Coach Ashleigh Jones in Perth, Western Australia | Health & wellness website
Coach Ashleigh Jones
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Address: 10 telethon ave Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 HOW YOUR PERIOD CAN AFFECT YOUR TRAINING & NUTRITION: Let’s start with the follicular phase - recovery is better, energy will be high, training and strength should be feeling its best leaving you feeling pretty great performance wise as estrogeon is on the rise. This translates through in the ovulation phase too - personally I feel strongest here and make my best gains. Injuries CAN be a little more at risk during ovulation due to the changes in progesterone. ... In the luteal phase & bleeding phase this is where we can start to see a reduction in energy and overall performance. 7 days out from my period through to the 4th day of my period I feel like TRASH. So I’m more likely to pull back slightly on my training and almost take this as a ‘de-load’. Every female is different and these trends might run differently in yourself. I recommend tracking your mood, energy, performance, recovery & any other factors that can help you gather some more info on what your body is feeling. The luteal phase is when estrogen is lower & progesterone is higher, so you are also likely to feel hungrier. Studies show that we tend to eat more calories during this phase, I increase my carbohydrates the week before and the first few days of my period. My biggest take aways: 1. Track your cycle INCLUDING how you’re feeling each day. Bloating, digestion, energy, training intensity etc. 2. LISTEN to your body, prioritise recovery (sleep/hydration/food) and reduce your training intensity when you can feel a reduction in energy. 3. Nutrition - consistency in your nutrition is important. However, being flexible in your approach especially for women and ensuring our nutrition is reflective of what our body needs during our cycle is key. Consult with your coach/nutritionist to ensure you’re eating adequate amounts of carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein. Food is fuel, it is also a form of recovery. 4. What works for me, won’t necessarily work for you. How I feel in my cycle, may be completely different for you. Even more reason to get in tune with your body and your cycle.
22.01.2022 A week from today we’re back! we’ve been overwhelmed with inquiries and we’re stoked to get stuck into doing what we love and do best! . Human nature is to get back to the workouts we all left off with, in reality,it’s not possible. Whether you’re a power athlete, an all seasoned bodybuilder, hockey player, triathlete or someone who’s fitness was on track but is now at a minor holt, this is what we would recommend: 1. Stick with volume at the start. ... This can be interpreted definitely depending on who we’re addressing. To simplify, stick to the hypertrophy rep range (10-15) if you’re used to more neural base programming, if you’re not, stick to higher rep ranges (12-20 reps). We would stick to 20 set workouts. 2. Pick unilateral or bilateral best bang for your buck exercises for the first 10 days (50% of your workout) Split squat, Sgl arm cable Pulldown,Db row, split stance db overhead press,Sgl leg hamstring curl, Cossack squat, alternating Sgl arm flexion/extension arm work etc 3.Slowly start adapting your food intake to enhance your energy. It’s the norm to start cutting calories right away to get back into it. We don’t recommend this approach. Starting building the basics, consume food when hungry, choose high protein, high nutrient dense foods, pay close attention to your energy balance around workouts. You should not for what ever reason be tired before training especially in the beginning developmental starting phase. 4. Drink more water. This is an underestimated value that gets dismissed too frequently. Aim for 3-4L a day. Consume especially before,during and after exercise. 5. You’ll be very sore. When you have delayed onset soreness, move your body and try to flush it out. Jump on a bike, go for a walk, move your body and start planning for the next one! . (Reposted from James) @eptcoaching
22.01.2022 Sad but true, Hopefully this next big step as a country can make a difference. Hopefully this flattens the curve and we all get through this together. ... We want to thank all our EPT clients for all the support in helping us show up for work everyday with jammed schedules doing what we absolutely love most, coaching all of you. We will also be using this break to think about a plan moving forward to help everyone with accountability, nutrition and yes, exercise as we are certainly not contained in our homes. We love you all. James & Ash
20.01.2022 Salmon and Sautéed Green Veg with Beets! . Following on from my previous post you guys also wanted me to share some meal ideas that you can incorporate into your day. My lunches usually include a fattier protein source, some sort of green veg and a small portion of a carb source. Today my choice was beetroot and I had about 120g which was ~20g of carbs. ... My tip during this time if you’re relatively new to changing your habits around food, is to start with balanced meals. This means having a source of protein, carbs, fats and veggies on your plate. If you want help on how to portion these out, 3 posts ago I put up an easy way to plate your food and you can find this on my instagram page @coachashleighjones I literally just pan fried the salmon and then steamed some broccoli and green beans, added spinach and cut up beetroot - bam done!
