Celia Hammond MP | Politician
Celia Hammond MP
Phone: +61 8 9388 0288
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25.01.2022 I will be hosting a mobile office with Sean L'Estrange MLA this Monday at Floreat Forum. If you’re in the area, stop by anytime between 9:30am to 11:00am to have a chat about the issues that matter most to you and your family. Monday 23rd November 9:30am-11:00am Floreat Forum (between Katies and Gazman)
24.01.2022 Representatives from Curtin Arts organisations came together in my electorate office last week. We discussed the impact of Covid-19 and how to create a sustainable and a thriving Arts sector in our state. Thank you to all who attended for your advocacy and ideas. I am looking forward to collaborating towards our shared vision for the Arts in WA. Chamber of Arts and Culture - Western Australia Tura New MusicYirra Yaakin Theatre Company Steamworks Arts Perth FestivalAustralia Council for the Arts Barking Gecko Theatre PICA - Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts Aura Film Finance
24.01.2022 The service and sacrifice of veterans past and present continues to inspire and be reflected in the values Australians hold most dear. It was particularly moving to be at the presentation ceremony of WW2 Commemorative Medallions to four veterans from our Curtin community yesterday. Geoffrey Morris, Pamela Burgoyne, Dennis Williams and Owen Geoffrey McClements all served in the Second World War and embody the humility, love of Australia and passion for service that characterises their generation. A medallion could never adequately thank them for their service - but I hope that as they were joined by their children, grandchildren and many friends for this moment of thanks, they were reminded of the enduring impact of their selfless service.
23.01.2022 Annie Macnab is a Curtin resident who delighted many people (young and old) during our earlier period of lockdown this year through the daily driveway antics of Blue, Ring Up, Big Jim and Flamingo. She is also a grandmother who missed seeing her grandchildren during this time - and remained in contact through sending them regular emails - featuring the 4 cuddly friends. Annie’s book , 101 Smiles in 2020 contains each of the 101 emails she sent to her grandchildren - and it... really is wonderful (PS: there are also 101 daily ‘dad jokes’ included) If you’re interested in obtaining a copy of this book to share with your children or grandchildren, you can contact Annie at [email protected]. All profits go to the Telethon Kid’s Institute to advance their ground breaking research.
22.01.2022 Female Life Savers who protect us at the beach should not have to share 1 toilet between 330! Sign the petition and share with friends to support vital upgrades to Swanny Surf Club www.petition.org.au/lifesaving/
22.01.2022 Millions of tonnes of freight are trucked across our country every year, and the crucial role which heavy vehicle operators play in our supply lines, and the pressures which are placed on them, has been particularly evident this year. There is no question that heavy vehicle operators in Australia are ‘essential workers’ and they stepped up this year alongside all the other essential workers (including health workers, teachers, supermarket staff) without complaint and... got on with the job. Unfortunately, and despite the efforts of many and a downward trend, road freight has the highest fatality rate of any industry in Australia and the highest rate of serious injury claims. Addressing this and addressing the mental and physical safety of the HVO is an absolute priority and, I was pleased to be able to assist in launching the Mental and Physical Safety (MaPS) on our roads project today alongside Injury Matters CEO, Sandy Lukjanowski. Injury Matters received $436,185 in Federal Government grant funding for the MaPS on our Roads Project. The project aims to raise heavy vehicle industry awareness and knowledge of the importance of mental a physical safety in preventing roads crashes. Find out more here: https://injurymatters.org.au/home/mapsonourroads/resources/ I wish Injury Matters every success with the project.
22.01.2022 Chironix is a local company which highlights our existing tech and manufacturing expertise and the reason why the Government’s recent announcements re investment in Australian manufacturing and addressing skills shortages are so important for our economic recovery and future prosperity. Chironix is at the forefront of rapid deployment and management of autonomous robots and integrating new robotic technology into work systems to enhance the human operator. Managing Direct...or and Founder, Daniel Milford, recently took me through the company’s Metix software and showed me how it is being integrated with the Google Glass to revolutionise how people undertake work in the field. Chironix shows what we are capable of in WA. The business is growing quickly and other countries and states want its’ skills, software and expertise. As it continues to scale up and attract more international interest, we need to ensure that they get the right support investment wise and people-wise so that we don’t lose them from WA or Australia.
