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Schwartz's Crossfit Melbourne in Caulfield South, Victoria | Fitness trainer

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Schwartz's Crossfit Melbourne

Locality: Caulfield South, Victoria

Phone: +61 409 369 748

Address: First floor, 904 Glen Huntly Rd 3162 Caulfield South, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 More toys got delivered today. We can’t wait to be able to use them

24.01.2022 That face you make when you find out you DON’T have to book online anymore

20.01.2022 Friday CrossFit Am) A... 30 min emom Min 1 - 15/12 x cal row Min 2 - 12/9 x cal bike Pm) A 10 rds Every 90 seconds 5 x hang power cleans and push jerks (135,95) 5 x front squats (135,95) -weight should be something you can get at least 5-6 rds unbroken. -move smooth and fast B 5-1 strict press 115,65 Strict pull ups or Pendelay rows 20 x double unders 3 min rest (Repeat above 5 rds) -scale weight up or down that you can get at least 2 rds unbroken. C 5 x 10-15 reverse flyes or bent laterals Body Warm up 5 rds 5 x Halo’s each side 10 x dead bugs each side 0:00 - 17:30 A 5 rds Every 3:30 10 x k/bell snatches each side 10 x double k/bell thrusters 250 row, 500 bike, 200 run or 50 x double unders 23:00 B 5 rds 5-1 x double k/bell strict press 10-2 x Renegade rows 8 x k/bell lunges (4 each leg) 2:30 rest C 10-15 x bent laterals ConditionX 55 min get through as much as possible: 50 x dumbell power snatches (set your back) 200 x run 50 x lunges 200 x run 50 x anchored sit ups 200 x run 50 x dumbell thrusters 200 x run 50 x Renegade rows 200 x run 2 min rest 40 x dumbell power snatches 200 x run 40 x lunges 200 x run 40 x anchored sit ups 200 x run 40 x dumbell thrusters 200 x run 40 x Renegade rows 200 x run 2 min rest 30 x dumbell power snatches 200 x run 30 x lunges 200 x run 30 x anchored sit ups 200 x run 30 x dumbell thrusters 200 x run 30 x Renegade rows 200 x run 2 min rest

19.01.2022 How many likes our 73yo Mary deserves? Show Mary some love GHD Sit ups on the ConditionX menu today #GhdSitUps #NoExcuses #70IsTheNew50

18.01.2022 Wednesday ConditionX 0:00 - 10:00... 3 rds 300/250 row or 200 x run 75 x D/unders/150 x skip + 25 x box jumps (step down) (8 min cap) 10:00 - 20:00 3 rds 1000/800 x bike cal or 20 x athletic burpees 25 x anchored sit ups (8 min cap) 20:00 - 30:00 3 rds 300/250 row or 200 x run 20 x shoulder taps (8 min cap) 30:00 - 45:00 3 rds 1000/800 x bike cal or 20 x athletic burpees 300/250 row or 200 x run 46:00 3 rds 20 x side plank dips each side 20 x shoulder taps 20 x anchored sit ups 1 min rest Body Warm up 5 rds 5 x half TGU each side 10 x bottoms up press each side A 50 x Halo from the hip 16kg,12kg 50 x k/bell snatches 16kg,12kg, (change every 5) 50 x k/bell double strict press 16kg,12kg 50 x around the world 16kg,12kg 25 each way) 50 x Russian swings 32kg,24kg 50 x k/bell push press 16kg,12kg 50 x Renegade rows 16,12kg 50 x double k/bell cleans 16,12kg 50 x k/bell curl to press 16kg,12kg (1 x k/bell, double hand) 50 x gorilla rows (16,12kg) -rest about a minute between each movement, so you can try and go unbroken or get through a big first set of each movement.

