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25.01.2022 cntre space is platform for creative expression and ultimately we love curating these yoga and meditation experiences that people get to feel and also co-create in the moment with us, its like live art, and theres so many layers to it- the individual experience and the collective experience. Opening cntre space really gave us the freedom to explore yoga, meditation and creativity simultaneously, to give people an authentic yoga practice (full feeling) while at the same time expanding the parameters of how it can be delivered and experienced - #cntrespace #yogaisart
24.01.2022 Introducing @aimeemadelinebaker // who will be taking our Sunday 8:30am open level vinyasa beginning tomorrow Nothing grounds me more than the practice of yoga, when I step inside the fours corners of my mat I have everything I need. Just me, my breath and movement I have been practicing yoga for the last 6 years but it only became a regular practice for me after living and working in a surf community in Sri Lanka where a daily yoga practice became an essential part of the ...simple wholesome lifestyle there. It taught me to slow down and connect with myself Eventually I was inspired to complete my yoga teacher training in Nepal last year in both Hatha and Ashtanga yoga as a prerequisite to starting a pregnancy yoga teacher training. Today I practice mostly vinyasa yoga with a strong emphasis on breath to match a style that's graceful but strong. In my classes I hope to share with you these feelings of presence and connection to yourself with the intention of bringing a little bit more peace and joy to your day #cntrespace @liamfawell
21.01.2022 REPOST @pranayamasadhana Heres how to really extract the nectar out of this year: Get serious Living is serious. Matters of providing for your family are serious. Having a place to rest your head at night is serious. Having purpose is serious. Making sure that your mind is at peace. Feeling appreciative of yourself. And tasting spiritual motivation each day. These are serious matters... Not the stressed out serious youre used to. The type of seriousness that comes from worry and panic, insecurity and fear. The type of seriousness that has you reacting, in light of what others will think. Instead of responding, in light of what you can offer So use your seriousness to crush the spirit of procrastination within you. Take your time. Live by the light of learning. Get structured. Use routine so youre not burning the midnight oil. And remain ever-disciplined. You cant drift to the fullest measure of spiritual prosperity. It has to be earned. So get serious! #cntrespace
21.01.2022 Repost @pranayamasadhana These are challenging times friends. This is why its important to be absolutely and utterly involved with the practice of all practices: to have control over your mind. That way your personality isnt unconsciously generating behaviours that put you in scenarios that are compromising. Compromising to your own prosperity and to the wellbeing of others. You have to understand that the sheer act of living is the most brutal endurance sport ever crafted.... Nothing supersedes it. So you need to flip your perspective on its head and love that Life continues to attack you. Knowing that its purposefully stressing your mind to adapt and grow into greater perspectives. You need to take up the task or you will wallow in complaint and sorrow and the world appearance will live as a very grim place. . Fear is the currency of control. Intelligence is the currency of adaptation. #cntrespace See more
20.01.2022 352 #cntrespace
20.01.2022 Flashback to our two favs @cammwat & @stuart_watkins_ // you can enjoy their classes Thursday 7:15pm for a spinal flow & mobility with @cammwat & Saturdays 9am for tantric hatha with @stuart_watkins_ //#cntrespace
20.01.2022 Happy birthday to #cntrespace we opened our doors on the 23rd of March (@malika.warda___ birthday) & we close our doors temporarily on the same day one year later. None the less, we continue to push through & stay true to our vision & care for our creation. We have met so many beautiful & unique people that have made a special place in our hearts, every day we are grateful for you all & in times like these all we can do is support one another & cherish those relationships. For today, we dont be sad today, we celebrate cntre space happy birthday to @malika.warda___ we love you xo @ Cntre Space
