Ch'aska Yoga by Luisa Álvarez in South Brisbane, Queensland | Tutor/teacher
Ch'aska Yoga by Luisa Álvarez
Locality: South Brisbane, Queensland
Phone: +61 410 151 593
Address: 9 Edmondstone St 4101 South Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Picture taken on 13.08.2020 At 27 weeks 1 day. In the Vedic tradition, it is said that a baby's buddhi (intellect) begins to awaken during the 6th month.... The purpose of buddhi is to process, discriminate, and analyze information. It commands the senses and the mind based on this discrimination. Balanced consciousness, or the Self, sits behind this captain and its navigator, the ego, guiding the two with purpose. According the Ayurvedic texts as well, already from the 4th month - when the sense organs are manifested, the fetus attains the free flow of consciousness in the mind. After this time, the fetus can express desires that are connected to the mother's heart and are transmitted through it. I don't know if this is 100% true, but I can say that there's is indeed a gentle voice I hear during meditation and also throughout the day. I don't know if it's bebé's consciousness or my own or perhaps both at the same time. As my pregnancy continues, these messages are stronger and clearer and I never question them. I just go with the flow. At the beginning of the second trimester, bebé has asked for peanut butter (which makes her move a lot in utero!), a specific fruit or meal. But I've also heard messages to start going for walks (sth that I almost never did pre-pregnancy), to listen to a certain playlist, to dance, to read a specific book, to rest, to breathe, to trust, etc. I've heard bebé say she loves me and a constant "Estoy aquí" in Spanish, which means "I am here." She's also asked me to tell daddy that she loves him. Recently bebé said to me during meditation "trees" and "blue", so hopefully our little baby moon to the beach this weekend satisfies her buddhi's desires. I guess once she's born I might see some of these "messages" reflected in her personality. Maybe I will never find out where these gentle petitions come from. But I don't really care. Listening and going with the flow is what makes me happy. I'm carrying two consciousness and at the same time we are still One, so the best I can do is just have an open mind and surrender to these prompts. Wednesday will be the beginning of the 7th month. Time is flying!!
24.01.2022 I love guiding the Tuesday evening Yin classes at @yerongaparkfitnesscentre too!! And I love the souls that share their energy and practice with me each Tuesday. Thank you so much, @tina.louise_ !!...
24.01.2022 #theartofgratitude
24.01.2022 6.8.2020 26 weeks 1 day Last 20 minutes of my practice last night.... My mantra these days as we approach the third trimester: "Yo estoy bien, tu estás bien todo está bien." "I am well, you are well, all is well." Every morning I wake up I make sure I thank the Universe. The other day, after listening to an episode of @australianbirthstories in the car, I told @leighparker I still wasn't sure if I'd prefer a super quick labour or slightly longer one. I know you can't plan anything but I said to him that part of me really wanted to spend some time with the contractions (which I've started to call expansions instead) and the music and me moving and breathing and just connecting, even though I know contractions can be painful and intense. I didn't know how to explain it but I said I was looking forward to that part too (early labour and active labour). "It somehow means something to me", I said. Leigh said yes!, it's like a ritual, like "The Ceremony of Bebé" (he actually said the name but we're keeping it a secret ). I just looked at him and smiled and I thought "He gets me, I'm glad I'm in this with him."
24.01.2022 Hola a todos! A pedido de los asistentes la semana pasada, esta semana tambien estare ofreciendo las siguientes dos clases de yoga en espanol a donacion: - Yoga Prenatal: Jueves 16 de 6pm a 7pm... Link para mas info y para inscribirse: - Yin Yoga: Viernes 17 de 6pm a 7pm Link para mas info y para inscribirse: Las clases son via Zoom. No se requiere experience previa. Seria lindo conectar! Un abrazo!
24.01.2022 An oldie but a goodie. Strangers that became students in April last year. Shortly after that we became friends, very good friends.... However, I remain the student. So grateful for journeys like this!!
21.01.2022 Hola third trimester!! 28 weeks
21.01.2022 Join us in circle for a celebration of the Mother this Sunday morning. Come as you are, from where you are, come as the women born of the mother. We will join in circle for an hour in gentle movement, breath and words. Feel free to invite the women you love. Join URL: See you on the mat on Sunday at 8am - 9.15am x ++ This ceremony is a free event. Donations instead can be offered to a cause you feel would really benefit in this time.
20.01.2022 ¡Hola gente linda! Me quedan 3 cupos para las clases de yoga en español mañana 8am. Si alguien está interesad@, me avisa :)... ¡Abrazos!