18.01.2022 Friday CrossFit Am) A... 5 x 1 k row @ 3 min rest -record worst time Pm) 0:00 - 15:00 A 15 min emom 1 x power clean 1 x front squat 1 x push jerk 20:00 - 35:00 B 5 rds Every 90 seconds 5 x power cleans (155,105) 4 x front squats (155,105) 3 x push jerks (155,105) -the above weight should be something you can do unbroken. 40:00 C 100 x strict presses for time: (95,65) Every time you stop 10 x Pendelay rows Body 0:00 - 20:00 A 5rds Min 1 - 10 x double k/bell cleans Min 2 - 10 x incline dumbell press Min 3 - 10/5 x strict pull ups (15 x towel k/bell rows) Min 4 - 50 x double unders /15 x box min jumps or 15/12 x cal bike (ideally not rowing) 25:00 - 45:00 B 5 rds Min 1 - 15 x double k/bell deadlifts Min 2 - 10/6 x dips or 10-15 x push ups or floor press Min 3 - 12 x Renegade rows Min 4 - 50 x double unders /15 x box min jumps or 15/12 x cal bike (ideally not rowing) 48:00 - C 5 rds 10-15 x bent laterals 8-15 x k/bell overhead triceps extensions ConditionX A 40 min on the bike or rower (clock keeps going continuously) @ min 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40 Get off and do: 8 x k/bell snatches each side 12 x goblet squats 8/12 x push ups -(People like Ness and Taryn 10 push ups on the bench or elevated) -if no bike or rower either running or double unders 45:00 - 55:00 B 10 min amrap 10 x sit throughs each side 15 x mountain climbers 20 x straight leg sit ups 30 seconds rest

18.01.2022 Sunday workout done & dusted! Enjoy the rest of your day and see you guys tomorrow! #SundaySesh Don’t forget to book online:

18.01.2022 Friday CrossFit Am) 50,40,30,20,10... Cal bike Cal row Pm) A 10 rds Every 90 seconds 2 x snatch push press + 2 x snatch balance -quality over weight B 15 min emom 1 x full snatch 1 x hang full snatch C 30,20,10 OHS (95,65) C2b/pull ups (1 min rest between each rd) -if no pull up bar, do 50,35,20 swings / 30,20,10 cal row or 21,15,9 barbell rows D 5 x 8-15 glute brides With 5 x 1 min plank E 15,14,13,12,11,10 Reverse curls Barbell curls Body 0:00 - 15:00 A 5 rds Every 3:00 10 x one arm windmills each side 8 x one arm bottoms up press each side 5 x Halo’s each side 22:00 - 42:00 B 8 rds Every 2:30 Min 1 - 12 x alternate k/bell strict press Min 2 - 6 x heavy double k/bell cleans C 5 rds 10-15 x reverse flyes 12 x Renegade rows ConditionX 0:00 - 7:30 A 3 rds Every 2:30 24 x dead bugs 20 x table top bridge with reach 11:00 - 38:30 A 5 rds Every 5:30 200 x run 15 x dumbell thrusters 200 x run 10 x t2b or knee raises or 15 x lying leg raises (if you can do incline leg raises) -make sure everyone runs hard, so they need their rest. 42:00 - 57:00 B 5 rds Every 3:00 15 x step ups (with a knee) each leg 20 x alternate dumbell hang clean and press 15 x ball slams or box jumps

17.01.2022 Monday CrossFit Am) A... 250 row (treat 250 + 500 as a warm up) Max freestanding handstand hold 500 row Max freestanding handstand hold 1000 row for time: (this is the main part of the session) Max freestanding handstand hold B 20 min cruise on bike Pm) 0:00 - 10:00 A 10 min emom 3 x muscle snatches 15:00 - 25:00 B 10 min emom 5 x T&G power snatches @ (135,95) 28:00 - 33:00 C 5 min to work to a heavy double power snatch 40:00 D 7 rds 7 x strict hspu 7 x ohs (95,65) 1 min rest -if strong at Hspu, do this without the minute break 5 min rest E 100 x Pendelay rows (115,75) -every time you stop, 12/10 x push ups Body Warm up 3 rds 6 x side lunges each leg 6 x Cossack squats each leg 15 x TKE’s each side 0:00 - 25:00 A 5 x 1-2-3-4-5 heavy double k/bell squat -try and get the 1-2-3-4-5 done within 90 seconds and then have a 3 min rest. -within the 3 min rest do 8 x strict t2b/ 10 x strict leg raises or 15 x lying leg raises + 20 x sit ups -this has to be done with heavy k/bells, if you don’t have heavy k/bells. Then do 5 x 1-3-5-7-9. 27:00 - 42:00 B 6 rds Every 2:30 25 x Russian swings or 8 x deadlifts 1 min plank with straight arms -go heavier every set C 45:00 5 rds Every 2:00 16 x lunges from hang 8-12 x dual curls ConditionX 0:00 - 15:00 A 5 rds Every 3:00 20/15 x cal row or 250 x run 16/12 x push ups with shoulder taps -people who aren’t strong with push ups, should do them elevated. 20:00 - 37:30 B 5 rds Every 3:30 20 x alternating dumbell power snatches 15 x box jumps or squat jumps -if there finishing in under 2:00 there weights are too light. They can go heavier or do more reps. C 42:00 12 min amrap 5/3 x pull ups 6 x alternating down dog feet taps 9 x ball slams or S/D/H 12 x lunges -aiming for at least 6 rds. -with the down dog, if strong add in a push up each rep.

