Dampier Pharmacy in Dampier, Western Australia | Medical and health
Dampier Pharmacy
Locality: Dampier, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9163 1163
Address: 3 HIGH STREET 6713 Dampier, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Dear Dampier, We will be closed over Easter holidays from 10/4/20 to 13/4/20 (inclusive). Please kindly message us here during this time for anything urgent. We will resume normal business hours 9.30am-5.30pm on Tuesday 14/4/20. Have a safe and healthy Easter everyone!
22.01.2022 Its OFFICIAL! Were excited to let you know that the 1800-CALL-A-DOC (1800 225 523) phone / video service is now available 24/7 for Dampier residents! It is a free service and you would speak to a doctor for advice, diagnosis and treatment at the comfort of your home. Scripts are sent to your nominated local pharmacy to be dispensed. It is a call back service and the following outlines how the service works:... Call 1800 225 523 from any phone | Provide your details (including postcode + email) and reason for call + designate your preferred appointment time | Check your email (if a video call is required youll also receive instructions on this) | The HealthNow Doctor will call you at your appointment time for the consultation | Prescriptions will be faxed to the nominated pharmacy and medical certificates will be emailed For further information please kindly visit 1800calladoc.com.au to find out more. Please feel free to let us know any feedback about the service through chatting with the pharmacist or leaving a comment below! Thanks
21.01.2022 Dear Dampier, For those who have not had their flu shots done this year we're doing a flu vaccination clinic on Wed 22/7/2020 afternoon between 3pm - 5pm. Please kindly call the pharmacy on 9163 1163 or message us directly on facebook to book in for your flu vax. There's still plenty of vaccines left for anyone that still requires it. ... Please feel free to share this out to the local community groups too. Thanks!
21.01.2022 Hi Dampier, ****** OWNER FOUND, THANKS EVERYONE!********* Not Pharmacy related but just wondering if any one lost a dog? Found this lovely + very friendly girl wandering casually into the pharmacy and theres no owner contact on the collar. Gave her a drink of water and she was wandering around the community hub so now Ive kept her in the pharmacy. Please kindly feel free to share onto the Dampier community page and hopefully well find her owner soon If not ill have to contact the rangers by the end of the day. Thanks guys for helping!
20.01.2022 Were excited to announce that Dampier Pharmacy is now OPEN for all your pharmacy needs !! To celebrate our opening and to thank the community for your kind support, were doing a 10% off promo in store until next friday 14/06/19!! (excludes prescriptions) So please feel free to pop down to the pharmacy to say Hi and check us out! Were located next to Dampier Library as you come up the stairs from the carpark. Hope to see you all soon!
19.01.2022 Dear Dampier residents, For those who have not yet had their flu shots this year we've organised a flu vaccination clinic with a nurse and there's some extra spots left for the flu vaccination this Wed 20/5/2020. The details are as follows: ... Date: 20/05/2020 (Wed) Times available: 1345; 1400 1415 1430 1515 1545 1645 Venue: Dampier Pharmacy @ the Dampier Community hub Anyone can book in for this clinic as the vaccination is done through the pharmacy this time. For those who are interested please kindly contact the pharmacy on 9163 1163 to make a booking or alternatively message the pharmacy here on facebook for the appointment booking. Thanks and pls kindly feel free to share this onto the Dampier community page so the community knows!
19.01.2022 Hi all, A gentle reminder that there's only 9 days left to use your try local vouchers as they expire after 30 Sept 2020. And yes you can definitely use them at the pharmacy! If you have yet to activate the voucher please kindly go to karratha.trylocal.biz on your phone browser to register. ... Happy spending!
19.01.2022 Some information about coronavirus
18.01.2022 Dear Dampier, For those who have not had their flu shots done this year were doing a flu vaccination clinic on Wed 22/7/2020 afternoon between 3pm - 5pm. Please kindly call the pharmacy on 9163 1163 or message us directly on facebook to book in for your flu vax. Theres still plenty of vaccines left for anyone that still requires it. ... Please feel free to share this out to the local community groups too. Thanks!
