Copper Creek Contracting | Contractor
Copper Creek Contracting
Phone: +61 438 066 028
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24.01.2022 Great to work with AND an outstanding job! Is there any better feedback? Want to make someone in business smile and do a little happy dance? Take 2 minutes to tell them what a great job they're doing, they really will appreciate it! ... #happyclients #clientreview #clienttestimonial #clientsatisfaction #fence #fencingcontractor #ruralcontractor #smallbusiness #familybusiness #businessgoals #farm #nailedit #construction #jobdone #makesomeonesmile #happydance #coppercreekcontracting
22.01.2022 Is there anything better than a good old before and after? (Even if it was completed a couple of months ago!) New fences have so many benefits but for these clients the value is in the peace of mind they bring. Replacing the old dangerous fences means they can sleep easy knowing the likelihood of injury to their beloved horses has dropped dramatically! #ruralfence #fencing #fenceline #farmfence #nettingfence #beforeandafter #safefences #safehorses #sleepeasy #horsefarm #fencingcontractor #gonefencing #farminfrastructure #onthefarm #happyclients #farmgoals #familyfarm #coppercreekcontracting
21.01.2022 Where did our stunning spring sunsets, and the weather to match, go? After a balmy night last night it was a bit of a surprise to wake to rain on the old tin roof and a rather cool day to follow. A wet site sleep in is always a hit with the guys though! #securityfencing #securityfence #chainwire #onsite #construction #fencing #barb #barbedwire #fencelines #gonefencing #thatview #viewsonthejob #worksiteviews #backtowork #weather #crazyweather #wheresspring #wind #rain #howsthisweather #feelslikewinter #wetsite #onthejob #constructionsite #sleepin #worktravel #fencingcontractor #ruralcontracting #coppercreekcontracting
20.01.2022 What's the one word that would describe your social media right now? Ours would have to be 'sporadic'! We've been coming and going from social media the last couple of months. While this definitely wasn't our intention, the old social media, along with a few other behind the scenes projects, have been on the back burner while life has been running it's course ... On the plus side though, we have some amazing jobs to catch you up on, and some of our best yet in the schedule... we're definitely not going to run out of content for a while! So, sporadic is our word. What's yours? (Go on, let's hear it!) #businesslife #lifehappens #beenawol #sporadic #wereback #worklifebalance #intheworkshop #mrfixit #playingmechanic #landcruiser #youngfella #learningtheropes #trainee #intraining #contractinglife #smallbusinessnsw #supportsmallbusiness #orangensw #bathurstnsw #ruralcontractor #fencingcontractor #coppercreekcontracting
18.01.2022 If January is anything to go by 2021 is going to be on hell of a year! This week we've handed over nearly 7km of Waratah Stockgrip Exclusion Fencing for a client's boundary. Now, after a quick day to regroup and reload the guys are packed and ready to head off to our biggest set of @atlex.stockyards sheepyards to date. Oh, and on another winning note our internet is back on and we're getting back on top of the comms and to-do lists.... ... Phew, what a week! #waratahfencing #stockgrip #exclusionfencing #boundaryfence #ruralfence #fencing #fenceline #farmfence #fencingcontractor #gonefencing #farminfrastructure #onthefarm #happyclients #farmgoals #strainer #strainerassembly #whatastart #2021doneright #ruralcontracting #coppercreekcontracting
17.01.2022 Milled ironbark posts with four hand-morticed rails and powdercoated black post caps. Elegant and sophisticated, this combination provides the perfect entry to this stunning property. Thank you to our clients for trusting us to bring their vision to life! #justcompleted #whatastunner #comehometothat #driveway #welcomehome #jobdone #postandrail #fence #timberfencing #timberfence #fencingcontractor #hardwood #ironbark #ruralcontractor #countrystyle #houseyard #farmentrance #timberentrance #postandrailentrance #farm #construction #whatdreamsaremadeof #pilliganaturaltimbers #coppercreekcontracting
15.01.2022 Mulberry stained lips, flies hanging around, swimming and sprinkler fun - this weekend was a sure sign summer is near! We can't wait! Also... How good are our mini-me shirts, complete with mini-me embroidered logo thanks to @jack_evans_workwear #workkids #girlsinpink #workshirt #mulberries #flies #summervibes #summeriscoming #bossgirl #familybusiness #littleapprentice #thisisus #thisisausag #georgethefarmer #littlefarmgirl #paddocklife #farmlife #smallbusinessnsw #supportsmallbusiness #ruralcontractor #fencingcontractor #coppercreekcontracting