19.01.2022 Same same but different My classes remain the same, we have just changed the way they are delivered, because of you- know-what So far my students are loving it since practicing yoga from the comfort of your home also has its perks. After each session you receive the recording so you can practice during the rest of the week any time.... Prenatal Yoga: Mondays 6pm to 7pm Private sessions: Message me for availability. Styles include Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Pregnancy and Post Partum Yoga. Yoga in Spanish: Domingos 9am a 10am. * All times provided are AEST (Brisbane, Australia) For more information about pricing, packages and format, please send me a message. Also, if you have any questions, suggestions or if you'd like me to open another online public class, let me know. Doesn't matter where in the world you are. Stay safe and strong. We got this!!
19.01.2022 Chicos, el viernes 6pm AEST estare haciendo una clase de Yin Yoga en espanol a donacion. Seria lindo conectar. En este link encuentran mas informacion y se pueden inscribir:...
19.01.2022 Starting Wednesday 8th July, we are back to our face to face prenatal yoga sessions at the beautiful The Conscious Collective! Pregnancy yoga provides you with the following tools, which will come handy, throughout your pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood: Increased stamina and strength... Reduced muscular tension Improved balance and circulation Time to connect with your body and with your baby Learning how to breathe deeply Relaxing the mind and reducing stress You'll have me, a 2nd trimester mum-to be, as your teacher; but most importantly you'll have your body as your master. Spots are limited to keep the sessions nice and intimate (and due to restrictions). Also, for the time being, it'll be BYO mat and cushions. By signing up for the whole month, you'll get access to the recordings of all our Zoom sessions since March. Every week, after each class I share with you a few more related resources in an email, so you feel supported and empowered. Click on this link for more info: * If you prefer to attend our Zoom sessions, we will still be having them every Monday in July. Message me for more info!*
19.01.2022 This amazing and beautiful mumma's words... Thank you so much, Tori! Can't wait to meet her little beam of light.
17.01.2022 Hola!! Just letting you know I am still running these sessions for the comfort of those mummas who at the moment prefer to avoid public spaces as much as possible. Also for those who simply would like to save themselves the car ride/walk or that for whatever reason prefer to join the sessions from home . Just making things easier, comfortable and convenient for you !... Online session are every Monday from 6pm to 7pm AEST. Although we connect 15 minutes before to chat a little and create community. Join us from anywhere in Australia or the world!! After each session, I send you the recording so you can practice during the rest of the week at your own time and pace. In addition, you get access to our digital archive with recordings of all classes since the end of March. I also send out extra material related to the previous class . This includes the written format of the meditations or breathing exercises, links to articles or YouTube pages or book recommendations, among others. If you would like more info, just send me a DM . If you prefer face to face sessions, these are on Wednesdays in West End and the link is in my bio.
17.01.2022 We attended the same school in our home town in Peru. She was in my brother's same year. We lived only a few blocks from each other.... We've crossed paths many many times while we were both living in Arequipa. Now she is happily married in Syndey and expecting a bebé too!! Now we are both pregnant and only a few weeks apart. And only now, she in Syndey and me in Brisbane, the connection is stronger than ever. Amazing how pregnancy has brought us together and specially how the Universe has placed as here to share and support each other since we've come to terms with the fact that due to COVID-19 our families won't be able to make it to the birth of our bebés. This post and this review is to me a celebration of the secrets of sisterspirit. Thank you so much, Analu, for allowing me and bebé to be part of your journey and your bebé's journey. I am forever grateful.
15.01.2022 Facebook memories reminded me of this quote I posted 7 years ago. It's so cute but also so true! I wish I could remember where I heard/read it so I could give credit to the author. If you happen to know, please tell me.... Anyway, enjoy the quote. Happy Tuesday!
14.01.2022 ACTULIZACION: Wow! Tanta gente interesada! Que lindo! He creado una pagina de registro para agilizar las cosas! Por favor, registren sus datos aca y nos vemos a las 3pm AEST: Recuerden que hay un maximo de 100 participantes. Por favor, lean las instrucciones en el correo de confirmacion! Chicos, como muchos, mi trabajo como profesora de yoga se ha visto afectado con estudios y gimnasios cerrando. Felizmente mis clientes privados y de mis propias clases publicas están contentos con seguir las clases online, por lo cual estoy super agradecida. Es por eso que ahora estoy usando Zoom y estoy probando la versión pagada que me permite tener ¡hasta 100 personas conectadas! Asumo que hoy la gran parte está en sus casas. ¿Quisieran hacer una meditación para calmar toda esa ansiedad y emociones que estamos experimentando? GRATIS para la comunidad latina, porque es lo que me dicta el corazón. No importa la parte del mundo en la que estés contal que puedas conectarte. Hoy, tipo 3 pm hora de Brisbane (Australia), ¿nos conectamos? ¿Les parece? ¡Escriban un comentario abajo y les paso el link! Abrazos!
13.01.2022 12.8.2020 27 weeks When @leigh.parker87 grabs the camera during his break on a Wednesday afternoon.