17.01.2022 Dear Dampier Residents, Some info - For all who used to see Dr Martin Kumar who was working at the Drs surgery in Dampier community hub a couple of years ago, hes now practising as a GP out of Bentley Plaza Family Practice in Perth and doing telehealth services via Facetime / phone for anyone that requires a GP service (as another option available if you cant manage to book an appointment with the GPs locally and require to see a Dr urgently). This is an alternative optio...n to the existing 1800-call-a-Doc service (1800 225 523) that we have running for Dampier too. For those who are interested, please kindly call the medical centre on 08 6323 5710 to book in a telehealth appointment with Dr Kumar and we were told the service would be bulk billed (for medicare card holders). The Dr can then send the scripts via fax / email to us or any nominated pharmacies of your choice to be processed Further info on the medical practice including opening hours can be found on: http://www.bentleyplazafamilypractice.com.au/index.html Hope this helps!
13.01.2022 Dear all, In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, Dampier Pharmacy would like to kindly remind everyone about the importance of social distancing at 1.5m apart (at least) in these times which means only ONE person may be allowed into the pharmacy at any time. Most have done a great job over the past few weeks and we really thank you for being patient whilst waiting outside. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience due to this but we believe it would help minimize any risk of... cross infection due to the pharmacys size. Tapes on the floor & signage will be placed to help remind us of keeping the 1.5m social distance. If you do feel unwell with the following symptoms: A fever (temp > 37C) Shortness of Breath Cough Sore Throat or other respiratory symptoms And you are concerned you may have Covid-19 Please kindly phone ahead and advise the pharmacist before popping down to the pharmacy. The pharmacist will provide advice accordingly and deliver the medications out to you or provide the medications to anyone picking up on your behalf. This will help reduce risk to others too. The pharmacy will be encouraging contactless payment via cards only moving forward to minimize handling of cash. Thank you all for your kind understanding in these challenging times. Remember to practise good hygeine and wash hands frequently with soap and water especially after covering a cough or sneeze. Together, well get through this
12.01.2022 **~~Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas ~~** We will be open Friday 27/12/19 9.30am-5.30pm per usual. Enjoy the festive season!
11.01.2022 Dear Dampier, Dampier pharmacy will be open tomorrow (Mon 3/8/20) per normal from 9.30am to 5.30pm. Thanks Dear Dampier, Dampier pharmacy will be open tomorrow (Mon 3/8/20) per normal from 9.30am to 5.30pm. Thanks
11.01.2022 Dear all, Please be advised that Dampier Pharmacy will be closed for 1 week from 20 Jan 2020 to 27 Jan 2020 (Public hol) due to pharmacist unavailability. We will reopen for business as usual on Tues 28 Jan 2020 9.30am - 5.30pm.... Please kindly pop in by Friday 17 Jan 2020 for filling any scripts on file that may be due the week the pharmacy is closed so you wont be caught out. Sincere apologies for any inconveniences caused Thank you for your kind understanding!
10.01.2022 Dear all, As Im sure the medical centres and Drs in town are trying their utmost best to fit everyone in for appointments, however if you require an appointment with a doctor and there are no appointments available in the interim, Instant Consult (App / laptop) or Drs on Demand (video conference) are alternative options to book in more urgent appointments / requests. Both options can be carried out at the comfort of your home. Both Instant consult and Drs on Demand are able... to send the required prescriptions to us (via fax / email) after the consult to obtain the prescription meds. Some info on both services: Instant consult: https://www.instantconsult.com.au/ Consults start from $35 per first 10 mins Doctors on Demand: https://www.doctorsondemand.com.au/ Consults start from $60 per 15 mins or $25 for repeat prescriptions Hope this helps!
09.01.2022 Dampier pharmacy will be closed for 2 weeks from 25/7/19 to 11/8/19(inclusive) due to unforeseen circumstances with the pharmacist being away. We will reopen on the 12/8/19 (Mon) with normal trading times. Thank you for your kind understanding and apologies for any inconveniences caused.
08.01.2022 Dear all, Dampier Pharmacy is back to business resuming normal hours of Mon to Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm. Thank you for your kind understanding over the last 2 weeks.
