Corsi Jewellery in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Jewellery wholesaler
Corsi Jewellery
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 The excitment when we see this little box :) A box full of passion & love. A jewellery is something special and every pieces tells a story! And I feel so lucky to be a small part of your love story... ... #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweler #diamondexpert
24.01.2022 Would you say yes to this Diamond? You can see how clean is the stone with all the rainbow colours coming through the bottom and how excellent is the cut. Immagine how much this diamond will sparkle in natural sunlight!... #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweller #finejewellery #custommade #bespoke #diamonddealer #diamondexpert #loosediamond #roundbrilliant #rounddiamond #roundcut #roundcutdiamond #melbourne #custumjewellery #luxury #proposal #proposalseason
24.01.2022 Comparing Pearls. #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #pearls #southseapearl #freshwaterpearl #custumjewellery #finejewellery #melbourne #whitepearl #pearlearring #pearljewellery #pearlpendant
24.01.2022 Sapphire & Diamond stud earrings Classic & timeless These gorgeous studs are one of the essential jewellery that every women should own or dream of . . .... #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #finejewellery #sapphire #sapphireearrings #diamond #diamondstuds #roundbrilliant #roundcut #whitegold #privatejeweller #melbourne #diamondexpert #diamonddealer See more
24.01.2022 Sapphire Earrings Did you know that Sapphires come in all rainbows colours except for red? The red is called Ruby. Yes Sapphire and Ruby are the same family "Curundum" and both are 9 in hardness. Whats your favourite blue gemstone?... . . #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweller #sapphire #sapphires #sapphireearrings #bluesapphire #finejewellery #customjewellery #bespoke #melbournejewellery #melbourne #whitegold #studs #studearrings See more
22.01.2022 Trilogy Ring Did you know the three stones symbolize the past, present (center stone), and future?
20.01.2022 Todays inspo is a beautiful oval halo ring. Oval Diamonds have been very popular this year. Being an elongate shape it makes the diamond look bigger compare to some other shapesPhoto shared via @fergusjamesdiamonds
19.01.2022 Wishing you a lovely weekend! #quotes #behappyquotes #weekend
18.01.2022 Round Brilliant Have you ever wonder why is called "Round Brilliant"? The round diamond is the "King" of sparkle. In actual facts is the shape thats sparkle the most. Being a perfect circle with 58 facets (including the culet) it reflect the lights like no others and this is one of the reason why we see this amazing rainbow colours This video is in natural sunlight and without any filter!!... Are you hunting for a natural diamond? Contact me by email and I will search your dream stone #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweller #privateconsultation #diamondexpert #diamonddealer #diamond #finejewellery #luxury #engagement #engagementring #loosediamond #rounddiamond #roundbrilliant #roundbrilliantcut #melbourne #melbournejewellery #sparkle #sparklejewellery #roundsolitaire
17.01.2022 Happy tuesday everyone! . . #quote #qotd #diamond #diamondobsession #moodoftheday #mood #melbourne #summervibes #jewelleryvibes
17.01.2022 Stunning colourless Diamonds. Its all about the quality! #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejewellery #diamonddealer
