Chapel Hill State School P&C | School
Chapel Hill State School P&C
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25.01.2022 And they're off!!
25.01.2022 From the school newsletter: The parents, cleaners, administrators, staff and students have all made justifiable complaints about the state of our student toilets. We have added additional cleaner hours that ensures the toilets are cleaned twice a day. We also have cleaning staff monitoring the students as they transition in and out of the toilet blocks during break times. The impact of this additional support has made a significant difference and cleaners are reporting an imp...rovement however this has not fully resolved the issue as toilets continue to be damaged and abused by some. This is not a problem restricted to CHSS and nor is it an issue of recent times. The P and C and School leadership team have called a community meeting for interested parties to look at solutions and strategies. Staff and parents are welcome to attend the meeting at 6:30pm Tuesday September 8 in the Arts Building (just prior to the P and C meeting). Please RSVP to Annelyse ([email protected]) by Monday 7/9/20 if you are going to attend to assist with COVID planning. Thanks...
23.01.2022 Our Preppies enjoyed their Q&U wedding today! Thanks to the Prep teachers and teacher aides for giving our kids a special day to remember on the last day of 3rd term.
23.01.2022 Our school families are cordially invited to book tickets to attend the Friday afternoon/evening sessions for our Monster Trash and Treasure sale (to be held Friday 9 October 2020 from 4pm). All attendees will need to choose a timeslot that they can attend and arrange a ticket for all attendees (including children). NO TICKETS required if you want to come along with the general public on Saturday 10 October 2020. ** Please note, we will be opening the T&T sale to school teachers and staff, and current P&C volunteers and their families and from 3pm to 4pm. **
23.01.2022 Update!!! Change of venue due to COVID. Did you order a mango tray? These can be collected on TUESDAY 24 November 2020, between 3pm and 6pm from 6 Pilin Place, Chapel Hill (where the Mothers Day stall was held for those who attended that). Enjoy and thank you for your understanding.
22.01.2022 Tuckshop News! Chicken Caesar Salad is on the menu! Turkish Rolls were very popular last week, they will be on the menu until the end of term. Hotdogs are on tomorrow!... Ice blocks will be back on Friday next week. Please order via the flexischools website or app
21.01.2022 Please review the survey to help the school finalise its strategic plan for 2020 to 2023!
21.01.2022 Upcoming Trash and Treasure dates!! Saturday 19th September 2pm - 4pm Sunday 27th September 9am 12noon LAST DAY FOR DONATIONS!... Thanks as always for your support...
20.01.2022 Check your inboxes for the next P and C newsletter update, sent out this afternoon!!
20.01.2022 Christmas Maybe on the Hill update! Over half of the tickets are sold already! Get your tickets now - check out the link at Our 50/50 raffle is doing well - first prize is currently sitting at over $1k in cash - your ticket to the concert includes one entry to this new and exciting raffle we are holding this year.... Don't miss out!!
20.01.2022 Dads - ignore this post!! To all of our other followers, thank you for supporting our Father's Day stall. Check it out!!! Our amazing volunteers organised/lovingly made these gifts and the kids will be visiting the stall throughout the day today to choose one for dad or the special man in their lives.... Special thanks to our stall co-ordinator, Tamara Bycroft!!
19.01.2022 Tuckshop update... This week Choc Chip Muffins are back! We are trialing a new Crumbed Veggie Burger patty tomorrow, would love to hear what you think. The last of our Strawberry Sundaes will be avaible for second break orders this Friday, get in quick! You asked for it, Pepperoni Pizzas will be on this Friday!... I have some gluten free hotdog buns avaible on Thursday. See more
18.01.2022 The special snacks in the Tuckshop this week are LCM Cups and Chocolate Brownies. We only have a limited number so get in quick! Dont forget to order your Nuggets and Chips for Friday
17.01.2022 Thank you to Cr Greg Adermann for attending one of the school's recent parent sessions which was used to gain feedback and consultation for the Chapel Hill State School strategic plan (2020 to 2023). The Guiding Coalition have begun reviewing all survey responses received from parents, and collating all feedback from sessions held with parents (x3); staff, and the year 6 students. A draft strategic plan will be written and sent out to the community for further input, prior to final approval by the school council.
17.01.2022 Reminder: Subway fundraising lunch orders due back this Thursday 10/9/20 (for lunch next Monday 14/9/20)!! If you didn't get an envelope, please see Paul in the office to get a spare and put your orders in. Thank you.