21.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who joined me at today’s mobile office with Sean L’Estrange MLA at Floreat Forum. www.waliberal.org.au/state-member/sean-lestrange/ www.celiahammond.com.au/contact/
18.01.2022 An excellent afternoon catching up with WA Liberal Members, Senators and candidates over High Tea to celebrate the contribution of women in the Liberal Party.
17.01.2022 Thanks to all the people who came to the mobile office I hosted with Bill Marmion - Member for Nedlands in Subiaco. It was great to chat with locals about a range of issues - from community sport to immigration and there were many great insights and suggestions for me to follow up when I am back in Canberra. I will be hosting another mobile office on the 23rd of November at Floreat Forum with the state Member for Churchlands, Sean L'Estrange, more details to come
17.01.2022 Congratulations and huge thanks to the resilient and hard working staff and volunteers at Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia. While the Perth Royal Show is not happening this year, the Claremont Showground is alive between September 26 - 30th with the Spring Farm Fair. There is plenty to see, eat and do: buy tickets at... https://claremontshowground.com.au/spring-farm-fair/ See more
16.01.2022 A warm sunny morning (and the backdrop of beautiful Scarborough Beach) was a perfect start to my day as I joined Scarborough Rotary for one of their weekly breakfast meetings. This year’s Rotary Motto is ‘Rotary Serving Humanity’ and the Scarborough branch has fulfilled this aim through their project ‘Wheelchairs for Kids.’ ‘Wheelchairs for Kids’ sees volunteers make and distribute more than 3500 wheelchairs for severely disabled children throughout the world. Without this pr...oject and the dedication of Scarborough Rotary many of these children would go without. This is a tremendous achievement from within our local community! Thank you to Rotary President Peter Simpson and the committee for inviting me along.
14.01.2022 Congratulations to all the schools who entered the ‘thank a farmer sustainable scarecrow competition.’ The standard was sensational - a very difficult choice for the judges! Zak Kirkup MP has arranged for winning entries to be exhibited at WA Parliament House in the coming weeks.... we’ll see who or what they scare away
13.01.2022 Rotary breakfast meetings are always a bright way to start the day (if early !) full of energy, open exchange of ideas and humour! It was a privilege to share with, and learn from Cambridge, Western Endeavour and Osborne Park Rotarians this morning. Rotary Clubs are such an important part of our community delivering important community projects and providing social interaction, engagement and fulfilment for their members. ... Our Curtin rotary clubs include: Rotary Club of Mosman Park - Cottesloe Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Rotary Club of Dalkeith Rotary Club of Nedlands Rotary Club Of Crawley Rotary Club of Matilda Bay Rotary Club of Subiaco Rotary Club of Western Endeavour Rotary Club of West Perth Rotary Club of Cambridge, Western Australia Scarborough Rotary Rotary Club of Osborne Park Rotary North Perth Rotary Club of Perth
13.01.2022 GO LOCAL FIRST Go Local First and support a local small business this long weekend! The Floreat Market is a family owned and operated small business and is the perfect example of why need to continue to support local: they employ locals and also buy the bulk of their fruit and veg from local WA growers. If you get the chance, pop into Floreat Market and try some of the amazing blueberries (grown in Gingin)!... #golocalfirst #shopsmall #smallbusiness #loveyourlocal
13.01.2022 School chaplains provide an important social, emotional and mental health support service for children in primary and high school. I met with a number of the wonderful chaplains from some of our Curtin schools yesterday and we discussed the challenges faced by school students during the COVID-19 pandemic and their resilience in dealing with them. All of the chaplains expressed their admiration for the commitment and work done by our school teachers over the course of the year a sentiment I am sure that the teachers would return to the chaplains. I also learnt a new term I’d not heard before. lawn mower parents .
