CV for Me in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales | Employment agency
CV for Me
Locality: Coffs Harbour, New South Wales
Address: Korora 2450 Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Resumes and Kodaks do they mix? I had a great conversation about the pros and cons of photos on resumes today. My client asked if she should have one her CV. My answer? No... Resumes are for one thing... Assessing how well your skills relate to a position that is vacant or perhaps a potential vacancy. In essence, a resume is about JUDGEMENT. Employers will judge your skills to their needs, so lets just say you have this great CV (by CV for Me) and you flick through you phone and you pick out this great photo and you pop it on to the top of your CV. Chances are is that your photo will be judged before your skills will, so you might have the best skills for the job, but if your photo does not cut the mustard, unfortunately you will end up with a horrible "No thanks" letter in your email. I hear you say "But my picture is awesome, everyone has said so" So I say this to you. Do you look like the hiring managers ex partner? What about their mother? Estranged father? Psychotic Aunt/Uncle? School bully from when they are younger? I hear you say, " How am I supposed to know" and to that I say " EXACTLY" The employer has listed all the things that they need for the job on the job ad or on the job description. Who know what emotions your photograph could conjure. So lets not muddy the waters. As I have said before, employers will look at your Facebook and Twitter and Myspace and whatever else pages you have, so be sensible with those photos too... Even after all this you say you still want a photo on your resume here are some tips: 1) Dress appropriately, it only needs to be a headshot but ensure that you are well groomed 2) Make sure that the photo does not look like a drivers license or a passport photo, show the personality that they might need for the business 3) GET SOMEONE ELSE TO TAKE THE PHOTO... no selfies please... this is not Friday night out on the town 4) Ensure it is a high quality photograph And when that is all done and you email it off to an employer and you the get the job, you can send me a photo of yourself blowing a raspberry... I will then have been suitably told... HAVE A GREAT WEEK!
25.01.2022 What makes a good employee you ask, or what are employers looking for? A great article from Business Insider, explaining just that.
23.01.2022 Do you feel kind of lost? I met a really nice man a couple of weeks ago. He was wanting a resume prepared and due to his success in the company he was working in, he had always had internal promotions thus, never had the need for a resume. He felt lost, he would soon no longer be part of a company that he had shared so much of his life with, this job had been his life that spanned across his marriage his children; and felt lost.... Sometimes we can lose ourselves in our jobs, its hard not to get an identity with our work. So many people I speak to, say "I'm just a checkout chick", or I'm just an administrator, or something similar. You are not. You are YOU, you are so many things, lets try not see your vocation become your identity. And while parting can be such sweet sorrow, it is easier when you can see, that its just you, starting a new job, where your skills and expertise are appreciated and valued once more. I don't mean this to be mushy, with the thought of violins being played in the background, I just want people to understand, that a job/career is supposed to allow you to financially do all those things that you want to do in life, it is not supposed the BE life...
23.01.2022 As 2013 comes to an end, I would like to take this time to thank all of those who have supported CV for Me during the first year of operation. The support that this small business has collected over these 11 months has been humbling and I am very thankful and hope you and your family have a very happy and safe holiday period.
21.01.2022 Looking for professionals... I think it would be great to get people who know know stuff about employment, other than resumes to have a blog spot here.. I would like to call it, Things that they dont tell you about... Who I would really like to hear from are people like: HR Managers... Workers Compensation people Managers Naturopaths Stress Management Even Centrelink professionals Fashion Stylists - for interviews and job Make-up artists - for interviews I dont need them to have a PHD, just people who have a lot of knowledge in one area... are there any other areas that you would like to hear from?