17.01.2022 Let me introduce myself...... - My name is Dian Parry but everyone calls me Dee.... - I’m an Osteopath and Clinical Educator at Victoria University an...d RMIT.... - I love (trying) to lift heavy things, my beautiful girls, and all sports (maybe not dressage)...... - My mission is twofold...... 1. To make a significant impact in the lives of my clients by facilitating health longevity through Osteopathy, exercise, education and support. 2. To tackle the INACTIVITY crisis that has gripped our communities.....leading to musculoskeletal disability and a whole host of disease.... This is why I work in 2 progressive clinics Connect Health and Movement and Schwartz's Crossfit drive this mission forward. Let’s do this ....

17.01.2022 Wednesday ConditionX 0:00 - 40:00 A... 10 rds Every 4:00 20/15 x cal bike 15 x box jumps (step down) or 15 x ball slams or 50 x double unders 20 x shoulder taps -if no bike, 20/15 x cal row or 250 x run 45:00 B Emom x 10 Choose one of the below: (obviously something different then from above) 15/10 x cal row 30 x mountain climbers 15 x ball slams 12 x athletic burpees Body 0:00 - 37:30 A 5 rds Every 2:30 12 x push ups + shoulder taps 5/3 x strict pull ups 15/12 x cal bike, row or 200 run Straight into 5 rds Every 2:30 10 x ring push ups 5/3 x strict pull ups 15/12 x cal bike, row or 200 run Straight into 5 rds Every 2:30 12 x push ups on dumbells 5/3 x strict pull ups 15/12 x cal bike, row or 200 run -if no rings for push ups, 10 x dips or 12 x push ups with feet elevated. B 40:00 5 rds Every 3:00 10-15 x face pull aparts 10-15 x k/bell lying tricep extensions 30 seconds hollow hold

16.01.2022 Wednesday Body 0:00 - 15:00 A... 5 rds Every 3:00 10 x double k/bell cleans 8-12 x dumbell bench press 10 x Renegade rows 20:00 - 35:00 B 10-1 double k/bell clean to squat incline dumbell bench press dual rows C 40:00 - 55:00 5 rds Every 3:00 15/12 x cal row or bike or 50 x double unders 12 x box jumps or ball slams 9 x burpees or push ups ConditionX A Option 1 5 rds Every 10:00 1000 meters x bike 50 x double unders 500/400 row 50 x double unders 1000 meters bike Option 2 5 rds Every 10:00 500/400 x row 50 x double unders 400 or 300 run (shorter run if slow) 50 x double unders 500/400 x row Option 3 5 rds Every 10:00 400 run 50 x double unders 60 x Russian swings 50 x double unders 400 run B 4 min 20 seconds plank 10 seconds rest 20 seconds hollow hold 10 seconds rest