17.01.2022 Trash & Treasure open for donations today, Saturday 5 September, from 2-4pm.
17.01.2022 Colour Run update - next Friday 11 September!! Have you forgotten what prizes are available because we received those flyers from school a LONG time ago? Here are the fundraising targets and prizes... even just $10 will earn your child a prize. Well done to Ryan in Grade 1 who is our current fundraising leader! Followed closely by Milly (Grade 3), Chloe (Grade 1) and Sofia (Grade 1).... Our class leader is still Prep C, followed by 1E, 5D, 3A and Prep D! Not long to go now!
16.01.2022 On behalf of our school and the wider Chapel Hill community, we would like to wish our Prep A teacher, Miss Jane, a happy 70th birthday today!! Congratulations on this huge milestone!
16.01.2022 Edited post.... The 2020 Trash and Treasure Monster sale has been confirmed for Friday 9 October (after school - for school families) and Saturday 10 October 2020 for the general public. With COVID restrictions, this will need to be a ticket only event on the FRIDAY afternoon/evening for school families, with all T&T visitors needing tickets for a set time slot to attend and make their purchases.... Tickets will NOT be required on the Saturday when the sale is open to the general public. Instead, we will be monitoring numbers in the hall via a clicker system to ensure we comply with COVID restrictions. We would also like to offer local school families the opportunity to have a market stall on Saturday 10 October 2020 (to be set up near the school hall) to sell your goods to our T&T customers. If you are keen, please contact Alice on [email protected] ASAP. We will be releasing tickets to the school community, on Friday, at 12pm. You will need to book on the Event brite link that will be posted to Facebook (and via our P&C newsletter) if you want to get a ticket for Fri 9/10. Thanks!
16.01.2022 Colour Run rescheduled to Tuesday!!!!
15.01.2022 To celebrate the return of cash sales on Fridays at second break in the Tuckshop, we will have Zooper Doopers on sale tomorrow for 50cents! We will be very happy to accept coins from the children tomorrow. Anyone who has pre-paid on flexischool will be contacted for either a refund or credit. Thank you
15.01.2022 Last Pizza Day of the term tomorrow Dont forget to order a mini garlic roll with your pizza and ice blocks/frozen yoghurt will be on second break!
15.01.2022 Tuckshop update.. Tomorow is Pizza Day! We have 2 new pizzas on, Margherita and Meatlovers!! We have a very limited number of Mini garlic rolls on tomorrow with our pizzas for $1, get in quick! We also have Toasted Stonebake Turkish Rolls on this week, with Chicken or Ham.... Please place orders through flexischools See more
12.01.2022 Happy last day of Term 3! Enjoy the holidays and see you back at school on Tuesday 6 October... Don't forget: - order your prizes if you raised money online/cash for the Colour Run - Trash and Treasure donations will be open for 2 more days:... --Saturday 19th September 2pm - 4pm --Sunday 27th September 9am 12noon LAST DAY! Thanks!
12.01.2022 Start your TUESDAY with a coffee at drop off! Available from about 8.15am on the Oval, with thanks to Christie from @therichcoffeepour.
10.01.2022 Toilet talk and P&C meeting tonight - Tuesday 8/9/20. Meeting ID: 921 5434 3741... Passcode: 502993 See more
09.01.2022 Only one week to go to the Colour Run!!
09.01.2022 We just wanted to take this opportunity during the school holidays to shout out a massive THANK YOU to all of our parent and community volunteers. The recent Colour Run was a huge success and some of our preppies have expressed their thanks in some writing exercises they did in class. Hope you are all enjoying the holidays and we look forward to seeing you in Term 4 for our next big event - the monster Trash and Treasure sale (to be held Fri 9 Oct and Sat 10 Oct).... Thanks again as always, for your support!
09.01.2022 Congratulatulations to our newly accredited Walker Learning teachers. We are lucky to have a school that prioritises teacher professional development.
08.01.2022 This week we have something special on for the last day of term, Nuggets and Chips Box! Get your orders in early as numbers will be limited! We will also have a special second break treat, I will post details during the week. Dont forget Sushi Bowl Monday... Nacho Tuesday Burger Wednesday Hotdog Thursday Please place orders through flexischools See more
08.01.2022 Father's Day stall this Wednesday 2 Sep! Get your Flexischools vouchers before 8pm Tuesday (tomorrow!!) Here is the P & C newsletter with all the items available for sale.
