Cradle Mountain Massage in Cradle Mountain | Medical and health
Cradle Mountain Massage
Locality: Cradle Mountain
Phone: +61 429 004 417
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24.01.2022 The PINEAL gland is the centre of our consciousness. FLOURIDE interferes with the functioning of the endorcrine system, the glands. These glands are the gateways to spiritual connection; to energetic layers. Basically flouride shuts the door to spiritual connection. ALUMINIUM distrupts the nervous system.... Our AURA, auric field, is not automatically managed. It requires maintenance and there are keys and responsibilities to maintaining our auric field. Want to know more? (Watch the 10 minute video, link below). Begin your path of self-health... book-in for a Kinesiology treatment session and together we will energetically balance the body to release flouride, aluminium and other possible toxins; plus learn how you and your family can avoid these in your daily life. Get in touch, appointments available from 16th June onwards : * Tuesdays at Devonport * Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays at Cradle Mountain.
22.01.2022 I think we should all take a moment... :)
21.01.2022 Love and accept YOURSELF wholeheartedly, so you can love and accept your child for who they really are :)
21.01.2022 What we need is - more love - more life - and more happiness.... Dr Bruce Lipton
21.01.2022 At last. my logo
21.01.2022 Are your muscles or soft tissues causing you pain or discomfort and limiting your movement? Common conditions that can restrict your muscles full range of motion such as tension, soreness, aches, lactic acid build-up, over-exercise, under-exercise, repetitive movements, standing or sitting for long hours, etc. are limiting your enjoyment of life. Probably even restricting those more enjoyable activities when you do have free time from work and obligations. Clinical Remed...ial Massage is so different from the Relaxation style of massages, and dont get me wrong, a Relaxation Massage is a great way to unwind and de-stress, and I do offer this too if you want to lie down for a blissful hour, but it wont address chronic tension, aches and limiting movement conditions the way Remedial Massage targets specifically those things. Massage is not a luxury, its a highly effective preventive maintenance tool if taken regularly. Weekly is ideal, however fortnightly would be very good. Or whenever you feel that tension persisting, thats the time to book yourself in and nip it in the bud. In between treatments, stretches are your friend and I can create for you a specific, tailor-made routine. Dont wait for things to build up and become painful, talk to me about what is possible!
20.01.2022 Currently it is estimated that there are 1 million pandemic-related deaths throughout the world. Lets assume those numbers are not grossly overestimated. If ...we pick just one cancer, lung cancer for example, in this same year that the pandemic gets all the attention, we will see 1.8 million people die of this single cancer. In the context of the scale of the chronic disease burden, the bandwidth that we have given COVID19 makes little sense, not to mention economic decisions that have decimated the family stability for our working class and poor. How are we losing so many millions to cancers of all kinds every year? How have we doubled the rates of cancer in the last 30 years? If we are not looking for a root cause in our cancer therapies, how can they ever be successful? Medicine is no closer to a solution for cancer than it was in the 1970s. How could it be since we continue to see cancer as the source of a problem, rather than the symptom of a body that is failing in its inherent capacity to heal. This is a clip of episode 1 from "The Answer To Cancer" series, which is free to watch through the end of the week, August 21st 2020. Watch the full interview here:
20.01.2022 In the 20th century we created this extraordinary story of pharmacy What an incredible hero narrative has been told of these chemicals that we have extracted ...from oil, plants, and the microbiome that we then manipulate to create altered, unnatural, and thus patentable, technology for monetization. The strategy is based on monetizing nature by manipulating her ancient design in an effort to control her. To double down on the financial opportunity, the same companies would come to own our chemical food system, with glyphosate always at the foundation of it these chemicals block the ability of the microbiome and the plants that we consume to produce the medicines they once contained. A monopoly on nutrients and the medicine in our food has been built. There is not a single pharmaceutical drug you can take that can put you into balance. There is no combination of medications that can bring harmony to over 280,000 different protein structures and millions of protein and hormone pathways that orchestrate human health. Every drug disrupts these natural pathways of signaling and function. But the hero narrative prevails, and educated people all over the world are waiting eagerly for Pandemic salvation through a highly chemically laden, unnatural vaccine. In a similar fashion, there are no amounts of probiotics, or dairy protein, or pea protein powders that can bring you the intelligence of nature. It is only in her biodiversity that real health and vital life is fostered. The truth is, and always will be, that there exists an intrinsic ability for all of us to heal. It is the same intrinsic capacity that allowed us to begin life within the context of the vast life on this planet. The intelligence of nature is within us, and beneath our feet. If we would step back and let her work her magic we would find grounded health. . . . . . . . #glyphosate #farmersfootprint #pharmacy #intelligenceofnature #humanhealth #intrinsichealthseries #planetaryhealth #mothernature #ionbiome #regenerativefuture #regeneration #bethechange #allofustogether #newparadigm #regenerativeag #thefutureisnow #zachbushmd
19.01.2022 Some words about sugar ...
18.01.2022 I totally agree with you The Live Lightly Centre! I have had concerns for some time about sales and marketing businesses telling people to eat essential oils. Never before in the history of man on Earth have we ever ingested essential oils -- as far as I know. All through my training it was strictly made clear to us: essential oils are NOT for ingesting - no question! SO glad you have spoken out about it... people need to know that eating essential oils IS NOT OKAY!