16.01.2022 Tuesday CrossFit Am) A... 5 rds 400 run 10 meter handstand walk 500 row 10 meter handstand walk Pm) 0:00 - 18:00 A 12 rds Every 90 seconds 1 x full clean 1 x hang full clean 1 x split jerk 28:00 - 48:00 B 20 min amrap 4 x hang full cleans (135,95) 4 x thrusters (135,95) 2 x muscle ups or 4 x deadlifts (185,145) -with deadlifts just add weight and take off. C 30,20,10 Strict press (75,55) Barbell rows (75,55) D 5 x 10 reverse grip rows 5 x 10-15 plate over head tricep extensions ConditionX 0:00 - 35:00 A 10 rds Every 3:30 200 x run 12 x dumbell thrusters 9 x ball slams or box jumps 40:00 B 5 rds 10 x k/bell Renegade rows 20 x anchored sit ups 30 x double k/bell front rack marches -16 if using dumbells for renegade rows C 60 x step ups each leg ConditionX 0:00 - 35:00 A 10 rds Every 3:30 200 x run 12 x dumbell thrusters 9 x ball slams or box jumps 40:00 B 5 rds 10 x k/bell Renegade rows 20 x anchored sit ups 30 x double k/bell front rack marches -16 if using dumbells for renegade rows C 60 x step ups each leg Body Warm up before class 5 rds 8-10 x bottom up k/bell press each side 0:00 - 20:00 A 10-1 x double k/bell strict press 20-11 x Russian swings (heavy) 5 x strict pull ups -if you don’t have a heavy k/bell do double k/bell swings. -if no pull up bar, do 5 x halo’s each side (20 min cap) 27:00 - 47:00 B 5 rds Every 4:00 10 x double k/bell cleans and alternating arm strict press 250 x row 50 x double unders -if no rower 15 x sumo deadlift high pulls -for the cleans, you’ll only do 5 presses each side If you only have a short time just do reverse laterals C 5 rds Every 3:00 10-15 x reverse laterals 24 x anchored side sit ups 10 x strict t2b or leg raises or 20 lying leg raises

16.01.2022 Saturday CrossFit A 2 rds (for time)... 26 x plate halo’s (13 each side)(25,65) 26 x hang power snatch (75,55) 26 x strict press (75,55) 26 x hang power or muscle cleans (75,55) 26 x push press (75,55) 26 x barbell rows (75,55) 26 x barbell squats (75,55) 26 x barbell curls to reverse grip press (45,35) 26 x lateral burpees (so snaking) 26 x reverse grip rows (75,55) -try to have 30-60 seconds rest between each movement and then on your first set of each movements either go unbroken or get as big a set as you can. ConditionX 0:00 - 32:00 A 8 rds Min 1 - 15 x dumbell thrusters Min 2 - 30-50 x double under Min 3 - 16 x Renegade rows Min 4 - 150-200 run 35:00 - 47:00 B Emom x 12 10-15 x Russian swings (depending on the weight you have available) -quality over quantity. C 48:00 2 rds Min 1 - 45 second left side plank Min 2 - 45 second right side plank Min 3 - 45 second plank Min 4 - rest Body 0:00 - 48:00 A 4 rds 0:00 - 4:00 Min 1 8-12 x incline dumbell press Min 2 8/5 x pull ups (or 12 x pull overs) Min 3 8-12 x incline dumbell press Min 4 8/5 x pull ups (or 12 x pull overs) 4:00 - 8:00 Min 1 12/10 x push ups Min 2 8-12 x dual or Barbell rows Min 3 12/10 x push ups Min 4 8-12 x dual or Barbell rows 8:00 - 12:00 800/600 row / 1600/1400 bike or 600 run B 5 x 10-15 bent laterals

16.01.2022 If any coaches/trainers are interested in leasing space to train their clients please contact Ben. 0409369748

15.01.2022 Thursday CrossFit Am) A... 7 rds 20/15 x cal bike 15 meter shuttle 20/15 x cal bike 2 min rest Pm) A 12 min to work up to a heavy 3 of snatch balance B 2 rds 15,12,9,6,3 t2b (30,25,20,15,10 sit ups) 10,8,6,4,2 full snatch -ascending weight (10@115,75, 8@125,85,6@135,95,4@155,105,2@175,120) -rest 1:1 C Back squats 10 min emom x 3 D 5 x 8-10 good mornings (moderate weight) ConditionX 0:00 - 15:00 A 5 rds Every 3:00 20 x Russian swings 15 x floor press 50 x double unders -if good at double unders do 25 swings. 20:00 - 35:00 B 5 rds Every 3:00 12-15 x dumbell curl to shoulder press 10 x dumbell step up to knee each side 10 x knees to elbows or 15 x lying knees to elbows 40:00 - 55:00 5 rds Every 3:00 20 x alternate dumbell hang clean and press or push press 15 x broad jumps 20 x knees to opposite elbows Body A 5 rds For time: Every 10:00 Males/men 21,15,9 / Women/female 16/12/8 Cal bike Cal row -you do 21 bike and row, 15 bike and row, 9 bike and row! -if you don’t have a bike you do 21 row, 200 run, 15 row 200 run, 9 row 200 run. Obviously, female numbers for females. -if you don’t have one of these sub a 200 run for each part. If you have no equipment: 400 meter front rack k/bell carry 1 min straight arm plank every time you stop 400 meter farmers carry 30 seconds side plank each side every time you stop B 5 rds Max L-sit Max handstand hold 10-15 x dumbell or k/bell curls

