Cyber Safety Project | Education
Cyber Safety Project
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24.01.2022 HOLIDAY DIGITAL BALANCE CHALLENGE Helping kids self-regulate and manage their own digital use starts with empowering them taking control. There has never been a more important time for this conversation to happen! It’s important to also help kids tap into the ‘WHY it’s important to find a balance’ with a balanced discussion about the benefits of technology in our lives. The aim is to help young people discover that is more to digital use than consuming videos, social netw...orking and playing online games. Ab effective way to introduce self-management is to encourage young to make their own plans, set their own goals and reflect on their achievements (rather than always being told what, when and where to do things). With the school holidays upon us, we've whipped up another Holiday Balance Challenge to support young people to plan for technology use and self-managing their digital lives during the September school holidays. Download our 2 week calendar to inspire creativity and productivity. This time we have also included a blank template so they can create set their own challenges. Have a wonderful school holidays. #cybersafety #digitalhabits #digitalwellbing #eSafety #cybersafetylessons
24.01.2022 CONTENT WARNING We are aware of distressing reports about a video of a suicide circulating social media platforms. Office of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner has contacted social media companies about the reports and will continue working with them to monitor the situation. We highly recommend monitoring your children's social media use, particularly TikTok, Instagram Stories, Facebook Live over the next few days. ... If you or your children are experiencing emotional distress, including worried family and friends, a reminder the following services are available to help. Kids Helpline Official: 1800 55 1800. Phone support is there all day, every day. Online support is open from 8am-midnight every day (AEST). SUICIDE CALL BACK SERVICE: 1300 659 467. Phone support all day, every day, and follow-up calls. LIFELINE: 13 11 14. Phone support all day, every day. Online support 7pm-4am daily (AEST). BEYOND BLUE: 1300 22 4636. Phone support all day, every day. Online support 3pm-midnight every day. #eSafety #cybersafety #childprotection
23.01.2022 Monday Monitoring Online gaming has never been more popular! With this common pass time taking place in so many households the conversations around what the real motivations are that drive the constant desire for todays youth to play games online is one that should be had. ... There are many strategies to help kids and teens with their tech use. Positive communication is always the foundation of all the most successful strategies of responsible use and safety when playing. These questions will give you some great insight into what motivates your child as a gamer and will also prompt them to do some deeper thinking for themselves. How can you connect with your friend through games? Can you connect with people you don’t know if the games you play? What things do you love about online gaming? What do you think you learn or what skills do you improve from your gaming? Source: Digital Australia 2020 #cybersafetyproject
22.01.2022 CALL FOR PILOT PARTICIPANTS The NEW Cyber Safety Project Families Portal is just weeks away from our official launch. We can’t wait to share more with you about our online space designed to provide our community with on-demand access to the Cyber Safety Project team and resources! We’re big believers in Teamwork makes the dreamwork... [So] we’ve designed the Cyber Safety Project Families Workshop to empower your whole family as you work together and partici...pate in six impactful online modules. We’re with you every step of the way as you learn and make important decisions to create and maintain a safe digital environment for everyone at your place! We are looking for families in the community who are eager to participate in our pre-launch pilot to road test our learning design and resources (for free!!). If you are A household with young people aged between 10 - 14 years of age. Available to participate in 4 6 hours of learning over two weeks (starting Monday the 26th of October) Eager to self-pace and collaborate as a family (parents and children) through six learning modules Willing to provide your insights about your experiences and feedback throughout and post workshop completion... we’d love to hear from you! Expressions of interest: send us a direct message or follow our contact links in our bio and we’ll send you some further details. Cheers, Trent & Sam #esafety #cybersafety #digitalsafety #digitalwellbeing #parenting
22.01.2022 We are proud to be a Trusted eSafety Provider through the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. Now more than ever before it is crucial young people are continuing to develop skills to maintain their digital safety and digital wellbeing. We can help! During COVID-19 physical distancing we have a FREE Home Learning Portal and offer schools (Australia & NZ) engaging curriculum and Digi-incursions during Term 2, 2020! For further details visit our website or get in touch with us on 1300 114 117.
