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24.01.2022 Oh yes, there is another #criticalindustries brand. Ration packs, nutrition stuff and photos of the food we eat to perform like we do. Its gonna be tasty. #nomnomnom #fitfood #rationpacks #criticaleats #mealprep #betterthantakeaway #eatrealfood

23.01.2022 4 days to go!!!! I know you guys are probably sick of me talking about this, but i cannot tell you how amped I am for this amazing project. If you've been thinking about it, but aren't sure, let me remind you, every single step you take in the day, whether that is walking to fridge, walking the dog or wandering aimlessly about in you underwater trying g to remember how long it was since you last went out for dinner. They all count.... And $25 out of every entrance fee, goes to Beyond Blue. How is that not a total winner? So sign up now, get some mates involved and we'll see you on the virtual Trail.

23.01.2022 When you feel depressed, tired or just plain old flat, and there's isnt a good reason for it. There is a very simple solution. Move. Just get moving. Jump. Dance. Run. Walk. Lift. Ride. Row. Throw. Garden. Play with the dog. Do something, anything, that gets your blood pumping and you off your backside.... I know you don't feel like you have the energy, but I guarantee after a couple of minutes you will feel so much better for it. Obviously if you are sick, obviously rest and recover. But if the reason you are low energy is because you are stressed, haven't slept well or been eating crap, these may be playing a factor in your lack off energy. But that's even more reason to get up and move. The endorphin release after exercise will help reduce the stress chemicals in your brain. Exercise helps you get to sleep more easily and stay asleep. And when you exercise you are more likely to eat better because you don't want to waste the good work you've done for your body. Movement, it is a salve for the body and the mind. Make use of it. And as always, Keep Moving Forward. Much love Alex #move #keepmovingforward #stressrelief #bettersleep #dothework #slaythedradon #yougotthis #critfitcrew #criticalindustries #criticalfit #criticalthink #criticaleats #coach #motivation #moveeveryday

22.01.2022 5 minutes till we go live for the Virtual challenge launch!5 minutes till we go live for the Virtual challenge launch!

20.01.2022 Standing up for your beliefs, and against behavior you find as unacceptable, isn't easy. Often you upset people you care about, and sometimes the passion of the moment may mean you don't pick the best moment. But there is a point where diplomacy becomes appeasement. When not wanting to rock the boat, leaves you with a raging sea inside.... Know your truth, stand up for your principles and be courageous in your beleifs. The right people will stay (whether they agree with you or not), and the others will fall by the wayside. And as always, Keep Moving Forward Much love Alex #levelup #buildyoyrlife #whosinyourcircle #dothework #principles #liveyourtruth #hardtruths#lifelessons #mindsetmatters #mindsetoseverything #mindsetcoach #criticalindustries #criticalthink

19.01.2022 This is something I've been working on a lot lately. Im not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination. I have lied... I have cheated I have caused pain. BUT Im getting better at speaking my truth. Im looking and thinking about how my bevavior affects others and myself. And I'm working every day to be better than I was. If you cannot find a way to forgive yourself, you will never find a way to make positive change. Because you will always be coming from a negative "im awful" headspace. Approaching things with a positive "I am capable of improving" is going to get you further, happier. So forgive yourself, make better choices, live a happy life. And as always Keep moving forward. Much love Alex #avatar #aang #nerdculture #selfimprovement #forgiveyourself #positivity #selflove #behonestwithyourself #mindsetmatters #mindsetoseverything #mindsetcoach #motivation #dothework #slaythedragon #yougotthis #criticalindustries #criticalthink @ Geelong, Victoria

17.01.2022 I dont always agree with Jillian Michaels but this i am totally down with. Sustainable change comes from making regular consistent effort, it doesn't matter whether that's in the gym, the classroom or the kitchen. So invest in yourself, by simply bringing your awareness to what you eat, and whether it takes you towards you goals or not. Then decide if that matters to you. And if you regret the choice you make at one meal, just put the effort into making sure your next meal is... taking you where you want to go. And as always Keep moving forward Much love Alex #repost #jillianmichaels #dothework #eatrealfood #conciouseating #nutrition #criticalindustries #criticaleats #lowcarblifestyle