11.01.2022 Tuesday CrossFit Am) A... 10 rds Every 3:00 15/12 cal x bike 200 x run B 10 rds Every 90 seconds 10 x t2b 10 meters handstand walk Pm) A 5 x 5 back squats @ 70% + 10kg -quality (don’t just get them done) -only go heavier if you’ve been getting each week’s squats in. B 10 rds Every 90 seconds 5 x strict press C 20 min amrap 4 x power cleans (135,95) 4 x front squats (135,95) 4 x push press (135,95) -aiming for 10-14 rds D 5 x 6-10 Pendelay rows E 5 x 6-10 reverse grip rows Body 3 rds 15 x TKE’s each side 10 x double k/bell one legged deadlifts each side 0:00 - 25:00 A 5 rds Every 5:00 (all must be done unbroken) 5 x double k/bell cleans 5 x k/bell front rack squats 4 x double k/bell cleans 4 x k/bell front rack squats 3 x double k/bell cleans 3 x k/bell front rack squats 2 x double k/bell cleans 2 x k/bell front rack squats 1 x double k/bell cleans 1 x k/bell front rack squats -start at lighter weight and build up weight as you go if you can. With 1 min plank in between sets 30:00 - 45:00 B 5 rds Every 3:00 5 x 2 x goblet squats + 4 x backward lunges 10 x pallof press Each side (if no bands 20 x anchored side sit ups) 3-5 rds C 5-6 x pistols each leg or 10 each side to a bench 12 x pause side bends with k/bells each side ConditionX 0:00 - 20:00 A 5 rds Every Every 4:00 500/400 x row or 200 x run 12 x thrusters 10 x t2b or 20 x lying leg raises 26:00 - 40:00 B 24,20,16,12,8 dumbell power snatches Box jumps or 3 x double unders -14 min cap 45:00 - 55:00 C 5 rds Min 1 - 15 x ball slams or 15 x S/D/H Min 2 - 12 x k/bell renegade Rows or 16 with dumbells

11.01.2022 Tuesday CrossFit Am) A... 1600 run 10-1 x strict hspu 250 row 1600 run B 3 rds 24 x landmine twists 1 min straight arm plank Pm) -no snaking, don’t be a biatch! A 0:00 - 10:00 5 rds For time: 5 x power snatches (135,95) 7 x bar facing burpees 15:00 - 25:00 5 rds For time: 3 x power snatches (155,105) 6 x bar facing burpees 35:00 B 10 rds Every 90 seconds 4 x Front squats C 5 rds Every 3:00 10 x barbell rows (135,95) 12 x front rack lunges (135,95) D 5 x 8-12 glute bridges Body -warm up 3 rds 6 x side lunges each side 6 x Cossack squats each side 10 x double k/bell one legged dead lifts each side 0:00 - 10:00 A 10 min emom 5 x tempo double k/bell squats (make these burn) 14:00 - 29:00 B 5 rds Every 3:00 10 x 2 x k/bell swings + 2 x k/bell squats 24 x anchored side sit ups 32:00 - 47:00 C 5 rds Every 3:00 5 x 2 x goblet squats + 2 x backward lunges each side 10 x Ring roll outs or 10 x ab wheel or 10 x barbell roll outs or 1 min planks 48:00 - 58:00 D 10 min emom 6-7 x one arm swings each side ConditionX 0:00 - 20:00 A 1200/1000 row 5 rds 16 x dumbell power snatches 8 x lateral burpees over dumbells 1200/1000 row -if no rower 2000 bike or 800 run 26:00 - 46:00 B 20 amrap 20 x k/bell or dumbell lunges from hang 16 x renegade rows 50 x double unders or 150 skips 48:00 C 3 rds 45 seconds side plank each side 45 seconds plank 45 seconds rest

