Create Inner Peace | Meditation centre
Create Inner Peace
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25.01.2022 Once you realise this the pressure drops away and you suddenly feel free from patterns you’ve followed for years...sometimes lifetimes. You don’t need to prove yourself. Being your true self is enough.
25.01.2022 There will be times when people will try to tell you who you are, that they know your type or who you were....20 years ago. Let them have their opinion. Their opinions don’t matter anyway. What matters is that you continue to seek a deeper understanding of yourself and to unfold and expand upon the limitlessness that you are.
24.01.2022 The lies we tell ourself about ourself can be the hardest ones to admit to. Recognising that it’s only ever ourself who holds us back can help us to face these ill found beliefs with compassion and ‘kindsight’ and to then work on letting them go.
24.01.2022 We do unto others as we do unto ourselves... and in doing so we shed light on the things we need to work on within ourself...if we are willing to look.
24.01.2022 This is why it’s important to observe and govern your thoughts. We are energy in motion and so it makes sense that when we entertain low vibe thoughts it will affect us on both a physical and spiritual level too. Likewise for empowering, nourishing positively focused thoughts. Take notice of what kind of thoughts you entertain. What sayings do use frequently? Do you make jokes at your own expense? When you are having difficulties with another person what scenarios are you picturing in your mind? What things are you constantly worrying over?Are the thoughts you’re picking up even yours? Spend a moment to see what other things come to mind for you. Then start to take notice throughout the day and coming week.
22.01.2022 For clues on where you’re at in terms of balance of thought and feeling, direction and who you’re being take a look at the 5 people you spend the most time with. We tend to be most like them so of you like what you see, great. If not it may be time to discern what traits or behaviours you could work on for yourself and whether you need to spend less time with those particular and more time with people who match the frequency you prefer.
21.01.2022 You have all you need within. It’s just a matter of learning how to tap into it.
20.01.2022 Which dog are you? Our world and the people in it are mirrors. How we see them is a reflection of what is in us and how we see ourself...
19.01.2022 We can learn a lot about unconditional love from our pets. When we place conditions or expectations on our love for and from others we are operating from beliefs such as obligation, devotion, being ‘owed’, ownership, attachment etc. Sometimes its learned behaviour from our parents and other times it is baggage we’ve carried with us from past lifetimes. Either way, to be an expression of our true self, the love that we already are, it’s up to us to understand how we personally demonstrate some of these concepts and work to release them. What could be more joyful and relaxed than just being and letting others be?
19.01.2022 Do what you want to do, be what you want to be yeaahhh Or better still, do what you came here to do... Follow your's no coincidence that you're drawn to them.
19.01.2022 Often, from a grain of sand a mountain emerges. If you want to protect your inner peace transform the mountain into a grain of sand.
18.01.2022 When you think about it the world is a beautiful place. There is so much to marvel at. When you feel the ugliness of the ego of man start to infiltrate your peace and serenity, tipping the balance of harmony and joy and pulling your big picture out of focus...put on the window wipers and readjust your focus onto the good that is out there.....The little moments with loved ones, the kindness of a stranger, the resilience and perfection of nature, a sunny morning on a winters day and whatever else brings you awe.
18.01.2022 Who can relate to having done this, either once in a while or ongoingly? The thing is we are not here to live anyone else’s life or to be loyal to any organisation, business, family or person. Our first loyalty, or priority, is to ourself and our own growth. I prefer to expect to strongly influence myself with clear motives about what I want and what is good and all important for me.
17.01.2022 The past has passed and merely serves as a reference point for where we are at now. When we are unable to let go of the memories of the past it keeps us ‘stuck’ there and we often end up recreating them in our present day experiences. To facilitate moving forward it helps to regroup things that happened by stepping outside of any emotion that is attached and asking ‘what did I do?’, ‘what did I learn (about myself)?’ ‘what would I do differently next time?’ and ‘what was my highlight (my take away)?’
17.01.2022 Searching for oneself is a journey for a lifetime... Life is what happens in between
17.01.2022 If we wait till all our ducks are in a row we may never do that thing that will bring us the joy we seek. For the most part, it’s fear that is holding us back. Something I need to remind myself of when feeling the fear about something really important to me is that I don’t have to be great to start, but I have to start to be great. As Nike says....’Just Do It’ What do you keep putting off...and why?
