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Dalia Spanish lessons

Phone: +61 452 461 815


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24.01.2022 ¿Te gusta EL VERBO GUSTAR? Aprende a usarlo con Manu Chao. Would you like to learn or improve your Spanish? is now offering SPANISH ONLINE LESSONS ONLY FOR ADULTS. Get in touch sending an email to [email protected]... or phone 0452 461 815

24.01.2022 ¡Feliz día de las madres! (¡Happy mother´s day!). I was thinking today, what can I share with you all on this beautiful mother´s day? what can I share to show a bit of my culture? So, I decided to make this post with some typical phrases that Latina moms always say. Do you know a different one? Please, share it in the comments. It would be great to expand this list.

24.01.2022 Spanish ONLINE lessons for adults! Next week we start a new ONLINE A1.3 Spanish course! You don´t know your level? No worries. I will do a language placement test for you! Small groups (4-7 students) Educational quality guaranteed! ... More than 15 years of teaching experience! Visit my website See more

23.01.2022 ¿Dónde está el gato? Let´s practice prepositions of place in Spanish. I give you the model and you do the rest. :-)

23.01.2022 Spanish ONLINE lessons for adults. Next week we start a new ONLINE A1.2 COURSE! Interactive real-time communication! Hurry up!!! Enroll now!!! Small groups!!! You do not know your level? No worries. I will do a language placement test for you!... Get more info: See more

23.01.2022 Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things. Flora Lewis :-)

22.01.2022 Resistiré. Una hermosa canción para estos momentos difíciles a causa del Covid-19. ¡Ánimo mi gente! RESISTIREMOS

22.01.2022 FACE TO FACE Spanish lessons for ADULTS and SENIORS in Woy Woy. Small groups! Have fun learning the second most spoken language in the world! The classes start on the 25th of July. Join us! Bring a friend and get 10% discount!... More info: See more

21.01.2022 Would you like to learn Spanish? Daliaspanish is now offering Spanish online lessons for groups. Classes start very soon. Contact and enquiries: [email protected] or phone 0452 461 815 Visit my website:

20.01.2022 LETRAS Y SONIDOS (LETTERS AND SOUNDS) How to pronounce the letter C in Spanish? The LETTER C has TWO SOUNDS: 1. /K/ before a, o, u (casa, copa, cubiertos) /K/ at the end of a syllable (coñac, bistec)... 2. // (pronounced like "th" in nothing) or like (s), before e and i: Cereza, Ciruela. SPANISH FOR ADULTS: LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE. LIVE A NEW LIFE. Enrol now. Classes start 1th February. More information: [email protected] OR visit my webiste:

19.01.2022 LETRAS Y SONIDOS (LETTERS AND SOUNDS) How to pronounce the letter V and B in Spanish? The letter V (uve) and B (be) are pronounced the same. The V is pronounced exactly like the B /b/.... In some Latin American Countries, the letter b is referred to as "be larga" and the letter v is referred to as "ve corta". Learn Spanish with DALIASPANISH.COM. Classes start 1st February. Visit my website: or get in touch sending an email to: [email protected].

18.01.2022 LETRAS Y SONIDOS (LETTERS AND SOUNDS) How to pronounce the letter H in Spanish? Unlike English, the letter H is never pronounced in Spanish. This letter is silent. Learn Spanish with DALIASPANISH.COM.... Visit my website: or get in touch sending an email to: [email protected]. See more

18.01.2022 Hola mi gente querida. Los tenía abandonados. El invierno me tenía un poco paralizada :-). Bienvenida la primavera. La época del año que más me gusta. Aquí les dejo una canción sobre la primavera. Esta canción es más para niños, pero no pasa nada si los adultos también la quieren bailar y tararear para aprender vocabulario. :-) Que disfruten la canción y el comienzo de la primavera. :-)

18.01.2022 GUESSING. Do you know where am I? ¿SABES DÓNDE ESTOY? Answer in the comments section and get your first Spanish Online lesson for free. Tell us what day suits better for you. There will be 2 winners. Classes start the 9th May (Saturdays) and 14th May (Thursdays). Share this information with someone who might be interested in taking Spanish Online lessons.... See more

18.01.2022 EL ABECEDARIO EN ESPAÑOL (The Spanish alphabet). The Spanish alphabet has 27 letters ( 5 vowels and 22 consonants), and these letters are all feminine: la a, la b, la ce Unlike many other languages, Spanish has a very few double consonants. They can be divided into two groups: ll and rr pronounced as one single sound and cc and nn pronounced as two sounds. In general, in the Spanish Alphabet, every letter corresponds to a sound and every sound corresponds to a letter but there are some exceptions. I will explain them in the following few days.

17.01.2022 Un poco de México. :-) Here I leave a beautiful song that shows a bit of Mexican folklore. I hope you enjoy it. La llorona by Ángela Aguilar Learn vocabulary through songs.