11.01.2022 Thursday CrossFit Am A... 30 min emom Min 1 - 17/13 x cal bike Min 2 - 12 meter handstand walk Min 3 - rest Pm) 0:00 - 15:00 A 10 rds Every 90 seconds 1 x full clean 1 x hang full clean 1 x split jerk -no pressing out on jerks B 5 x 5 back squats @ 70% + 5kg -quality (don’t just get them done) C 3 rds Each for time: 30 x thrusters (95,65) 100 x double unders 3 min rest -aim is to try and get as close to unbroken as you can for every set. Ideally at least 30 on your first set and into your 20’s for your second and third set. D 5 x 10-15 bent laterals or and 5 x 20 band pull aparts ConditionX 0:00 - 17:30 A 5 rds Every 3:30 30 x Russian swings 20 x goblet squats 15 x floor press 22:00 - 39:30 B 5 rds Every 3:30 24 x lunges from hang 12 x burpees 24 x sit ups 43:00 - 55:00 C 12 min amrap 5/3 x strict pull ups 8 x double dumbell curls to shoulder press 24 x k/bell Russian twists Body A 5 rds 50 x double unders / 200 run or 15/12 x cal bike Max L-sit 60 meters farmers carry from front rack or 1 min front rack hold B 100 x double unders 3 min cumulative handstand hold 400 Meters farmers carry 100 x double unders C 3 rds 1 min side plank each side 8-15 x alternate k/bell curls each side D 3 rds 1 min plank 8-15 x barbell curls or dumbell hammer curls or k/bell curls from a squat.

10.01.2022 Kids classes For the next few weeks I’ll be running some kids classes. These classes will take place at 5pm on Tuesday and Thursday. These classes will be focus...ed on bodyweight movements and conditioning. This won’t be fun, it will be hard, which will then be fun. Your kid will be told off. Your kid will be pushed. Your kid will be expected to listen and behave. If they (not you) want to come please message me. If they survive and I like them, they can possibly come back in the new year. Sessions are $25 each and are for 6-12 year olds. * This is not the place to come to if you want your kid to be told how awesome they are. **warning, your kid will get stronger, faster, more confident and more important if they survive and keep showing up they will be a better human. See more

09.01.2022 There is an exciting opportunity to join Schwartz Fitness / Schwartz's Crossfit Melbourne as a new coach/trainer. The perfect candidate must bring a good energy and enthusiasm to the position. They must be a positive and encouraging person whilst also being a role model for how a healthy life style is lived. Candidates must have full PT and first aid qualifications. ... A background in weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, kettle bells and/or running is an advantage. This job is suitable for someone who wants to work 20-30 hours a week and even more if they desire. If you are interested please contact Ben: [email protected]

08.01.2022 Sunday A 4 rds 0:00 - 2:30 - 400 run... 2:30 - 5:00 - 20 x controlled side mountain climbers + 15 x lying leg raises + 20 x anchored sit ups 5:00 - 7:30 - 500 row 7:30 - 10:00 - 10 x broad jumps + 15 x athletic burpees + 20 x box jumps or jump squats 10:00 - 12:30 - rest -if no rower, 15 x sumo deadlift high pulls, 15 x ball slams + 20 x ice skaters (if no ball slam do 20 x sit throughs)

08.01.2022 See you at the gym!!!

06.01.2022 Saturday CrossFit A 10-1 x power cleans 155,105... 20-2 x push ups or 20-2 x dips or 10-1 x dip B 5 x 5 deadlifts @ 70% -we are going to build with this so stay at this weight today, work on a good solid position, don’t just do the reps. C 5 x 5 bench press (pause at the bottom) D 5 x 6-10 Pendelay rows If time: 5 x 8-10 close grip bench press 5 x 10 one arm landmine rows Body Warm up 3-5 x Turkish Get Ups -be a good student and do it before class A 7 rds 7 x push ups or burpees 7 x strict pull ups or dual rows 7 x box jumps or ball slams 7 x heavy Russian swings 7 x dips 7 x t2b or incline leg raises or 14 x leg raises 7 x double k/bell cleans -if no dip bar, do push ups or burpees, what ever you didn’t do for the first exercise. Finisher 5 x 20 band pull aparts or banded face pulls ConditionX (55 min get through as much as you can) A 5 rds 5-1 Strict or kipping pull ups or dual rows Burpees Box jumps or ball slams 2 min rest 5 min rest B 21,15,9 Cal row / bike / SDH Goblet squats 4 min rest 21,15,9 Cal row / bike / SDH Goblet squats