14.01.2022 We've been incredibly lucky to have met some amazing people in our business journey. We've been the recipients of support, advice and encouragement which has enabled us to take on more than we would have ever thought. We're getting stuck into a large scale exclusion fencing job and driving in strainer assemblies thanks to one of those amazing supporters and friends! It's pretty great when in a competitive industry we find the ones who want to work with you and build you up. ...We only hope we can pay it forward one day too! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Applications are open for a few more days for our current positions vacant. Check out the ad and apply via Seek to join our team and get in on the action! #communityovercompetition #thanks #thanksmate #support #friends #colleagues #kindnessinbusiness #payitforward #ruralfence #exclusionfence #fencing #fenceline #farmfence #fencingcontractor #gonefencing #farminfrastructure #onthefarm #farmgoals #strainers #strainersfordays #hboxstrainers #elgra #elgrapostdriver #elgra100 #terex #terexskidsteer #werehiring #joinourteam #applynow #ruralcontracting #coppercreekcontracting
13.01.2022 The week is done and finishing it off with the handover of another standout set of yards never gets old! A great design from @atlex.stockyards, fantastic clients and a dream run of weather made this job a joy. How good is that undercover working area going to be as the weather warms up again!? #stockyards #sheepyards #yards #farmgoals #onthefarm #familyfarm #jobdone #completed #handover #farminfrastructure #onthefarm #dreamyards #yardsgoals #workingarea #undercover #shed #ruralcontracting #coppercreekcontracting
12.01.2022 The timber will do the talking on this job (with the help of a pretty handy bloke on a chainsaw to bring it all together)! #waituntilyouseethisone #wip #workinprogress #postandrail #fence #timberfencing #timberfence #fencingcontractor #hardwood #ironbark #ruralcontractor #countrystyle #houseyard #farmentrance #timberentrance #postandrailentrance #farm #construction #practicemakesperfect #whatdreamsaremadeof #pilliganaturaltimbers #coppercreekcontracting
11.01.2022 It's on again! One lucky Matar Stables Bullio Cup rider will win a RIDE ENTRY REFUND! This year we're making it even easier to enter and open to everyone! To enter just ... Comment on this post Tag or name the rider who's entry you want refunded (if you're not riding) Follow/like our FB and Instagram pages to make sure you don't miss the draw on Friday 30th October Hint: comment on both FB and insta to double your chances of winning and/or share with your friends and get them to nominate you as their rider * * * Competition open to all distance riders and their supporters. If you're not riding you must tag or nominate the rider who's entry fee you you want refunded. Please prenominate and pay for your entry as usual and we will arrange for a refund of your ride entry fee should you win. Winner will be drawn 1pm Friday 30 October 2020. This competition is not affiliated with Facebook or Instagram. #endurance #endurancehorse #enduranceride #nswera #matarstablesbulliocup #rideentryrefund #2020matarstablesbulliocup #nswera #arabian #horses #ride #supportcommunitysport #smallbusinesssupport #sponsorship #coppercreekcontracting Matar Stables Bullio Cup
10.01.2022 The simple, charismatic charm of heritage fencing. From a time when timber was felled locally and never wasted, before tape measures were used for every spacing, and imperfections added to the beauty and finish. Older fencing is incredibly hard to replicate and recreate in a world where perfection is the desired outcome. A weekend trip to quote a job in this old gold-mining village was the perfect reminder that sometimes the imperfect is just perfect! #heritage #heritagefence #postandrail #simplybeautiful #hillendnsw #village #goldmining #historicpreservation #quoting #quotetrip #daytrip #fencingcontractor #ruralcontracting #coppercreekcontracting
09.01.2022 Business owner. Employer. Manager. Estimator. Designer. Site foreman. Fabricator. Truck driver. Operator. Trainer. HR, QA, WHS, finance and marketing manager. One small business, so many hats. Pretty sure this one, Drone Pilot, is easily one of his favourites though. The drone comes out when the hard work is done and we can look over the completed job. The view it provides always brings a little smile. A smile of accomplishment and pride in the project just done. (Let's not... lie though, he's definitely not the finance manager! ) #lovewhatyoudo #workinghands #thosehandsaremadeforworking #businessowner #smallbusiness #familybusiness #manyhats #roles #somanyroles #drone #dronepilot #dji #dronephotography #marketing #smallbusinessnsw #supportsmallbusiness #orangensw #bathurstnsw #ruralcontractor #fencingcontractor #coppercreekcontracting