13.01.2022 Are you following? Happy Tuesday or Monday (if you're on the other side of the world)!
12.01.2022 See you on Wednesday, mums! If you're interested in our Zoom sessions, they are on Mondays 6pm. Message me for more details
12.01.2022 ¡Las clases de yoga en español regresan después de un merecido break! El virus no pudo con nosotros, y ahora estamos mas que listos para reiniciar. ¡Así que no queda nada más que desempolvar nuestros mats y encontrarnos este sábado 6 de junio!... Así que si sigues interesad@, aquí va toda la información necesaria: Las clases serán todos los sábados de 8 a 9am, ¡puntual! Iniciamos este sábado 6 de junio. El lugar de las clases es Musgrave Park en el límite de South Brisbane con West End. El precio es de $10 por clase. Y si pagas todo el mes por adelantado, es decir las 4 clases, tienes derecho a traer a un amig@ a una de las clases. ¿Qué debes traer? Tu mat. Si tienes bloques y cinta, también te aconsejo traerlos. Si quieres comprar, te aconsejo visitar Target, Kmart, Big W, Daiso y The Reject Shop para opciones asequibles. Asimismo, usar ropa cómoda y calentita. Como es invierno, yo te recomiendo usar ropa en capas, para el inicio y el final (Savasana) de la clase. Mientras nos estemos movimiento, seguramente te dará calor . Tenemos un límite de 10 asistentes, por lo que reservar tu cupo cada semana es necesario. Para reservarlo, simplemente escríbeme al WhatsApp: 0410 151 593. Si por alguna razón no puedes asistir a la clase, por favor avísame lo más antes posible para darle el cupo a otra persona. El pago se hace por transferencia bancaria. Escribeme para darte los datos. Luego de ello, mándame la confirmación de la transferencia por WhatsApp y yo prepararé tu invoice. Principiantes y practicantes experimentados, ¡todos son bienvenidos! Si tienes alguna otra duda, escríbeme y con gusto te respondo.
11.01.2022 What if we recharged ourselves as often as we did our phones? Offline for a while. All is well. It's simply time for some spiritual maintenance. ... Be back soon. Keep shining y'all!
11.01.2022 24.07.2020 24 weeks 2 days Taco teaching me how to practice patience in preparation for mamahood.
11.01.2022 30 weeks 6 days
11.01.2022 My experience with backbends during pregnancy: Just like with anything in pregnancy, each body (and mind) experiences it differently. From even before I confirmed I was pregnant, cobras and deep backbends didn't feel appropriate anymore (even though you can still safely do them slightly modified early on your first trimester)... With each day, my cobras became baby cobras, then up dogs or cats, depending on how I feel. My beloved camel pose, one of my favourites, took different variations and sometimes it looks like this, a super easy baby camel. It's as if my body wanted to remind me of my birth as a yoga practitioner. Of when I started to get curious and in awe of the body my soul had chosen. I am regressing to my beginnings. And I find this is a great preparation for the mind as well. A very humbling way of my body to prepare me for what's to come for the rest of pregnancy and the moment of delivery. I am developing a new type of strength and flexibility, perhaps one that's not so evident to the external eye. In my mind's eye, I am able to flow with more ease because I am more respectful than ever, because it's not just me doing the practice anymore. There's another soul inside me, and if I listen carefully I can fully understand what she wants and needs. Each time I step on my mat, I leave my ego outside. Each morning I get out of bed, I leave my ego outside. And I hope that at the moment of labour and delivery I am also smart enough to fully listen to the wisdom of my body and switch of my thinking mind. This way every yoga practice becomes the practice I am meant to be on each particular day and later my daughter's birth (and my re-birth) can become the one we both were meant to have. May I always be respectful enough so that each movement, action and thought of mine is a humble bow in respect to the amazing temple of creation that my body is. Thank you Earth Mother for this Body and this Life.
10.01.2022 Gente! Espero que todos esten bien y a salvo! Acabo de hacer un Live de una meditacion - tan necesaria en estos tiempos. Es una meditacion que se enfoca en regresar a un estado de gratitud, en vez del estado de falta en el que esta situacion nos hace sentir. Asimismo, hacemos una visualizacion para ayudar a sacar toda esa ansiedad, confusion, miedo, preocupacion.... La meditacion va a estar disponible 24hrs en mi Instagram. Espero que la disfruten!
09.01.2022 We are women of the Earth. We are the party of life dancing in the Universe. 7 months of co-creating with Pacha Mama (Mother Earth). A female fetus is born with all the eggs she will ever have in her lifetime.... When my grandma was carrying me in her womb I was a tiny egg in my mum's ovaries. The egg bebé came from was already inside me when I was in my mum's womb. I am now also carrying the eggs from which my grandkids will come from if my daughter decides to have kids too. I might have not met her physically yet, but we have known each other for lifetime. P.S. Third picture is a comparison between me at 23 weeks 2 days months and me now at 28 weeks 2 days .
