Children and Young People with Disability Australia | Community organisation
Children and Young People with Disability Australia
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25.01.2022 You’ve been hearing all week about young people’s experiences and ideas for inclusive employment. Young people told us that the transition from education to employment can be scary, exciting and unknown. The research tells this story too, so today we are sharing a research report compiled by we at CYDA compiled in 2015 titled: Post School Transition: The Experiences of Students with Disability (2015). The transition from school is an important period. All young people should supported throughout this time to access options which allow them to meaningfully participate and contribute to their community. This report by CYDA is based on the direct experience of young people with disability. It highlights key issues the group faces in experiencing positive post school transitions (e.g. finishing school and moving on to new pathways, such as TAFE, university or getting a job). The research also includes recommendations for improving outcomes and options for post school transition of students with disability. While the paper was first published in 2015, we sadly know that the research findings still remain relevant. Read the full research report here:
25.01.2022 Content note: ableism and discrimination briefly mentioned, no detail What creates barriers in the workplace for young people with disability? Ableism and society’s broader fixation on productivity as defining worth. Employment that is not designed with people with disability in mind. Failures to listen when confronted with this issue. ... Young people with disability, by and large, feel they can meaningfully and actively engage with the workforce but feel unsupported to do so. Workplaces failing to accommodate is the barrier, not us. ‘’It’s really important to view employment through the lens of social model of disability...our impairments have nothing to do with us lacking anything. It’s more to do with the ways our workplaces are structured and the way that employers accommodate us. So they’re the barrier. The barrier is not us.’’ To understand the barriers young people with disability identified about employment, view the Report Card here: Image Description: Graphic with a white background with a large red oval shape covering most of the graphic. In the middle of the graphic is a white text box with large blue quotation marks at the top. In the text box is black text that says ‘’It’s really important to view employment through the lens of social model of disability...our impairments have nothing to do with us lacking anything. It’s more to do with the ways our workplaces are structured and the way that employers accommodate us. So they’re the barrier. The barrier is not us. Below this text is red text that says WHAT YOUNG PEOPLE SAID. Located at the top left of the graphic is the Summit Logo with orange, red and blue oval shapes with black text over the top of the shapes that say NYDS. At the top right of the graphic is CYDA’s logo. The logo has overlapping green and orange oval shapes with white text over the top that says cyda. Underneath the main logo is black text that says Children and Young People with Disability Australia.
24.01.2022 Young people said: employment and especially meaningful employment is a human right and all young people with disability are entitled to it. How do we move forward towards inclusive employment? - Address power dynamics in advocacy and employment settings. ... - Include young people with disability on interview panels when recruiting for advocacy roles. - Raise pensions and safety nets to protect the rights of young people with disability in employment settings. "We’re working for making sure that people with disabilities have access to meaningful work but making sure that there is a safety net for us when we can’t engage in that meaningful work. So that means that there are welfare and Centrelink payments like the Disability Support Pension and like JobSeeker that actually exist above the poverty line and give us a chance to have dignified lives when we can’t engage in work for whatever reason.’’ See what young people think about the social movement towards inclusive Employment in the Report Card: Employment and Social Movement (Plain English google slides): Image Description: Graphic with a white background with a large blue oval shape covering most of the graphic. In the middle of the graphic is a white text box with large orange quotation marks at the top. In the text box is black text that says Often you have to change the system to access it. So through making it accessible for yourself you’re making accessible for everyone that comes after you.’’ Below this text is red text that says WHAT YOUNG PEOPLE SAID. Located at the top left of the graphic is the Summit Logo with orange, red and blue oval shapes with black text over the top of the shapes that say NYDS. At the top right of the graphic is CYDA’s logo. The logo has overlapping green and orange oval shapes with white text over the top that says cyda. Underneath the main logo is black text that says Children and Young People with Disability Australia.
