Chronic Smithing | Jewellery/watches
Chronic Smithing
Phone: +61 431 330 162
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25.01.2022 1951 English Half Penny I love the details in this ship it really has a nice depth to it. The way that the raised sails glisten in the light makes me happy. If you would like to come see us doing some live coin cutting and maybe buy some unique jewellery we will be at the Ipswich historical Day on the 25th of August details can be found on our Facebook page.... #chronicsmithing #england #ship #halfpenny #halfpennylondon #handmadejewelry #handmade #coinart #cutcoin #wearableart #copper #lovemyjob #coinpendant #bubblewrap #1951 #etsyseller #etsyshop #ipswichhistoricalsociety #ipswich #englandtourism #england #finejewellery #coin #treat #livedemo #mediaeval #handcrafted #jewellerydesign #antiquecoins #jewellerytime
25.01.2022 This 1974 commemorative New Zealand $1 has been a bit of a white whale for over a year now. The thickness as well as the fine detail have been little terrifying. This coin was ordered as a keyring I'm so happy I was finally able to concrete! It took 4 hours with a .5mm blade to perfect this piece of stunning art ... #chronicsmithing #newzealand #1974 #newzealandcoin #commemorativecoin #commonwealthgames #whitewhale #customjewellery #custom #handmadejewelry #handmadewithlove #coinkeyring #customkeychain #coinart #coinjewellery #hardwork #newjewellery #newline #newstock #christchurch #etsyseller #etsy #etsyshop #piercingsaw #breakthrough #jewellerssaw #jewellerylover #christmasgifts #christmas #christmaspresents
25.01.2022 This coin makes the most beautiful keyring, some people don't know but the 50 cent was made of silver and round. Such a stunning coin is there any Australian coin we can make. #chronicsmithing #australia #handmadewithlove #handmadewithlove #handmadejewelry #jewellery #silver #1963 #coinart #coinjewellery #newline #peircing #florin #handcut #oldtrade #custom #present #christmas #birthday #customjewellery
24.01.2022 It's a beautiful sunny day with just enough loud care that I make a cool here at the Ipswich turf club. What a turnout for the Ipswich handmade expo can't wait to see what the rest of the day holds. Please come down and say hi.... #chronicsmithing #handmadejewelry #handmadeexpo #marketday #marketstall #etsyseller #etsy #etsyshop #coinring #cutlery @ Ipswich Turf Club
23.01.2022 1948 English Half Crown If you would like to see more coins like this or other coin and cutlery jewellery please head over to our website Please feel free to DM me or send me an email if you would like a custom coin or date. FUN FACT British Railways created when the government nationalizes the railway industry.... #chronicsmithing #handcrafted #cutcoin #coinjewellery #england # #sheild #1948 #etsyseller #etsyseller #jewellery #brisbanejewellery #lovejewelry #personalizedgifts #pendant #coincutting #coinpendant #coins #customjewellery #wearableart #handmade #halfcrown #crown #jewelery #hipster #hipsterfashion #handcut #gc #customcoin #custompresent
23.01.2022 What beautiful weather to be celebrating Tartan Day. Such a nice turnout just a constant flow of people flowing through. We have over 100 pieces of beautiful jewellery ready to be snapped up. If you like bagpipes and haggis this is the place to be, definitely worth a look if you not had the experience Tartan Day. Please come down and say hi. #chronicsmithing #tartanday #irish #thistle #scottish #england #scotland #ireland #tartan #handmadejewelry #coinjewellery #cutleryjewellery #coinpendant #cutcoin #silvercutlery #bagpipes #snaredrum #pipeband #parade #community #freeevent #kinggeorgesquare #brisbanecbd #cityhall #brisbaneevents #coinart #wearableart #cutleryring #livedemo #etsyseller @ King George Square
20.01.2022 These Fijian sixpence earrings are some of the most beautiful coins to cut. The fine detail in the silver is so delicate and always a fun challenge. These coins are quite hard to find though they make for beautiful pieces of jewellery if you're lucky enough to find some. #chronicsmithing #handmade #fijian #silvercoin #sixpence #fiji #turtle #etsy #etsyshop #strathpine #handmadeexpo #hardtofind #islandjewellery #turtlejewellery #cutcoin #wearableart #finedetail #awesome #dope # #thesandstavern #christmasspectacular #love #presents #treatyourself #jewellery #coinjewelry #handmadejewellery #coinearrings #earrings
