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Croydon Hills Primary School

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25.01.2022 Check out all the amazing things that have been happening this week!

25.01.2022 2020 has been a difficult year for so many, with learning going online and many special events being postponed or cancelled. We have been so incredibly proud of all our students, demonstrating so many of our school values, particularly; resilience, integrity and care and compassion. During the lockdown and remote learning, our two amazing Global Education Leaders, Sapphire and Mariam, decided to look outside our community to share our experiences and some positive energy to U...ngchun Elementary, our sister-school in South Korea. The girls have created this incredible video entirely on their own to remind our Korean brothers and sisters that we are thinking of them and that while we need to stay apart right now, we are all in this together! #farapartbutinittogether #sisterschools #globaleducation

25.01.2022 Catch all the latest CHPS news in this week's Newsletter!

24.01.2022 How lucky were the Senior Students to get in a morning of Interschool Sport before we headed into this 5 day lockdown!

24.01.2022 This week, all students will be participating in activities in honour of NAIDOC Week. This year’s theme of 'Always Was, Always Will Be' recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65, 000 years. Students will be focusing on the length of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander occupation of Australia through stories, research and art. #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOC #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe If you would like to know more about what NAI...DOC week is and what it represents, we suggest you check out the website: See more

24.01.2022 "We got no troubles, life is the bubbles, under the sea!" Our Preps are loving their current Integrated unit Under the Sea. We have been learning about different sea creatures and their habitat. Check out some of our amazing learning!

23.01.2022 Pig the pug and lots of bugs! We've been busy down in Junior land working hard on our Aaron Blabey authors study. Reading and analysing his books including, Pig the Blob and Pig the Star. The students loved learning more about him as an author. The students have also kicked it up a notch this week with their inquiry projects. We are working hard to get our projects finished for the Junior Showcase. Take a look at some work in progress below.

22.01.2022 The Middle School teachers want to congratulate all the Middle students on a fabulous term of remote learning! You have shown so many wonderful character strengths, such as resilience, perseverance, a love of learning and kindness. If you haven't already, remember to head to the Middle school remote learning website to watch the video of your teachers congratulating you on all your hard work and efforts. Have a fantastic holiday break everyone!

21.01.2022 Bugs, marshmallows and a whole lot of smiles! The Juniors absolutely loved getting out and about for our Junior Camp Day. We went on a Scavenger Hunt, made marshmallow towers and snuggled up in our sleeping bags to watch a movie. Check out some of the happy snaps below.

21.01.2022 We have some budding scientists in our Middle school this year! Students have been participating in heaps of super fun experiments all designed to investigate physical and chemical reactions and how heat can cause a change in state between a solid, liquid and gas.

21.01.2022 Merry Christmas from our CHPS Preps! Today we enjoyed Christmas rotations and a class party to celebrate what has been a very eventful year. A tradition we love to do in Prep at Croydon Hills is to decorate a Christmas t-shirt with a family member. Thank you to all of the family and friends who helped craft the amazing Christmas t-shirts that you can see in these photos. I’m sure these are memories we will treasure forever.

19.01.2022 Mr King has been offering students singing lessons over Google meet during remote learning. His students have learned how to control their pitch, breath and placement, as well as understanding how modifying vowels helps us to sing with more power and precision and with less effort and strain. Here are some examples of the incredible work they have been doing. What a talented group!

17.01.2022 All outstanding OSHC Fees due today (15/12) Parents, please note that all outstanding fees for Before School, After School and Vacation Care are due and payable by the end of today - Tuesday December 15th. Payment can be cash, eft or by phone with a credit card. We thank you for your attention to this matter.

17.01.2022 Next week the Middle and Senior classes will be celebrating the end of remote learning with a Virtual Camp Week. Students will choose activities from a camp grid to complete and there will also be a whole bunch of fun live sessions across the week for students to dial in to. We look forward to seeing what students are getting up to on the Camp Flipgrid!

15.01.2022 Last week we celebrated NAIDOC week across the school. Students in all levels learned about the Indigenous Australian culture and created their own NAIDOC week posters. We were so impressed with how our students reflected on the Indigenous Culture in their designs.

15.01.2022 Congratulations Preps on making it through an entire term of Remote Learning! And what a fun week we had celebrating our Fairy Tale Ball! The Prep teachers are so proud of everything you have achieved this term. Now we can kick back and relax for two weeks before our LAST week of Remote Learning in Term 4. See you in two weeks Preps!

13.01.2022 It's our last Newsletter for the year, check out all the excitement of an amazing last week of learning. DON'T FORGET, STUDENTS ARE DISMISSED AT 12.30 TOMORROW!

13.01.2022 We made it! Term 3 is officially over and all of the junior teachers wanted to congratulate and celebrate our incredible juniors with this end of term video. Take a moment to have a look at some of the amazing work the juniors have gotten up to and some messages from the junior teachers too!

12.01.2022 Oh, what a night! Congratulations to all of our Year 6 students on their graduation tonight. More media will be made available to students in the coming days.