24.01.2022 This week we have two clips from the National Youth Disability Summit Access and Inclusion plenary to share! Damian Griffis from First Peoples Disability Network shares with us some of the experiences of young First Nations people with Disability and reminds us to keep fighting for equal access and inclusion for all. #Disability #YoungAndDisabled #DIsabilityAwareness #DisabilityInclusion #DisabilityActivism #DisabilityAdvocacy #DisabilityRights #DisabilityJustice #Disab...ilityLife #DisabilityCommunity ##FirstNationsDisability #IDPWD Video Description: A split-screen video of Damian Griffis (right of screen) and an Auslan Interpreter (left of screen). Damian has short brown hair and a short beard, is wearing glasses and has a white and grey striped t-shirt on. The Auslan Interpreter has short curly hair and is wearing a dark v jumper with a green polo shirt underneath.
24.01.2022 Updates for Victorians: thank you IDEAS Disability Information _______________________________________ Exciting news for Victorian's this afternoon with Dan Andrews sharing that from 11.59pm tomorrow there will be no more restrictions on when or why you can leave home. Melbourne people still need to stay within 25km of home, but many more places will be opening! We've updated our COVID-19 FAQ for you, plus tomorrow there will be news about having visitors to your home.... Well done on getting your COVID-19 numbers so low! It's been such a hard slog - but you've done it. If you need to chat to someone, the COVID19 Helpline is still running - Free Call: 1800 643 787, talk to us on Live Chat or send an email to [email protected] #COVID19 #COVIDVic19 #DisabilityInformation
23.01.2022 As we continue our celebrations for International Day of People with Disability we bring you the next LivedX talk, this time from Allycia Staples! In this LivedX talk, titled ‘Kindness Matters’, Allycia shares with us how kindness and creativity have guided her throughout life. We hope you are enjoying LivedX: a series of talks given by young people with disability to change, challenge and share experiences. LivedX initially premiered at the inaugural National Youth Disabilit...y Summit in 2020. Watch here: !! #Disability #YoungAndDisabled #DisabilityAwareness #DisabilityInclusion #DisabilityActivism #DisabilityAdvocacy #DisabilityRights #DisabilityJustice #DisabilityLife #DisabilityCommunity #IDPWD
23.01.2022 TONIGHT! 6 30pm AEST (7.30pm daylight saving time). Join the October's National Conversation on Disability Entrepreneurship! With special guest speakers from the Impact Co. and The Good Incubator from Victoria who ran a very first disability start-up program this year. Come and join at 6.30pm (QLD time) via Zoom. Please register here- ... Facebook event page - See more
22.01.2022 Content warning: media stories of assault and abuse of a student with disability (at school) and the response of the school. Thank you Kimberley for sharing your story. @BackgroundBrief Senator Jordon Steele-John
21.01.2022 On Thursday, it is International Day of People with Disability. CYDA is celebrating by co-hosting a side event to the United Nations 13th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). We are excited to be collaborating with our colleagues at Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) to host a panel discussion, entitled It all begins with education: Realising inclusive education in Australia and the roadmap to c...hange. Throughout the week, we will share information on our esteemed panel who will be discussing the relevance of Article 24 CRPD the right to an inclusive education in the Australian context. Because an inclusive society begins with an inclusive education, where everyone has the chance to flourish and achieve their full potential. More details to come! #IDoPwD #CoSP13 #UNCRPD
21.01.2022 Join our team. We are hiring! 1. Communications and Media Adviser ( 2. Project Coordinator - National Redress Scheme (
19.01.2022 Let’s be real, I’d love not to have to mark a day specifically recognising the contributions of people living with disability. Society simply isn’t at a point where we should just let the day go by without making a statement. @IDPwD
18.01.2022 Human Rights Day Oration | Rosemary Kayess When - Thursday 10 December, 11am-12pm Where - Live online event Tickets - Free and available online Join Human Rights Medal winner Rosemary Kayess, for the 2020 Human Rights Day Oration. Rosemary will be in conversation with ABC’s disability affairs reporter, Nas Campanella, as they discuss Rosemary’s work within the Disability Royal Commission, as well as the social transformation of CRPD and the impact it has had on the community. Rosemary Kayess is a leading human rights advocate for people with disability in Australia and worldwide. Rosemary contributed to drafting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and successfully lobbied for its ratification in Australia. Last year, Rosemary was awarded the prestigious 2019 Human Rights Medal in recognition of her work in international human rights law for people with disability.