20.01.2022 First week back done and dusted! I’d say 90% of my clients, although super excited to be back, had a moment of feeling a little down on themselves for not being at the same level they were at pre lock down. Physically, mentally, and fitness wise, I don’t think any of us are rocking the same level we were pre COVID....and that’s okay! This time period isn’t a time to be a PB basher and hit 1 RM’s first or even second week back...don’t be that guy. Like I’ve said to my clien...ts, this is a time to get excited about stripping things back, getting back to basics, and spending some extra time to work on weaknesses. Suffice to say, lock down made us all slow the eff down and refocus our priorities! If during this time you realised you didn’t prioritise your health as much as you should’ve when you had full advantage of the gym and pycho’s not clearing out the protein and frozen veg isle (pre-COVID life), then what a great time to call yourself out and prioritise it now! I am no where near where I used to be, but I like the challenge. So show up, work on what you can, and trust the process!
19.01.2022 Proud of my client - Surge Fitness Perth CBD
18.01.2022 Our new website is up!
17.01.2022 For 9 years I have suffered with 2 eating disorders - Binge Eating Disorder & Bulimia. Throughout the years sometimes both, other times just one. For 3 of those years I had been personal training and helping other people, mainly women, develop a healthier relationship with food. All the while I was stuck inside my own head unable to develop my own relationship with food to one that was positive. ... September officially marked a full 12 months in 9 years that I have not binged or purged and that’s something I’m extremely proud of. I’ve always been quite open about my poor relationship with food and if you’ve been around long enough I’ve posted before about struggling with bingeing however I’ve not really touched on my battle with bulimia. I’ve never gone into details of just how crippling the last 9 years have been and the health implications that has caused especially over the last 2 years. I got this tattoo on the last weekend of September as a little milestone reminder that even in the darkest of times, the sun still rises and for me that is a new day to keep moving forward. This isn’t a post to tell you I’ve found the perfect method of eating that’s changed my relationship with food, because I haven’t. Nor is it a post celebrating being free from any negative thoughts around food, because in all honesty the last 12 months have been more challenging than what I could’ve ever imagined. But, it is to celebrate the work I’ve put in so far and all the work I’m yet to do. And maybe even be a reminder to you, no matter what you’re working through, that the work is worth it and to keep going. Here’s to the next 12 months! Thank you to @corywesleytattoo for nailing exactly how I envisioned this to look. *disclaimer: I am not qualified to diagnose or treat eating disorders and do no work with clients specifically for this, you should be seeing a doctor who specialises in this field*. @ Perth, Western Australia
17.01.2022 When does this get easier - something I hear from clients all the time. My answer is this, when it gets easier, we make it harder. When you’re a beginner there may be certain movement patterns that you’ll find difficult to understand at first and it’s our job as coaches to break them down to help you understand and perform them better. This can be done through simple coaching cues and by programming according for your needs and goals. ... If your program is relative to you, and periodised properly, you should be getting better at each movement. Whether that be increasing the weight, being able to do more reps with your starting weight, doing the movement with better technique throughout every set, increasing the amount of sets you do etc. When this happens, and you’ve completed your given phase (we program phases anywhere between 3-6 weeks depending on the client and their level), it’s time for a new challenge. While I don’t advocate for smashing yourself every session day in and day out that could cause injuries, you should feel challenged. Movements and exercises don’t get easier, you get stronger and better at doing them. That’s called progress, and that really should be the aim whether your goal is to lose body fat, gain muscle or to get stronger.
