Cunning Stunts | Community
Cunning Stunts
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21.01.2022 Hello! EVERYONE PLEASE BE AWARE. SCAMMERS ARE ALL OVER OUR EVENTS :( If you are buying tickets secondhand - Ask them to show you the tix first as a screengrab perhaps or a pic - then you could ask them to transfer the tix into your name - before you pay perhaps... OR ask for an eventbrite order # and the first and last name the tix were purchased in, message us and we can verify if we're online for you or when we see the message!
20.01.2022 Well that was rather magical. Nice one NUDGERSWell that was rather magical. Nice one NUDGERS
18.01.2022 Exactly one year on from Andrew passing. Lord Sut dedications show for Solar Love Machine was made with pure admiration and love. What an inspiration. Fail we may, sail we must. RIP AW xx
18.01.2022 With a very heavy heart we are having to POSTPONE Nudge Nudge Wink Wink again and wait for a positive announcement from Gladys in the next few weeks to allow dancing again in NSW. So SAT March 6 is postponed date. TICKET HOLDERS will be sent information early next week regarding retaining your tickets (yes you can) or refunds due to COVID 19. We recommend that you DO NOT buy any TICKETS from anyone - as scammers are rampantly targeting this event offering fake tickets. Once we get the go ahead we will have Official TICKETS available to purchase for our subscribers. We are so sorry and hope to be able to dance with you again in March
11.01.2022 With dancing not yet allowed in NSW - NUDGE Feb 6 2021 event has been postponed to Sat March 6 2021 - it might be delayed further as other regulation changes eventuate. We are hoping for good news in 2 weeks time. EXISTING TICKET holders that wish to retain their TICKETS for the next event don't need to do anything. Many of you have retained your tickets and we seriously appreciate that. With tickets in such high demand retaining your tickets guarantees your spot at the n...ext event. We understand some people will need a refund, so given these circumstances we are offering refunds until Feb 15th 2021. This will mean that we will be able to re-sell the refunded tickets, we will email you when this facility is available closer to the date. We recommend while this is occurring over the coming weeks THAT YOU DO NOT BUY ANY TICKETS BEING SOLD PRIVATELY as many scammers have been targeting some of our audience. With refunds available there is no reason why any valid ticket holder would need to sell them privately. REFUND PROCESS - DIRECTLY FROM YOUR EVENTBRITE ACCOUNT COVID 19 based Refunds are only available for original ticket purchasers - if you have privately purchased then you will need to retain your TICKETS or re-sell yourself privately. Requests for refunds will take between 3-5 business days to process. Request for refunds for the postponed Jan 9 aka Feb 6 2021, event to be received no later than Monday Feb 15th 2021 Once we are confirmed to go ahead, any of the OFFICIAL TICKETS that had become available due to refunds will be available for purchase. As always our email subscribers are notified first. Steps to take to request a refund. 1. Log in to EVENTBRITE using the email address you used to purchase tickets.. 2. Go to "Tickets" in your account. Select the ticket you want a refund for. 3. Click "Request a refund". 4. Review your details and select a refund reason as - COVID 19 - the first option. 5. Select a refund method ($USD only). 6. Click "Continue". 7. Review your details and click "Submit request" If you have any problems and need assistance then we will respond as soon as we can - note that assistance requests do take longer to process.
10.01.2022 Seasons Greetings NUDGERS, wishing you all a merry festive period and best wishes for an uplifting 2021. love Sut, Sarah, Laura and Dale . xxxx
09.01.2022 Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Sat 9 Jan. PHIL PERRY (Full Circle UK + Leftfield's first tour DJ, CRUCIAL D (Wicked Beat Sound System) , Dale Stephen & Lord Sut. SOLD OUT
06.01.2022 Well what a vibe and reconnection that was - thank you all so much for creating the perfect return of NUDGE. Big Thanks & Love to Greg Bork ~ for taking gorgeous photos that capture the incredible celebration of dance and community for the return of NUDGE. Love to our incredible DJ's Stephen Allkins, Dale Stephen and Lord Sut for playing such amazing sets. ... Love to our sound and light crews - Dan, Sean and their team at North Coast events, Tim Wild and Simeon. Big thanks to our hosts Ken, Jordie and Craig and the staff at The Billinudgel Hotel. love and thanks to Dave Johnston for the video recordings. Huge love to our loyal sponsors for enabling the magic. Big ups to our door crew, Most of all THANK YOU to all of you who support our events Nudge Nudge Wink Wink & Curious and come to dance, catch up and let loose in the shed with us. Next Nudge postponed to Feb 6 - There will be a few tickets released closer to the event.
03.01.2022 Whilst we all eagerly await for some good news from Gladys.... This is the mix that started it all - Cunning Stunts was the show name Lord Sut originally submitted to BAY FM in 2011 for what is now Solar Love Machine - all good things come to those who wait..... keep those fingers and toes crossed. Positive vibrations
03.01.2022 It is with sad regret that we have to postpone the Jan 9 Nudge Nudge Wink Wink event. Current NSW rules allow for no dance floors other than for weddings of 20. Ticket holders will receive email information tomorrow that we will also share here - allowing you the choice of retaining your tickets for the next event back, or a full refund due to the COVID - 19 event impact . We hope it can be February, but accept it could be March or later. We hope you understand. With ti...ckets in such demand it would be wise to hang on, but we understand that some people will need a refund due to travel and other plans. Any tickets refunded will be available for future sale once we confirm the new date. Thanks for your understanding, stay healthy and happy. We look forward to more shed sizzles in 2021. We wish you a HAPPY NEW Year and we will see you as soon as we can. INFORMATION released tomorrow for TICKET holders and refunds. If you want to keep your tickets for the next event, then you won't need to do anything. LOVE Sut, Sarah, Laura and Dale xxxx See more
03.01.2022 Due to NSW regulation changes as a response to the COVID 19 situation - Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Jan 9 2021 event has been postponed to Sat Feb 6 2021 - it might be delayed further as other regulation changes eventuate. EXISTING TICKET holders that wish to retain their TICKETS for the next event don't need to do anything. With tickets in such high demand retaining your tickets guarantees your spot at the next event.... We understand some people will need a refund, so given these circumstances we are offering refunds until Jan 12th 2021. More information on the refund process is below. This will mean that we will be able re-sell the refunded tickets and we will email you when this is facility is available. We recommend while this is occurring over the coming weeks THAT YOU DO NOT BUY ANY TICKETS BEING SOLD PRIVATELY as many scammers have been targeting some of our audience. With refunds available there is no reason why any valid ticket holder would need to sell them privately. REFUND PROCESS - DIRECTLY FROM YOUR EVENTBRITE ACCOUNT COVID 19 based Refunds are only available for original ticket purchasers - if you have privately purchased then you will need to retain your TICKETS or re-sell yourself privately. Requests for refunds will take between 3-5 business days to process. Request for refunds for the postponed Jan 9, 2021 event to be received no later than Tuesday Jan 12 2021. Steps to take to request a refund. 1. Log in to Eventbrite using the email address you used to purchase tickets.. 2. Go to "Tickets" in your account. Select the ticket you want a refund for. 3. Click "Request a refund". 4. Review your details and select a refund reason as - COVID 19 - the first option. 5. Select a refund method ($USD only). 6. Click "Continue". Review your details and click "Submit request" If you have any problems and need assistance then send us an email via [email protected] and we will respond as soon as we can - note than assistance requests will take longer to process. We hope you understand the reasons why we are making this postponement announcement and look forward to seeing you back in the shed soon. Cheers Sut, Sarah, Laura and Dale xxxx