Community Connecting Illawarra in Wollongong, New South Wales | Disability service
Community Connecting Illawarra
Locality: Wollongong, New South Wales
Phone: +61 412 325 530
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25.01.2022 Hey everyone! Just a quick PSA here from Co-Leaders Vero and George - these guys will be taking a couple of weeks off after today from 21/12/2020 and back in action from 04/01/2021 - in the meantime, Hannah and Tim will be running the show and their contact information will be available on bounce-back emails, voicemails and text messages. Vero and George will do their best to let everyone know personally, but thought to put this here just in case :p... Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year! :)
24.01.2022 It's not often I get to run into one of our Community Connectors when I'm out and about, but luckily I got to snap this pic of Alison and Lauren in action! Great photo and WOW to those chorizo and pumpkin quiches! I knew I should have stayed around until they were cooked :p
24.01.2022 *SUPER AWESOME MEMBER NEWS ALERT!* We have some exciting news to share - Kylie is moving out into her own home! For the past two-and-a-half years, Kylie's goal has been to increase her skills and confidence in all areas of independent living. During this time, we have shared many of Kylie's successes in these areas! Today, it has all culminated into Kylie feeling ready to take the next step and move out of her family home and into a lovely place called Dove House, managed by... our friends at Lifestyle Solutions. Dove House is a unique type of accommodation unlike any other in the Illawarra, where Kylie can move into a self-contained unit, but has access to 24/7 support as required. The goal is for Kylie to continue to build her independent living skills and confidence, so that in two years, she can transition to a private rental property. Kylie's official move-in date is January 13th (just around the corner!), but in the meantime, Dove House hosted a lovely welcome lunch for Kylie and her family, so they can all check out Kylie's new digs and make plans for the big move. Please join us in congratulating Kylie on this exciting new adventure! :)
23.01.2022 Scott's becoming quite the flat pack expert! The matching bedside table set is now complete!
22.01.2022 Please join us in welcoming Nicole, our new Community Connector, to the CCI team! Nicole has a deep passion for social relationships and how we all connect with each other and this has become more evident during her first week meeting with her new members - sounds like the role of a Community Connector is a pretty perfect fit Welcome to the team Nicole!
22.01.2022 A huge congratulations are in order for Brooke, who ticked off a big item on her bucket list with a Sydney Harbour Bridge climb with Stellar Experiences over the weekend - way to go Brooke!
22.01.2022 Hollie is one of our newest youth members and it's been an absolute pleasure getting to know her these past few weeks! Hollie is a pretty chill young lady, with a quirky sense of humour and keen to mix it up every week with her Community Connector Nicole, to see what she is interested in exploring further. Here she is showing off her amazing recipe for chocolate brownies, which from the reports I received, were absolutely delicious Welcome Hollie!
22.01.2022 Michael thought he'd try a brand new recipe - creamy chicken and pasta tray bake - we reckon it turned out pretty, pretty, pretty good!
21.01.2022 This week on #TheAdventuresOfHayden, we had our first experience at Flip Out - and absolutely loved it! A lot of good opportunities for exercise and fitness, as well as some good social skills building moments with his peers too :)
21.01.2022 A HUGE happy 2 year anniversary to our very awesome Support Coordinator Tim! We're so grateful you have not only chosen to call Australia your home, but CCI as well :) We appreciate you for being so approachable, always putting your hand up to take on new challenges, getting creative with services you connect your members to and being able to run the show with ease when George and Vero are away - among everything else! Cheers Tim and enjoy the celebratory gift!
21.01.2022 Mikey takes his lunch preparation VERY seriously! :p He's been helping around the house more and learning to do more things independently - nice work and keep it up mate!
19.01.2022 Wishing our resident #ChefMichael the happiest of Birthdays today! Beef casserole on the menu!
19.01.2022 Today, on December 3rd, we are celebrating International Day of People with Disability! This year’s theme for International Day of People with Disability is about creating conversations to challenge common perceptions of disability and help create a more inclusive Australia. We at CCI are proud to champion this core value and you only need to scroll through our Facebook posts to see how our members are challenging these common perceptions every day, continue to break down barriers and be included and welcomed in our community as valued and contributing members of society - cheers to all of our 170 members; we celebrate you all today and every day :)
19.01.2022 Introducing our newest youth member, Finn! What a pleasure it was to meet this bright young man, whose passion for coding (he is currently building software that can solve a rubix cube), fishing, Hamilton (Finn can recite/sing all 2.5 hours of the play!) and music has us all excited to be working with him in a community connecting role - welcome Finn!