21.01.2022 Interviews, love em or hate em, most will have to do them. So be prepared.
19.01.2022 What is cool/hip/in/trendy? As many words as describe it, there are points of difference, when it comes to clothing for a job interview. What is cool and trendy to you, could be seen as something else by an employer. Let me give you some examples. In my days of recruiting, I have seen most people in a suit or business clothing of some sort, it was only on the rare occasion where I didn't. Being a recruiter in the Financial District in Sydney, I saw some pretty glamorous ou...tfits during my time. One day, during the its "ok" to wear long shorts for women times (you know those knickerbockers?) I just a young lady come into the office, with them on. I was mortified, she did have a suit jacket (bless her little cotton socks) on, but paired with the shorts... I felt she missed the mark. However when I bought in a colleague of mine (a very metro sexual man with more fashion sense than Gok) he commented on how cute her pants were. I was a little taken back, yes the shorts, teamed with a high neck ruffled vintage musk pink top, along with some cool heels, I would not have objected during working hours if she was already part of my team, but for an interview.. I was a heartbeat away from throwing her resume in the trash. Does it really matter that much, UM YES. It really does matter. With great level candidates, who have been interview prepped and have similar education, similar experience; appearance matters, dress matters. Point is, what is cool and trendy, to you, might not be cool and trendy to your employer. Keep your shoes shiny, your hemlines modest, your trousers pressed and your boobs in your shirts. Especially in small towns its generally better to go conservative (even though there are exceptions) oh and please, if you have shorts that are a longer than shorts, but shorter than dress pants, please do not wear them for an interview...
18.01.2022 Its the Australian culture to poke a little bit of fun at ourselves (and each other) but really there is a place and a time to do all of this. Your resume is not the place, and the person screening your resume (who will have screened possibly have screened 100s) will not see it as the time. The contents in the link below, is very funny. Just not for those who were thrown into the "No Pile" because of their oversights, poor phrasings or (attempted jokes). Have a look at your resume. Do you have something similar? If you do then edit it out. Leave your charm for the interview;
17.01.2022 Just in case anyone has seen anything suss....
17.01.2022 No surprises, but interesting way of gathering information to see it happening in real life.
13.01.2022 Dont call Maybe... Just Call. I have called more people in for an interview after speaking to them on the phone, than I have after reading there email. ITS TRUE... In all my time of my recruitment career, I could pretty much ratio the amount of responses I had by phone, and those that I had by email by about 5% / 95%. But for some reason email is by far the most popular way to respond to a job advertisement. LUDICROUS ... yes! Yes its hard speaking to someone about a job and they reject you, or they palm you off, but realistically, its also hard to reject or to palm off someone who you have had a interaction with (thats what networking is all about, but that is a completely different post altogther). USE YOUR NOGGIN, if the advertisement says no phone calls, dont go barging in there or calling against their will. Just send through the resume, but there are many job advertisements, that do not stipulate no phone calls. YES you will generally be nervous when you call, so PRACTICE, think about what you are going to say, with todays technology record your voice, and listen to how you sound, THINK about what you are you going to say, listen to how your voice sounds, is it too squeaky, is it too loud, is it too soft, it needs to be a pleasant well rounded sounding voice that is easy to listen to, to ensure that you will be heard. Be prepared in front of your computer, with your email ready to go, with your CV attached to an email, that reads something like Dear ******* Thank your for your time on the phone today. Please find attached my resume. Should you require any further information, please contact me on ***************. I look forward to meeting with you on ****** Sincerely ***** Strike while the iron is hot, organise that interview on the phone, if you have any questions on how you might be able to do that, post the question below. And please, just pick up the phone...
13.01.2022 Just remember, if you are looking for a job in the Coffs Harbour area start at Coffs Harbour Job. They have job ads directly from the employer and linked from job boards. Cut your hunting time in half and take a look for yourself.
13.01.2022 The winner is........ Carley Chudley, please inbox me, and we'll get you started. Thanks to the other likers and to show you how I appreciate your support, I will send you a $20 discount off a resume* (*conditions apply).