16.01.2022 Never give up. No matter how long it takes

16.01.2022 1 Day 24 Hours 1440 minutes Because all you have is today.... 1 day to build towards your goals. 24 hours to change the direction of your life. 1440 minutes to make a plan and begin to execute. Wherever you want to improve your life, today is the day to get to work on it. If its in fitness, get moving and eat well today. If its business, stop procrastinating and make calls, finish that proposal, or develop that new idea. If its in relationships, say sorry, have the tough conversation, message someone to say you love them. Your life is made up of all the little choices you make each day. So make the ones that matter. And as always Keep Moving Forward Much love Alex #dothework #slaythedragon #yougotthis #followyourownpath #lifelessons #dothething #criticalindustries #levelup #mindsetmatters #mindsetoseverything #mindsetcoach #1440minutes #buildyourlife #stopwastingtime #notomorrows

15.01.2022 You are not drinking enough water. Ok maybe some of you are, but i would be stunned if more than 10% of you are drinking enough water everyday. I know, because I struggle to drink enough water everyday. ... "But Alex, I drink plenty of Coffee so surely I'm getting enough" Sorry no. Coffee (and tea) are both mild diuretics so in effect you only get half the hydration per cup. Plus you are taking in more sugar under the disguise of "its just a little". Now you may be saying, I'm cutting out soft drink, and switching to fruit juice. Great, you are getting more nutritional benefit than soft drinks, but you are still chugging down a whole lot of sugar. You want fruit? Eat fruit. You'll get more nutrition and fill up faster and consume less calories. Whether you are trying to lose weight or just feel healthier, drink more water. Much love Alex #drinkmorewater #simplestuff #healthycanbedelicious #8020rule #realfood #health #criticalindustries #criticaleats #lowcarblifestyle #stayhydrated #H2O

15.01.2022 Repost from Be you, your own glorious self. Some will not like you, let them go. Some will love you, let them stay. And as always... Keep moving Forward Much love Alex #beyourself #dothework #lifelessons #mindsetmatters #mindsetoseverything #growthmindset #kmf #focusonthemission

14.01.2022 Yep that's right, I'm now offering 1 on 1 Mindset Coaching online as well!!! So if you like the things I post on here and want to see how I can help you slay your personal Demons (or Devils or Dragons or Terrasques), FOLLOW THE LINK IN THE BIO TODAY!!!... Don't let the perfectly reasonable fear of COVID19 stop you from making a change in the way you approach life Use this time to grow, To develop To plan To execute LEVEL UP YOUR THINKING LEVEL UP YOUR LIFE! And as always Keep Moving Forward Much love Alex #onlinecoaching #zoomlife #criticalthink #criticalindustries #levelup #mindsetmatters #mindsetoseverything #mindsetcoach #motivation #linkinbio #lifelessons #dothething

13.01.2022 24 Hours To Go!!! If you haven't signed up, now is the time! Every step you take between now and Xmas can help raise money for Beyond Blue and their mental health services.... Even if you can't leave the house, you can join in!!! CLICK THE LINK TO SIGN UP OR DM FOR MORE INFO!!

13.01.2022 This is the whole reason behind why #criticaleats exists. You can be doing lots of work on you mind (checkout @critical_think_au ) or your fitness (shameless plug for @critical_fit_au ), but if you don't have your nutrition right, you are fighting an uphill battle. We know that at least 80% of any change in the gym comes from what you put in your mouth. ... On top of that, the growing amount of evidence to support a link between mental health, hormone regulation and you gut biome is staggering. So basically, that stuff we were told as kids, like "your are what you eat" is accurate. Eat real food, local and organic if you can afford it. If not, the less proceeded the better, and for the most part you'll be on a good track. There will be more to come, so like, share, comment, tag, all that cool stuff, and well keep putting stuff out. Much love Alex #fitfood #freshisbest #eatrealfood #lowcarb #simple #eatforyourgoals #nomnomnom #healthycanbedelicious #8020rule #dothework #criticalindustries #levelup #critcaleats #geelongfood #rationpacks