19.01.2022 1953 Australian Florin These coin rings can be a lot of fun to make starting with a simple hole in the centre then working them into a stunning piece of wearable art. HISTORY FACT Korean War end after 3 years. The war began on 25 June 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea following. As a product of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, Korea had been split into two sovereign states in 1948.... At our website get 15% off selected items using the propmp code: MOTHERSDAYJEWEL Sale finisher Mothers Day. #chronicsmithing #handmadejewellery #history #coin #cutlery #etsyshop #etsyseller #australia #florin #wearableart #war #funfacts #1953 #silvercoin #Silver #coinring #silverring #beautiful #stunning #unique #skillful #hot #vintage #antique #korea #koreanwar #warfacts # #ring #coldwar @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
19.01.2022 1941 Indian rupee This silver Rupee was my first real test of my fine cutting. It has such a stunning finish on it. I love the depth of detail including roses clothes and thistles. We have a bit of free time on our hand and are looking for markets, fairs and events to show our wears at. If any one has any suggestions or events that could use a jewellery stall we would love to help out. ... #chronicsmithing #1941 #india #indiancoins #india #rupee #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #coinpendant #coincutting #cutcoin #coins #etsyseller #etsy #etsyshop #handcut #finejewellery #finecut #markets #fair #hireus #handmade #freetime #lovemyjob #jewellerydesign #community #commission #silverjewelry #wearableart #customjewellery
18.01.2022 Greek 1973 5 Drachmais with coin has such a beautiful depiction of a pegasus. The detail in the tips of the wings really make for a lot of fun to cut around. If you would like to see how I cut the coins and maybe buy some unique jewellery we will be at the Ipswich historical Day details can be found on our Facebook @chronic_smithing #chronicsmithing #greece #greekcoin #greek #greekfreak #greekmythology #greekgods #greekcoin #greekjewellery #pegasus #flyinghorse #cutcoin #coinpendant #coinjewellery #handcrafted #handmade #handmadejewelry #customjewellery #etsyseller #etsyshop #1973 #horse #coin #photography #ipswichhistoricalsociety #ipswich #daytrip #marketstall #liveshow #livecut
18.01.2022 One Irish Punt Such a beautiful depiction of a red deer a native deer species in Ireland they are commonly found in herds at Killarney National Park. Tom Ryan designed this coin on a photographs taken by Sean Ryan of this beautiful animals in their natural habitat. I think it really makes for a beautiful coin. At our website get 15% off selected items using the propmp code: MOTHERSDAYJEWEL Sale finisher Mothers Day.... #chronicsmithing #handmadejewelry #coinpendant #coinjewellery #coin #ireland #punta #reddeer #deer #seanryan #jewellerydesign #mothersdaysale #motherearth #earthscreatures #customjewellery #coincutting #piercingsaw #killarney #killarneynationalpark #irishjewellery #sale #animaljewellery #deerjewellery #recycledjewelry #deerpark #etsyseller #etsyshop #handmade #wearableart #recycledart @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
17.01.2022 We are starting our mothers day celebration early by offering you 15% OFF all cut coins including custom designs. We all have someone special that needs to be shown how much we love and appreciate them, this is a better chance then any to make them a one of a kind piece of jewellery to cherish. Please enter promo code at checkout: MOTHERSDAYJEWEL This Offer can be calmed at: Sale ends 12th of May. See more
17.01.2022 Found this beautiful silver 1944 Canadian 50 cent, the detail in these old coins are magnificent the cut really brings some unique depth into the coin. Dayboro Day is just around the corner on the 26th of May, we will be stocking up as much jewellery as we can for that one day of the year we love so much. Shout out to @badlandscoinrings for the idea. #chronicsmithing #handmadejewelry #history #canada #canadian #antique #lion #unicorn #crown #silverjewelry #Silver #925silver #cutcoin #coinjewellery #mothersdaysale #mothersday #1944 #silvercoin #personalizedgifts #customjewellery #customcoin #beautiful #treatyourself #etsyseller #etsyshop #unique #unisex #dayboro #dayborodayfestival #badlandscoinrings @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