20.01.2022 A huge happy 30th to our @megsandy / our head of mindfulness & our dear friend. Thank you for all you do at cntre space, we love you #cntrespace
18.01.2022 Thinking back to our time spent with @markwhitwell & @rosalind.lucy #cntrespace #yoga
16.01.2022 A FRESH WEEK > our timetable for the coming week MONDAY 9:30am ~ open level vinyasa with @lifeofrolle 6pm ~ insync with @malika.warda___ 7:15pm ~ practicing the principles of yoga with @malika.warda___... TUESDAY 4:30pm ~ open level vinyasa with @badyogisociety 6pm ~ yin with @tonyturneryoga WEDNESDAY 9:30am ~ practicing the principles of yoga with @malika.warda___ 6pm ~ insync with @malika.warda___ 7:15pm ~ breathwork with @megsandy THURSDAY 6am ~ open level vinyasa with @megsandy 6pm ~ practicing the principles of yoga with @malika.warda___ 7:15pm ~ spinal flow & mobility with @cammwat FRIDAY 4:30pm ~ yin with @tonyturneryoga 6:30pm ~ Intune live with Mayhills SATURDAY 9am ~ tantric hatha with @stuart_watkins_ 10:15am ~ breathwork with @greenwitchpotions SUNDAY 8:30am ~ open level vinyasa with @aimeemadelinebaker 4:30pm ~ open level vinyasa with @jdcost #cntrespace
15.01.2022 In the midst of isolation, distance from loved ones & separation from our own daily places of practice, were so proud of everyone and your adaption to self practice. Yoga is and has always been about embracing yourself/your life, the relationship between body & breath experienced in synchronicity We can take this yoga with us anywhere and at any time of our lives, as adolescents or in our later years. Yoga is for us all Dont miss the point - feel the breath as you, honour t...he practice that is your direct embrace of reality, and you will soon enough begin to soften into a place of appreciation :) Releasing what is old to receive what is new - Mark Whitewell Its simple, its available whenever you require inhale, exhale #cntrespace
13.01.2022 Our fortnightly sound healing was so special, we are looking to record an online sound healing for our online community in the coming weeks In Sound Healing, Julian uses a variety of sound modalities, (yoga nada) and techniques in order to restore the bodys vibration to its natural harmony and balance. Each part of our body, including the chakras (energy meridians), resonate at different frequencies. A variety of sounds are played into and around the body in order to cleanse, tune and restore the person to their optimal state of vibration #cntrespace
12.01.2022 Repost @markwhitwell // Your body loves its breath. It is literally a love relationship. The inhalation loves the exhalation and vice versa. It is a literally a love relationship. One gives to the other. This breath delivers the ability to give ourselves to others and receive others in profound and natural ways. It reprogram the nervous system Whoever holds Yoga dharma will be profoundly useful and needed in local and world wide community during and after the pandemic...when... humanity must find ways to renew and live in intimacy and the intrinsic harmony of all life Yoga is not to impose patterns on a gullible suffering public in charming language of spiritual idealism or gymnastic idealism. The hidden hierarchies create the assumption of superiors and inferiors and the grotesque duplication of culture is unwittingly perpetuated In our new world we will build systems in which it is simply utterly obvious that everyOne is always already the beauty of the cosmos already in perfect and inherent harmony with Mother Earth and all her systems of relationship ecology, pure intelligence and power of life.., reality as it actually is. It will be clear that no one can be second to anything or anyone. And no one can be superior to anything or anyone. Such presumption is a contrivance of social engineering and manipulation and it is coming to an end This is what we are called to do now and we will need our teachers of actual Yoga Meanwhile it will be good to do this breathing to protect ourselves in this profound love we are sharing #cntrespace
11.01.2022 cntre space Ed. We have guest teacher @marclawsii filming a three series practice for us & we are so excited to get this out to our online members ~ we were lucky enough to have Marc at our space at the beginning of the year & look forward to having him #virtually Marcs classes combine physical precision flow with fun and soulful exploration of yoga. The experience is a quest of self discovery to unlock true potential that reaches beyond the status quo... #cntrespace