22.01.2022 10 points to the parent who wrote this! We’re all about starting the chat here... [but] if you have a keen mini gamer on your hands you’ll totally relate. 10 points to the first parent who can explain what a Creeper or Enderman is... #minecraft #kidswhogame
21.01.2022 It's not our jam to scare and we were in two minds about posting this... but the statistics cannot be ignored. A recent global study by the DQ Institute found that 60% of children are exposed to cyber risks today. This report shows that Aussie kids are highly connected and digitally literate compared to other countries around the world... YET we came in at 15th for Cyber Safety Guidance & Education. We must do better. With the right tools and strategies kids can enjoy going and protect themselves. With the right tools and strategies parents/caregivers can support their children to stay safe and well online. With the right tools educators can feel confident to talk positively and proactively about cyber safety, digital wellbeing and digital reputation risks for our youth. And... we can help! Our student workshops and digi-cursions are designed to help young people to manage their own digital safety. Our curriculum framework is proactive and full of tools to help build confidence in teachers to talk positively and productively about digital safety and wellbeing. Our parent resources are helping parents plan, prevent and protect - to establish a digitally safe environment in the home. Read the report: DQ Institute #cybersafety #esafety #cybersafetyproject
20.01.2022 Hey Year 6 Teachers! It's time for us to have a a FINAL WORD with your students about living, learning and playing safely online before they head off to secondary school. Join us with your Year 6 class at one of two live and interactive webinars with Trent & Sam from the comfort of your classrooms. Through participating in this digital workshop, students will:... Develop a clear understanding of the different types of spaces we go online Reflect on and learn from common mistakes made by young people on social media Learn how to take control of their digital safety and wellbeing through app and game settings Identify simple ways to be an upstanding digital citizen in 2021 and beyond Uncover ways to manage cyber bullying through the promotion of help seeking strategies and resources Includes teacher resource packs for ongoing discussions as you wrap up the school year. Learn more about these workshops (and how to book a place for your class) visit the events page on our website. Please help spread the word but sharing to your educator community group pages and tagging Year 6 teachers in the comments below. Option 1: Wed 2nd December @9:30am Option 2: Mon 7th December @2:00pm Further details on the events page of the Cyber Safety Project Facebook and website. #cybersafety #digitalskills #21stcenturyskills #futureskills
19.01.2022 Monday Monitoring We are very lucky in our work. We have the opportunity to talk to a lot of students. Even getting the opportunity to hold student focus groups and have some very open discussions about what life is really like online. One of the biggest take-aways from these conversations is the hesitation and nervousness that these young people had about approaching and talking to their parents if they had seen something inappropriate, hurtful or negative online.... All the children we spoke to were able to articulate that the reason for this hesitation was simple if mum and dad know something bad is happening when I am online or using my device they automatically set more restriction, not let me play or take my device off me. This unwillingness to involve parents in helping to navigate the trials and tribulations that come with living online is a concern. Therefore, fostering such a relationship that is built on trust and openness needs to be a priority. So, what can you do as parents to start to create this type of relationship with your children? The Cyber Safety Project recommends all parents have a CONNECTED KIDS SMART Plan: STAY INVOLVED: It’s critical that if your young people are digital users that you as the parent are involved and know what they are doing online and what interests them about technology. MAKE TIME TO BE ONLINE: Play games online with them, be ‘friends’ with them on their social media platforms, code, collaborate and create together. The more