16.01.2022 These two ring started off as a pair of sugar tongs with such a lovely antique design they really make beautiful looking rings. You can find these along with 20+ new rings at our Etsy store. Dayboro Day is just around the corner on the 26th of May, we will be stocking up as much jewellery as we can for that one day of the year we love so much. #chronicsmithing #cutleryjewellery #cutlery #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #jewellerydesign #hot #chilli #tongs #antiquecutlery #spoonring #ring #etsyseller #etsyshop #silverplated #flowers #vines #dayborodayfestival #stockingup #lovejewelry #forsale #dayboro #annualmarket #annualevent
14.01.2022 I picked this 1 Peso up on my recent travels to Cuba. It is such an amazing place unlike any where I've ever been. The people, cars and buildings are like something out of a time capsule. Even the coins have a beauty of their own, this coin depicts a view of Guamá. FUN FACT Guamá was a Cuban tribesman, who fought against Spanish occupation on the first half of 16th century, when the Taínos (name of the tribe) were slaved to work in the gold mines.... #cuba #cuban #chronicsmithing #handmadegifts #handcrafted #piercingsaw #pendant #cutcoin #coinjewellery #guama #etsyseller #etsyshop #birthdaycoin #tainos #funfacts #lovemyjob # #skill #worldcoins #river #village #cubancoin #wearableart #hamdmade #jewellery #craft #coincutting #cubancars #vintagecars #cubana @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
12.01.2022 New Zealand Penny If you came to Tartan Day you may have seen me cutting this New Zealand 1942 Penny it turned out so beautifully. I really love the design in this coins especially cutting in between every individual leaf it's always a fun challenge. Every time I do the same coin repetitively more detail is cut out each time but they do stay fairly similar. ... If you would like to come see does doing some live coin cutting and maybe buy some jewellery we will be at the Ipswich historical Day details can be found on our Facebook page. #chronicsmithing #ipswichhistoricalsociety #newzealand #newzealandpics #newzealandcoin #customjewellery #etsyseller #etsyshop #cutcoin #facebookevent #1950s #1942 #repetition #fineart #finejewellery #handmadejewelry #ipswich #lovemyjob #lovejewelry #antique #antiquecoins #copper #tuibird #tui #leafcutting #penny #wearableart #hot #treatyourself #daytrip
12.01.2022 1 Indian Rupee Silver 1919 CR0007 This coin has the most beautiful wreath made up of roses, thistles, shamrock leaves and lotus flowers. It's a big year for this coin as it is celebrating it's 100th birthday. Coins definitely had more unique detail to them back in those days. HISTORICAL FACT... Charles Franklin Kettering in the vents the First automobile electronic ignition system. The self starting ignition was first installed in a Cadillac on February 17th 1991. The invention of the electric starter motor by Charles eliminate the need for hand cranking. At our website get 15% off selected items using the propmp code: MOTHERSDAYJEWEL Sale finisher Mothers Day. #chronicsmithing #handmadejewellery #history #coin #cutlery #etsyshop #etsyseller #indiancoins #india #india #starwars #unisex #1919 #rose #shamrockleaves #shamrock #lotus #flowers #thistle #wreath #ring #flowerjewellery #antique #worldcoins #historicalfacts #coinring #charlesfranklin #enginefirst #mothersdaysale #silver @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
11.01.2022 This is a statement piece of a coin, a solid silver commemorative New Zealand $1 with beautiful ferns and the detailed shield in the centre this will stand out with anything you wear. The shield and ferns dangal in the centre of the rim and is a repair that worked out fantastic. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE #chronicsmithing # #newzealand #wovenfan #fanpalm #cutcoin #coinpendant #coinjewellery #statmentpieces #statment #statmentpendant #bigjewellery #fullbodied #handmade #coinart #wearableart #925silver #silvercoin #dangley #etsyseller #websitedesign #fijianfan #hot #fern #newzealand #skill #satasfying #recycledart #recycledjewelry #coincutting