17.01.2022 This past weekend the CCI team celebrated another amazing year supporting our members, with our annual Christmas party! A great time was had by all, as it usually is when we all have a chance to come together (a rare occasion being community-based and all of us being out and about all the time), though unfortunately Lauren was unable to be there due to unforeseen circumstances in the end - you were missed! As Co-Leaders of CCI, Vero and George couldn't be more proud of the team and a huge thank you to Lauren, Hannah, Nicole, Kyle, Tim and Theo for all the fantastic work you do - we appreciate you all!
17.01.2022 Chef Michael was feeling a bit nostalgic, so he thought he'd have another go at a previously attempted recipe - a classic beef stir fry packed with veggies!
17.01.2022 Kurtis with the jump shot - and sinks the two-pointer!
16.01.2022 Community Connecting Illawarra is a community-based, person-centred support service for people with disabilities in the Illawarra region. We are an innovative organisation that embraces community inclusion for our members in mainstream environments. We are currently offering an opportunity for a Community Connector. We are looking to hire a Community Connector who is passionate about helping and empowering people with disabilities to live a full and meaningful life of their c...hoosing. The position is casual with regular ongoing work with part-time hours (with the potential of full-time hours). The Role: Community Connector: Provides direct community connecting supports to members. Community Connectors support people who are looking to get more involved in their local community and/or expand their social circle. We focus on helping individuals connect to mainstream, non-segregated activities and communities that they’re interested in checking out. This can include, but not limited to support with: Exploring new hobbies and interests, Joining a sports league, Joining a social meetup group, Volunteer work, Exploring mainstream education, Support with travel and Navigating friendships and relationships. Being a Community Connector also includes living supports, which involves working directly with members interested in working towards (or already) living in their own home and looking to develop/increase their confidence and skills in various key areas. Such services we provide can include but not limited to: Cooking and meal planning, Grocery shopping, Planning a weekly schedule and Household maintenance, including laundry. Our approach when offering living supports is side by side. It’s not intended do the tasks on behalf of the individual, as we don’t find this very helpful or person-centred. We support people to gain the confidence and skills they want and need to live in their own place through coaching, motivation and providing just enough support to ensure sustainability. Administration: Ensure all file management and reporting functions are maintained in a comprehensive and timely manner. Complete all required member contacts appropriately. Participates and contributes toward the effective working of the service and operation of the agency: Participate in regular supervision meetings with the Program Coordinator. Deliver services in a way that maintains personal safety and the client’s physical, cultural, and emotional well-being: Develop the appropriate skills and knowledge through ongoing training. Delivers the service in a way that complies with specific legislation, standards of practice, and the policies and procedures of the organisation. The successful candidate must have the following: -Working with Children Check -Police Check -First Aid and CPR -Driver's license Please send your resume along with a cover letter to [email protected] by October 9, 2020
15.01.2022 After creating a magnificent rice, sausage and onion hotpot creation, Chef Michael turned into Green Thumb Michael and tended to the lawns - independent living goals at their finest!
15.01.2022 Our resident ute expert Ryan thought it was time he brushed up on the latest updates with a trip to the ute accessories shop for some magazines!
14.01.2022 CCI is hiring and on the lookout for Community Connector to join our awesome team! Please feel free to share the post below with anyone you feel may be interested :)
14.01.2022 Presenting honey pork chop with stir fried rice and a creamy sauce! Chef Michael stepping it up
13.01.2022 It's always fun bringing a member's circle of support together for a celebration and last night was no different! Here we are celebrating Kylie for all she has achieved so far and catching up to talk about all of her goals and how she feels things are tracking :) SPOILER ALERT: Something big is coming up for Kylie in the next few months - watch this space! Go Kylie!
12.01.2022 Oh, nothing to see here - just Kylie LOVING LIFE in her new home! Check out the brand new bedroom set up! Kylie's aunt and uncle came down during moving day to help with the move and getting everything organised :) Congratulations Kylie on this exciting new chapter in your life! #IndependentLiving
12.01.2022 They say a picture says a thousand words; this one of Donna and her support network definitely does just that! This year has been a big one for Donna, who has had to experience a lot of changes, including moving out into her own place and having to get used to a new routine and new type of supports to meet her needs. Thankfully, this has all been made a lot easier for her, with the help of the amazing team at AH Providers and Ryan from Lojic Institute (pictured), who have all... gone above and beyond in their roles to ensure Donna is feeling safe, comfortable and happy in her home and in the community. Of course, Donna is the true champion here and if you ever get the chance to meet her, you'll soon discover her quick-witted, tenacious, firecracker of a personality! Her determination to fight for her goals and support needs is the main reason we are able to take such a fun-filled, vibrant and awesome photo of a support team that truly loves working together. Go Donna and go team!
