Chris Ross in Geraldton, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Chris Ross
Locality: Geraldton, Western Australia
Phone: +61 437 325 279
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25.01.2022 RAISING YOUR VIBRATIONS Home and environment We all spend a lot of time or work, which will affect your vibrations. Be aware of pictures, photographs, books and colours. Notice and become aware of how they make you feel. Another major factor is what chemicals if nay you use in and around the home. Have you ever looked at that angle? #chrisrossintheraw #The_Conscious_Clan #raisingvibrations
25.01.2022 Today I have a massage booked at our local TAFE. For those who may not have the budget for a massage in mainstream this is a great way to be able to get regular treatments, and also to help the students reach their goals. They also do facials, waxing, hair treatment. Their prices are affordable give them a ring to start getting notifications of when to book etc. I LOVE IT.
24.01.2022 Enjoy the week everyone. The weather here in Geraldton is glorious.
24.01.2022 Time for yourself TUESDAY'S. Why not take the time to get out into the sunshine today. You could do some sun gazing to absorb some beautiful sunlight, walk on the beach or head down the the foreshore and go for a walk. Where ever you are in the world there is somewhere to get out into the freshness of the day. You will become more vibrant and want to do it more often.
23.01.2022 Energy, we are all surrounded and made up of tiny particles creating an energy ball. About 99 percent of your body is made up of atoms of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. You also contain much smaller amounts of the other elements that are essential for life. VIBRATIONAL Energy Healing make an appointment to experience it.
23.01.2022 In the sound healing I do Solfeggio forks are the humdingers of all I reckon. The No 528 frequency is a gem. It is called the frequency of love. It helps to release emotional blockages and expands our consciousness.
22.01.2022 After having dinner at a friends’ house the other night, I noticed all their trash was piled in the corner of the kitchen next to the garbage can instead of in We bought this high-tech trashcan a few years back," they explained, "but we ran out of the special garbage bags that perfectly fit about four months ago. The manufacturer is still out of stock, so yeah... it’s annoying. Why not get a new trash can that takes regular bags? I asked. You’d think we would," they laughed, "but we've already spent so much money on this stupid thing, they said, pointing at the fancy, shiny, motion-activated yet completely useless trashcan, just sitting in the corner of that kitchen, mocking them. I’ve heard other people dread and complain about hanging out with certain friends because they never have anything to talk about or nothing in common, so the conversation dies after just five minutes of seeing one another. So why are you hanging out with them in the first place? I’d ask. Well, we’ve known each other since elementary school, they’d reply (as if having a history with someone automatically implies there’s also a future). It seems we cling and hang on to things and people just because we’ve spent so much time, money, or energy, on them in the past. But I remember Steve, an attorney from one of the law firms where I used to work, storming out of his office one day, loudly announcing, I’m done! My dad was a lawyer, his father was a lawyer, and I was raised to believe that’s exactly what I needed to become as well. But you know what? Despite the years of law school and hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans, all I ever wanted to be was a bartender! He put on his jacket, took the elevator down, and we never saw him again. Last I heard, he’s happy as can be, tending bar somewhere in Seattle. But Steve is the exception, not the rule. Most of us stay in miserable jobs, continue living in neighborhoods we dislike, and maintain dysfunctional relationships for decades, all because we think a change would require more energy than staying put. A self-inquiry teacher named Papaji said, What comes, let it come. What stays, let it stay. And what goes, let it go. I think we do great with what comes and what stays, but we fall short on letting things go. What is it about release or surrender that scares us so much? Does it really stem from a core viewpoint of scarcity, or is our ego so afraid of being bruised that it regularly defends its bad decisions? Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it. With much love from your brother, Timber Hawkeye
22.01.2022 TAKE a LEAP of FAITH Dip your feet in the water.
21.01.2022 Just for today do not worry. Just for today do not anger. Honour your parents and teachers. Earn your living honestly. Show gratitude every day.
20.01.2022 Thank y ou Kathy Lee Dodd Happy to have happy clients.
19.01.2022 Only 2 spots left
18.01.2022 Full moon this week. Who took that moment to look at one of the wonders of the universe?
18.01.2022 RAISING YOUR VIBRATIONS The energy of those around you One of the most toxic things we can do is to be and stay around people who are affecting our energy and you all know what this feels like! Protect and cleanse your auric fields and a very simple way is to have a shower.