present you are online with your children in their online communities the more comfortable they are of you knowing what those experiences are really like. ASK QUESTIONS (LOTS OF THEM): Asking questions models to your children that you are interested in what they are doing online. Asking questions also gives you as the parent plenty of insight. REGULARLY CHECK IN: Children want to feel safe and might not know how to start those difficult conversation with the trusted. Check in often and they might open up. TRUTH IS CELEBRATED: Respectful and honest relationships are built on trust and that goes both ways especially in a family. Share openly your own good and bad online experiences with you children and what you did to work through them! #cybersafetyproject
18.01.2022 Have you previewed our new Curriculum Portal? It’s designed by teachers for teachers and full of lesson resources to make teaching Cyber Safety and Digital Wellbeing simple. Book in for tour today... we’d love to show you around. ... #cybersafety #esafety #cybersafetylessons #esafetylessons
18.01.2022 Check your inbox, we just sent through your June Cyber Safety Update! This month we discuss DOXING and share 7 simple digital habits that can prevent unwanted eyes on your personal information. Haven’t subscribed? Never miss an update and joining our mailing list by navigating to our website. ... #cybersafety #esafety #digitalsafety
18.01.2022 Share these SEVEN proactive strategies with the young people in your world! Over time our digital footprint (the things we say and do online) paints a very detailed picture of our real life identity. Have you got a handle on the information your children are sharing online? ... 6 minute Read: #cybersafety #doxing #esafety
17.01.2022 Monday Monitoring Protecting our personal spaces online The lengths and creativity that scammers go to to gain access to your private online spaces and your personal information is elaborate and often very deceitful. Scams, click bate and hackers use creative techniques and tricks to entice online users into opening and viewing emails and pop up advertisements that can put our online privacy at risk. ... The digital literacy skills that we all need to develop is identifying signs and clues to look out for when checking email accounts to ensure they know whether an email is safe to OPEN or DELETE! #cybersafetyproject #personalprivatepublic #onlinesafety #teachersofmelbourne
16.01.2022 HOLIDAY DIGITAL BALANCE CHALLENGE Helping kids self-regulate and manage their own digital use starts with empowering them taking control. There has never been a more important time for this conversation to happen! It’s important to also help kids tap into the ‘WHY it’s important to find a balance’ with a balanced discussion about the benefits of technology in our lives. The aim is to help young people discover that is more to digital use than consuming videos, social netw...orking and playing online games. Ab effective way to introduce self-management is to encourage young to make their own plans, set their own goals and reflect on their achievements (rather than always being told what, when and where to do things). With the school holidays upon us, we've whipped up another Holiday Balance Challenge to support young people to plan for technology use and self-managing their digital lives during the September school holidays. Download our 2 week calendar to inspire creativity and productivity. This time we have also included a blank template so they can create set their own challenges. Have a wonderful school holidays. #cybersafety #digitalhabits #digitalwellbing #eSafety #cybersafetylessons
15.01.2022 CYBER SAFETY DIGI-CURSIONS Today’s destination Perth College! We are thrilled to be connecting with the students in Years 3 - 6 as we deliver our engaging live stream sessions (over 3 weeks) with follow up activities and lessons for teachers to consolidate each concept! Our digital incursions have opened up a world a new and exciting possibilities. We can’t wait to see where we get to ‘travel’ to next. ... To learn more about how we are continuing to support schools and the wider community during this challenging time visit our website. Link in bio. #cybersafety #esafety #digitalincursions #cybersafetylessons
15.01.2022 R U Ok!? Please know our DMs are always open. We are here to listen. We are here to help. We’ve got your back!