17.01.2022 When caught up in the emotion of a situation its hard to swallow this kind of reality check. Whenever I’ve allowed myself to become involved in some sort of drama, or reacted when someone triggers (mirrors) an area within me that needs some work it disturbs my inner tranquility and creates disharmony between my thoughts, feelings and actions. I step off my pivot and move out of alignment with my true self. This could also be described as being ‘in conflict with myself’. It is... not the other person ‘making’ me feel that way. They have merely been the messenger of what to focus on for my inner work and my own spiritual evolution. Because I am able to recognise this, it’s very easy to then walk away from the scenario, move back onto my pivot and start exploring what the wound (concept) is beneath the scab that has just been ripped off. It all begins with my willingness to accept responsibility for my own growth and how I contribute to my own suffering. See more
17.01.2022 Have you ever done this? It’s not our circumstances that hold us back. It’s us who holds us back.
17.01.2022 Some people go through life never feeling heard, particularly women from older generations though not exclusively. When participating in any of our workshops, courses, programs and mini camps everyone has a voice and is listened to respectfully and reverently. There is no judgement and everyone gains valuable insights from all of the sharing. We’ve had some people comment that its the first time in their life that they ever felt heard. The transformation that comes from that feeling of acceptance and equality is incredible and powerfully life changing. It’s a beautiful thing.
16.01.2022 No matter what I've done or not done I am worthy of love. We compare ourselves to other people and don't honour our own magnificence. When we finally embrace all parts of ourself we no longer need to fix ourself. No matter what we've done or not done we are worthy of love. ... We never make a mistake in our own values. We only THINK we make a mistake when we compare our actions to someone else's. The moment we realise that everything is ON the way, not IN the way, we give ourself permission to do something more amazing. ...No matter what you've done or not done you ARE worthy of love...
16.01.2022 Your external environment is a reflection of your internal environment. If you don’t like the things that are happening in your environment then the key to changing it is by changing yourself; your thoughts, attitudes, behaviours etc. As Mahatma Ghandi said....Be the change you want to see.
16.01.2022 How you live and how you love is far more important than anything outside of yourself.
15.01.2022 What we resist persists, what we befriend we transcend. Who’s up for a hugs and cheesecake kind of day?
15.01.2022 Become the light you are and don’t stop shining. People are going to love you and people are going to hate you...and it will have nothing to do with you. It’s better to be temporarily startled by the light (even your own!) than to stay in darkness because its ‘comfortable’. Shine on you crazy diamonds.
15.01.2022 Harmony is vital to inner peace. Particularly between thoughts, feelings and actions.
15.01.2022 An acorn, when in the right place, at the right time and in the right conditions, will grow to its full potential. It doesn’t get distracted by or feel insecure because of what the eucalypts or ti trees are doing or that they don’t shed their leaves and stand naked, baring their soul for all to see. It focuses solely on being its true self and fulfilling its purpose through all the changing seasons and periods of growth. So too can we, when we focus on being our true self and doing what we came here to do. Don’t be afraid to let others bear witness to your change and growth through your own experiences. Lead by example, but most importantly lead yourself in mastering you and achieving your inner potential.
15.01.2022 When life becomes too ‘serious’ try hanging out with some little people. When you become present to the feeling of their naturally creative, inquisitive energy it can reawaken the dormant creativity within you, your inner child. And it might just help remind you that life is like a full palette of paints, a blank canvas and that anything is possible.
14.01.2022 Your energy is contagious. Make sure it’s a good thing. Be an example of the standards you expect. Those who want to live on that level will meet you there. Your vibe attracts your tribe.
13.01.2022 People appreciate what they have more when they've participated in and experienced creating it for themselves... I love that the children of the community were allowed to contribute to the building of this centre. There's some useful life skills right there! I have great memories of having helped to build our mudbrick house when I was a child.. I still remember the resistance of the pick hitting quartz rock as I helped dig the foundations and loving the way it created sparks the dusk light. I can still feel the mud as I pressed handfuls of it firmly into the individual moulds, scraping the top off flat and delighting at the perfect shape after carefully sliding the frame up and off. It's a shame everything we build these days is prefabricated and mass produced. We limit the wonderful, tactile and full sensory learning experiences we could have by subscribing to the instant gratification approach to life. Info about the centre in the pic can be found here:
13.01.2022 How many try to do this first part? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. Society teaches us to put everyone else first. However, spiritually, it is important to put ourself first. We are the only ones responsible for raising our own state of consciousness. This is why we are here. Second is our physical body. It’s our vehicle that enables us to have our experiences for growth. It’s our ‘home’. If we don’t look after it, our opportunity here may be cut short. Third is to ou...r family/loved ones and fourth to our greater community. When we approach our daily life in this manner it creates the freedom for us to follow our hearts and sets an example for our loved ones to do the same. This teaches others to do what they need to for themselves rather than perpetuating codependence. We then find we can actually achieve more because we have enough ‘fuel in the tank’ left over to give support to others too. Now who agrees this sounds better? See more
12.01.2022 This is often the clue that has you recognise the difference between just existing and truly living.
12.01.2022 All 7 billion+ of us chose to be living on this planet right now. Particularly the young ones. Will it take death for you to realise why you’re here or will you wake up to who you really are now? I am enough, we are enough. Let’s make a change...starting now.
