David Lennon Business Turnaround Consultant & Mentor in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Business consultant
David Lennon Business Turnaround Consultant & Mentor
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 400 520 471
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25.01.2022 Details of commercial rent deferral and rules as summarised by Legal Vision. Basically... > You cant be evicted for not paying rent. You can still be evicted for things such as not looking after the property or meeting other obligations of your lease.... > You cant be penalised for reducing your hours or not opening. > Landlords can not charge fees or excessive interest for rent deferrals. > Deferred rent should be over the period remaining on your lease. If the time remaining on your lease is less than 24 months then the deferral period should be 24 mo. > Rent reduction should be proportionate to reduction in turnover. And 50% of this agreed amount should be waived and not have to be paid, the remainder would be paid back over the deferral period. > Landlords cant access bank guarantees or security deposits if you dont pay rent. > Rent increases are not allowed. https://img.legalvision.com.au//LegalVision_RentCodeofCond
25.01.2022 Teachings of Christ We Can Apply to Business In celebration of Easter and all it stands for, I thought Id explore a few teachings of Christ and how we can think of Christ as a role model in business. We all can benefit from good role models in aspects of life such as parenting, sport, faith, compassion and business. In celebration of Easter and the resurrection of Christenjoy Mathew...Continue reading
24.01.2022 I found the info in this article shocking, surprising but not surprising, saddening, and another wake up call for us males in business. A few highlights... > When a male is seen parenting (e.g. during an online meeting) they tend to get a pat on the back yet a women would be viewed as uncommitted and not able to control her work environment. > Research shows there is a trend of overlooking women in meetings and this is even easier to do with online meetings and in some cases... they are not even invited to the meetings or sideroom chats. Online meetings and networking chats make it even easier to exclude women - intentionally or unintentionally. > Women are the first to scale back their careers when childcare options are removed/limited and can be forced out of the company for this reason. Love to know your thoughts and experiences, or your success stories in combating the issues in this article!
23.01.2022 Concerned about online security as you conduct more work remotely? Heres an overview of tips and strategies in this short video produced by Glen Eira City Council and Monash Uni. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Llyg0onl4k&feature=youtu.be
23.01.2022 Webinar, Thursday, 2pm by Legal Vision on the legal implications of actions you may take to protection your business. https://register.gotowebinar.com/regist/827956850867168270
21.01.2022 Are you wrapping your prospecting emails in a crappy cardboard box? Well dont! :) Read my simple strategy to avoid this and improve the success of your prospecting.
21.01.2022 This article provides some excellent strategies for managers and business owners. Here are some key things you shouldnt do: Dont > Back and forth discussions based on speculation. Be honest and truthful about the facts on the ground, what you do know, dont know and how you are closing the gap.... > Sugarcoat the situation. Otherwise, youll come across as a liar or someone whos out of touch. Trump comes to mind...! > Ignore the personal touch. Meet with your team members one-and-one and in small groups and offer support. Provide a means for them to write down their questions and concerns so they feel heard and they can be covered in meetings. > Have infrequent and unscheduled meetings to update the team. Hold them regularly and at set times. Its human nature to assume the worst and no news is bad news. > Be doom and gloom yourself. This is a time to be positive, strong and remind them that the crisis will pass and we will get through this as a team. Acknowledge their capabilities and strength as a team. > Infrequent checks on how those working from home are fairing. Absence of physical contact makes it harder to check how team members are coping. Make an effort to check regularly.
18.01.2022 Live Q&A by Legal Vision on how to keep your business running during the crisis. Every Tues and Thurs at 2pm. https://www.facebook.com/LegalVision/live_videos/
17.01.2022 Need funds to work with me on your business during this time? Funds to develop crisis strategies? Or improve the business for when things turn around (which they will)? The government has a $10K grant that can cover my input providing you employ people, lodge BAS statements and have suffered a shut down or loss of business. Details are here: https://www.business.vic.gov.au//gra/business-support-fund
15.01.2022 Use this handy strategy to categorise your customers and identify which ones you should focus on getting more of, and getting less of.
15.01.2022 Mindfulness during this crisis. One strategy to help deal with COVID-19 is to fast forward five years and reflect back on how you handled the situation. How do you want your actions to be remembered? ... What do you want to feel proud of in how you handled the crisis? How do you want your loved ones, your employees to remember regarding your actions during this time? This can help set your intent of how you behave today, tomorrow, next week...
15.01.2022 Customers have six core needs and three very important ones that are top of mind for the customer are certainty, significance and connection. How can you increase certainty that you are the right provider for them? How can you increase certainty you will deliver exactly what they need. This is why testimonials work so well they have a high degree of certainty. Significance we all want to feel special, ever since we are a kid. ... How can you help your customers feel significant? Connection social media satisfies connection and significance in a big way how can you connect more with your customers? How can you help them feel connected to you? Share your values, personal stories etc that help them connect to you.