14.01.2022 Safety is all in the settings! Everything you need to know about what really happens on TikTok and how to protect the young people in your home! #cybersafety #esafety #tiktok
14.01.2022 Monday Monitoring Now more than ever with we are replying on technology to connect, live, work and play while in isolation. Living online is constantly changing. Digital trends, the applications and games we use and even viral campaigns are different now than they were at the start of the year. Knowing and accepting that the online world is a changing landscape and communicating that with your children will keep you informed and up to date. ... So let’s see what has changed this year with how your kids are using technology and what they are enjoying about being digital citizens in this different world. What is your favourite application right now? What do you do on it? What’s changed this year online? How are you using technology differently during isolation? What apps or websites are your friends into these days? #cybersafetyproject
13.01.2022 10 points to the parent who wrote this! We’re all about starting the chat here... [but] if you have a keen mini gamer on your hands you’ll totally relate. 10 points to the first parent who can explain what a Creeper or Enderman is... #minecraft #kidswhogame
13.01.2022 Did you hear? From this Monday the NEW Cyber Safety Project Curriculum Portal will be available for ALL Australian Primary Schools. Last year we surveyed over 300 Aussie Primary School Educators and learned the biggest roadblocks for embedding Cyber Safety learning into their classrooms were: - Lack of confidence about what to teach or knowing the latest trends - Existing resources lacked clarity or clear links to curriculum outcomes... - Difficult to find relevant and up-to-date material that engages their students. With 112 sequenced lessons aligned to the Australian and Victorian Curriculums, students from Foundation to Year 6 you won’t hear we did this last year. We’ve made teaching Cyber Safety and Digital Wellbeing simple. And, through the magic of technology, are with you every step of the way with On-Demand videos to help you launch every single lesson. It’s then over to you to leverage the resources and facilitate deeper conversations to help your students develop the strategies and skills they need to maintain their own digital safety. Here is a little preview... *If you are an Educator or School leader who would like to learn more, we’d love to show you around. Book a tour via **Do you know an Educator or School Leader who might be keen to hear about the NEW Cyber Safety Curriculum Portal? Please tag them or share this post in your communities! We can’t wait to show you! -Trent & Sam #CyberSafetyProject #cybersafety #cybersafe #esafety #cybersafetycurriculum #cybersafetylessons
13.01.2022 How do you help your kids strike the balance? We are eager to hear tips from families on how you help your child manage their daily screen time use. Article:
12.01.2022 LAST CHANCE TO JOIN Starts Monday 26th October! The NEW Cyber Safety Project Families Portal is just weeks away from our official launch. We can’t wait to share more with you about our online space designed to provide our community with on-demand access to the Cyber Safety Project team and resources!... We’re big believers in Teamwork makes the dreamwork... [So] we’ve designed the Cyber Safety Project Families Workshop to empower your whole family as you work together and participate in six impactful online modules. We’re with you every step of the way as you learn and make important decisions to create and maintain a safe digital environment for everyone at your place! We are looking for families in the community who are eager to participate in our pre-launch pilot to road test our learning design and resources (for free!!). If you are A household with young people aged between 10 - 14 years of age. Available to participate in 4 6 hours of learning over two weeks (starting Monday the 26th of October) Eager to self-pace and collaborate as a family (parents and children) through six learning modules Willing to provide your insights about your experiences and feedback throughout and post workshop completion... we’d love to hear from you! Expressions of interest: send us a direct message or follow our contact links in our bio and we’ll send you some further details. Cheers, Trent & Sam #esafety #cybersafety #digitalsafety #digitalwellbeing #parenting
11.01.2022 Digi-cursions are all the rage right now and they have enabled us to stay connected with many of our partner schools [even during remote learning]. . We even beamed into classrooms in Perth & Queensland last week! . Let us know if we can help your F-6 students with an engaging digi-cursion to suit the needs of each year level band.... . #remotelearning #homelearning #melbournelockdown #esafety #kidssafe #esafetylessons #esafetylearning #digitalsafety #digitalwellbeing #cybersafetylessons #cybersafetycurriculum See more
09.01.2022 Guys... without Googling... have a guess what Oxford Dictionary has announced as WORD OF THE YEAR!? #wordoftheyear2020
09.01.2022 Today we had the pleasure of Zooming into the Youth Street Community Festival to chat about the simple things we can do to level up our Cyber Safety. An inspiring online initiative by Jeremy from Proactivity.
07.01.2022 APP WATCH: INSTAGRAM (VANISH MODE) Instagram are making some big changes to their Direct Messaging services with updates now rolling out globally. The good news is, users will now have more control and choice over who can chat with them and view/interact with the content you share.... A new feature to be wary of is ‘Vanish Mode’. Vanish Mode allows users to send messages that disappear after they’re seen or when the chat is closed. A timely opportunity to have a conversation with the young people in your home or at your school about making good choices and posting permanency. Recommendations: - When updates appear take control by reviewing and updating your Privacy Settings - Discuss with the young people in your world that a disappearing (vanishing) message or image can still be perminant (screenshots). For a full list of updates check out: #vanishmode #esafety #cybersafety #cybersafetyproject
06.01.2022 A reminder to check sources, legitimacy and credibility. It’s easy to be fooled online. Particularly in a time when we are all on edge.
