Rotary Club of Currumbin Coolangatta Tweed Inc | Community
Rotary Club of Currumbin Coolangatta Tweed Inc
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25.01.2022 Due to forces beyond our control, the September Car Boot Sale at Stocklands, Burleigh Waters is CANCELLED.
25.01.2022 It is with regret, but the AUGUST CAR BOOT at Stocklands, Burleigh, is CANCELLED. We will continue to keep all updated.
25.01.2022 Just an update: NO MAY CAR BOOT SALE, sorry. Hoping for June though.
24.01.2022 Great day was had by all at Tweed Bowls indoor green with Rotary Clubs from Currumbin Coolangatta Tweed, Kingscliffe and Banora Tweed
24.01.2022 To our loyal Car Boot Sale patrons, the May Car Boot is also cancelled, as was April, due to the virus and sanctions by State & Federal regulations. Once these are relaxed or removed, we will be back June or July. We will keep you up-to-date.
24.01.2022 Well done Rotary Ashmore.
23.01.2022 I was sad to learn of the passing today of Past Rotary International President Sir Clem Renouf. Sir Clem was RI President 1978 1979 and was from Queensland, ...Australia. The world and Rotary owe Sir Clem a great debt. Sir Clem was instumental in initiating the 3H Program Health, Hunger and Humanity to WHO and UNICEF and The Birth of Polio Plus. His legacy is a world without polio He was truely a remarkable man! Rest in Peace
23.01.2022 Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Robina Sunday 30th. After the morning crew went home, the afternoon crew commenced. The afternoon was a steady stream of patrons. Good day for the club. That makes 2 Bunning Stores in 3 weeks.
23.01.2022 Car Boot Sale Tomorrow Sunday 25th October. Help us Save the Koala's. Nothing to do, grab yourself a bargain, Grab yourself a sausage from our Sausage sizzle and help a Koala in the process. Venue: University Car park Gold Coast Airport Directions: Turn into Terminal Drive off Gold Coast Highway, at the signs, turn left into Tom Norris Drive, turn left into Arthur Butler Parade and turn Right around the Roundabout and follow signs to Exhibition Area on your right.... Charity: We are raising funds for the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital and specifically to assist in the eradication of Chlamydia in Koalas. If you want a stall Stall Price: $20 inclusive of car space, selling space and mandatory insurance plus $1.50 booking fee Total $21.50 Bookings: Booking is essential as no casual entry will be permitted without booking and payment in advance. Book by clicking this link You will need the registration number of the car you are coming in as well as the number of any other people in your car and their names and addresses. Set up Time: 6am to 7am (do not come late... no entry after 7am) Insurance starts from 6am Finish Bell: 11.30am (prompt bug-out is required by 12.30pm)There will be NO preferential parking spots allowed; our marshals will allocate the spots strictly in order of arrival. There will be no vehicle movement allowed on the site until the public has left and no early leaving will be allowed.
23.01.2022 Wondering how to increase your membership and make your club more vibrant and relevant? Here’s the plan. #growrotary #strategicplan #berelevant #bevibrant
22.01.2022 Has anyone got a I Phone 6 cover that they no longer require for our Rotary Phone.
21.01.2022 Last night , Rotary Club CCT hosted their Changeover Dinner in The Visions Room at Mantra, Twin Towns Club & Resorts. Given the Corona Virus, the evening was enjoyably attended by members and guests. Thank you to, Councillor Gail O'Neill: Mike Fraser, Twin Towns: Bryan Brown, Twin Towns: Rotarian Jeff Egan AG, Col Usher & AAron, Shaping Outcomes: Lisa Fritz, Bendigo Bank, and Whitney Luzzo-Kelly, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. To Bev Prosser for being awarded Club Rotarian of the Year, well received. PP Ian Robertson presented donations to Col Usher, Shaping Outcomes and Whitney Luzzo-Kelly, CWS Vet Hospital on behalf of Rotary CCT. Jeff Egan AG presented Pres. John Giuricin with the mantel of office for 2020/21. If I have omitted any-one, I humbly apologise.
21.01.2022 Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 35 years. Our goal of ridding the world of this disease is closer than ever. As a founding partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, we've reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979. Rotary members have contributed more than $2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect nearly 3 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing dise...ase. Rotary’s advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by governments to contribute more than $10 billion to the effort. Today, polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But it’s crucial to continue working to keep other countries polio-free. If all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years, polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year.
