Colac Otway Archers | Businesses
Colac Otway Archers
Phone: +61 411 496 805
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25.01.2022 FYI guys. All the best Blakey, here’s to a speedy recovery.
25.01.2022 The Outdoor range will be open this coming Sunday, 12th July, meet at 0930, 3 arrow starts at 1000, break for lunch, 1 arrow round after. The shoot will be in accordance with the Club's Covid-19 Safe Plan and will operate under these conditions until further notice. All current financial members welcome, bring your lunch, water, sunscreen, a hat, wet weather and leech proof gear, or all of the above. Please bring your own pencil/pens and score board if you have one, they will... be available otherwise for everyone to hang onto until restrictions are fully lifted. Please indicate if you intend on coming along. Cheers. See more
25.01.2022 Dear COA Members, The Club has been looking into how best to run the indoor range in preparation of potentially getting things going in the near future. We all know that the club is pretty lucky to have the use of such a massive shed so the area per person isn't a problem, the 20 person limit will be the main concern and there would have to be some consideration to all members that are interested in shooting and just as importantly, providing a safe environment for everyone... attending. As a preliminary measure I am putting it out to members to gauge interest, get a rough idea of what kind of numbers we could expect each week. Sadly, there would not be enough capacity to have any spectators or other non shooters who regularly help out with the running of the indoor range, I think the legislation states this anyway. The 'official' monthly / yearly competition will most likely be postponed until we can discuss it, but I'd assume the weekly comp will be run in the same way and even with the larger area required we can still get a shorter Group 5, that's still pretty good. We'll cross that bridge. There is a general document being put together with what we can and can't do, guidelines to follow etc, any ideas or input is welcome from everyone too btw. Sooooo, please comment / ask questions etc and watch this space. Cheers. BD See more
24.01.2022 A COA member's family has inherited some archery related bits and pieces and is interested to see if anyone can shed some light on some of the items, the company in question is/and/or was US based and no longer still trading, subject to confirmation of course. While these items are for sale, the history is for everyone with an interest. Please feel free to share and contact the club to be put in contact with the seller. As this may be shared to pages in other parts of the world, Items are currently located in Colac, VIC. Australia. Photos to come.
22.01.2022 Club shirts have arrived for those who ordered them, message me to discuss pickup/payment whenever or you can wait until we get back to indoors/next outdoor shoot whatever works best for yourselves. Cheers.
22.01.2022 Back to home schooling, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting dimmer. Don't even feel like I can shoot at gtb, don't want to risk taking colac germs down there.
21.01.2022 Last call, ordering tomorrow. Speak now or forever hold your peace....until next time.
21.01.2022 My mother in law unearthed this gem, purchased in 1982, whilst clearing out a spare room. I'm looking forward to giving it a thumb through.
19.01.2022 Apologies for the delay, please see the latest announcement from National.
19.01.2022 And we are back! Subject to people doing the wrong thing and sending us all back into isolation, outdoor shoots can begin again providing everything is done in accordance with current rules etc. Watch this space while we confirm a few things and get the latest from the powers that be, it's probably safe to pencil in the 27th September for a return to Barongarook Outdoor Range TBC.
19.01.2022 Available as a T-Shirt here
18.01.2022 FYI COA members.
17.01.2022 We all have a shot routine. Stick to it, form is key every time and you know the second you release if you have followed the routine how good it feels when that arrow goes exactly where you wanted it to. I’ve heard about this feeling, someone might want to explain it to the rest of us.
15.01.2022 Dear Members, Outdoor range is open for business as of next Sunday. As far as we are aware, there are no limits on numbers. The COA COVID19 guidelines must be followed as will any ABA recommendations as they come into play. The groups will be split across both ranges as required, masks must be worn at all times with the exception of when the archer is at the peg shooting for safety reasons. Common sense, given the current situation, is requested and required. That said, It w...ill be awesome to see everyone again, get out into the Barongarook bush and throw some arrows down the range. (I'll admit that I have not drawn a bow in six months, call that an excuse or disclaimer...) There has been a safety audit of the range so we are good to go. Please indicate if you intend on coming along. BD See more
15.01.2022 Some exciting news amid all the doom, gloom and restrictions! Over the past 12 months, the club has been negotiating with DELWP regarding extension of our leased area. COA is pleased to announce that we have been successful in our application! Below is a map of our new leased area - it includes the old ranges ( pink boundary) and the new area (blue & purple boundary, shown as proposed lease ), and takes our leased area behind the scout camp and all the way down to the motor...cross track! In total approx 70 acres! Awesome work to those involved. Now we just need to be able to get out there and sort out a couple of new courses. See more
13.01.2022 COA Christmas Break Up Weekend of 5th & 6th December 2020 at the Clubs Outdoor Range ‘Patanga Park’ Barongarook All club members and families are welcome.... Saturday Novelty events start from approximately 3pm. Camping is now allowed at Patanga, Saturday meals are BYO if you plan to camp. Breakfast and Lunch is provided on Sunday, plus soft drinks, tea and coffee. For catering purposes, those coming along must RSVP so we can have enough for everyone to eat! Sunday will be an ABA round or two, most likely with a bit of a twist, starting sometime after brekkie. Everyone is encouraged to have a go if they are new to the outdoor range, shoot from wherever you feel comfortable and I’d recommend bringing some spare arrows just in case. The club event will be in accordance with the latest (bit more relaxed), COVID restrictions. If there is a Total Fire Ban, the Event will be cancelled, this will be shown here on FB. Please RSVP numbers for catering by Friday the 27th November to Barb 0457 083 646 or Brett 0411 469 805 or leave a message here. Cheers COA
10.01.2022 The Outdoor range will be open this coming Sunday, 10th January, meet at 0930, 3 arrow starts at 1000, break for lunch, 1 arrow round after. The range master tells me the courses have had a bit of a re-peg and the IFAA targets will remain on one course, ABA the other, for the meantime anyway. The shoot will be in accordance with the Club's Covid-19 Safe Plan and will operate under these conditions until further notice. Please indicate if you are going so we can get the min. ...required number of shooters. All are encouraged to come along, bring your lunch, water, a hat, sunscreen, wet weather gear etc. Contact me if interested and need further info. See you there!