16.01.2022 SPANISH LESSONS FOR ADULTS (BEGINNERS). Learn Spanish with Come and join us! Bring a friend and get 10% of discount. Classes start this Saturday (1st of February). Where: Peninsula Community Centre, Woy Woy

16.01.2022 ¡Adiós Quino! Te has ido pero nos queda Mafalda. Aquí les comparto un video de este gran humorista gráfico e historietista argentino.

13.01.2022 Un poco de mi Venezuela querida. Today I would like to share a video that shows a bit of my country. Alma llanera (Soul of the Plains) is a Venezuelan song, a joropo, created by Venezuelan musicians Pedro Elías Gutiérrez (composer) and Rafael Bolívar Coronado (lyricist). Joropo is the most iconic music genre from Venezuela. This musical style combines South American, African, and European musical elements. Common instruments used are the llanera harp or mandolin, the, and a Cuatro a special Venezuelan guitar with four strings. I hope you enjoy this beautiful song from MI QUERIDA TIERRA. See more

12.01.2022 ¿Qué vas a hacer cuando termine la cuarentena? Yo voy a reír, voy a bailar, vivir mi vida la,la, la... :-) ¿Y TÚ, QUÉ VAS A HACER? Listen to Marc Anthony and try to think what is the first thing that you are going to do. :-) Write in the comments.:-)

11.01.2022 Winter is here. He cannot hide anymore. We feel it in the air. I think it is time to start unpacking our winter clothes to receive this friend who could be living with us till September! Are you ready to receive him? Today, on this cold day, I want to share with you a Spanish poem to understand Mr. Winter. Do you know how to say winter in Spanish? And... Do you know how he dresses up and why? where does he go? Who meets him in his way? Find out in this poem. :-)

11.01.2022 Keep safe at home but don´t stop challenging yourself. Take advantage of this quarantine and learn a new language from the comfort of your home. Learn SPANISH ONLINE and get ready for your new adventures around Spain and Latin America in 2021. You are not sure what your level is? No worries. Get in touch and I will place you into the right level. Contact us: [email protected]

10.01.2022 LETRAS Y SONIDOS (LETTERS AND SOUNDS) How to pronounce the letter J in Spanish? The letter J /X/: J always corresponds with the sound /x/. Like h in have in English. Ex: jamón, jengibre, jirafa, joyas, juguetes.... Learn Spanish with DALIASPANISH.COM. Visit my website: or get in touch sending an email to: [email protected].

10.01.2022 LETRAS Y SONIDOS (LETTERS AND SOUNDS) How to pronounce the letter G in Spanish? The letter G has TWO SOUNDS: 1. /x/ before e and i (genio, girasol) 2. /g/ before a, o and u: gato, gota, Guyana.... /g/ before the letters e and i, the sound is spelled gu (the u is silent): guerra, guitarra. To show that the u is pronounced, two dots are added above the u: pingüino, bilingüismo. Learn Spanish with DALIASPANISH.COM. Visit my website: or get in touch sending an email to: [email protected].

10.01.2022 SPANISH LESSONS IN WOY WOY. Getting ready for next term 2020-2. Contact and enquiries: [email protected] Website:

09.01.2022 LETRAS Y SONIDOS (LETTERS AND SOUNDS) How to pronounce the letter Z in Spanish? The letter Z corresponds to the sound //. It is pronounced like the th in the English word think. ... It is always followed by a, o, u (zanahoria, zorro, zumo), or at the end of a syllabe (lápiz, paz). BE CAREFUL: In all of Latin America as well as regions in the South of Spain and the Canary Islands, the sound // does not exist. It is pronounced /S/ Learn Spanish with DALIASPANISH.COM. Visit my website: or get in touch sending an email to: [email protected].

09.01.2022 ¿Quién me ha robado el mes de abril? Learn new phrases and vocabulary with songs. Would you like to learn or improve your Spanish? is now offering SPANISH ONLINE LESSONS ONLY FOR ADULTS.... Get in touch sending an email to [email protected] or phone 0452 461 815. See more

08.01.2022 Spanish lessons for KIDS and TEENAGERS in Woy Woy. We are back to FACE TO FACE lessons again!!! The classes start on the 25th of July. Join us! Bring a friend and get 10% discount! Use your Creative Kids Voucher and pay the rest via PayPal!!!... More info: See more

08.01.2022 Face to Face Spanish lessons starting this week! Hurry up! Enroll now! Bring a friend and get a 10% discount! Small groups (4-7 students)! Educational quality guaranteed! Have fun learning the second most spoken language in the world!... The classes start on the 25th of July. *Spanish for kids: Use your Creative Kids Voucher and pay the rest via PayPal!!! More info: See more

08.01.2022 Spanish lessons for children and teenagers start THIS SATURDAY in WOY WOY! HURRY HUP! Limited places available! Highest educational quality! More than 15 years of teaching experience! Get in touch by sending us an email to [email protected] or visit my website to get more info.