06.01.2022 Exactly one year ago today Trent flew to Sydney for a chat with @naomisimson and came home with a cheque for $10,000 as winners of the @microsoftau My Business Mentors Program (sponsored by @hrblockau). Naomi encouraged us to think about how digital tools will enable us to achieve our mission to equip every young Australian with the skills to keep themselves safe online. The funds enabled us to accelerated the development of the @cybersafetyproject Curriculum Portal for educ...ators, who in just a few weeks time, will be co-teaching with us in their own classrooms! From Term 3, 2020 the @cybersafetyproject Digital Safety & Digital Wellbeing Curriculum (aligned to the F-6 National Curriculum Frameworks) will be available for ALL primary schools to start rolling out over 100 videos and lessons. For updates be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and register now to secure our foundation membership benefits. Thank-you @naomisimson @microsoftau @hrblockau . . #cybersafetylessons #cybersafetylearning #digitalsafety #digitalwellbeing #wellbeing #esafety #esafetyforkids #cybersafetyforkids #teachersofaustralia #teachersofmelbourne #teachersforteachers
05.01.2022 Indigemoji’s are here! An app that includes the first ever Indigenous emoji set to help celebrate, communicate and preserve the Arrernte culture and language. Indigemoji’s is a collaboration between elders of Arrernte Country in Central Australia, artists and designers to engage youth in the community to learn the Arrernte language. Why not share this great tool with your students and explore a new language/communication tool during #NAIDOCWeek2020 and throughout the year w...hen exploring communication, story telling techniques and History. Some questions to help guide your discussion - How has language and communication changed over time? - Why is it important to preserve culture and language? - How is technology playing a role in today’s society to elevate conversations about Indigenous Australia and First Nations People? Always Was, Always Will Be
04.01.2022 When downloading the Australian Government’s COVIDSafe App be sure to take yourself to your respective App Stores. Avoid being scammed by never clicking links via emails or text messages. Learn more about the App, how it works and the Government’s response to privacy and data collection visit: For the latest hoax and scams relating to COVID-19: #cybersafe #esafety #cybersafetyproject
02.01.2022 Tulliallan Primary School recently joined the Cyber Safety Project as a Member School. This term, all educators and students have been accessing our Cyber Safety Lessons with tuning in videos, conversations prompts, thinking tools and interactive activities. Dani, Tulliallan’s Digital Technologies Learning Specialist passed on this bucket filling feedback. We are so thrilled to hear our resources are hitting the mark and helping our Partner Schools proactively tackle digital... safety and digital wellbeing in their community. With 112 lessons sequenced to support learning from K-6 across two years of learning, your students will develop the skills they need to establish and maintain their own digital safety and well-being. To learn more or book a tour visit our website via the links in our profile. #cybersafetylessons #esafety #cybersafety
02.01.2022 Can you guess what today’s filming topic is? #filming #backtoschool #cybersafetyproject... #esafety #cybersafetylessons #cybersafetyproject See more
01.01.2022 CONTENT WARNING We are aware of distressing reports about a video of a suicide circulating social media platforms. Office of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner has contacted social media companies about the reports and will continue working with them to monitor the situation. We highly recommend monitoring your children's social media use, particularly TikTok, Instagram Stories, Facebook Live over the next few days. ... If you or your children are experiencing emotional distress, including worried family and friends, a reminder the following services are available to help. Kids Helpline Official: 1800 55 1800. Phone support is there all day, every day. Online support is open from 8am-midnight every day (AEST). SUICIDE CALL BACK SERVICE: 1300 659 467. Phone support all day, every day, and follow-up calls. LIFELINE: 13 11 14. Phone support all day, every day. Online support 7pm-4am daily (AEST). BEYOND BLUE: 1300 22 4636. Phone support all day, every day. Online support 3pm-midnight every day. #eSafety #cybersafety #childprotection
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