18.01.2022 Celebrate your uniqueness :) Youre more than good enough ...
18.01.2022 Want to feel GOOD? Try my 30 minute Pro Neck, Face & Scalp Massage using the centuries-old Japanese beauty secret: Camellia oil. This might sound like a spa treatment, but its so much more than that. As you will know by now, Im a clinical therapist and while you will feel so good and totally relaxed, youll also come away feeling energised, bright and fresh. This treatment is the real deal - highly therapeutic. I combine my skills using clinical techniques in Bowen Therap...y, Chinese Acupressure & Swedish Massage. BONUS Free Option - A Hair Nourishing Treatment at no extra cost. Want to take it to the NEXT LEVEL? Add a half-hour of remedial back neck and shoulder massage at HALF PRICE! Get in touch to find out more or make a booking.
17.01.2022 Get your shoes off - and get healthy...
17.01.2022 The world needs more people like Zach Bush...
17.01.2022 BRUCE LIPTON -- A vibrational signature, like a magnetic fields or photo/light, travels at 186,000 miles per second. So which is more effective? A chemical moving through the body at 1 foot per second (allopathic medicine); or a vibrational signature going at 186 thousand miles in the very same second? Oh my goodness, THE ANSWER IS, oh my gosh, vibration is profoundly faster. Then you look at the nature of biological systems that depend on signals for their survival. If your ...survival is dependent upon receiving and interpreting a signal so you can make a response - then I could signal you with a chemical (drug) or I could signal you with vibration. The answer is that the biological system would, by far, have a preference for the vibrational energy because it is so profoundly fast and significantly efficient that if your life depends upon getting a signal, and the cell's life does, then there is no comparison. Chemicals (drugs) work, but no where near as effectively or efficiently as energy healing. This is why we are moving from an allopathic chemical drug related medicine into energy medicine. Because it has now been recognised that energy, which includes thought as well, is profoundly more effective in healing than are chemicals. Kinesiology is one type of Energy Medicine :)
16.01.2022 JAW "RESET" (your TMJ joint) RESET is a simple, non-invasive system of relaxing the muscles, tendons, nerves and ligaments of the jaw, enabling the Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) to reset. This balances the bodys hydration, structure, muscles, neurology, glands and organs relaxing tight neck and shoulder muscles too. Some of the possible benefits are:... - Improved assimilation and utilisation of water - More stability in hip, knee and foot muscles - Less tension in 80% of the muscles in the body - Less headaches, sinus problems and migraines - Improved digestion and assimilation of food - More balanced glands and hormones - Improved toxin elimination through the kidneys - Improved learning ability - A more balanced acupuncture meridian system and many other positive responses of the body. Ill be in Don tomorrow (4th Sept) at the Happy Biome Studio Clinic. There are a couple of bookings still available there at the moment for: * Jaw RESET * Remedial Massage * Kinergetics (kinesiology) Or message me for other locations and times that you may require.
15.01.2022 APPOINTMENTS available Mondays 10am - 6pm @ Wilmot (Other days by arrangement) ~ Bowen Therapy ~ Reflexology... ~ Kinesiology ~ Clinical Remedial Massage; as well as Sports; Swedish; Pregnancy; Aromatherapy & Hot Stone. * Health Fund Rebates * Gift Vouchers * Credit Cards Accepted
14.01.2022 The food we eat is paramount in balancing our spiritual and physical lives. These herbs can assist in realigning your energy. Learn more about the healing properties of plants:
14.01.2022 Have you ever wanted to have a HOT STONE Massage? This deeply relaxing and highly therapeutic treatment will have you feeling more than just good. This ancient technique is such a unique experience. Its even more relaxing than a Swedish Relaxation Massage! During this treatment I use placement stones as well as working stones, to ensure that you have any muscle tension addressed. The particular stones that I have chosen to work with are Lapis Lazuli along with dark green... Marble from the Pilbara region of Western Australia, which is a place that is part of my life and so quite appropriate to have in my hands. TWO FREE INCLUSIONS: Book a Hot Stone Massage and receive free remedial work in any areas that you require - along with a blissful face and scalp massage. Both at no extra cost. Appointments available Monday - @ Wilmot Tuesday - Happy Biome Clinic Studio @ Don Wed/Thu - Lotus Waters Day Spa @ Shearwater Message to make a booking or enquiry. Other days available at Wilmot if required, just ask :)
11.01.2022 These quotes have changed my life completely...
11.01.2022 These new jelly drops could save people with dementia.
09.01.2022 We had a fantastic and informative night at the lovely, new Providence Farm Stall, sharing our diverse skills and experiences as Therapists to a packed house of 60 gorgeous women at the "Womens Holistic Health & Wellness Gathering". Thanks to Melissa Duniam for hosting this wonderful event.