16.01.2022 On yesterday’s poll 90% of you said that you’re struggling to adjust to new routine! So, here’s my top tips to help you: 1. Every night write up your schedule for the next day. This includes when you’re going to work out, what you’re going to have for your meals, when you’ll have a lunch break and your to-do list. This will help you have a clear idea of your expectations for the next day - this can be done weekly too!... 2. Twice a week cook up extra veggies and protein options so you have healthy ready to go ingredients that you can easily add to salads and meals. My go-to is throwing pumpkin, sweet potato, cauliflower and broccoli in the oven to bake this minimises the chance of the mindless trips to the fridge to open it 150 times hoping something to eat will appear 3. In whatever way you like, move your body everyday. Plan your workouts the night or week before so you have a clear idea of what workout you’re doing and when! 4. Have someone to hold you accountable! Whether it be a friend or someone in your family, put your workout routine somewhere that is easily seen and verbalise your goals for the day/week. Have someone check in with you to see if you’ve achieved what you set out to do!
16.01.2022 Rest & Strength Training: Why is scheduling rest days so important? What is classified a rest day and when to implement them to enhance your training block. ... 1. Rest days simply help you recover optimally to maintain your desired training effect. For example - for a strength or power block, having adequate rest days in your training are important to make sure: - your muscles can function properly within its specific training environment - the ligaments recover properly reducing an overload to the joint - your nervous and muscular system can properly adapt to the training intensity allowing you to progressively get stronger. For a typical strength block this would look like the following ; Day 1 - Press Day 2 - Deadlift Day 3 - OFF Day 4- OFF Day 5 - Squat Day 6 - Pull Day 7 OFF Day 8 OFF Repeat for 3-4 cycles 2. Rest days help the muscular skeletal system properly recover between sessions & all its secondary movers that may have been progressively overloaded due to the nature of your lifts. For example, you’re doing a press day and start with 6x5,5,5,3,3,3 (Paler Method) In that specific training system you would be requiring a large amount of high threshold motor units for the larger and smaller muscle groups. As your larger muscle groups recover much faster, sometimes the smaller muscle groups do not. This can and may throw off your next upper body day depending on where it’s programmed and what type of accessory movements you have planned. If your triceps for example are overloaded with a new stimulus, they would have a longer time recovering from DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and throw off he effectiveness if you were to do a shoulder or arms day right after. 3. Rest days help maintain intensity on training days by allowing you to have adequate amounts of energy and allow you to mentally prepare better for each workout which will give you a better return on your time invested in your training.
09.01.2022 Realised I hadn’t posted @jarradpickford results from his 7 week cut for his fight a little while back. Jarrad put the work in and trusted the process which allowed him to get the results he did. We’ve been in a building phase for the last 3 months where we’ve brought his food up to almost double what it was in these photos and he’s hitting more PB’s than ever. We are just about to head into a little 6 week cut to bring the body fat down a little before reversing back out. ... Great work @jarradpickford !
09.01.2022 @coachashleighjones coaching @jessicalee.___ through her first squat session back! After almost 12 weeks of home sessions, are you back prioritising your performance in the gym and overall health? If you can’t confidently say yes, now is the time.