11.01.2022 It’s finally Buddies time! Yesterday, our Preps and year 5 students enjoyed their first Buddies session. We met each other for the first time and played a little ‘getting to know you’ game. Having an older buddy is so important to a Prep student. They see their buddy as a role model, someone to look up to and ask for help at school. As well as having another friendly face to see around the school. ... We can’t wait for the next Buddies session in a few weeks.

10.01.2022 Check out some of the highlights that senior students have submitted from their first day of Virtual Camp! Hopefully a few of you out there got to enjoy some delicious damper after the live session this morning. We also hope that all of the senior students out there are remembering to record video clips of the different activities they get up to this week so that they can make their own camp video on Friday!

10.01.2022 Welcome back CHPS chickens! Croydon Hills Primary School would like to give a HUGE shout out to the amazing Jones family who have been caring for our chickens since the end of Term 1! The students were incredibly happy to be reunited with their feathered friends after such a long time away! In case you're wondering if the voice on the track sounds familiar, it is our very own, very talented Mr King on vocals! Thanks Mr King!

10.01.2022 Congratulations Preps and families on reaching the end of Remote Learning. What a roller coaster it has been! We are so proud of our Preps for their resilience during what has been a very interesting first year of school for them. We hope you enjoy a look back on some highlights from our 2020 Remote Learning journey. We can't wait to see you on Monday!

09.01.2022 This year has had a bit of an impact on how much our student leaders have been able to get involved and had their voice heard, so recently Mrs T has been working with them to put together a Student Newsletter! Check it out by clicking on the link below. For the chance to have your joke featured in a future newsletter - sit down as a family, choose your favourite joke, and comment on this post! Alternatively, you could send your child to see Mrs T during the week. Have a great weekend!

08.01.2022 All the colour of Pos Ed, all the fun of Outdoor Classroom Day and Music, Count Us In, all the information you can't afford to miss - it's all in this week's Newsletter....

08.01.2022 A new week of learning, activities and fun! Keep up with everything you need to know with this week's Newsletter....

07.01.2022 The Senior School saw out the end of their remote learning in style! We finished up the week with celebratory class dinners via Google Meet, camp fire cooking activities at onsite and a whole heap of other cool things in between. We're really looking forward to seeing everyone in person next week. Bring on the offical start of Term 4!

07.01.2022 Ladybirds, shapes and fractions... oh my! We have been busy bees down in Junior land the last few weeks. We've learnt about the importance of bees, ladybirds and butterflies in our environment. While also working hard on our maths focus of shapes and fractions. Take a look at some of our amazing work below (you might also catch a glimpse of a very tall Snow White from book week if you look closely!)

06.01.2022 Three cheers for our Middle School Virtual Campers! This week they have immersed themselves in all of our Virtual Camping activities and we couldn't be more proud of them. They have refined or learnt new skills, such as knot tying, cooking damper, creating delicious desserts, building elaborate forts, making a boat that floats, shadow puppets, spotlighting and much more. Sleep tight campers, you must be exhausted after such a big week of fun! We can't wait to see you all on Monday in the classroom - Yippee!!!

06.01.2022 Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the I am.stuck in the MIDDLES with you! The Middle level has had a great start to the year and it has been wonderful to see all the happy smiles as we settle into 2021.

05.01.2022 Long jump in the lounge-room, creating music in the kitchen, fabulous artwork inspired by the stars - all this and more in this week's Newsletter. Don't miss a moment!

04.01.2022 We can now welcome parents and friends back to our school grounds! Find out how this will work in this week's Newsletter.

03.01.2022 What a busy week back it has been for our Senior School students. They have been settling into routines with their teachers, getting to know one another in their new classes and playing the Gaga pit. Our Inter School Sports games start next Friday and our Seniors look sensational in their new sports tops!

03.01.2022 Count Us In looked a little bit different this year! However, we were still able to 'sing' the same song, at the same time and on the same day using AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language). A big thank you to Mr King and Mrs Tadesse for the creative way you have both delivered Performing Arts this term!

03.01.2022 We can't wait! Some great news for our students. Bring on October 12th

03.01.2022 Only 4 more sleeps until we're all back together again! Read how to make it work safely and happily in this week's Newsletter...

02.01.2022 On Wednesday our Middle students were lucky enough to attend their very first 'Homecursion' with Peter Marriott from OSMI Australia. He gave a fantastic presentation on renewable energy and the Bald Hills wind turbine construction. If you missed the presentation or would like further information, please check out the below information! Presentation: Bald Hills wind turbine construction timelapse video - Bald Hills 360 degree interactive video - (click and move your mouse on the video to look very cool technology)

01.01.2022 Last week, the students learned about NAIDOC week and participated in activities to celebrate the Indigenous Australian culture. One of our families spent last year's NAIDOC week immersed in the Indigenous culture and peoples at the Kakadu National Park. Toby and Jess Hunter were kind enough to agree to share their experiences with their classes and our community. What an amazing experience!

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