18.01.2022 This is a raw beauty
18.01.2022 I’m relaxing st times and listening g to an audible book This One Wild and Precious Life written and read by Sarah Wilson and I’m lovin the Get full - fat Spiritual chapter. Anyone else relate to that chapter?
17.01.2022 Discovering who you are can take a lifetime, however each little new piece can be relished and enjoyed in the moment, much like each piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Take time to FEEL the new VIBRATIONS of change.
17.01.2022 Hi guys, we have a couple of spots left for tomorrow’s session. It’s being held at 55a Marine Terrace, and conducted by Christina Ross from Chris In the Raw. Only $15
17.01.2022 Our stories when shared inspire others to achieve what they think is impossible. Its not about being strong and holding on, its about being vulnerable and sharing, not as a victim but as a leader. So in sharing you unlock not only y our own heart but others hearts as well, creating more love and conscious people who's vibrations are able to reach higher, and resonate with others. Love creates more Love. If anyone wants to share with me on this page feel free and if not you can PM me to share that way.
16.01.2022 TUMERIC PASTE RECIPE with thanks to for this one. I have a cup of it in the evening and is recommended for its antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory properties. Here you might ask, what is the best ratio of turmeric to black pepper and turmeric to coconut oil? Below is the formula that I follow:... cup ground turmeric spice 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated 1 teaspoon black pepper cup coconut oil 1 cup water Once the oil fully melts and everything is fully mixed, I transfer it to a medium-sized airtight jar and keep in the fridge to use whenever I want.
16.01.2022 RAISING YOUR VIBRATIONS TV & Movie Choices It is very relevant to consider the amount of time that you engage with media. Watching violent or disturbing images will lower your frequency #chrisrossintheraw #The_Conscious_Clan #raisingvibrations
16.01.2022 Special XX
16.01.2022 Take a chance, go on you know you want to.....just do it!
15.01.2022 You looking for trouble blame your BELIEFS
15.01.2022 "The gathering of all cultures in one circle." from Time of the sixth Sun
14.01.2022 Hi Vibes for the weekend
14.01.2022 Keep your vibrations high with beautiful food
14.01.2022 The rain has so far been falling out of the heavens and I have been thinking about the meaning of rain..... For me it is about renewal and growth as without the pouring from the vessel there is no room for more.....Once empty we can replant some new seedling and the rain will help them blossom and grow. Then out comes the rainbow promising more.... "With remarkable regularity across human cultures, water has been used to communicate the sacred value of life; the spiritual dimension of purification, protection, and healing; and the profound meaning of suffering and redemption in human life. "
13.01.2022 Check this out, some positive proof in the water....
13.01.2022 Your Role Is To Send Forth Light And Ever Greater Light All the old must go and while this is taking place the chaos and confusion will be terrible. But be not afraid at all what you will witness in the days ahead. There will be mighty upheavals and then calm, and complacency will creep in, a sense of false security, then a further upheaval even greater than the last; and so it will continue until it will look as if the whole world is being turned upside down. Again I say to, do not become involved in this terrible chaos and confusion, but at the same time do not shut your eyes to it, but try to understand that without this drastic purging the cleansing of the earth cannot take place. As all this is going on, your role is to send forth Light and ever greater Light so those who are of the Light are drawn to it. 9 October 2020 Findhorn Foundation
11.01.2022 School is back on Tuesday so I have more space available now. Go ahead and book your Sonic Aura Clearing Experience . "You'll never know unless you go!"
11.01.2022 Great message Who is listening
10.01.2022 PM me if you would like one of these vouchers for your special person or even for yourself.
10.01.2022 Swimming at York. #chrisrossintheraw #York #geraldton #reiki
09.01.2022 WHO SLEEPS IN ON SATURDAYS after a hard week at work ? Sleep is something that is individual however a lot of peeps don't get enough. We all know the saying sleep like a baby! How much is enough for you? Do you go to bed early or late?