05.01.2022 Thursday ConditionX 0:00 - 25:00 A... 5 rds Every 4:00 30 x k/bell snatches (change every 5) 15 x floor press 30 x air squats 31:00 B 7 rds 7 x burpees 7 x ball slams or box jumps 7 x sumo deadlift high pulls 7 x cal row or 100 meters run 7/4 x strict or kipping pull ups or dual rows CrossFit Am) A 1600 run 100 meter handstand walk 1600 run B 15 min emom 15/12 x cal bike 15 x t2b Pm) B 0:00 - 15:00 10 rds Every 90 seconds 2 x snatch grip push press behind head 1 x overhead squat 1 x snatch balance 18:00 - 33:00 C 10 rds Every 90 seconds 1 x full snatch 1 x full snatch 2 inches from floor 1 x hang full snatch D 5 x 5 back squats @ 70% -it’s meant to be light, so don’t go heavier With 5 x 5 max strict hspu E 5 x 8 snatch grip deadlifts (after the first rep, pause (for 2 seconds) each rep 2 inches from floor and don’t touch the floor) Body A 5 rds 400 run Max handstand hold 30 second hollow hold 3 min rest 5 rds 500/400 x row Max L-sit 30 hollow rocks 1 min rest B 5 rds 8-15 x curls 10 x Pallof press each side C 5 rds 10-15 hammer curls

05.01.2022 Friday CrossFit Am) A... 5 rds Every 7:00 15/12 x cal bike 25 x anchored sit ups 15/12 x cal bike 15 x t2b Pm) 0:00 - 17:00 A Emom x 5 5 x power cleans (135,95) 1 min rest Emom x 5 3 x power cleans (155,105) 1 min rest Every :30 for 5 min: 1 x power clean (175,115) -scale up or down so that you can do touch and go. If you think you can go heavier and unbroken do that. 24:00 - 40:00 B 8 rds Every 2:00 5 x Front squats -go heavier as you go along 45:00 C 100 x strict pull ups or c2b/pull ups -every time you break 30 x double unders every 6 x front rack lunges every time you stop (115,75) ConditionX A 2 rds 0:00 - 4:00 Min 1 - 10 x burpees Min 2 - 20 x air squats / 25 fitter peeps Min 3 - 10 x burpees Min 4 - 20 x air squats / 25 fitter peeps 4:00 - 8:00 Min 1 - 15 x ball slams or 15 x S/D/H Min 2 - 15 x box jumps or squat jumps Min 3 - 15 x ball slams or 15 x S/D/H Min 4 - 15 x box jumps or squat jumps 8:00 - 12:00 800/600 row / 1600/1400 bike or 600 run 12:00 - 16:00 Min 1 - 24 x lunges Min 2 - 10 x t2b or 18 x leg raises Min 3 - 24 x lunges Min 4 - 10 x t2b or 18 x leg raises 16:00 - 20:00 Min 1 - 20 x sit throughs Min 2 - 15 x straight leg sit ups Min 3 - 20 x sit throughs Min 4 - 15 x straight leg sit ups 20:00 - 24:00 800/600 row / 1600/1400 bike or 600 run 4 min rest Body 0:00 - 48:00 A 4 rds 0:00 - 4:00 Min 1 8-12 x incline dumbell press Min 2 8/5 x pull ups (or 12 x pull overs) Min 3 8-12 x incline dumbell press Min 4 8/5 x pull ups (or 12 x pull overs) 4:00 - 8:00 Min 1 12/10 x push ups Min 2 8-12 x dual or Barbell rows Min 3 12/10 x push ups Min 4 8-12 x dual or Barbell rows 8:00 - 12:00 800/600 row / 1600/1400 bike or 600 run B 5 x 10-15 bent laterals