18.01.2022 Why Blue Knot Day? Wed Oct 28 7am to 7pm Blue Knot Foundation Blue Knot Day is an Australian national day on which Blue Knot Foundation calls on all Australians to unite in support of the more than 5 million (1 in 4) Australian adults who have experienced complex trauma. Blue Knot Day and Your Festival of Healing will be held as a virtual festival, with new ideas and events shared each hour across Facebook and YouTube.... "Your Festival of Healing" will be 12 hours of inspiration and the possibility of healing for adult survivors of complex trauma, running from 7AM to 7PM AEDT. Blue Knot Day will provide survivors of complex trauma with the connection, tools, the stories, the engagement and inspiration to make October 28 a day of hope and healing. If you are unable to join us on the day, videos will be available for viewing on YouTube after the event. Facebook and
17.01.2022 Some reading to do. #DisabilityRC
16.01.2022 The Disability Information Helpline provides information and referrals for people with disability who need help because of COVID-19. The Helpline is available from Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm on 1800 643 787 or visit
16.01.2022 As a child, it can be challenging to vocalise your feelings, but it’s even harder when you’re a child with a disability trying to vocalise your needs to adults in charge. Sarah Richards More great stories across the ABC News platforms this week. Thanks Nas
16.01.2022 How do we improve employment pathways and outcomes for young people with disability? - Provide pathways for advocacy and for genuine systemic change. - Give young people with disability the opportunity to develop their leadership and advocacy skills, as well as the space to enact change within their communities. - Use the nothing about us without us approach. ... Let young people with disability lead the way in the creation of meaningful employment opportunities. Actively listen to young people with disability about their needs and follow it with clear action. ‘’Lots of systems were designed in a way that don’t reflect young people and young people really want to shape these systems. And at the same time these systems are In crisis and they really need to adapt to better meet the needs of young people. But also young people within particular groups of lived experience.’’ Report Card: Employment and Solutions (Plain English google slides): Image Description: Graphic with a white background with a large orange oval shape covering most of the graphic. In the middle of the graphic is a white text box with large red quotation marks at the top. In the text box is black text that says I think it is so so important that we have lots of examples of people with disability and people with all different identities and walks of life in lots of different careers. Because it really gives us the opportunity to aspire; to believe that it’s possible for us. Below this text is red text that says WHAT YOUNG PEOPLE SAID. Located at the top left of the graphic is the Summit Logo with orange, red and blue oval shapes with black text over the top of the shapes that say NYDS. At the top right of the graphic is CYDA’s logo. The logo has overlapping green and orange oval shapes with white text over the top that says cyda. Underneath the main logo is black text that says Children and Young People with Disability Australia.
14.01.2022 Northern Beaches and Greater Sydney updates: masks (Children under 12 are exempt but are encouraged to wear masks where practicable) and other changes #COVIDnsw
13.01.2022 This week, on Thursday, we celebrate International Day of People with Disability. We at CYDA will be celebrating all week long (and beyond!) by sharing stories from young people with disability. Each day this week we will release one LivedX talk! Enjoy LivedX a series of talks given by young people with disability to change, challenge and share experiences. LivedX initially premiered at the inaugural National Youth Disability Summit in 2020. In the first LivedX talk, entitle...d Developing Confidence in Yourself and Your Abilities, Tim Lachlan shares his journey to building his confidence and abilities through learning WCMX (wheelchair skating!) Watch here: !!
12.01.2022 In recognition of the second anniversary of the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, Minister Anne Ruston has posted a video message on social media. please access support and resources via
12.01.2022 Thank you Tasmanian Disability Education Advocate - Kristen Desmond for all your hard work and we look forward to your insight and fortitude in 2021. #CoalitionInclusiveEducation
11.01.2022 We're looking forward to this panel by MYAN on Monday titled 'Cultural Identity and Disability: Diverse Perspectives from Young People'! Cindy, Grace, Markos, Varsha and Ash will be sharing their perspectives on cultural identity and disability as young people. This panel has been initiated and led by young people from CALD backgrounds with lived experience of disability.... Taking place this Monday 30 November 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm AEDST! Registrations are free and are still open! Hope to see you there!