10.01.2022 To all COA Members, their families, friends of the club and the broader archery community, I'd like to extend a very quick thank you to everyone for their contribution to our club over the last year. This has been my first time as a club president and, to be honest, it has been a pretty easy job in what has been a disjointed year. Thank you to the committee and members for the support, guidance and feedback across the year. ... Thanks to those who helped getting new policies in place and keeping on top of the constant changes, the administration of the club from Branch level down to the volunteers assisting in the running of the indoor competition, everyone that has been a part of the club in some way has made it what it is and that's is pretty cool. Thanks also to our range master and everyone else who has selflessly given their time over the whole year and kept the clubs outdoor range safe and in such good condition. There are some exciting things on the radar for the club moving forward, the extension of the outdoor range being the main topic of discussion, as is the prospect of a full season ahead in 2021, a new defibrillator for the outdoor range to name a few. COA membership has remained solid even though we haven't been able to shoot most of the year, new interest in the club has been trickling in constantly throughout the year as well which is great. 2020 will be remembered for the year that our scheduled (and cancelled) two day shoot had the most perfect weekend of weather for an archery competition in south western Victorian history.. Merry Christmas to all, enjoy the break, the warm weather if it stops raining and we all look forward to getting out there, shooting some arrows and catching up with everyone in the new year. Stay safe, take care. Brett COA Pres.
09.01.2022 The Outdoor range will be open this coming Sunday, 27th September, meet at 0930, 3 arrow starts at 1000, break for lunch, 1 arrow round after. The shoot will be in accordance with the Club's Covid-19 Safe Plan and will operate under these conditions until further notice. All current financial members welcome, bring your lunch, water, sunscreen, a hat and everyone must wear a face mask at all times except when at the peg shooting.... Please bring your own pencil/pens and score board if you have one, they will be available otherwise for everyone to hang onto until restrictions are fully lifted. Shoot cards will also be available if anyone wanted to get a hold of one. No need to indicate if you are coming along, there is a post from a day or two ago with all of the usual suspects already indicating their attendance. See everyone Sunday morning!
08.01.2022 Dear Members, There have been a few discussions and the consensus is to err on the side of caution and wait a few of weeks, then we decide as a club if the indoor comp should resume. There is a Branch meeting scheduled for the 8th of August I believe.... By then, the CV19 situation in greater Melbourne will be clearer, this will also give the Govt. and the ABA a better chance to see where everything sits and how best a return to all archery competitions and activities will work. We are all keen to get back into it, that is clear, and thanks to everyone that has responded as well. A reminder that all members are welcome to shoot outdoors, there are some restrictions on numbers, the usual distancing and hygiene measures etc, contact me if you need more info, if you have your own equipment and a few extra arrows, a quiver etc, come along! Send me a message if you need even a little more encouragement. So until further notice, indoor shoots have been postponed. This is not ideal but necessary and apologies for any inconvenience caused. Watch this space for updates. Brett.
08.01.2022 Updated Branch Calendar - 8th May is the Branch meeting. 15th -16th May is the Colac shoot.
06.01.2022 This has been a long time coming, still not much to say but onward and upward for 2021.
05.01.2022 Hi Members, Due to the current COVID-19 situation in Colac, this weeks outdoor shoot on Sunday 26th will be cancelled and until further notice, will be accessed each week to see how everything pans out with testing results and active numbers in town. This is in the best interest of the health and safety of club members and the broader community. Regards Brett. COA Pres.
01.01.2022 Dear Members, This COVID 19 virus is proving to be persistent. Most people are doing or at least trying to do the right thing, however the spike in local cases has left the government and shire no other choice but to impose further restrictions, mandatory face covering etc. Because of these restrictions, unfortunately, the indoor and outdoor range will now be closed until further notice. Not an ideal situation, we all want to be out in the bush and enjoying the sport we lov...e. Be safe, stay healthy and hopefully see everyone soonish. Brett COA Pres See more
01.01.2022 The Outdoor range will be open this coming Sunday, 4th October, meet at 0930, 3 arrow starts at 1000, break for lunch, 1 arrow round after. The shoot will be in accordance with the Club's Covid-19 Safe Plan and will operate under these conditions until further notice. You know what you need to bring. Cheers.
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