14.01.2022 You should take few mins and read this article!
12.01.2022 I could stare at this 2 carat Round Diamond all day long!!! #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #diamondlover #diamondexpert #loosediamond #diamond #diamonds #rounddiamond #roundbrilliant #roundbrilliantcut #melbourne #finejewellery #privatejeweller #engaged #engagement #2carat #2caratdiamond
12.01.2022 Its time to inspect the stone!!! This is the most exciting moment, when you received a new diamond and you need to inspect the stone . . .... #sabrinacorsi #corsijewellery #privatejeweller #diamond #loosediamond #diamondexpert #diamonddealer #roundbrilliant #rounddiamond #engagementring #engaged #melbourne #melbournejewellery See more
12.01.2022 Oval Sparkle goal Featuring a 0.50ct F VS2 Ex Ex GIA graded diamond! Its all about quality If you are looking to buy a top quality diamond but without paying retail prices contact me by email.... During the consultation I will explain you the difference between colour, cut, clarity and how to pick the best diamond and saving money. Remember, she is going to wear the engagement ring for the rest of her life, so you want to pick the best diamond. #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #itsallaboutquality #diamond #diamonds #engagement #engagementring #customjewellery #custommade #privatejeweller #bespoke #luxury #loosediamond #ovaldiamond #ovalcut #ovalengagementring #ovalring #melbourne #diamondexpert #finejewellery
11.01.2022 Todays quote. Happy Friday
11.01.2022 How lovely is this Australian White Opal! This video doesnt do justice for this beautiful stone! Wish you could see the colours in person they are unreal! So grateful to be working in this industry! .... . #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweller #privateconsultation #loosediamond #loosegemstones #custommade #melbournemade #melbourne #australianopal #opal #whiteopal #whiteopals #finejewellery See more
11.01.2022 The most popular shape Featuring 2 carat Round Brilliant . . .... . #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweler #diamond #diamonds #diamondexpert #loosediamond #proposal #engagementring #engaged #2caratdiamond #2carat #roundcutdiamond #roundbrilliantcut #roundbrilliant #bespoke #finejewellery #luxury #luxuryjewellery See more
11.01.2022 Be mine Diamond studs are a MUST for your essential jewellery Classic, elegant & timeless . .... . . . #corsijewellery #privatejeweler #sabrinacorsi #diamond #diamondstuds #roundcutdiamond #roundbrilliantcut #roundstuds #bespoke #finejewellery #bespokejewellery #melbourne #highjewellery #luxury #customjewellery #whitegold #essentialjewelry #diamondobsession #diamondgift See more
10.01.2022 Todays mood . . . #alwaysthinkingjewellery... #jewelleryaddicted #jewellerylover #jewelleryobsession #finejewellery See more
09.01.2022 CLARITY SCALE This is another important thing to consider, after the cut (only for the Round shape) and colour, when selecting a Diamond! But what its? This refers to the absence of inclusions, which are imperfections of the stone. Consider them like a birthmark, all stones have them, except for some which are very rare to find and off course the price is very high.... Keep in mind, two stones graded with the same clarity they will never be the same. Each stone is unique! The grading range from Flawless to Included, with obvious inclusions visible to the eyes! Knowing the scale is not everything, you need to know what you are looking for!! Tricks of the jeweller, why paying more for something that you cant see with the naked eye? You could save money or put them towards something else, like size or colour! . . . #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweler #corsijewellery #diamondexpert #diamonddealer #roundcut #roundbrilliant #engagementring #engaged #melbourne #finejewellery
08.01.2022 When you meet perfection 18k white gold diamonds wedding band. . . .... #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privateconsultation #privatejeweller #finejewellery #diamond #diamonds #diamonddealer #roundcutdiamond #roundbrilliant #eternityring #eternityband #weddingrings #diamondweddingring #diamondband #customjewellery #custommade #melbourne See more
08.01.2022 Have you ever wonder how the Colour of a White Diamond is been graded from a Gemmological Lab? . The "culet" of the Diamond is face up and the "table" down and the stone is compared to a "master kit". In this position is much easier to see if the stone is in the range of "Colourless/Near Colourless Diamond" or if it has a hint of yellow, which means the quality of the stone is lower. As you can see from the photo the right diamond has a hint of yellow ( "M" colour from the s...cale) while the other 2 stones are whiter (both F colour). I personally reject any stones below the H colour. For more enquiry about colour and the 4Cs of Diamond send me an emai. I will be happy to answer any questions #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweller
07.01.2022 Good morning Melbourne. Today is going to be a very hot day, with temperature reaching 39 degrees or more. Keep safe everyone . . #melbourne #summertime #summer #hot #hotweather #view #southyarra #botanicalgardens
06.01.2022 In love with our gorgeous 18k white gold diamonds stud earrings hand made for our client We normally use butterfly backing but it this case we chose the alpha backing for extra security. Featuring 2 Round Brilliant Diamonds with a nearly total weight of 0.50 carat... I personally love diamond studs! They are so classic and perfect for everyday use or special occasion. Are you looking for quality diamond jewellery but dont want to pay retail price? Get in touch to start soucing your dream Diamond. I offer free consulation and full explanation of the 4C #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweler #diamondexpert
06.01.2022 Its so important for any diamond shapes to choose a white colour and stay between D-G colour which they are consider on the scale "colourless" and "near-colourless" For the white diamond the less colour, the higher is their value and the whiter and rare is the stone. Below this grading there is an incresing presence of yellow.