10.01.2022 Have you accessed the Disability Gateway pilot site? Have you given your feedback on the pilot site? Use the survey or Easy Read format:
10.01.2022 National Youth Disability Summit: It was important that it was made solely for young people because they commonly don’t get their voice heard when surrounded by adults. This allowed them to speak without judgement and be able to share their stories.
09.01.2022 It all begins with education: CYDA is delighted to be supporting Mel, Jocelyn and Tim to present at the UN this Sat 10am AEDT. This event offers nation states a roadmap charting the key elements required for full inclusion. For more on this exciting step:
09.01.2022 Yes, Family Advocacy, yes. #SameClassroom #IDPWD #InclusiveEducation
08.01.2022 There are new CoronaVirus (COVID-19) Fact Sheets for people with disability and their families living in Victoria on the Victorian Department of Health & Human ...Services website, including: Social Bubbles and visitors Information for families of Children with disabilities You can find these Fact Sheets (and more) at: #FaceMasks #Victoria #COVID19Vic #COVID19Aus #CoronaVirus #disabilities #disability YDAS - Youth Disability Advocacy Service
07.01.2022 CYDA will not be sharing the link or images of the media about the 9 year old child who has been identified as having been handcuffed by NSW police at school. CYDA is horrified to hear of this incident and other experiences. Please access help
06.01.2022 When I look back at my life, one of the things that has helped me most is when other people respect, understand and adapt to my differences. Sheree Somers
06.01.2022 CYDA has no political bias in recommending this fantastic opportunity for young people to ask questions about their own education. See post for details.
05.01.2022 It might be National Children's Week next week but Every Child and Thrive by Five needs focus for more than a week. Please watch and share this video. #BuildBackBetter #BeyondCovid
04.01.2022 Paid Writing Opportunity - Young people with disability must be heard during the DRC and PwDA will be publishing a series of guest blogs in the lead up to each hearing. If you want to share your thoughts, feelings or experiences check out the link.
03.01.2022 Thanks AFDO - Australian Federation Of Disability Organisations Today, the Government released the "Improving outcomes of people with disability under the National Disability Strategy (NDS) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)" Introductory Paper. This introductory paper supports the Australian Government’s consultations on the proposed approach to measure and report outcomes for people with disability and track the effectiveness of the new National Disability ...Strategy (NDS) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Government is seeking your feedback to make sure the frameworks are meaningful for people with disability. You can provide your feedback by reading the Introductory Paper and then making a submission, or answering the questions in the guided questionnaire. The Introductory Paper is available in Easy Read and Auslan formats, and you can find more information at: #NationalDisabilityStrategy #NDS #NDIS #Questionnaire #disability #EasyRead #Auslan
03.01.2022 "If you are disabled in any fashion, even if other people can't see your disability, embrace who you are and take your opportunities when they come along, because they will come along." ABC News
02.01.2022 Join a CYDA youth-led panel and other young people for an Information Session on the Disability Royal Commission! Have you heard about the Disability Royal Commission but don't know what it is? Do you know how or why or the Disability Royal Commission was created? This is a chance to learn more about the Disability Royal Commission and ask questions to one of the Commissioners. Our panel will be hosted and moderated by two young people, Lauren and Tash, and will feature Commi...ssioner Dr Rhonda Galbally AC! Register for free here! Image Description: Graphic with a light orange background. On the background is white text that says CYDA x DRC Information Session for Young People 4:30pm - 5:30pm AEDT Wednesday 2 December Online via Zoom. Located at the top left of the graphic is CYDA's logo. The logo has overlapping green and orange oval shapes with white text over the top that says cyda. On the right the main logo is black text that says Children and Young People with Disability Australia. There are three green squiggly lines at the top right of the graphic. At the bottom of the graphic is a bold green line.
02.01.2022 We are back at our desks!
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