08.01.2022 ¿Qué les parece si nos vamos a España? Probably you have tried the famous paella, Manchego cheese, Spanish wine ... right? Do you know that Spain is also famous for flamenco? Well, today we are going to Spain to appreciate the beautiful dance of FLAMENCO. Flamenco is an original art of Andalusia (South of Spain), the result of the influence and fusion of various cultures such as the gypsy, Arab, Christian, and Jewish. It integrates music, singing, and dancing, and today this artistic expression is appreciated and practiced worldwide. Here I leave you a beautiful video so that you can appreciate the art of flamenco dancing. I hope you enjoy it.

07.01.2022 Hoy nos vamos a Argentina . ¡Argentina: Gardel, tango, vino, música...! I leave a video that shows a bit of the Argentina Culture: EL TANGO. Tango is one of the most famous and influential dances in the world. Originating in Buenos Aires in the 18th century, tango brought together working-class European immigrants, indigenous Argentinians, and former slaves. As a result, tango has shaped Argentinian Culture and society. The dances popularity meant that it quickly expanded... out of Argentina, with several different styles developing in Europe and North America. With its rich history, tango is a fascinating tradition in dance which reveals a wealth of information about Argentina traditions. (Quoted from I hope you enjoy this beautiful dance. See more

06.01.2022 Hola a todos! La primavera ha llegado y con ella nuevos cursos de español ONLINE. :-) is now offering a SPANISH CONVERSATION COURSE for students who have reached intermediate or advanced levels. -Come to join us! Classes start on the 28th of September! -Small groups (more time to talk)... -Highest educational quality! -More than 15 years of teaching experience! Get in touch by sending an email to [email protected] See more

06.01.2022 SPANISH ONLINE LESSONS FOR GROUPS. Come and join us! Bring a friend and get 10% discount. Classes start very soon! More info: [email protected] Please share this info. :-)

05.01.2022 SPRING TERM: SPANISH LESSONS FOR KIDS, TEENAGERS AND SENIORS IN WOY WOY (FACE TO FACE CLASSES) Classes start on the 10th of October. Join us! Bring a friend and get 10% discount! For kids and teenagers: use your Creative Kids Voucher and pay the rest via PayPal!!!... Contact and enquiries: [email protected]. More info: See more

04.01.2022 Would you like to learn Spanish? is now offering Spanish Online Lessons for beginners groups. Classes start on the 9th of May. Contact and enquiries: [email protected]/Ph. 0452 461 815 Website:

04.01.2022 LETRAS Y SONIDOS (LETTERS AND SOUNDS) How to pronounce the letter R in Spanish? The letter R has TWO SOUNDS: 1. Strong R or rolled R /rr/ corresponds to a strong rolled sound when:... -It is the first letter of a word (Rana, Reloj, Río, Rosa, Ruleta) -It is after of l, n, and s (alrededor, Enrique, Israel) -It is doubled (perro, carretera) 2.Soft R /r/: corresponds to a soft R sound when: -It is between two vowels (pájaro, pera) -It is in the middle of a word (arte, sartén) -It is at the end of a word (bailar, comer) Learn Spanish with DALIASPANISH.COM. Classes start 1st February. Visit my website: or get in touch sending an email to: [email protected].

04.01.2022 FELIZ AÑO 2020. Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR, full of love, joy, health and prosperity. CURIOSITY ABOUT OUR LANGUAGE: Ñ (e.nye) for AÑO. In Spanish, we have a letter that doesn´t exist in English. It´s the letter "Ñ"(e.nye). Ñ for ESPAÑOL, for AÑO, for ESPAÑA... We MUST PRONOUNCE the Ñ (e.nye) when we want to wish a "Feliz AÑO Nuevo". If we don´t, we´re wishing a "happy new bottom". :-) So, don´t forget to pronounce the Ñ to wish a FELIZ AÑO NUEVO to your Spanish speakers friends.:-)

03.01.2022 ¡Feliz día del PADRE! Happy Father´s Day. Yesterday, my little Spanish students made a beautiful card for his/her father. They were very proud to make this card for his/her father in his day to show him how well his/her Spanish is! I hope his/her father feels very proud of his/her kid too! Stay safe, stay well! #SpanishlessonsforkidsinWoyWoy #happyfathersday #bilingualkids

02.01.2022 Hola a todos! I am very excited to share with you all my new website. I am offering new courses for children, teenagers, and adults. Classes for children and teenagers will start on the 25 of July at the Peninsula Community Centre. Have a look at my website and contact me if you have any questions. I will be pleased to give you more info :-).... Here is the link: See more

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