thanks to all our wonderful exhibitors, speakers, sponsors and attendees. You've all been amazingly patient and supportive. It is greatly appreciated.
16.01.2022 Engelbrecht's Cave (East and West) will be available to dive again for members from 03/09/20 (please note only from 3pm to 8pm).
16.01.2022 Time is ticking..... Member Digital Voting for the 2020 election closes this Friday night!
14.01.2022 Kilsby's Monday 19/10/20 11AM dive is available for booking online
14.01.2022 Kilsby's Saturday 17/10/20 AM dive is available for booking online
14.01.2022 The AGM is just around the corner and for the first time it will be run online due to COVID-19. By now you should have received the email to register. The AGM will start at 11:00am SA time on Saturday 24 October. Here are some steps to help you prepare for the AGM: 1. Register for the AGM so that you can get access on the day. If you didn't get an email, please email [email protected] 2. Peruse the reports and other documents in relation to the AGM 3. Get your technology in order. Make sure it is charged and have all your equipment set up and ready to go prior to the meeting starting. 4. Decide which part of the house is going to be your "venue." 5. Pick your outfit. Only the directors will be on camera but as it a formal meeting you might want to wear your velvet trackies. 6. Have a pen and paper handy in case you want to take notes and have some refreshments close by. Any steps you think we missed? We look forward to "seeing" you on the day, while it's not ideal, we will make the best of the situation! See more
12.01.2022 The weekend is nearly over but thanks to member Paul Battersby we can enjoy a virtual dive in Tank Cave. Paul has shared this video with us first so it’s an exclusive, thanks Paul!
11.01.2022 The book CLOSE CALLS is now available for PRE-ORDER! Visit our website and pre order safely with Paypal or Bank Debit & Credit card. ... 370 PAGES 65 DIVERS FULL COLOR 18x25 CM The release date is October 2020 now due to last minute addition of 5 extra contributors! Do not miss your chance to be the first one to receive it!
10.01.2022 Kilsby's Friday 26/2/21 8AM dive is available for booking online
10.01.2022 1 week to go! Just 1 more week. Then we'll be open again...
08.01.2022 Today we held our 2020 AGM online due to COVID-19. Congratulations to our new Standards Director Tim Featonby and thank you to Ryan Duchatel for running. Mary-Anne McLeod was unopposed for the Business Director position and will continue her great work. The champagne is on ice for our new life members Linda Claridge and Gary Barclay aka Garinda. Congratulations and hopefully we will celebrate soon in the flesh. Photos swiped from Gary’s Facebook page! Thank you to those members who attended and for everyone’s support this past 12 months!
08.01.2022 A reminder for SA members, state event happening this Friday!
07.01.2022 Best place to be on a hot day. Dive buddy today has the best frogkick we’ve ever seen.
07.01.2022 Hi everyone, well what a year 2020 was!!! Lets see what 2021 has in store for us, surely it will be better than the last..... Welcome 2021 and here is our Febru...ary issue of Dive Log, another block buster of reading. Please share amongst your fellow diver buddies and help us to make Dive Log the best Aussie Scuba Diving Magazine out there. #scubadiving #underwaterphotography #nudibranchs #sharks #wreckdiving #sharkdiving #cavediving #seadragon #historicaldiving #pngdiving #christmasisland #lordhoweisland #mozambiquediving #fijidiving #fijitourism #pngtourism See more
07.01.2022 Our Kilsbys Booking Officer Craig Larkin created a cool video of his recent dive in Tank Cave. Click and enjoy!
05.01.2022 HAPPENING SOON! Thursday, November 5 6:30 pm Singapore time (GMT +8) A session not to be missed - a conversation between David Strike and Phil Short! Join the...m as they discuss dive education, cave diving to the leading of expedition. Speaker: 1) Phil Short (UK) Dive Industry Consultant, Training Director for IANTD UK Moderator: 1) David Strike (Australia) ADEX Ambassador for Technical Diving, Pioneer Exploring Dark Waters With a background in adventure sports that included dry caving, Phil Short's fascination with the flooded places within caves was amplified when he attended a talk by Martyn Farr on Cave Diving. Attending an Open Water Diver course run by Steve Axtell - a person who inspired him with the enthusiasm and drive that he has maintained for the past 28-years - Phil Short began diving regularly, first as a Dive Master and then as an Instructor. Joining the British Cave Diving Group (CDG) Phil Short learned to ‘Cave Underwater’ and to pass through flooded sections to open caves beyond. The two parallel diving paths led Phil Short to Technical Diving under the mentorship of Dave Thompson, Kevin Gurr and Bill Stone and encouraged in him the passion and desire to explore in both open water as well as cave; a drive that led to his involvement in a large expedition to the mountains of Southern Mexico and put him on the path to becoming a Fellow of the Explorers Club and a Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society (FRGS). Catch this session LIVE! on these channels See you online! 1) ADEX Official FB page: 2) APE Homepage: #APE #adexpixelexpo #diving #tekdiving #divinglegends #diving #pioneers #divebooks #cavediving
03.01.2022 If you are coming to the SA state event, please remember to email Damian. COVID restrictions can be tough for venues, we want to make sure we have an accurate booking. Thank you
02.01.2022 CDAA members the online polling booth for the AGM is now open with email invites going out today. If you have any technical or process issues with the voting, please contact Darren Walters on [email protected] or Mary-Anne McLeod on [email protected] for assistance. We will respond to any queries as promptly as possible. Polls close 16 October.
02.01.2022 Kilsby's Friday 30/10/20 11AM AND 2PM dives are available for booking online
01.01.2022 Australian launch of the International Year of Caves and Karst 2021. Join us for the worldwide premiere of a short documentary on Australia’s enigmatic cave cr...ickets. Free online film screening for the Australian launch of the International Year of Caves and Karst 2021. REGISTER here: on eventbrite 6 March 2021, 7:00pm (AEDT) Film Produced & directed by Sil Iannello Filmed & edited by Scott Lewis Blue Starling Films Sound recording & music design by Jan Brueggemeier Graphic design by Kelly Eijdenberg Poco People and Sam Lyne
01.01.2022 Our scholarships and training grants application for both women and men are now open. Deadline is October 31st. Review the list and apply following our form here
01.01.2022 Thank you to those members in SA who made it to our state event last night. It was another great event organised by our state rep Damian Bishop. We had a turn out of about 30 and the night started off with catching up over dinner followed by an update from Standards Director Joseph Monk and then a presentation from palaeontologist Dr. Julien Louys, a CDAA member from Qld and palaeontologist Dr. Liz Reed from the South Australian Museum. It was great to some members come to a state event for the first time and we hope you enjoyed it!
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