11.01.2022 England 2 Pound Coin What a stunning coin it has such bold features and really tells you where it's from. This coin is quite a statement piece and is a nice heavy piece of brass. It almost reminds me of a Scottish X-Men symbol . If you would like to come see does doing some live coin cutting and maybe buy some jewellery we will be at the Ipswich heritage Day details can be found on our Facebook page... Ipswich Heritage Day is held in Redbank plains this Sunday it has fun for the whole family. #chronicsmithing #ipswichhistoricalsociety #ipswich #ipswichheritageday #england #twopound #coinpendant #cutcoin #handmadejewelry #coinjewellery #scotland #thistle #xman #brass #livedemo #marketstall #etsyseller #etsyshop #lovejewelry #treatyourself #statmentpieces #coincutting #handcrafted #photography #familyfun #fair #oldworldcraft #mediaeval #funday #rare
11.01.2022 This Thailand coin may have had a pretty average life until I turned it into wearable piece of art. A coin ring, that will now be cherished and looked after. We love the idea of breathing new life into overlooked coins and cutlery. The Ipswich handmade expo is just around the corner or really looking forward to seeing the crowds flood in. If you would like to come see our full range of unique coins and cutlery jewellery we will be at the Ipswich turf club on the 21th fro...m 8am till 1pm #thailand #1993 #coin #coinring #ipswichcraft #chronicsmithing #handmadejewelry #handmade #jewellery #wearableart #expo #etsy #etsyshop #marketstall #ipswichturfclub #handmadeexpo #coinscollection #cutlery #newlife #repurpos #hot #treatyourself #tresbien #exquisite #12ton #press #unisex #unisexjewellery #bangkok #coinart @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
10.01.2022 Indian 1939 One Quarter Anna This coin was my first test using a solution that makes the background detail black. It turned out even more beautiful than the original coin bringing depth to the winding Vines and leaves. This coin suffered a minor break during the bending process but I was able to soldered back into place, I had to save this ring it such a unique coin.... 15% off sale promo code: MOTHERSDAYJEWEL HISTORICAL FACT World War II breaks out in 1939 and political dead lock in India. During the Second World War, India was controlled by the United Kingdom, with the British holding territories in India including over five hundred autonomous Princely States; British India officially declared war on Nazi Germany in September 1939. #chronicsmithing #handmadejewellery #history #coin #cutlery #etsyshop #etsyseller #india #1939 #indialove #india #wearableart #coinring #historicalfacts #wwii #britishindia #xlgel #unisex #unique #stunning #beautiful #treatyourself #forsale #hot #oneofakind #indiancoins #vines #mapleleafs #leaves #copper @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
10.01.2022 English 1956 Two Shilling The black aging on this 1956 florin goes perfect with this beautiful Chrome covered Yamaha cruiser. The way the black and chrome work off each other is mismerizing plus I love Shinny things!! FUN FACT It Is A Criminal Offense to Stick A Postage Stamp To An Envelope Upside Down. According to the Treason Felony Act 1848 this is treason as most British postage stamps comprise the Queens head.... At our website get 15% off selected items using the propmp code: MOTHERSDAYJEWEL Sale finisher Mothers Day. #chronicsmithing #handmadejewellery #history #coin #cutlery #etsyshop #etsyseller #england #unitedkingdom #coinring #wearableart #ring #yamaha #cruiser #motobike #motorcycle #shilling #1956 #chrome #postagestamps #shinny #shinnythings #treatyourself #beautiful #unisex #treason # #xlgel #patina #jewellerydesign @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
09.01.2022 This is a new touch on a New Zealand half crown I've cut out before. Always looking for new ways to reform these beautiful piece of history into exquisite pieces of jewellery. #chronicsmithing #jewellery #coinart #coinjewellery #handmadejewelry #customjewellery #silver #silvercoin #newzealand #halfcrown #tribal #tribaljewelry #newline #reformed # #christmas #christmasgifts #fire #presents #jewellerydesign #youngdesigner #art #fire #new #coatofarms #crown #tibal
09.01.2022 This Valentine's Day we are doing a special 10% on our stunning rage cut coins. Show you valentine how much they mean to you with a piece of handmade jewellery recycled out of coins from all over the world that have been transformed into wearable art. If you head over to our new website and enter CHRONICLOVE at the check out you will receive 10% off all cut coins.