12.01.2022 When we put everyone else’s needs and wants ahead of our own needs, this is what inevitably happens. Society teaches us to do this, however, it is the opposite of where our loyalties need to be. It does not mean me first, me second, me third, and me fourth though. Our first loyalty is to our soul’s needs, our spiritual self. Second is to our physical body, for it is our vehicle and if we don’t look after it we have nowhere to ‘live’. Third is to our family/home and fourth to our greater community. When we prioritise in this order we can remain true to ourself and have more energy and capacity to help the others in our life to meet their needs. A car with no fuel won’t take us anywhere let alone anyone else.
11.01.2022 When you have a ‘care taker’ personality it can sometimes be all too easy to become caught in a revolving door with loved ones who exhibit dependent behaviours. This tendency lends itself to a ‘saving’ vibration. We want to help them but end up doing so at the cost of our own emotional health, time and even money but also at the cost of our own goals, desires, direction and purpose. It’s possible to help and show compassion without giving all (more than our 50%) and without buying into, or getting involved in, the drama. Practicing discernment, or checking whether something is our opportunity to be involved in helps us to keep our energy compact and to not get caught in situations that aren’t in our best interest, spiritually or physically.
11.01.2022 Sometimes what we think we we want is very different from what we really need.
11.01.2022 You can feed a hungry man a fish, but tomorrow he’ll be hungry again. If you teach a man to fish he can then rely on his own resources and never go hungry again. Gaining understanding of ourself, strengthening our inner security and unfolding our psychic gifts works best using the same principle.
10.01.2022 Who would’ve thought capsicums could have so many emotions! Emotions are funny things. We tend to think they are our feelings but they are really just reactions. They’re based on behavioural ‘programming’ from when we are young (ie what we learnt from observing our parents’ responses to their experiences in life) as well as concepts and beliefs we have about ourselves and others in our environments. Our feelings are quite different and come from the good, kind, loving, understanding part of us. Are you starting off your day today in a capsicum kind of way or that deeper true you way?
10.01.2022 We each have our own perception of things that occur in life but perspective is what makes the world of difference.
10.01.2022 Effective leadership of others begins with self leadership. What state of being are you choosing for yourself today?
09.01.2022 Live your truth in all you do for others but more importantly in your dealings with yourself... Your ‘thrust’ sums up the energy of who you are and what you have become a ‘genius’ of or refined over many lifetimes. It is the essence of you. Don’t be what anyone else wants, expects or trains you to be. Just be your honest to god, beautiful, authentic you. *to find out what yours might be see my inner guidance & spiritual thrust profile under services tab
09.01.2022 When I realised this, I started to look at my relationships and interactions with others a lot more differently. I take everything as an opportunity to learn more about myself by how I see and respond to others, as well as how they perceive or respond to me.
09.01.2022 If you feel ‘offended’ by something someone does or says, rather than reacting, use it as an opportunity to heal. Explore within what concepts and paradigms you hold that aren’t serving your greater good in relation to this ‘thing’. You’d be surprised what ideologies we automatically default to that aren’t even our own in such moments. In choosing to take responsibility to identify what pulls us away from our true self, instead of choosing to dwell in the emotion of being offended, we are choosing powerful healing for ourself.
08.01.2022 More and more over the years I have become so aware of how negativity affects my reality. Whether it's being around negative people or negative conversations or my own negative self talk. I always look for the lesson, for the clues of where to look within myself to work on. When I hear myself repeating what are essentially negative mantras I catch myself and say it in the affirmative, what I want rather than what I don't want or when I chose not to engage in other people's dr...ama I feel lighter and free. Have you ever been in a great mood and walked into a room full of negative, grumpy people a bad mood and walked into a room of happy, positive, vibrant people? When that happens you have 2 choices. Leave or change your mood and energy vibration. It works both ways. Our thoughts shape our reality. Our reality is just a perception. Change your thoughts, change your reality. Be the change you want to see. See more
08.01.2022 Yes. What we really crave is connection but so many don’t seem to know how anymore. The more 'connected' we become through technology/ social media the more disconnected we actually feel interpersonally. It's obvious how much we desperately need to get back to the basics of relating. The most important and first step in doing so is to get better acquainted with ourself...the deeper, core of our being. That part of us that we ignore, hide, brush aside, or bury where we hope no one can find it. When we develop a healthy level of intimacy (into me I see) with ourself, our ability to meet others in the same way flourishes.