08.01.2022 Lately there has been a run on resumes in industries that I have not usually had much to do with. It has increased my knowledge and my imagination. Initially I baulked, and the initial queries, advising these people that I had not much knowledge to provide, and that I had no history of success for these types of roles. Fortunately, these people were successful in their quests of employment and have expressed much gratitude for my assistance. I advise them it was them who sold... themselves at the interview. I stand by this, but there is joy in knowing that sometimes my assistance can open doors, and the faith others have of me, surpasses my own faith sometimes, and in my job, there is joy. I hope you all realise your own abilities much more than I have mine recently, and with brilliant results. Its not often that I surprise myself, but when I do, it is cause for celebration. Little wins that allows my work life to be a little more joyous. See more
08.01.2022 Just a reminder to my clients. Part of the service I offer is a consultation, this makes part of the fee. The consultation is needed so that your resume design and information is as useful as possible. While email can make do, realistically it is far more beneficial to speak to you as 1) it makes the resume preparation quicker 2) It allows me to gain some information of who you are and your personality ... why is this important? I can reflect this through your resume and getting to know someone while you are writing their career story, enables a far more personalised resume. So please provide me with your details phone details and allow me to call it is appreciated.
07.01.2022 The christmas period is upon us and CV for ME will be closed for new business as of the 21st of December 2013. This closure does not effect existing clients, but please note that we will not be operating on the desginated public holidays during this time. CV for ME will reopen on the 17th of January 2014.
07.01.2022 Journalists in Coffs Harbour? Sounds like a fantastic opportunity!!!
05.01.2022 MORE GRADUATE OPENINGS: Victorian Public Service British American Tobacco Department of Infrastructure and Transport... Department of the Prime Minister ATO KPMG Aurizon Check them out now!
04.01.2022 Is this you too??? Its a busy new year time for CV for ME. Seems many people have made a new years resolution to find a new place of employment and start the new year fresh. Why not get your resume re-worked and re-written by CV for ME and get your headstart in the job market.
04.01.2022 We are back in business. After some time off due to some conflicting work, we are back and ready to help you rocket through to interview stage for your dream (or for now) job.
03.01.2022 Mixing my two favorite topics - Psychology and Employment (Careerealism) Eye Tracking and Resumes.
03.01.2022 PSYCHO WHAT? So you have you nailed your CV and selection criteria, you go into your first interview, and the phone rings... its the company. You go into shock, are they offering me the job? Then the say the magic words, Psychometric testing. So what is psychometric testing. Basically its seeing if you as a person are going to be a good fit for them, the company. Its not a psychological evaluation, its not going to show up if you have a mental health illness, but it can gene...rally show one thing... if you are telling the truth. The best way to prepare for these things is to prepare for what the job is requiring of you, for instance, if they need you to be working autonomously, answering questions regarding team efforts or working as part of a team isnt going to be a high ranked skill. They want to know that you by yourself are going to be able to fulfill the requirements. ALWAYS READ THE QUESTION CAREFULLY, then answer with the first answer that comes into your head from the selection or if its a rating system, go by gut reaction. There are questions in there that will be repeated in different ways, this to gauge (in essence) your truthfulness. These tests are generally long, so if you answer untruthfully then it may show that you have Pinocchio syndrome - or in laymans terms... A BIG FAT LIAR, which is never really a trait that ranks high on many employers "wish list" for a new employee. Summary for Psychometric testing 1) Know what the skills and attributes are required for the job 2) Read the questions carefully 3) Do not over analyze yourself 4) Tell the truth Its really that easy, its better to know that the company is not a good fit for you, before you go celebrating with friends and buying that new car, or taking out a mortgage. Don't think of it as a rejection, think of it as dodging a bullet.
02.01.2022 Happy New Year to all those of CV for Me. Lets hit the ground running. After being inspired by a recent article on Linked In. Time Sensitive Job Offers (referred to as "exploding job offers) If you had your fairshare of time in the job search seat you possibly been offered a position and would have had a recruiter/ employer say "we will need to know if you accept this offer by tomorrow/end of the weeek" and you as a candidate need to start thinking whether or not this place...Continue reading
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