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C R E A T i V E Interventions


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to load big map

25.01.2022 The impact of a distorted image..

23.01.2022 How chronic stress can affect the brain's size, structure, and how it functions:


20.01.2022 #creativeinterventions #noticethebeauty #arttherapy #intentionalart #wellbeing #mindfulness #trydifferentlenses #reframe #perspective #contain #integrate #earlyintervention #practicewellness #ownyourhealth #reoccupyyourmind #fuleyourheart #sustainyoursoul #2020marathon #drinksbreak #levelup

20.01.2022 This is the link to join The Brain Care Café, which I just spent a whopping 1.5 hours chatting about just now!!! Don’t have ...the inclination to sit through a Vid this long? Don’t worry! Here are the key points.... The Brain Care Café is my online membership, it’s where I consistently deliver resources and content and where I can support you (and myself!) in our journey of self regulation and anxiety management. When you join you get: * weekly braincare strategies * weekly sound healing sessions * monthly expert interviews * especially curated playlists * monthly melodic mantras * more things that I just can’t think of right now The Café is only open for new members until tomorrow night (Sunday) 8pm AEST. (For anyone in a different time zone that is exactly 22 hours from now!) So, if you’re interested? Check us out right now - (You can stay for a month, a year or anywhere in between, you are absolutely welcome to opt out any time that feels right to you ) Xxxxx

16.01.2022 #Repost @greatbigstory @kekaiokahiki, one of Hawai'i's most famous male hula schools, carries on the tradition of telling warrior stories with dance. train in the same way as their ancient forbearers, using the land itself as a harsh and unforgiving gym. To dance like a warrior, you need to train like one. See more


13.01.2022 #moremoving #moremaking #moremeaningfulengagement And feeling better for it!... #arttherapy #creativeinterventions #intentionalnoticing #mindfulmaking #soulfuel #connect #ground #integrate #synchronicity

08.01.2022 What’s your calming colour?

07.01.2022 Here he goes....again #puddledancer #puddledancing #swimmingStevie #Steviethewonderdog #chawareness #cerebellarhypoplasia #cerebellarhypoplasiadogs #yell...owlabsofinstagram #yellowlabsquad #labsofinstagram #specialneedsdogsofinstagram #specialneedsdogs #rescuedogs #rescuedogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop For licensing and usage, contact: [email protected]

07.01.2022 "Metamorphosis" by Harry Warne.

04.01.2022 #creativeinterventions A morning sprint down the hill after the dog, led to reflections of death and personal insight... inclusion and selection of worth and value, the simplicity and complexities, the beauty, the weight, the current abundance and magnitude of holding space for people at various stages of transition, and the very nature of it all. #arttherapy is a good opportunity to reach into the depths of the underlying thoughts and processing murmuring away beneath the s...urface of a passing thought or shallow knowing. To realise the dimensionality, the substance behind, and subsequent saturation that can leach underneath the surface. The creative process and therapeutic awareness allows you to let it out so it doesn’t fester. Engaging with tangible objects and art materials helps to understand the weight of the burdens we carry, for ourselves and for others. The magic of art is, we can reshape, remould, reimagine and repurpose. This is empowering. This is healing. The synchronicity of internal and external shifts... thoughts, feelings and experiences that challenge us are the very constructs that enlighten, strengthen and ground us. Anyway, I got the dog. Now it’s time for a coffee and see where today’s #nature #mandala leads. #earlyintervention #vicarioustrauma #maintenance #mentalhealth #continuum #spectrum #nonbinary #wereallonit #artpsychotherapy #arthealth #reshape #internalawareness #agency

03.01.2022 Absolutely Awesome Soul Vocals From Father-Son Duo

03.01.2022 The to-do lists can to-get stuffed. #creativeinterventions #noticethebeauty #arttherapy #intentionalart #wellbeing #mindfulness #trydifferentlenses #reframe #perspective #contain #integrate #earlyintervention #practicewellness #ownyourhealth #reoccupyyourmind #fuleyourheart #sustainyoursoul #2020marathon #drinksbreak #levelup

01.01.2022 With 5,000 priorities, none of which are mine, I’ve committed to more moving, more making, more mindfulness. Practice what you preach and all... Jogging at dark o’clock (I believe the ‘j’ is silent), meandering by the river watching the mist roll across the surface, capturing the beautifulness and some morning tunes. Feeling better for it ... #creativeinterventions #noticethebeauty #arttherapy #intentionalart #wellbeing #mindfulness #reframe #perspective #contain #integrate #earlyintervention #practicewellness #ownyourhealth #reoccupyyourmind #fuelyourheart #sustainyoursoul #2020marathon #drinksbreak #levelup #thehypocriticalmentalhealthworker

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