12.01.2022 Tonight I had the pleasure of seeing Leanne, one of our new members, in action with her band 'The Rockers' at the Wollongong Conservatorium of Music! It only took me a few minutes to see how the band got their name - they certainly do rock!
12.01.2022 There's no better feeling than when a member's Circle of Support comes together for a lovely afternoon catch up! Carly and her team have been meeting up regularly for the past few months now and it's been a great way for everyone to keep in touch and updated on Carly's adventures (there's quite a bit happening now!) and a friendly reminder for Carly to see how well supported she is and who she has to count on in times of need - we've got your back, Carly!
11.01.2022 Shauna made a delicious chicken fried rice for dinner! According to her Community Connector Lauren, Shauna has improved her cooking skills so much since she started working on them and the results have been super impressive - and delicious! Way to go Shauna!
11.01.2022 Welcome back Brennan after a bit of time off kicking some butt!
11.01.2022 Anita has been continuing with (and loving) her literacy and numeracy training and today took advantage of a trip to the local library with her Life Skills coach - nice!
10.01.2022 Shauna tried her hand at making a cheese and bacon with veggies omelette and excuse the pun - but looks like it turned out pretty EGGS-ellent to me! ... ...I'll see myself out now Great job Shauna!
10.01.2022 For our members and families interested in learning more about potential housing options! Run by two awesome organisations, the Housing Hub and Summer Foundation.
10.01.2022 You're looking at a match made in heaven! Today we introduced Rosie to Taylor, a personal trainer who owns and operates Base Fitness gym in Fairy Meadow. Taylor specialises in intensive muscle strength training and conditioning - right up our resident athlete Rosie's alley! The two are going to be catching up every week to work on Rosie's health and fitness goals and I think they're both as excited as each other hehe. Be sure to check out Taylor and Base Fitness when you have a chance; CCI has had a long-standing much valued partnership with her and she's done some great work with our members :)
09.01.2022 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Chef Michael's place!
08.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! Here's a fun action shot of Amber using her Community Connector Nicole as a model for some wicked hair-styling - looking good guys!
07.01.2022 Chris has finished his children's chair! Check out that craftsmanship - nice work! Pictured with him is Bob, the head honcho at Port Kembla Men's Shed. Bob recently told me that Chris is simply "one of the boys" and contributes to the Men's Shed community as much as anyone else - love it :)
07.01.2022 Rosie did it! She aced her L's test - 100%! Please join us in congratulating Rosie on this amazing achievement
07.01.2022 You all know Tyson as the young man who continues to smash goals and raise the bar and we thought a celebration of all of his achievements in recent weeks was appropriate - so we got together all of Tyson's support network for a bit of a catch up, to reflect on all the good things, as well as look ahead to what Tyson wants to work on and how we can help him get there :) Congratulations Tyson, we are all super proud of you!
03.01.2022 Last Friday afternoon marked the second "Cricket and Beers" super session for Scott and his support peeps - and what an arvo it was! We had an even bigger turnout this time round, with Scott's daughter Myfanwy and her friend coming along, as well as Scott's brother Barry travelling down from Sydney for the occasion. Scott's OT Dan and support person Greg rounded up the troops, which was yet again a great opportunity for Scott to overcome his anxiety around getting out of the house and spending time we people he likes and gets along with. Dan took the opportunity to give the team some thoughts and strategies around what we can work together on to encourage Scott with overcoming the social phobia side of things and helping him take that giant step outside, so he can engage in and enjoy the things he loves. Cheers everyone!
03.01.2022 What's Rosie up to here? Tune in to Channel 9 local news from 5:30pm to find out! #SoExciting
03.01.2022 Check this out! Rosie was featured on yesterday's Channel 9 Local News to highlight and celebrate her achievements as an elite sportswoman! Congratulations Rosie, you deserve to have your accomplishments recognised and you should very proud of yourself, as we are of you FYI: Channel 9 catching wind of this story is part of the snowball effect from a feature story the NDIA is releasing about Rosie! We will have the article to share with you soon, once it goes live.
03.01.2022 Happy New Year everyone! I think I speak for all when I say how refreshing it is to be moving on from 2020 and looking ahead to a brighter and more positive year that is 2021! The team at CCI is officially back in action and ready to take on a brand new year; for us, the adventures continue and we're excited about what this year will bring for our members and our organisation. It's a little bit of a milestone year for CCI - we will be celebrating FIVE years in operation at point in 2021 - WOW! Hopefully (if things go the way we hope they do) we will have an opportunity to celebrate this fun occasion with all of you :) Let's the good times...continue! :p
01.01.2022 Alison took full advantage of Taco Tuesdays with this classic pork taco creation! Looks delicious!
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