08.01.2022 Guys, she’s back. She’s missing her 8am sleep-ins and lack of gym equipment excuse to not train, but she’s back. I can confirm that I’ve successfully made it through 2 weeks of training 4 x a week gym based and 1-2 yoga sessions at home. Personally, my approach to training has completely changed since coming back and although I’d like to get my strength back to where it was about 3 months ago, my main focus is to simply enjoy the training I’m doing and keep my body moving.... I think as a female, and especially being a coach, I’ve felt an IMMENSE pressure to over-train at an attempt to look a certain way because I constantly feel like the only asset I get judged on is how I look. Which to an extent is some-what true when we’re social media focused and our insta feeds almost act as mini resumes to potential clients BUT, i like to think I’m a multidimensional human being (shock) and I know the value I provide to my clients go far beyond looking a type of way. So here’s to moving your body the way you truly enjoy and finding that balance between doing what’s necessary to reach your goals but not losing sight of what’s important to you for the sustainability of your fitness and health Ps peep my cute new phone case from @idealofsweden - was the motivation behind this post to inspire you or to show off my new phone case? We’ll never know #deepcaptionsdeeperthoughts
07.01.2022 Why All Fats Sources Are Not Equal - the types you should be prioritising and the ones you should be staying clear of. Monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and sat...urated fats all play a vital role in keeping us energised and healthy while trans fat and hydrogenated fats are not advised. These types of good fats contribute to our overall health, performance, and play vital roles in our body that support our hormones and metabolism amongst hundreds of other properties. While the not so good fats can cause inflammation in the gut and doesn’t support the body like the good fats do. Instead of breaking down each fat and it’s uses, we recommend consuming an even distribution of mono/poly unsaturated and saturated fats each day as all 3 have major health benefits. Have more of: - avocado, olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil, nuts in moderation Have less of: - sunflower oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, grape seed oil. These are all the types of oil you’re going to find in processed foods and deep fried foods. How to put it together ; When choosing your meat we recommend opting for grass fed and organic where possible due to a much greater omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. When choosing an oil to cook with, try coconut oil on low to medium heat or fresh extra virgin olive oil. When selecting a handful of nuts to add to your afternoon snack, try switching nuts each time as cashews,almonds and macadamia nuts are all great choices. When choosing a great addition to your protein meal, try adding avocado to enhance the nutrient power of your lunchtime salad.
06.01.2022 @holtoncich came to me in June because she wanted to have a more consistent healthier lifestyle and lose some weight. So far she has lost 20kgs, trains 3 x a week, eats healthier, no longer suffers from weekly head aches and lives a more active lifestyle! When we started, holly could do low box single leg step ups, now she’s squatting 60kgs for 6 reps. She started on 3kgs for her seated dumbbell press, now she’s smashing 10kgs for 12 reps. ... There’s so many ways to track progress, and when you start to put yourself and your health first you’ll realise just how great your body and mind can feel with a little bit of extra TLC
04.01.2022 The biggest lesson I’ve learnt in my time of personal training has been that caring deeply and passionately about your clients and their needs is paramount. While having knowledge/an understanding on anatomy, programming and personally coaching someone through movements is incredibly important as a personal trainer, it’s not all that matters. People want to be cared for, they want to be deeply understood and without this it’s very hard to tap into what motivates them. Which... regardless of having the perfect program, or the best approach for nutrition, or flawless technique in the gym, unless you can tap into someone’s why - they’re not going to follow through on wanting to make a change. If you have a personal trainer who cares about you and your progress, as a client ensure you’re open to receiving that and putting in the work on your end to continually progress and evolve. Team work makes the dream work
03.01.2022 Lunch vibes! Northies, if you’re looking for a healthy drive through I’d highly recommend @nourishandfeed - if you’re a sucker for a hearty salad like me this is your place! On another note - this salad would be super easy to recreate! ... Mexican Bowls: - 1 chicken breast - 1 cup of spinach - 1/3 cup of black beans - 1/4 cup of corn - 1/2 cup of chargrilled capsicum - 1/2 cup of cut up red cabbage - 1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes - 2 tbsp of salsa or you could make your own creamy sauce! I often make my with Greek yoghurt as a lot of the salad dressings that are store bought are full of canola oil Happy Monday!!