07.01.2022 It is only a reference point. The details of past experiences aren’t the important thing. What you were feeling, the concepts, the pattern, the underlying themes...this is where the nuggets of wisdom lie and that you can use in the present to change your course.
07.01.2022 Many find it difficult to be alone, to sit in their own company. Social media was born of our desire and longing to connect with others. Unfortunately it has also fed into other unhelpful emotions and fears, such as comparison, ‘missing out’, not (good) enough, keeping up appearances and so on. One of the many benefits of being your own friend, of truly feeling comfortable on your own, is that many of those things cease to matter or have control over your ruling state. Another is discovering the truth of who you are. If you seek a deeper connection with self and with your inner guidance, you will discover that you are never alone. That you have a loyal team of helpers committed to guiding you in achieving your goals and purpose in life...and so much more. If you’d like to know more about this reach out via messenger.
07.01.2022 Attitude and an ability to see the good or potential in anything is an important skillset to have for moving through life with happiness and ease, even when things appear bleak on the outside.
06.01.2022 Let go of anything that no longer serves you.
06.01.2022 It is important and beneficial to take responsibility for your own happiness. We often displace our happiness onto people, places and things. Meaning we feel we will be happy once we have this job, or we meet that person. When in reality, this is false fulfillment because your happiness can be stripped away as soon as you lose one of these things. When your happiness comes from inside, no outside curcumstance can affect it.
06.01.2022 This is how your light changes the world. Be your real self and let the light that is you shine bright. Little else is as beautiful, inspiring and contagious than someone who is relaxed, in flow and sharing their genius with the world.
05.01.2022 First impressions are usually 100% right. However, we don’t trust or act on them 100% of the time. When you start trusting your ‘gut instincts’, ‘intuition’, ‘insights’, ‘discernment’, whatever you like to call it, the actions we need to take start to feel a whole lot more clear.
05.01.2022 Kindness matters. Sprinkle some kindness every day. Changing the world is achieved by random Acts of Kindness.
05.01.2022 Write a better future. Do it for you.
04.01.2022 Not every unpleasant experience we have is necessarily a bad thing. Life happens for you not to you so what might seem like a slight to the ego is actually helping you to heal something. It helps to think of things not as in the way but on the way.
04.01.2022 When we meet someone for the first time and just click, or have the feeling you know each other yet have never met, its because we have indeed met. Just not in this lifetime. We are energy and it is one another’s energy that we recognise. You might have also had experiences where someone is telling you something but you have a strong feeling that something doesn’t add up about what they’re saying. This is because what they are vibrating is revealing the truth of the situation or about them.
04.01.2022 Are you ready to stop quietly drowning? To drop the performance of your life and start living the life you came to live, powerfully?
03.01.2022 Think of it as the sweet spot...and the difference between a stressful day and a great day.
03.01.2022 Checking in with yourself as to who and where you’re giving your time to can be a good start...
03.01.2022 Start to take notice of the little things. They probably aren’t as little as you think. When you use your inherent gifts and consciously become aware of the insights and big picture stuff, your life will take on a whole different feeling of flow, inspiration and direction.
03.01.2022 Break free from the mould and do what you really came to do...!
03.01.2022 Be still and know... Allow the light to shine upon all the places within that need healing.
02.01.2022 Let us not look back in anger, or forward in fear, but around in awareness ~ James ThurberLet us not look back in anger, or forward in fear, but around in awareness ~ James Thurber
02.01.2022 No matter the opinion of other trees in the forest, the acorn will never become anything but what’s inside of itan oak. The big questions of life, such as Who am I? and What is my purpose? were answered before the seed was planted in the ground by the even simpler response, My true self.
02.01.2022 We can only meet another as deeply as we’ve met ourself. For many intimate relationships are the most challenging to navigate. The deeper we work on ourselves, and in particular on our own self love, the easier it becomes. As an added bonus the quality of relationships improve also.
01.01.2022 With tension, fear and reactivity running high at the moment it can be easy to get drawn into arguing, defending, proving and other such behaviours. Rather than buy into it try just looking back at them silently or thank them for sharing, walking away or scrolling on by. You’ll feel much better for it.
01.01.2022 Self Love Saturday...
01.01.2022 Whatever follows the words I am... becomes very powerful. Do you choose words that tear you down or build you up; that tell lies for you to believe or speak truth of who you inherently are?