08.01.2022 New Zealand $2 Such a beautifully detailed coin that I made into an even more beautiful ring. Please drop by our shop at the Strathpine Westfield and get your and piece of coin or cutlery jewellery... #chronicsmithing #newzealand #coinjewellery #coinscollection #customjewellery #custom #jewellery # #goldjewellery #coinart #wearableart #reformed #perfect #unique #handmadepopupshop #handmadejewelry #coins #etsyseller #etsy #etsyshop #strathpinewestfield #strathpine #style #birds #ring #jewellerydesigner #smallbusiness #hobbies #popupshop #lovemyjob @ Brisbane, Queenland, Australia
07.01.2022 Aruba 50 Cent I've never seen a coin like this before the delicate fine shapes on it inspired me to do equally as fine cuts. Though there is little detail on this coin define shapes are breathtaking. I have been finding myself just staring at it . If you would like to come see does doing some live coin cutting and maybe buy some jewellery we will be at the Ipswich heritage Day details can be found on our Facebook page... Ipswich Heritage Day is held in Redbank plains this Sunday it has fun for the whole family. #chronicsmithing #aruba #art #photography #handmadejewelry #handmade #handcrafted #ipswichhistoricalsociety #ipswich #ipswichheritageday #etsyseller #etsyshop #marketstall #hot #treatyourself #shapes #geometric #geometricdesign #triangle # #livedemo #coinpendant #coincutting #coinart #wearableart #lovejewelry #jewellerydesign #lovemyjob #uniquejewelry #oneofakind
07.01.2022 I've been tinkering in the workshop just finding out what works and exploring the possibilities of things that can be reformed into jewellery. I'm really happy with what I found! The stainless steel washers make the most beautiful comfortable rings. These stainless steel rings will be available on my Etsy within the week in any size ... #chronicsmithing #handmadejewelry #doodles #workshopplay #washer #stainlesssteel #jewellerydesign #jewellery #reforming #etsysellersofinstagram #etsy #formedsteel #homemadepaper #homemade #newjewellery #fire #steelring #unisex #jewellerylover #jeweller #christmas #customjewellery #christmaspresents #washerring #present #newstock #etsyseller #etsyshop #shinny #shinnyjewellery
07.01.2022 I finally got a chance to cut a English three pence it's a challenge that I've wanted to do for a while. I think it turned out really nice, the detail between each chain link was definitely one of the high points. #chronicsmithing #handmadejewellery #history #coin #brass #etsyshop #etsyseller #england #threepence #customjewellery #crown #finecut #skillful #1960s #photography #treat #unisex #uniquejewelry #hot #hardwork #lovemyjob
06.01.2022 Italian 200 lire These coins make fantastic birthday presents and can be customised to dates and certain countries love by anyone. Please get in contact with love to do custom orders, it's amazing what people come up with I transformed this coin into a stunning piece of coin art for my friend's birthday present.... Please drop by our shop at the Strathpine Westfield and get your and piece of coin or cutlery jewellery #chronicsmithing #strathpinewestfield #handmade #handmadeexpo #strathpine #jewellery #presents #treatyourself #italy #shopping #coinjewellery #cutleryjewellery #popupshop #christmasshopping #birthday #gifts #affordable # # #jewellery #happybirthday #lire #goldjewellery #coinart #recycledcutleryjewellery #reformed #repurpos #handmadejewelry #local
05.01.2022 1957 English three pence I finally got a chance to do with complete cut on this one. I love the challenge of cutting the smallest details. We will be at Ipswich handmade expo on the 28th of September. Details can be found on our Facebook page please come along and see us.... #chronicsmithing #england #englishpence #handmadejewelry #handmade #1957 #smallcoins #finejewellery #wearableart #jewellery #cutcoin #etsy #etsyshop #handmadeexpo #ipswichturfclub #ipswichcraft #craftmarket # #firsttime #hot #treatyourself #unisex #crown #threepence #englishcoins #brass #nolasers #luckydip #lovemyjob
05.01.2022 UK 5P Smoking Queen These coins are always a favourite, everyone has a good chuckle when they see them at the markets. We're really happy it still be creating fun works of art during these hard times. Hopefully will bring a smile to your face Thank you very much for your order Alex we really appreciate your return business!... #chronicsmithing #england #smokingqueen #joint #420 #customjewellery #etsyseller #etsyshop #cutcoin #facebook #5pence #jewellery #repetition #fineart #finejewellery #handmadejewelry #ipswich #lovemyjob #lovejewelry #silver #coinjewellery #onlineshopping #hardtimes #smiles #funjewellery #wereback #wearableart #hot #treatyourself #firstoftheyear