11.01.2022 Repost @markwhitwell Every day is Earth Day... celebrating that today. Weve shut it down so humanity can change the way we live. Thank you Mother. She asked us to shut it down. We had no choice. Mother Earth is breathing, living, regenerating. We do it for the Earth, for the humans and all the species she has brought forth to nurture. . The pain we feel around love, sex, and relationships stems from this cultural legacy that has scorned the femininethe body, the world, people, and reality as it is experiencedin search of other, higher realities. An important contribution to our understanding came from the modern-day Yogi and teacher of the teachers, Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (18881989), who emphasised Yoga as heart abiding, participation in the union of the hearts opposites, and the Yoga of intimate family life and all that flowers from it. He pronounced... it is here that the saints and sages of humanity dwell. He rescued Yoga from cultural obscurity. It had been suppressed by male orthodoxy since the 13th Century. Krishnamacharya brought this understanding forth from his own great teacher, Ramanujacharya of the tenth century, the second of the three great Vedantic Acharyas, who affirmed that Yoga was to be practiced as the practical means to realize the non-dual state of Only God... to be realized only in family lifeperhaps a polite way of saying sexual polarity. Yoga joins the two to become One. It is to participate in the union of all opposites that reveals the heart, the source of all opposites. Therefore it implies polarity with others and all experience. Not through renunciation and the denial of ordinary conditions in the excesses of Vedanta culture that had proceeded him. Rather than endorsing dissociative transcendence these great scholars and teachers affirmed that sex is indeed the hearts activity, caused and realized through the utter union of male and female (whether in same-sex or opposite sex intimacy) #cntrespace See more
11.01.2022 Repost ~ @markwhitwell In vinyasa krama, (your Yoga sequence) seated twists occur following inversions and back bends, toward the conclusion of the vinyasa, and before seated toward bends Twist are very calming to the nervous system... As in all asana, participation in cooperative muscle groups called flexors and extenders in the breath is the magic. Stretching on exhale easing on inhale within the natural elasticity of the whole body. Not beyond. Lower bandhas form after after exhalation Twists are the embrace of left and right, above to below, inhale to exhale, strength receiving Asana is hathayoga the non dual Tantra of direct embrace of reality. By participating in the union of all opposites the heart, source of all opposites is revealed to be the very source and purpose of mind and all relationships... in the principle polarity of giving and receiving This sadhana (that which you CAN do) is not an effort in the body mind toward a future ideal. It is direct embrace of reality as it is, and has profound results in the dynamics of daily life and all relatedness Do not overlook the opportunity for actual sadhana. There is a tendency in the world and the Yoga world to do everything but.. we prefer to meditate or philosophize. We try to calm down with the latest restorative yoga brands or contort the body in the latest gymnastics. Yet this is the great transformative time for Humanity in Mother Nature to truly learn the principles of personal sadhana that came through the great wisdom cultures, and apply them to all that has been popularized as Yoga #cntrespace
11.01.2022 LIGHTS X #cntrespace
10.01.2022 Marc joins us from the wonderful Bali for a 50 minute flow - this is a snippet of the three part series @marclawsii has recorded for us for our online community #cntrespace
10.01.2022 Its important as a community & as a business we do our best to adapt, we will be releasing a number of weekly yoga, meditation & breath sessions to an online platform for members to enjoy & others to join. All information plus our first release of videos will be available on Monday 23rd March, thanking you guys for your support #cntrespace
09.01.2022 #cntrespaceed #cntrespace @explorevitality_ @amzbabes
08.01.2022 We hope you are enjoying your sunday afternoon, we have just finished our first week of being open & are so happy to see faces again at the studio. For those who are unable to make it back or are enjoying practicing at home, we still have our online option. cntre Space Ed. is offered for $12.95 per week and gives you yoga + breath & meditation each week PLUS quiet a large archives section that allows you to go back to previous weeks. This offering is something we are working on growing & we are enjoying adding this virtual aspect to #cntrespace