03.01.2022 Monday CrossFit Am) A... 100 x t2b -starting @ 0:00 and every 2:00 15/12 x cal bike B 5 rds 12 meter handstand walk 24 sit ups Pm) A 10 rds Every 3:00 8 x strict pull ups 50 x double unders 3 x power clean and jerks (165,115) -rest at lest 7-10 min B 5 x 3 back squats @ 75% C 10 rds Every 90 seconds 3 x strict press D 5 x 10-15 bent laterals ConditionX 0:00 - 10:00 A 10-1 K/bell snatches each arm 11:00 - 21:00 B 1600 run, 2000/1600 row or 4000/3500 bike 22:00 - 32:00 C 8 rds 5/3 x pull ups 9 x dumbell push press 33:00 - 43:00 D 1600 run, 2000/1600 row or 4000/3500 bike 44:00 - 54:00 8 rds 8 x goblet squats 8 x box jumps or ball slams Body Warm up 5 rds 10 x windmills each side 5 x Halo’s each side 0:00 - 7:00 A 10-1 K/bell snatches each arm 14:00 - 30:00 B 10-1 Double K/bell cleans Double K/bell thrusters Strict Pull up x 5/3 or 8 x dual rows 37:00 C 6 rds Every 3:00 Tempo Double k/bell strict press x 5 10-15 x bent lateral 12 x box jumps

02.01.2022 NO online booking needed anymore. Just turn up for the class, scan the QR code and sanitise your hands. We are excited to have more people at the gym from now then!

02.01.2022 CrossFit Am) A 5 rds 500 row... 15 meter handstand walk 5 min rest B 5 rds 500 row 10 x strict hspu Pm) 0:00 - 10:00 A 10 min emom 3 x muscle snatches 13:00 - 28:00 B 10 rds Every 90 seconds 3 x snatch balance 35:00 - 50:00 C (15 min cap) 30 x full snatches (155,105) Emom 4 x bar facing burpees -start burpees on 0:00 Optional extra’s 1 55:00 10 rds Every 90 seconds 5 x hang power snatches (95,65) 7 x push ups -if you think you can go heavier and unbroken, do it. 2 5 x 10-15 bent laterals 5 x 10 Y’s ConditionX A) -weight you use for everything should be very comfortable, you can go heavier fir swings. -if your k/bell is to heavy for strict press, do push press twice. 50 x Halo’s from the hip (change every 5) 50 x k/bell snatches (change every 5) 50 x k/bell strict press (change every 5) 50 x Russian swings (heavier) 50 x around the world (change every 25) 50 x k/bell snatches (change every 5) 50 x K/bell towel rows 50 x Russian swings (heavier) 50 x one arm push presses (change every 5) 50 x Renegade rows 50 x single k/bell double hand curls to press Body A 5 rds 500 row / 1000 bike or 400 run 60 meters k/bell front rack carry Max L-sit -1 min rest B 5 rds 500 row / 1000 bike or 400 run 60 meters farmers carry Max handstand hold -1min rest C 3 rds 10 x Palloff press each side 1 min plank 10 x t2b or 15 x lying knees elbows 1 min rest

01.01.2022 Monday CrossFit Am) A... 5 rds Every 10:00 21,15,9 / 18/12/6 Bike Row -if missing one of the above 200 run Pm) 0:00 - 15:00 A For time: 100,80,60,40,20 - double unders 10,8,6,4,2 - full snatch 135,95 25:00 - 40:00 B For time: 100,80,60,40,20 - double unders 10,8,6,4,2 - full cleans 165,115 45:00 - 65:00 C 20 min emom Min 1 - 15 x push ups Min 2 - 10 x strict pull ups or 10 x c2b/pull ups Extra’s 1 5 x 8-12 paused glute bridges 5 x 10-15 bent laterals ConditionX 0:00 - 15:00 A 5 rds Every 3:00 20 x k/bell snatches (change every 5) 15 x goblet squats 50 x double unders or 100 x skips 20:00 - 45:00 B 5 rds Every 5:00 200 x run 30 x weighted lunges 200 x run 8/5 x pull ups or 12 x dual rows 47:00 C 9 min amrap 3,6,9,12.... Dumbell bench/floor press Sit ups Body 0:00 - 20:00 A 8 rds Every 2:30 15 x k/bell deadlifts 10 x push ups on k/bells 5/7 x strict pull ups or Dual rows 25:00 - 40:00 B 5 rds Every 3:00 8-12 x incline dumbell or floor press 20 x Gorilla rows 25 x crunches C 45:00 - 55:00 10 min amrap 12/9 x cal row 8 x t2b or 12 x lying leg raises

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