11.01.2022 Australian manufacturers really stepped up during the pandemic and now they are being backed to help drive our recovery. The Government has announced a $1.5 billion investment to support local manufacturing - helping manufacturing businesses scale up backing our Australian manufacturers will create jobs and secure the products Australia needs into the future. For further information on this visit: www.industry.gov.au/manufacturing
09.01.2022 The Royal Western Australian Historical Society, formed in 1926, plays a significant role in preserving, fostering and promoting all aspects of Western Australian history. It has grown from a small group of people to about 800 members and organisations, including a network of 74 affiliated societies. With treasures telling tales of our past tucked away in every part of Stirling House, including the library, bookshop and museum, the Society’s volunteers are filled with passi...on, in depth knowledge and determination to ensure historical items found nowhere else in the world are preserved for the WA public to enjoy. Thanks to President Dr Steve Errington and councillors for taking me on a guided tour and for giving me an update on your need for more funding and facilities to ensure the unique and rare items in their collection get the care they need to be enjoyed by future generations of West Australians. If you can help or are interested in learning more, you can visit Stirling House during its opening hours or visit online: https://www.facebook.com/histwest/ https://www.histwest.org.au
08.01.2022 Our Government's response to COVID-19 helped bring forward a 10-year plan on telehealth within 10 days. Now, more than $2 billion has been invested to extend a range of COVID-19 health measures, including telehealth. By providing telehealth and home delivery medicine services we are reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the community while also supporting people in isolation to get the care they need.
07.01.2022 "Statistics show that on average WA women have less than half the savings of men, a third of WA women retire with no superannuation, women earn 24% less than men and most WA women still lack financial confidence and skill." (Source: Financial Toolbox https://www.financialtoolbox.org.au/ ) While we have come a long way in addressing gender inequities, the above statistics show there is still much to be done. I was fortunate to recently meet with a group of women who are act...ively taking steps to address it. These included women from AFA Inspire, an organisation that supports female financial advisors, and women from Financial Toolbox, a volunteer organisation which aims to build the financial knowledge and skills of Western Australian women to give them independence and freedom of choice throughout their lives. A big part of the Financial Toolbox mission is to improve financial literary for vulnerable and at-risk women and they have developed an excellent online resource Financial Toolkit to help women who need it: www.yourtoolkit.com.au These women are inspiring and I am looking forward to working with and supporting both AFA Inspire and Financial Toolbox in their future endeavours.
06.01.2022 It has been a big year for Collegians Amateur Football Club with their women’s team reaching the finals in their first season! Collegians has close to 200 playing members with four senior teams (including their women’s team), two colts teams and a large following of non-playing members. The club’s 60 year history means supporters are spread over many generations throughout our Curtin community. During my visit to the their home ground today, President Brad Girdwood shared the club’s commitment to expanding community usage of their facilities and their hopes to bring more sporting teams to Adam Armstrong Pavilion, with improvements to lighting and potential upgrades to their change room facilities on their agenda.
03.01.2022 It was wonderful to welcome a number of people from local community groups into the office today. Thanks for dropping in!
02.01.2022 More information on the competition and how to submit your photos can be found at https://celiahammond.com.au/curtin-calendar-competition/
02.01.2022 Congratulations to Mounts Bay Sailing Club for taking out the title of Australian Sailing Club of the year (WA) award last night! Great to see one of our outstanding local community clubs being recognised. MBSC is a vibrant, family-friendly club with fantastic social events all year round. What a way to experience one of Perth’s most spectacular locations!
01.01.2022 Seeing members of our Curtin community become Australian citizens is always a pleasure! The marvellous Rathore family were among 11 people who became citizens at the Town of Cottesloe Citizenship Ceremony on Friday.
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