08.01.2022 And the winner is... Simone Maree Murphy! Congratulations Simone, please send us a PM and we'll arrange for your @matar_stables_bullio_cup entry refund! **No live draw today as a yucky cold and it's symptoms aren't really great attributes in videos ... Thank you to all entrants, have a fantastic ride! #winner #sponsorship #rideentryrefund #supportsmallbusiness #enduranceride #matarstablesbulliocup #nswera #ruralcontracting #fencingcontractor #coppercreekcontracting
07.01.2022 The boots are back on and we're kicking into 2021! Like most 2020 was an interesting year for us. There were challenges, lessons learnt and twists and turns from the beginning to the very end. Luckily some amazing accomplishments, moments that made us belly laugh like toddlers and awesome experiences were snuck into the year too. So, here's to 2021 - full of more of the good stuff, kicking goals and fun adventures ... #newyear #businessgoals #bootsarebackon #kickinggoals #lessonslearnt #hello2021 #goodbye2020 #muddyboots #blundstone #workboots #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #funadventures #ruralcontracting #gonefencing #fencingcontractor #contractorlife #funinthemud #coppercreekcontracting
04.01.2022 Mark, drill, layout, concrete and repeat. These are the first steps in the security fencing for a new solar farm and mark the beginning of construction on the site. For our team, it's a step back into some good fencelines after a run of yards, entranceways and one spot jobs. (I reckon there will be some sore legs by knockoff time tomorrow!) #securityfencing #securityfence #chainwire #onsite #construction #fencing #fencingcontractor #fencelines #gonefencing #drillingholes #concreting #solarfarm #constructionsite #onthejob #workinprogress #wip #coppercreekcontracting
03.01.2022 A Saturday well spent finishing off this epic entranceway. So good, even the skies opened a little to show her off! Completed photos coming tomorrow, you'll want to see this one! #justcompleted #waituntilyouseethisone #jobdone #workinprogress #postandrail #fence #timberfencing #timberfence #fencingcontractor #ironbark #ruralcontractor #countrystyle #houseyard #farmentrance #timberentrance #postandrailentrance #farm #construction #practicemakesperfect #whatdreamsaremadeof #pilliganaturaltimbers #whataview #thatview #epic #coppercreekcontracting
03.01.2022 Wiring the fun runs first! Tackling the hills and rock now is going to make next week seem like a breeze! -Public Service Announcement- Our Satellite NBN is down and out at the moment so we have very limited internet and phone service at headquarters. Ross and co are working in the fun country pictured so also have limited phone service...... Safe to say we're battling a bit on the communications front so if you're trying to get in touch or waiting on a reply please bare with us. We should be back up and running in the next week or so #fencing #hillcountry #hellorocks #fencingfun #gonefencing #exclusionfencing #workinghard #farmfencing #gettingherdone #publicserviceannouncement #phonesout #internetdied #nbnfail #commsproblems #fencingcontractor #centraltablelandsnsw #centralwestnsw #ruralcontracting #coppercreekcontracting
02.01.2022 We're on the home stretch to the end of the year and a much deserved mini-break. On-site the H-box strainer assemblies are ticked off and the last of the nearly 1400 star posts are going in. Behind the scenes quoting, interviews and 2021 planning are full steam ahead as well. We've thrown everything at the last few weeks and we're definitely on the count down - 2 days to go and counting! #countdowntochristmasbreak #countdown #fencing #exclusionfence #starpostsfordays #terex #terexskidsteer #onsite #onfarm #farmfence #behindthescenes #busybusybusy #finalcountdown #gettingherdone #workinprogress #fencingcontractor #centralwestnsw #ruralcontracting #coppercreekcontracting
01.01.2022 Step by step. Like most of us, our client is working through the wish list of farm infrastructure to create just the right space for them. Footings for their new shed are the next step of their next stage and we can't wait to see it all come together! #shed #footings #concretedays #thebeginning #nextstage #stepbystep #farmgoals #farminfrastructure #onthefarm #ruralcontracting #coppercreekcontracting
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