20.01.2022 HOW MANY SAUSAGE SIZZLES DOES IT TAKE TO RAISE $30k? It took John and his Rotary Club just over two years and A LOT of weekends in Bunnings carpark to raise t...he funds to buy this ENDOSCOPE for Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Foundation This equipment will save the lives of waterbirds and other wildlife who ingest fishhooks and fishing line and would otherwise need to undergo major surgery and weeks of recovery. Now with a simple procedure using a camera and instruments the fishhooks and line can be retrieved and the animals released the next day back into the wild!! I was so EXCITED to be part of the celebrations today and help showcase the incredible work of these wildlife warriors!! Rotary Club of Currumbin Coolangatta Tweed Inc
19.01.2022 Unfortunately Stocklands Burleigh Carboot Sale is cancelled until February 2021. We are looking at doing a carboot sale at Club Banora Tweed Heads on Sunday 29th November and Sunday 13th December. So if you are a seller and require more information please email our secretary at [email protected] and we will keep you up to date.
19.01.2022 Why haven't they run our story yet!????
19.01.2022 The sun is out, the sausages are sizzling, bargains are to be found. Come to our Car boot sale, Closes at 11.30am. Plus help save the Koalas Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Gold Coast Airport Southern Cross University Gold Coast Airport University Carpark. Dont miss out
19.01.2022 Hi to all our Car Boot patrons. At the conclusion of our meeting last night, we decided to NOT HOLD the June Car Boot. We still have no clarification to the COVID19 shutdown. Considering we do not sell food, we do not fall under that particular realm of umbrella to be open. We are awaiting definition for July, but, still not defined. Apologies; we will endeavour to keep you all up-to-date. Rotary CCT.
19.01.2022 For what it is worth. When Laura Gerber, our new MP for Currumbin made her maiden speech in Parliament, our Rotary Club received a mention, as did Mary & Peter Flynn for their contributions to the community.
14.01.2022 Rotary Club of Pokhara Fishtail has provided personal hygiene kits and electric Kettle for the people staying at Covid-19, related quarantines in Pokhara. The c...lub provided the stuffs to the in-charge of the quarantines at Buddha Hospital, Nadipur and Indrarajya Secondary School at Lamachaur in Pokhara in presence of respective ward committee chairpersons. See more
14.01.2022 Interesting message
13.01.2022 The Rotary Club of Beau Bassin-Rose Hill in Mauritius donated breathing assistance machines and vital sign monitors worth $85,000 to their local hospital to treat patients affected by COVID-19. Find out more about their work: #RotaryResponds
12.01.2022 Well done Burleigh Heads
12.01.2022 After Tuesday nights meeting, we further decided to extend a "No Car Boot Sale" for the month of June too. Hopefully, restrictions will be eased to allow us to conduct the July Car Boot. To our patrons, please be patient.
12.01.2022 Past President Michelle presenting to Coolangatta Vets a "Certificate of Appreciation" for their contribution to helping our Club over time. Many thanks.
11.01.2022 Rotary Club of Currumbin Coolangatta Tweed Inc Changeover Dinner held COVID style tonight. Congratulations to incoming President, John Giuricin. Special mention to Rotarian Glen Rees, a Bilinga local who was recognised for his outstanding fund raising efforts.
11.01.2022 On Monday, 22nd June, Rotary CCT President Ian, Diana & Peter ventured to the Currumbin Community Special School, and joined Rotary Burleigh members for a presentation of promised funding in the form of a cheque for $11.000.00 for a modern and safe sports play area . Instigated by the Burleigh Club, we were more than willing to help in the funding. We were greeted by the School Principal, Nikki, and various members of the school. Rotary Club Burleigh President, Colleen and CCT President Ian, presented the cheque with a rousing applause. The school presented Burleigh Pres. Colleen with a fine mural painted by the students in appreciation.
11.01.2022 Great to see working with the community
10.01.2022 Great to have people walk all over you in a good way.
08.01.2022 Wildlife vets at #Currumbin Wildlife Hospital now have access to life-saving equipment thanks to a generous donation. #9News | Weeknights at 5.30pm
08.01.2022 Do it with Integrity. #integrity #serviceaboveself #peopleofaction
07.01.2022 Exciting day for wildlife! The arrival of an endoscope at Currumbin Wildlife Hospital will put an end to unnecessary surgery Sea birds and turtles are ofte...n admitted after ingesting fishing line, plastic, sinkers and hooks. Removing the fishing gear used to require surgery and then weeks of rehabilitation before they could be released back into the wildnow they can be released within a day!! Thank you to the Rotary Club of Currumbin Coolangatta Tweed Inc in their efforts to raise over $30 000 to purchase the machine. Thank you to Dr Alex Hynes from Bondi Vet for attending this wonderful day for wildlife Steve Holland Photography #wildlife #goldcoast #saveanimals #queensland #australia #fishing #hooks See more
06.01.2022 It is great to have a new member Sharon Styman inducted by President John Giuricin into Rotary Club of Currumbin Coolangatta Tweed. Looking forward to her expertise and glowing smile in the club. If you are looking at joining a fun and thoughtful group of people send a message to [email protected] and we will be in contact.