03.01.2022 8 weeks - 7kgs down - 5.1% body fat lost My client came to me with terrible eating habits. Training 4 x a week but not seeing any physical results and barely eating any food during the day (a muesli bar and an apple if that). Dinner was the only consistent meal in her day and she would find herself constantly tired. Her goal was to get leaner but I told her the first step to establishing any goal is to establish consistent habits. So we increased her meals from 1 a day to 3 ...a day and 1 snack. At first she was struggling to get the food in but step by step it became easier and easier. Fast forward 8 weeks later she’s been able to increase her food, train better, sleep better and have overall more energy throughout the day. Getting lean is cool and I love helping people feel confident in the way they look, but getting people to have more energy, move better and have a better/more conscious relationship with food is where the magic happens.
03.01.2022 EPT Transformation Series Client - Adriana Goal - Fat Loss and Lifestyle Management - 12 weeks... Keys to success - We worked with Adriana on multiple factors in her lifestyle that were contributing to her seeking a change. We didn't over-complicate the approach we took with nutrition but simply focused on prioritising nutrient dense foods that fuelled her workouts within her overall caloric targets. We used a full body GBC approach to her training as Adriana wanted to utilise her short time in the gym affectively and enjoyed this type of training the most. Take aways - Find what works for the individual and execute that game plan day in and day out, constantly paying attention to the feedback given by the client and their progress. Adriana's take aways - "working with you has changed my life profoundly. The way I look at myself, the way I feel inside and out, and the decisions I make about my health are all a result of having meaningful conversations with you."
02.01.2022 I get asked often on how to get motivated for a work out, or to eat healthy. My answer is always the same. Motivation will fail you....maybe not every time, but waiting to feel motivated is what will hold you back. It’s about creating habitual routines that even when motivation is low, that habit is engrained in your brain to do. ... My biggest tip for this is instead of always asking yourself what should my goal be?, try asking what kind of person do I want to be?. Maybe you want to be stronger, leaner, healthier, eat less processed foods, cook more, have more energy etc. While these can all be considered a goal the driving force that keeps you accountable to achieving that goal and continuing once you’ve reached it, cannot solely be motivation. However deciding that you want to be the kind of person who gets stronger means understanding what it takes to achieve that outcome. Training once a week because you’re not motivated to train anymore than that isn’t going to get you stronger. Understanding that consistently training 3-4 x a week, with a personalised and periodised program is exactly what it takes to achieve that goal. You set up a plan, organise your schedule with all of your training times, and decide on what kind of person you want to be, what kind of life you want to live. You only get out what you put in, no matter if you have a coach or not, your personal responsibly is putting in the effort and going after what you want.
02.01.2022 The things you don’t see in before and after photos: Jess has struggled with her relationship with food for quite a long time and that’s something that I could always relate to her with. Without going into too much detail because we’d be here a while, Jess came to me about 6 months ago to have someone hold her accountable to bettering her relationship with food and get a little leaner. Instead of zoning in on being more strict with food we actually implemented strategies gave her more flexibility (the Uber eats bag in the background says it all ). Jess floated between following a meal plan for those busier days, to tracking macros, to having complete meals and days untracked by just staying mindful. Our approach was pretty much anytime she felt overwhelmed with food we would back the pressure off and focus on the bigger picture. Every week we check in on how she’s mentally feeling around food and it’s been such a beautiful process seeing the huge differences. Another huge factor was Jess changing her training from HIIT group style sessions to more strength and performance based which has absolutely done wonders for her overall stress and body comp. While some people can lose double digits of body weight in 6 months, our focus wasn’t to work harder and/or stricter, our focus was to work smarter and focus on what mattered the most, her mental health and relationship with food. While Jess has lost about 7kgs that weight loss has been a bi-product of all the focus and energy we’ve spent on training better, managing mental health, and finding a way to approach food that worked for her at every different stage. This transformation is so close to my heart and one that i almost didn’t want to post. Instagram is so visual and so ‘face value’ that it can sometimes lose the meaning of something, it misses all the important parts that a photo just doesn’t capture. I’m so proud of you Jess and I’m so incredibly thankful of our ability to work together, understand each other and make a great team. @ Perth, Western Australia
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