04.01.2022 1 Indian Rupee Silver 1919 This coin has the most beautiful wreath made up of roses, thistles, shamrock leaves and lotus flowers. It's a big year for this coin as it is celebrating it's 100th birthday. Coins definitely had more unique detail to them back in those days. HISTORICAL FACT Charles Franklin Kettering in the vents the First automobile electronic ignition system. The self starting ignition was first installed in a Cadillac on February 17th 1991. The... invention of the electric starter motor by Charles eliminate the need for hand cranking. At our website get 15% off selected items using the propmp code: MOTHERSDAYJEWEL Sale finisher Mothers Day. #chronicsmithing #handmadejewellery #history #coin #cutlery #etsyshop #etsyseller #indiancoins #india #india #starwars #unisex #1919 #rose #shamrockleaves #shamrock #lotus #flowers #thistle #wreath #ring #flowerjewellery #antique #worldcoins #historicalfacts #coinring #charlesfranklin #enginefirst #mothersdaysale #silver
04.01.2022 I've been working on reshaping this napkin holder to make it look way more impressive than it did before. What amazing things you can do with a hammer, saw and a stencil. This bracelet made to fit any size wrist and would make a perfect mother's Day presents. At our website get 15% off selected items using the propmp code: MOTHERSDAYJEWEL Sale finisher Mothers Day.... #chronicsmithing #cutleryjewellery #napkinring #transformation #reformed #recycledart #recycle #handmadejewelry #handcrafted #etsyseller #etsyshop #gaelic #irish #bracelet #cutlerybracelet #wovenpattern #gaelicjewelry #silverplated #piercingsaw #wearableart #jewellerysale #localartist #cutlery #purple #unique #mothersdaysale #mothersday #irishpattern #stencil #impressive
04.01.2022 I'm incredibly happy with the way this keyring turned out can't wait to make more! Come and get a custom coin made in your birthday, these coins make great presents when you just don't know what to get someone. #chronicsmithing #australia #handmadewithlove #handmadewithlove #handmadejewelry #jewellery #silver #1963 #coinart #coinjewellery #newline #peircing #florin #handcut #oldtrade #custom #present #christmas #birthday #customjewellery
03.01.2022 We got an incredible opportunity to be a part of the Handmade Expo Pop Up Shop at the Strathpine Westfield. All our jewellery will be on display in Strathpine from the 1st of October to the 31st of December. Please come by and have a look at our amazing setup maybe even buy yourself some beautiful unique coin and couple of jewellery. There is up to 70 other handmade artists in the same shop.... More details can be found on our Facebook page @chronicsmishing #chronicsmithing #handmadejewelry #handmade #handmadeexpo #handmadepopupshop #handmafeexpopopupshop #strathpine #westfield #strathpinewestfield #coinjewellery #cutlery #recycledcutleryjewellery #cutleryjewellery #treatyourself #firsttime #etsyseller #etsyshop #fancy #unisex #unisexjewellery #unique #bigoppitunity #lovemyjob #3months #presentation #hot #jewellery #christmasgifts #customjewellery #silver
03.01.2022 What a beautiful day it is celebrating Ipswich Heritage day here at the Ipswich historical society. Come and see us do some live coin cutting as well as seeing how blacksmiths make all kinds of tools #chronicsmithing #ipswichhistoricalsociety #ipswichheritageday #ipswich #blacksmith #blacksmithing #markets #marketstall #jewelery #silver #cutlery #coins #handmadejewelry #repurpose #woodworking #silversmithing #traditions #toolmaking #GeddesBlacksmithing @ Ipswich Historical Society
02.01.2022 Russian 5 Rubles It's nice to see at least a little bit of nature reflected in coins. With a proud two headed eagle inside and an elegant vine creeping up the outside. NATURE FACT Russia has some of the most beautiful natural formations like the Northwest the region of Karelia is known for it's lush beauty and scenic surrounding of the small town of Rukeala the region of crowning glory. Ruskeala marble canyon is one of karelia's gems.... At our website get 15% off selected items using the propmp code: MOTHERSDAYJEWEL Sale finisher Mothers Day. #chronicsmithing #handmadejewellery #history #coin #cutlery #etsyshop #etsyseller #coinring #russia #russiancoins #russia_pics #ruskeala #karelia #worldcoins #mothersdaysale #beautiful #coinart #wearableart #nature # #crowningglory #steel #outdoors #rings #thinkingoutsidethebox #treatyourself #gramaphone #doubleheadedeagle #twoheaded #unisex @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
02.01.2022 Danish 20 Kroner This is my first try at a coin I've been wanting to do for quite a while the details scared me a bit before I gave it a go. I'm amazed with the finished product. The fine detail around the lions is my favourite part. If you would like to come see does doing some live coin cutting and maybe buy some jewellery we will be at the Ipswich heritage Day details can be found on our Facebook page... Ipswich Heritage Day is held in Redbank plains this Sunday it has fun for the whole family. #chronicsmithing #ipswichhistoricalsociety #ipswich #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #coinpendant #coincutting #danish #denmark #lions #crown #kroner #etsyseller #etsyshop #marketstall #treatyourself #livedemo #cutcoin #fineart #hot #gold #familyfun #funday #wearableart #firsttime #newstock #jewellerydesign #jewellery #coin #
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