06.01.2022 We Have Good News and Bad News! The Bad News is that the Car Boot Sale at Stocklands Burleigh will NOT be going ahead in October but we are hopeful for a return on the second Sunday of November which will be the 8th November. The Good News is that we have been able to secure a new site for the October Car Boot Sale on Sunday 25th October and we are inviting you to attend.... The venue is the Southern Cross University Car park at the Gold Coast Airport. This venue is excellent for our market as it is completely asphalted and is about 10,000 Sq Mt. Because of all the Covid restrictions this event will be strictly managed. The revenue from this event will be donated to the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital so that they can further research into and treat Chlamydia in our Koalas. Stall holders will need to pre book and will be available on Sticky Tickets to sell and pay. SO BOOK NOW BY EMAILING [email protected] AND WE WILL SEND YOU YOUR BOOKING PACK.... FIRST in FIRST SERVED
05.01.2022 This is the major project our Club has been working towards creating over the past three years! A new playground area with four new pieces of equipment at the C...urrumbin Community Special School, total project cost $45,000. Our Club and the Currumbin Coolangatta Tweed Rotary Club assisted towards costs in addition to a Grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund received by the school P&C thanks to an application submitted by our Club member David Ungar. A magnificent effort by all concerned! We finally did it! See more
05.01.2022 With Anzac Day tomorrow, We thought it would be prudent to share this poem. Its worth a listen a great opportunity to reflect about the major sacrifice made by our ancestors. "Lest we forget" Beneath the faded word. By Peter Thomas
04.01.2022 The Rotary Car Boot Sale for July, at Stocklands Shopping Centre, Burleigh, is unfortunately postponed once again. As we are a NON ESSENTIAL Market, it is extremely difficult to receive authorisation from Government and Health to conduct the market. We are putting a submission in to the departments to enable us to participate for a probable August. We are just as upset as our Patrons, but the Corona19 is making it extremely difficult. Thank you.
03.01.2022 Last night, Tuesday, our Rotary Club held their meeting at the Tweed Heads Bowls Club in lieu of at Twin Towns. The Corona Virus is disrupting where we can meet. Many thanks to the Bowls Club for allowing us to be a patron at their premises on such short notice. Our guest speaker, Mr Mick Palmer, a past Federal Police Commissioner and retired Barrister, enlightened us with his history in the force and discussed problems with the cause and effect with crime and to not judge a by its cover. Notations brought to the fore were: Do not impose on people, but embrace their thoughts and ideas; Punish the crime, but treat the reason why; Be precise in your estimation of the crime. Mick also discussed concerns with drugs and the problems associated with importation, supply and use. The night finished on a very bright note with the Currumbin Sanctuary Vet Hospital conveying to us how pleased they were with the piece of equipment we helped to supply them with. See more
03.01.2022 Went for a walk at Coolangatta early Sunday afternoon. Nostalgic car bonanza. Asked one of the drivers what was the occasion. The car enthusiasts decided to exhibit this week-end because Wintersun last week was cancelled, and Cooly-Rocks-On this weekend was cancelled too. Great afternoon if you are a car buff.
02.01.2022 Last night we welcomed Bruce Kuhn and Sharon Styman to our meeting at Tweed Bowls Club, Tweed Heads. Sharon is the new elected Board Member of the Twin Towns Services Club and was accompanied to our meeting by David Phillips. Bruce, is a past President & past Secretary & Rotary member of Broadbeach Rotary Club and a serving member of the Coolangatta Police Force as an Inspector of the Patrol Group. Bruce was our guest speaker and enlightened us with his position in the force,... what is happening around us as citizens, the worthwhile endeavours of what Rotary contributes to the community, the impact of what the Corona Virus is causing in general and the uncertainty of concern between the 2 neighbouring states. We thanked Bruce & Sharon for attending our meeting. We are in attendance at Bunnings Burleigh on Saturday to host their sausage sizzle. See more
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