08.01.2022 This is worth it!
08.01.2022 "Когда Рэйки начало распространяться по миру, культуры и индивидуальные люди стали делать Рэйки своим собственным. Они стали менять форму Рэйки, некоторые стали... сами решать, платить за Рэйки или не платить, некоторые исключили принципы, потому что не могли соотноситься с ними, некоторые не хотели иметь гуру, так что Духовная линия была неважна для них, некоторые не могли поверить в историю, как и я сама, но им Хавайо Таката не рассказывала эту историю. Так что они были лишены той части, которая касалась того, что Хавайо Таката говорила правду, у них не было такого переживания. У них было переживание такого чувства молодого мастера: Боже, я надеюсь, что это правда, ведь мне придется рассказывать это своим студентам, и я надеюсь, что они поверят, и не уйдут с занятий, и т.д. И я сама так думала, знаете ли, несколько лет. Но все мы получили такой опыт, вот как один мой студент пришел к нам, и сказал: Знаете, я пришел, чтобы еще раз побыть на занятиях, и больше всего я хочу услышать Историю. Потому что была некая энергетика, которая передавалась, когда мы рассказывали Историю. У меня до сих пор нет этому объяснения. В конце 1980-х люди, которые сделали Рэйки собственной практикой, стали очень заметными. И в 1990-х это так пышно росло, что все эти формы Рэйки стали расцветать, и я должна сказать, что у меня ушло 5-6 лет и много терапии, чтобы прийти к такому месту, где я могла бы принять это. Для меня это было в противодействии и непочтительно к моему Мастеру, Хавайо Таката. Это было не по поводу того, правильно это или неправильно, это было об уважении от мастера к студенту. И потом я начала встречаться со студентами этих разных практик, и я поняла, что они также получают большую пользу. Затем у меня возник вопрос: Как я могу отрицать эти другие практики? И как я собираюсь обращаться с ними? И затем я начала свое путешествие в том, чтобы действительно быть способной, как я надеюсь, в конце концов, быть ясной в своей собственной практике и приветствовать присутствие других практик, быть способной понимать богатство узоров на гобелене Рэйки, в который вовлечены все эти другие практики. И что некоторые цвета на этом гобелене потускнеют, и появятся другие, некоторые нити останутся сильными и станут основными нитями в ткани, которые сохраняют всю ткань, и это наша человеческая природа ткать гобелены, гобелены наших жизней, наших сообществ, наших практик. Наша работа прямо сейчас, как я чувствую, заключается в том, чтобы шагнуть в то, чтобы стать Мировым Сообществом, без состязания." Филлис Фурумото See more
08.01.2022 SOUND THERAPY #Healing #Vibrationalmedicine takes a holistic approach to the process of healing. Working in the Energy fields (aura and chakras) to assist in restoring balance and harmony. Sonic Aura Clearing non invasive method of healing to bring your aura back into balance using bowls and tuning forks. The principle tools used are Himalayan Singing Bowls and Solfeggio tuning forks all tuned to specific notes and frequencies that work synergistically. Remote healing pra...ctices which are in fact ancient healing arts have become measurable by 21st century technological science. What sages, shamans, healers have known across the world and through time are now measurable effects. Distance healing is any form of healing energy "sent" across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. t these. #QuantumHealing #Sound #Resonance See more
08.01.2022 Remember that crack that’s in everything well the light is still working at getting in.
07.01.2022 RAISING OUR VIBRATIONS Laughter is the best medicine, very affordable as well! #chrisrossintheraw #The_Conscious_Clan #Sonicsoundhealing
06.01.2022 Our stories when shared inspire others to achieve what they think is impossible. Its not about being strong and holding on, its about being vulnerable and sharing, not as a victim but as a leader and a teacher. So in sharing you unlock not only your heart but other hearts as well. If you want to share a little of your heart with me feel free to do so here or PM me. I am happy to listen.