07.01.2022 Week 6 of our online memberships have been released ~ guided meditation with @megsandy ~ breathwork with @megsandy ~ open level vinyasa with @malika.warda___ ~ final series with @marclawsii... Plus the new feature where you can access all previous classes! We hope you guys enjoy this week #cntrespace
07.01.2022 cntre space Ed. WEEK 1 ~ live We have just loaded our first three videos onto our cntre space online platform. This is available for those who are on our online membership. We have however made our open level vinyasa with @malika.warda___ free for you guys to enjoy. You can view this on our website in our online section and if you are interested in joining you can find this information there In our first week we have ~ open level vinyasa with @malika.warda___... ~ breathwork with @megsandy ~ guided meditation with @megsandy We hope enjoy these #selfpractice
07.01.2022 Hello! We have some really cool classes up on our #cntrespace Ed. including a 90 minute yin with @tonyturneryoga [ spine ], along with: 2 x 20 minute yoga practice with @malika.warda___ Guest teachers @carlostaomovement & @devonoftheocean Breathwork & meditation with @megsandy... We also have all previous sessions available in our archives
06.01.2022 Whats on the schedule tomorrow for our group of free classss ~ 9am ~ open level vinyasa with @badyogisociety 10:30am ~ instil with @megsandy 4:30pm ~ open level vinyasa with - all of our class sizes have been reduced to be in line with the Australian government #cntrespace
06.01.2022 our movements going forward It is with heavy hearts that we have closed cntre space, how ironic it is on our first birthday. None the less, we must keep moving forward, we know the importance of keeping our surroundings safe and you safe. We appreciate more than you know the messages and comments from you all, we are totally in this together and will do our best to show support to small business and each of you We are unsure of our re-open date, but will keep you notified thr...oughout the process cntre space memberships We will be reducing all memberships from $39 to $12.95 per week. If you would like to suspend your membership, please get in touch with us, however your support in this time is much appreciated We will be offering ONLINE to our members on the $12.95 per week membership, this will include the following below two yoga classes per week - virtual one meditation class per week - virtual one breathwork class per week - virtual resources & education - updated regularly facebook group/community (plus resources and education as we work through this time) These classes will be filmed on a professional video camera with microphone - quality is important to us and we still want you to experience cntre space in a modern/unique environment (even from your own homes). These classes will be released towards the end of the week and will roll out completely by next Monday 12PM. You will be added to a facebook group - which will allow you to communicate with the community and chat to us if you need to We thank you all for a beautiful year - we look forward to sharing online with you and in due time, reopening our doors #cntrespace (online membership can be found on our website) ~
05.01.2022 INTRODUCTORY OFFERS ~ at #cntrespace TWO WEEKS UNLIMITED ACCESS TO CNTRE SPACE CLASSES $30... ONE MONTH UNLIMITED ACCESS TO CNTRE SPACE CLASSES $69 10 CLASS PASS INTRODUCTORY OFFER $58 Please note: you may only purchase one intro offer We cant wait to see you
05.01.2022 18th May ~ we are back [ details tomorrow ] but for now, we celebrate xo
02.01.2022 As much as we miss @drewmayhills & intune live, the next best thing we can do is release his recent 40 minute soundscape with our online community [ cntre space Ed. ] Included in Wednesdays release of videos we will have a MP3 available for you guys to enjoy - a moment to explore #cntrespaceed #selfpractice #intunelive #drewmayhills
01.01.2022 The team that makes up #cntrespace ~ Founders @malika.warda___ + @remmyyyy Meditation | Yoga | Breath @megsandy Yoga | Yin | Breath @greenwitchpotions Yoga @verawellness... Yin @tonyturneryoga Sound healing @tonyturneryoga Yoga | Meditation @jdcost Yoga | Yin @badyogisociety @ Cntre Space See more
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