08.01.2022 EDIT: Postponed due to wet weather to Tuesday 15 September!!.... Two days to go to our Colour Run!! We have 3 x year 1 students leading the fundraising charge - well done, Ryan (1B), Chloe (1E) and Sofia (1A).... 1B is our leading class, having raised over $600 between them. Followed by 1E, Prep C, 5D and Prep D. Don't forget to wear a white (old) t-shirt on Friday. If your kid doesn't want to get paint squirted onto them, they can wear a dark coloured shirt and run around the paint squirter on the day. The kids love this day and we will share some photos of the run, post event, in our P&C newsletter. Thanks for supporting the P & C.
06.01.2022 4 day week this week, with a Pupil Free Day this Friday 4 Sep.
06.01.2022 Only 2 more weeks till our Colour Run! Prep C is leading the charge with fundraising efforts, followed closely by 3A, 1E, 5D and Prep D!! Well done!! Hopefully students have been raising funds online through the Dont forget, the more sponsorship donations you receive the better prize you can choose.
05.01.2022 Christmas 'maybe' on the Hill - Friday 4 Dec 6.30pm to 8pm - update. Get your tickets to attend this event on the school oval - the kids will be pre recording the songs at school, and we will be showing them on the big screen! BYO picnic or food trucks will be available on site. The event will also be live streamed for our community online (link to be advised).... Check out today's school newsletter for more info - tickets will be released at 5pm tonight (Friday 13th).
05.01.2022 Don't forget our Father's Day stall will be held this Wednesday 2 Sep (and Thursday 3 Sep) at school!!! Please help us go cashless by buying your Flexischools vouchers online by 8pm on Tuesday night. All students will get a chance to visit the stall with their classes on Wednesday (and grade 5s or those who miss out can check it out on Thursday).... Thanks as always for your support!
05.01.2022 Check your inbox for the latest P & C newsletter about our Father's Day stall to be held next Wednesday 2 September!! It's Father's Day next Sunday (6th September)! Avoid the shops and buy a Flexischools voucher online and let the kids choose Dad a gift. Vouchers to be purchased online by 8pm, next Tues 1 Sep please!!
05.01.2022 The T&T team are open for donations this Sunday, 23 August from 9am to 11am. Please stay away if you are unwell. Thank you for supporting your P&C : )
04.01.2022 Thank you to our teaching assistants!! We appreciate all that you do for our kids : )
04.01.2022 Last week of Term 3!! Some reminders for this week: - TUESDAY 15/9 - Colour Run at 2pm - wear an white t-shirt (free dress) - but children can wear a darker colour shirt and avoid the colour if they wish - Colour Run prizes - for those who undertook fundraising for their children, please submit your prize order (via your child's online page) by the end of this week please... - Flexischools - we are phasing this out, so use your remaining funds and order tuckshop or think about ordering your next size uniforms! Beat the new year rush!! If not, you can retrieve your account balance to transfer to QKR for next term. School holidays start this Friday afternoon and Term 4 starts on TUESDAY 6 October, 2020.
03.01.2022 The September school holidays will be here before you know it. If you're looking for Vacation Care, Helping Hands have got their program ready to go. Whilst you're at it, don't forget there's a pupil free day coming up on Friday 4 September too. Helping Hands currently have spaces available for this day. Contact Meagan directly on 0488 237 011, email her at [email protected] or book online via Kidsoft.
03.01.2022 Colour Run fundraising update! So.... love that weather forecast right?! Anyway, it is what it is.... despite the change in date, this is a final reminder that the fundraiser for our school will finish in one days time. Come on one last push.. YOU CAN DO IT! Login now to your Profile Page at and use the Share buttons to share your Profile Page.... PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU SET A PRIZE FUNDRAISING GOAL ONLINE THIS IS NOT YOUR PRIZE ORDER. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ORDER YOUR PRIZES BEFORE THE PRIZE ORDER DUE DATE EITHER ONLINE OR BY COMPLETING THE BACK PAGE OF THE SPONSORSHIP FORM. No change in leaders from our last update - Ryan, Sofia and Chloe (all year 1) are still leading the pack with 1B, 1E and Prep C rounding out the top 3 classes (though I have noticed Prep D has sneakily moved into 4th place). Thank you for your support!
01.01.2022 Don't forget....