06.01.2022 Hair inspo for bride & bridesmaid This hair-style was created by my favorite hairdresser. They have been cutting and styling my hair since I was a little girl Salone Maida
05.01.2022 ..."because we all need a bit of sparkle in our life"... Featuring 2 lovely Colourless Round Brialliant Diamonds. Diamond earrings from 0.20ct and above. .... . #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweller #custommade #diamondexpert #diamondstuds #diamonds #finejewellery #luxuryjewellery #luxury #melbourne #melbournejewellery #whitegoldjewellery #whitegold #diamondlover #customjewellery #roundbrilliant #rounddiamond #roundearrings #roundstuds #rounddiamondearrings See more
05.01.2022 This Round Brilliant is absolutely stunning This gorgeous white Diamond GIA certified was hand selected for a special client! I cant stop staring at this diamond. Its just perfect!!! This diamond has an excellent cut which is the best of the best! You can see the rainbow colours and the sparkle coming through the stone!... I am very strict when I select diamonds. There are a lots of things that you need to consider when buying a diamond. The Round is the only shape you can achieve 100% perfection. . . . #sabrinacorsi #corsijewellery #privatejeweller #diamonddealer #diamond
03.01.2022 "Jewellers tools" Everything you need to know about the 4Cs of Diamond #knowledgeispower
03.01.2022 Aquamarine is March birthstone. This stone has a light green-blue colours. Aquamarine is only 7.5/8 on the Mohs scale so is not a type of gemstone to be worn everyday like Diamonds. (Diamonds are 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, which is the top) .... . #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privatejeweller #aquamarine #marchbirthstone #gia #knowledgeispower #finejewellery #customjewellery #loosegemstone #jewelleryknowledge #melbourne #melbournejewellery See more
02.01.2022 The Journey of a Diamond Enjoy this very cute video about this amazing Gemstone! "Diamonds are forever"... Shared via Real is a Diamond
02.01.2022 Wedding table details!!! How gorgeous are the flowers on the table. Last weekend I went to a wedding and I just realised I didnt took many photos.. but sure we enjoyed the night without using our phone!! . .... . #weddingvenue #weddingday #weddingtabledecor #weddingtable #brideandgroom #friendswedding #wedding #melbourne #nationalgalleryvictoria #love See more
02.01.2022 Ruby is Julys birthstone. *Interesting Fact* Did you know that Ruby and Sapphire are from the same mineral? Sapphire come in almost all rainbow colors except the red.... The red stone is called Ruby! Both of them are 9 in the Mohs scale which are the second hardest mineral after the Diamond. See more
02.01.2022 Rainbow reflection
02.01.2022 A very special family gift I received this amazing Australian White Opal, design and set in gold from the talent jeweller Valter @valter.terzago He is the jeweller from my beautiful hometown Trieste, in Italy. This is a very unique piece and its customised with my initials at the back. This pendants means a lot to me, for different reasons...... Also it has the connections between my 2 favourite country. Australia for the Opal and Italy because it was made in Trieste Sometime the sentimental value of a piece of jewellery is more than the $$ value...a piece of jewellery is much more I recorded this video in natural sunlight. I am very grateful for this piece
01.01.2022 Christmas is around the corner, less than 5 weeks to go!! Have you start your Christmas shopping yet? These beautiful gold pearls earrings are the perfect gift for the holiday season. For any prices enquiry send me an email. .... . . #corsijewellery #sabrinacorsi #privateconsultation #privatejeweller #pearl #pearls #pearlstud #pearlearrings #freshwaterpearls #southseapearls #roundpearl #perfectgift #finejewellery #custommade #bridal #bridaljewellery #bespokejewellery #goldjewellery #Melbourne See more
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