06.01.2022 Looking for something special, creating a new experience, give the gift of a healing.
06.01.2022 Here is another review of the Sonic Sound Healing that I have trained for and able to do remote or distance healing.. "Ever feel a bit restless, a bit off? Then you just shake it off? For weeks I had this feeling but didn’t really think much about it (geez, who has me time?) Then I had a distance healing chakra balance with Christina. I had not been acknowledging my self, not addressing what was bothering me, basically I wasn’t really caring about myself. Christina was to pinpoint certain areas which (previously unbeknown to me) were bothering me and give me guidance on how to address them, how to manage them and she empowered me to undertake some self healing. I walked away thinking yes, that was interesting, I thought a lot about what she said and what we discussed. Through the course of the day and the following day I did a few of the chakra balance mindfulness exercises that Christina had shared with me. The following day I had a feeling of lightness, I was more relaxed, I felt happier and I felt motivated to be more caring towards myself. If you’re keen to make a few changes, get your emotions and your soul on track then give this Sonic Aura and or Chakra healing a go. You’ll be surprised how good it makes you feel and how it inspires you to heal yourself - even if you don’t feel broken but feel a bit off. Happy Client AP
04.01.2022 RAISING OUR VIBRATIONS Be aware of the foods you eat! Foods vibrate at different frequencies. If the food we eat is covered in pesticides it will leave you feeling weaker, as will artificial processed foods. The good high vibrational foods are fresh, preferably organic fruits veggies nuts, and good oils. On the low list are flour based cereals, meat, dairy and sugars. Try swapping some of the low to the high. #healingenergy #theconsciousclan #chrisrossintheraw #plantbased
04.01.2022 There is no doubt that life as we know it is changing! Some are in the flow with it and some know clearly that changes are happening but not yet flowing with it. This is all ok and is meant to be. Remember the saying Rome wasn’t built in a day? For some, the changes are subtle, others are attending to relationships, some to their health and their are those who are physically helping Mother Earth, with clean ups etc. And not to forget those who are keeping us up to date with news they have channelled on the changes to come. Many have planted gardens, many are reconnecting with themselves. Remember it is all just the way it is meant to be. You are all playing your part as best you can. Keep It Simple Sweethearts,
04.01.2022 Today I am grateful for you, the Facebook users who read my posts! What are you grateful for?
04.01.2022 THIRSTY THURSDAY Are you drinking enough water? There is some differences in the amount of water that peeps think we should consume on a daily basis. It makes me go to the toilet more often than usual so can be inconvenient. However since we are made of a large percentage of water do your best to at least add 4 glasses of water to your daily regime. For some it will be more. My hot tip is to consume more water based foods like watermelon, celery, lettuce etc.
02.01.2022 #chrisrossintheraw #reikihealing #soundhealing ##vibrationalhealing #geraldton
02.01.2022 We all know that green foods are good for you so why not find out? They taste good too! Google a green recipe today!
02.01.2022 RAISING OUR VIBRATIONS Music - Listen and become aware of the lyrics and sound. Lyrics of hate and pain violence, drama and fear send negative messages to your subconscious. These lower your vibrations.#chrisrossintheraw #The_Conscious_Clan #sonicsound
01.01.2022 Yoga this week has been great and the message Jodi has this week is - I am enough I do enough and I have enough. Thanks Jodi from #geraldtonyogastudio for that message I feel it is very relevant.
01.01.2022 Sonic Aura Clearing - Remote or distance, you don't even have to attend my healing rooms. Amazing results! This is the future in Vibrational Medicine - Revival of Ancient Practises. PM me for a chat to see if this is for you!
01.01.2022 RAISING OUR VIBRATIONS Gratitude There are always two sides to every coin, and a great way to see the flip side is to think of something you are grateful for because of it. Writing a gratitude diary is a fantastic way to clear any negative feelings from your consciousness and will instantly lift your vibrations. #chrisrossintheraw #The_Conscious_Clan #raisingvibrations
01.01.2022 Sunday Bloody Sunday - Its a great day to begin your journey into the NEW YOU. Tomorrow is another day to make a list of all you want to change. Book it in or book it out, was once said by a motivational speaker at a work PD. I have never forgotten this and he is right. What's in your diary for tomorrow? Massage New hair style Walk on the beach... Yoga Not to react to my ex Not to be defensive Book with Christina Time with your bestie :) See more
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