13.01.2022 What is stopping you? Lock down? Too much work? Kids responsibilities?... Or are these just excuses you are telling yourself to justify not taking on a hard project. Any day is a good day to start working on increasing your fitness. Any day that is except tomorrow. Because tomorrow turns into next week turns into the following week and on and on it goes. Until suddenly its 3 years and 5 pants sizes later and its even harder to get started. Do yourself a favour, stop making excuses and get to work taking care of yourself. And as always Keep Moving Forward Alex PS If you do decide to do something about your fitness, DM me TODAY for my brand new 10 Bodyweight Program. NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED, just Guts and consistency. #getshitdone #dothework #nowornever #yougotthis #criticalindustries #criticalfit #critfitcrew #gsd #keepmovingforward #lifelessons #dothething #nerdfit #motivation

08.01.2022 Life will always have tough parts. Deep down I think we all know this. There will be days when you feel overwhelmed, when you don't want to do anything, when you feel like no matter what you do nothing goes right. I know because I have lived those times, and I still have days like that.... And that's perfectly OK. What is not ok, what is never ok, is letting these bad days make you quit. Make you give up on your dreams. You have to fight. Whether you fight your own mind, for your principles or feel as though you are in a never ending battle. You cannot give up. Why? Because better days will come. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not for a long time. But if you quit, nothing will get better. If you keep fighting you will get better at it. The hard days will become fewer, and the battles will become easier to overcome. You will only lose if you quit. So never quit. Just fight. Fight until you win. And as always Keep Moving Forward Much love Alex #keepfighting #betterthanyesterday #betterdaysarecoming #dothework #slaythedragon #yougotthis #keepmovingforward #motivation #coach #criticalindustries #criticalthink #mindsetmatters #mindsetcoach #mindsetoseverything

07.01.2022 Take control. It's your life, you have been given the gift of choice. What you do with that is on you.

06.01.2022 Alright guys, With everything going on in the world at the moment, a whole lot of people are struggling to stay on top of their mental health. Along with that, quarentine rules are forcing many of us to not be able to travel and explore. This is where the Critical Industries Community Challenge 2020 comes in.... This Virtual Challenge will run from the first of August and run through til Xmas eve, and take you 660kms from Geelong's historic Carousel to the top of Australia's highest peak. All the while raising funds for Beyond Blue. Yep, 50% of all entry fees go to Beyond Blue's tireless work in mental health. Do all this and you don't even have to leave your home. So join us, won't you? I'll "virtually" see you on the trail. Much love Alex Bourne

05.01.2022 Its Monday and typically a day that people start "diets". Ill post about my thoughts on "Diets" onother day. But here is what I will say. If you are making healthier choices in regards to your nutrition, congratulations and I'm hoping the posts on here help. But also, if you "slip up", that's OK. Just because you had a lunch that isn't moving you towards your goals, that doesn't mean you have ruined all your progress. ... Just make a better choice, next time. Simple. Stop beating yourself up, just pick something healthier next time.

01.01.2022 There are always so many distractions, dramas and dilemmas to turn you from your chosen path. Focus on your goals. Keep the people around you that support you and your goals, that build you up and help you strive to become your best self. You deserve everything you work for, and you must not allow anyone to drag you backwards. You will outgrow people, and that's ok. Just keep focused on the mission and you will end up with the people around you that will help you get there.... And as always Keep moving forward Much love Alex #dothework #growthmindset #focusonthemission #liveyourlife #notsomeoneelses #lifelessons #yougotthis #mindsetmatters #mindsetoseverything #mindsetcoach #criticalthink #criticalindustries

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