08.01.2022 The old healer to the soul: Its not your back that hurts, but the burden. Its not your eyes that hurt, but injustice. Its not your head that hurts, its your... thoughts. Not the throat, but what you dont express or say with anger. Not the stomach hurts, but what the soul does not digest. Its not the liver that hurts, its the anger. Its not your heart that hurts, but love. And it is love itself that contains the most powerful medicine. Author: Ada Luz Marquez photograph - unknown
08.01.2022 Did you ever ask yourself what "spiritual dimension" does mean? What it does mean that we are "spiritual beings"? KRS-one explains it beautifully and even teaches you a small exercise that helps you to become aware of it.
07.01.2022 Voici sans doute les 15 minutes les plus importantes de votre journe. Redcouvrez ce bon sens dont lhumanit est la seule stre loigne, et qui lui vaut nombre de maux de sant dont elle pourrait spargner en se reconnectant simplement son environnement.
07.01.2022 Am happy to support this cause - buy a raffle ticket, theyre only $2 Phone event organisers and get your ticket over the phone if you like - message me for details.
06.01.2022 Aboriginal Traditional Medicine <3
05.01.2022 BODY PAIN Do you have achy, tired muscles? Or restricted movement in your body because of muscle pain?... This could be from an accident or injury; sport; repetitive movements; or seemingly nowhere, it just came-on. As a Soft Tissue Specialist, I use REMEDIAL MASSAGE, along with Chinese Acupressure or Kinesiology, as a highly effective method of alleviating muscle tension, knots, spasm, connective tissue adhesions, restricted range of motion and pain to allow your body to return to pain-free, unrestricted movement. Appointments at DON (near Devonport): ONE appointment left for tonight at 6:30pm Tomorrow (Tues) 12:30pm or 2:00pm Wed - after 1:30pm Appointments at WILMOT - Mondays and other days by arrangement. Aopointments at SHEARWATER - by arrangement. Get in touch to book in! 04 2900 4417
04.01.2022 Do you eat for your body's necessities? - or - Do you eat by compulsion? Eat by choice -- the choice of YOUR body's needs -- not by society's expectations or needs; not by cultural expectations or needs; not by compulsion which may have started as a choice, but is an out of control...
02.01.2022 Do you eat for your bodys necessities? - or - Do you eat by compulsion? Eat by choice -- the choice of YOUR bodys needs -- not by societys expectations or needs; not by cultural expectations or needs; not by compulsion which may have started as a choice, but is an out of control...
02.01.2022 All municipal water in Tasmania contains this (toxic) fluoride, according to Taswater when I asked them. If youre fortunate to have your own spring water then lucky you. If you have a rainwater tank, and drink that water, then great. However, rainwater is devoid of minerals and we need minerals in our water for good health. Minerals aid in running our neurology and our invisible energetic system, as well as activating vitamins etc. Make sure youre getting good minerals in y...our water and NOT bad chemicals like chlorine and fluoride. But what if youre on town water? Get a Zazen Water Filter System. They are from an Australian Social Business (ie: they give back to the community by gifting to primary schools). Whats so special about the Zazen? Theyre the only filtering system I know of that takes out chlorine and all the nasties, including up to 90% of fluoride. Apparently there is no filter that will do fluoride 100%. Plus it puts minerals into your drinking water, makes the water alkaline, the water flows through magnetic resonance in the tap when the water is poured (resonance that is the same as the earth, like spring water welling up from the ground) and gives other health benefits. No installation necessary. The system sits on your benchtop, looking sparkling, and is very easy to maintain. As an approved agent, I have stock of the Zazen Water Filter Systems ready to go, and carry all the filter replacements. Zazen even make a shower filter! Let me know if youd like more info...
01.01.2022 Smiling reduces stress and anxiety, smiling is positive for our health :)
01.01.2022 Great quote. I feel this is so much the description of what is happening in our miracle experiment game calls! This upcoming Sunday (8am California time) Im ho...sting another zoom call which makes the we into wellness as you learn about deeper healing secrets - and discover more about a unique once-in-a-lifetime training opportunity. (Thank you for sharing this quote with me Rani )
01.01.2022 Truly wonderful - I believe this will be the way forward :)
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