08.01.2022 So grateful for so much. Picture taken on 22.08.2020 at 28 weeks 3 days.
08.01.2022 Este jueves a las 6pm AEST ofreceré una clase de yoga prenatal via Zoom a donacion. ¡Chicas en la dulce espera, seria lindo verlas y conocerlas! Se pueden inscribir en este link:... See more
08.01.2022 Lately I've been feeling like a school teacher toward the end of the school year. I am experiencing my own version of the empty nest syndrome as my prenatal yoga students get closer and closer to their due dates. Like I said to them the other day, I believe motherhood starts the moment you decide you want to be a mum, not even when you conceive. So, when it's time for them to leave, I say it's time for them to go on to the next stage of motherhood.... Thanks, Jacqui for your trust and your presence. The teacher in me sees and honours the teacher in you. I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon and meet your precious little beam of light!
08.01.2022 31.7.2020 25 weeks 2 days Snippet of my practice with bebé.... She makes her presence very evident with all the movements in my belly during my asana practice. The best reminders for me to stay present too. She tends to be more chilled whenever I'm meditating. But she for sure makes use of all the extra space whenever I practice deep belly breaths. Yesterday the Dr. showed me where her beautiful latino-aussie bum is! All this time I had thought that was her head 'cause the lower right side of my belly feels hard compared to the rest. She definitely has a preference for the right side at the moment! I can feel her whole body stretching diagonally touching me with her feet and hands right beneath my right rib and and the left corner of my lower belly. Everytime I slouch or lean forward there's kicks and jabs as if she was telling me MAMI YOU'RE SQUASHING ME! Another reminder to keep a straight spine. We're so in love with her and our little familia with daddy @leigh.parker87. Oxytocin is in the air for sure!
07.01.2022 CORONAVIRUS AND HUMAN CONTACT I saw a cartoon today depicting Coronavirus drinking at a bar with the Spanish Flu and the Black Death. The virus said: "My vision is not to kill people per se, but to raise awareness around access to public health." I think there's also another thing the Coronavirus is making us aware of: the importance of human contact/touch.... If I have a small class or in my private yoga sessions, subject to permission of course, I would always give my clients hands on adjustments or a gentle massage during Savasana. As someone from South America, I like hugging and kissing people when I see them. This has changed a bit in Australia. Unless it's someone I know very well, I simply shake hands. It's part of my culture to kiss someone in the cheek when you meet them or hug them strongly if they're your friend or family. We hug and we kiss a lot. Open hearts. So for me, being able to show love for my clients by offering some kind of human touch has always made me really happy, authentic and grateful. Of course, I always ask if people are comfortable with that. 99.99% people will say yes with the biggest smile in the face. Out of respect, I have chosen to stop for now. And I can see how my students miss it. And I miss it too! But people are scared. People are deciding not to shake hands anymore or to avoid as much human contact as possible. And who can blame them? Maybe that's the safest thing to do. In other countries people have been forced to stay at home, living in quarantine to stop the virus from spreading. Suddenly the smallest things such as hugging, kissing, hand-shaking, sharing spaces with strangers, has become a cause of concern. Just like that, boom, the joy of enjoying human contact taken away. So, if today you have been able to hug someone, shake hands with someone or even go to the gym or a coffee shop and share the space with strangers, you should consider yourself very very veeery lucky. Hope this virus stops creating that much panic but continues creating awareness on so many things we take for granted, like freedom and human contact. Stay grounded, people
05.01.2022 13.7.2020 "I am the product of all the ancestors getting together and deciding these stories need to be told." - Rupi Kaur... Farewell, week 23. It's been a pleasure! Hello there, week 24! Music: aime Musician: Rook1e #22w5d
04.01.2022 I love guiding the Tuesday evening Yin classes at @yerongaparkfitnesscentre too! And I love the souls that share their energy and practice with me each Tuesday. Thank you so much, @tina.louise_ !...
03.01.2022 23 weeks 2 days since my body took a seed and turned it into life, something only the Earth itself has the strength to do. Month 6 of co-creating with Mother Nature. Still in awe of the feminine body but also grateful for the masculine body and for gametogenesis hahaha!... Swipe right for letter board with @leigh.parker87 , the giver of half of the seed and the best person the Universe could have chosen for me to be in this journey with.
01.01.2022 NEW MEDITATION!! My meditation for pregnancy/labour got approved yesterday on the Insight Timer App. I want to invite all the pregnant ladies that follow me to have a listen and leave a review if you can.... I hope you enjoy it!! P.S. Insight Timer is a free meditation app, I encourage you to explore the library of meditations for pregnancy - they have a great variety and they all are beautiful!!
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