07.01.2022 Hi all, Dampier pharmacy will be closed until further notice due the Dampier community hub closure. Well post any updates here once we get them. Thank you for your kind patience and understanding during this time
07.01.2022 Dear all, Dampier pharmacy is open today with usual opening hours from 9.30am - 5.30pm. Thank you for your kind patience + understanding in the last week
06.01.2022 Dear lovely Dampier residents, I know this is a bit of a short notice but if you by chance have any expired antibiotics, pain relief eg diclofenac, meloxicam, tramadol, paracetamol (not nurofen/ ibuprofen though), expired or unused bandages / burns creams / antiseptic ointments etc that is not required please feel free to drop them off at the pharmacy by tomorrow Fri 10/1/2020 as Im compiling a box of items to send over east for wildlife + Koala rescue. Therell be someone ...that is going over East to drop off the items by next Mon hence apologies for the short notice. If youll only be able to drop off the medical items on the weekend please feel free to contact the pharmacy on 08 9163 1163 and ill arrange a time for pick up =) Thanks so much for your kind support! p/s: pls feel free to share post onto other groups as well cheers! Kind regards, Ros
06.01.2022 Dampier Pharmacy will be open as usual on tomorrow (Monday 30/9/19) from 9.30am- 5.30pm. Thanks! Dampier Pharmacy will be open as usual on tomorrow (Monday 30/9/19) from 9.30am- 5.30pm. Thanks!
05.01.2022 Dear Dampier, Dampier Pharmacy will be closed on Monday 28/9/20 public holiday as we were open for the Fenacle public holiday Monday. For any urgent queries / requests please kindly message the pharmacy and we'll get back to you ASAP. ... Thank you and have a great weekend everyone!
04.01.2022 Dear Dampier, Good news!! we managed to organise Population health to come out to do a half day clinic for Flu vaccines this week Thursday 14/5/2020 for those who are eligible (>65 yo and also people with chronic conditions eg respiratory conditions). There are still some spots available (roughly 7) so please kindly give Dampier Pharmacy a ring to book in for an appointment for those who are eligible and unfortunately due to limited spots available itll be a first in best ...dressed basis. The clinics details are as follows: Date: 14/5/2020 (Thursday) Time: 9.40am to 1pm (11 appointments available with 20 mins intervals in between) Venue: Dampier Community hub Multipurpose room 1 (opposite the pharmacy & next door to childcare centre) Details of eligibility under National Immunization Program: - > 65 year old - People with Chronic cardiac conditions - Those with Chronic respiratory conditions - Chronic neurological conditions eg epilepsy - Down Syndrome - Immunocompromised (including receiving cancer treatment) - People who have received an organ transplant - People with Diabetes Thanks for your kind attention and please dont hesitate to call the pharmacy on 9163 1163 if theres any queries
04.01.2022 Dear Dampier, We are proud to announce that we do accept the use of KDCCI's $100 Try Local vouchers here at Dampier Pharmacy. You can use the voucher to pay for anything in the pharmacy including scripts. ... Please feel free to share this to other Dampier groups so people would know about it. Thank you!
03.01.2022 Dear Dampier, City has given the all clear for Dampier pharmacy to be reopened tomorrow on Wed 12/2. Please kindly note well open a bit later than usual at 11am tomorrow(12/2/20) due to finalising some preparation checks.... Thanks for your patience and kind understanding during this time
02.01.2022 Dear lovely Dampier residents, As we understand that some would feel uneasy coming out of their homes to collect their medications / necessities from the pharmacy in these uncertain times, we would be glad to deliver any medications to your homes. DCA has also obtained a list of volunteers to help out during these times hence we will also be working closely with DCA with the pick up & delivery of medications for anyone that requires it (depending on availabilities of volun...teers too). Thanks to all that have kindly volunteered to help! Moving forward, please dont hesitate to let the pharmacy know if youd like your medications dropped off and the pharmacist will be glad to arrange accordingly. Stay safe and healthy everyone!
02.01.2022 Dampier Pharmacy will be open as usual from 9.30am-5.30pm Monday to Fridays over the Christmas and New Years period (except PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ie 25/12/19, 26/12/19 and 1/1/2020) * Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New year ahead! * Thanks all for your lovely support this year!
02.01.2022 Dear Dampier residents, For those who have not yet had their flu shots this year weve organised a flu vaccination clinic with a nurse and theres some extra spots left for the flu vaccination this Wed 20/5/2020. The details are as follows: ... Date: 20/05/2020 (Wed) Times available: 1345; 1400 1415 1430 1515 1545 1645 Venue: Dampier Pharmacy @ the Dampier Community hub Anyone can book in for this clinic as the vaccination is done through the pharmacy this time. For those who are interested please kindly contact the pharmacy on 9163 1163 to make a booking or alternatively message the pharmacy here on facebook for the appointment booking. Thanks and pls kindly feel free to share this onto the Dampier community page so the community knows!
01.01.2022 Dear Dampier, Please be advised the pharmacy is currently closed due to the impeding cyclone. Please stay safe and prepared during this time Pls refer to advice from DFES WA, BOM website and local radio for any updates.... Take care everyone!
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