15.01.2022 Cafes - offer some ready made food please! Ive been to three cafes over past few days for coffee in the morning and none of them have had ready made bacon and egg rolls or similar quick food. I reckon this is a missed opportunity! Especially at a time when they need more cash flow. So heres my suggestion for the day...cafe owners, get some meals/snacks ready and visible in the mornings and lunchtime!
14.01.2022 Business Counselling Service available. If you are stuck and cant decide which strategy to take, need to vent some frustration/fear/anger, or need a second opinion on a business decision - I can help. As an experienced business mentor and counselor I can lend that helping hand during this challenging time. I can help you reach that position of clarity whatever the challenge may be. ... Plus it can be lonely at the top...running a business without a business partner to share the mental load/stresses can be extremely draining and affect family life and health. I can be that sounding board, that extra pair of shoulders to share some of your load. Available as you require, day or night, weekday or weekends. Strictly confidential. More than happy to share references of clients Ive helped. Simply give me a call: 0400 520 471, or text or email: [email protected] All the best, David
14.01.2022 Undecided about something? Perhaps a strategy or direction during this pandemic? Heres one strategy that might help generate clarity. Three simple questions to write down some answers to:... 1. What will it give me (personally, professionally, financially) 2. What will it cost me (personally, professionally, financially) 3. And the final and most important one...will it take me to my vision? Very easy to forget our ultimate goal - make sure it is front of mind when making business decisions. #decisions, #decisionmakingtips, #businesstips
13.01.2022 Excellent article and my recommendation would be take only weeks to work out your new vision rather than months, and to stay nimble and ready to pivot as required. We are in uncharted territory and hard to predict exactly how things will pan out. Therefore stay alert and in contact with your customers and be ready to modify your approach. https://hbr.org//leaders-do-you-have-a-clear-vision-for-th
12.01.2022 Need support to improve your business during Stage 3 Lock Down? Im available for one-off consults or more to help you with product, pricing, promotion and people issues. Perhaps you are thinking this latest lock down is an ideal time to sort out some things you havent had the time to. Or perhaps you want to get the business in better shape for when things re-open. Ive helped over 200 businesses and run my own businesses, expanding them interstate and overseas. Im not jus...t a textbook consultant/mentor. Ive been there and done it myself and know too well the challenges you are experiencing. A little help goes a long way and can save months or even years of wasted effort. No lock-in contracts and you have my money back guarantee - no results, no pay. You can contact me direct on: 0400 520 471. Download my free ebook on 20 Business Development Strategies You Need to Know: https://www.davidlennon.com.au/free-ebook-by-david-lennon/
12.01.2022 https://www.linkedin.com//business-plan-busy-people-david-
11.01.2022 Are you engaging in this habit that is eroding your self confidence?! Heres some handy tips and insights into how we can boost self confidence. Business development 101.
10.01.2022 https://www.linkedin.com//how-solve-productivitymorale-iss
10.01.2022 MYTH BUSTING MONDAY - BUSINESS PLANS ARE ALWAYS LONG, COMPLICATED, TIME CONSUMING AND OF LITTLE USE Introducing my CLEAR 'Business Plan'. Great for planning the next 6-12 months. Far better to have a plan than no plan at all! Get clear on:... C - ideal customers you are looking for. Your 'A' and 'B's, not your 'C's. Who are they exactly? Communicate this to the team. L - looking for? What are your ideal customers looking for in terms of price, features, benefits, packaging, delivery, payment options etc etc? Use these in your marketing, website, emails, brochures, cold calls etc. E - earnings you want. Both revenue and profit. Break down into monthly targets. A - actions required to achieve the above? R - roles and responsibilities for the actions? Who's going to do them and by when? That's it! Get clear on these and you have a very useful 'business plan'. Message me if you need help or more details.
10.01.2022 Some great fundamentals in this article and Im curious what issues youve found with underperformers and what you have found works?
10.01.2022 Advice for commercial rent from LegalVision and they have their live Q&A at 2pm every Tues and Thurs: The Code of Conduct will apply to your business if it: is eligible for the JobKeeper Wage Subsidy; and earns less than $50 million per year.... Rent relief will be in proportion to the reduction in your business turnover. At least half of this rent relief must be in the form of a waiver of the rent (e.g. if you suffer a 60% fall in revenue, then at least 30% of the total relief must be a rent waiver and the other 30% a deferral)). You will need to repay deferred rent over the longer of the balance of the lease term, or 24 months. No fees, interest or other charges are to be applied with respect to any rent that is waived or deferred. Your landlord will not be able to terminate your lease or draw on the security you provided for the lease during the pandemic and a reasonable subsequent recovery period. The above sets out the minimum standards to be applied and parties are free to negotiate a different arrangement if that suits. At this stage, we dont believe that the Code will automatically override your lease terms. If you are eligible for rent relief under the Code, you and your landlord will be required to negotiate amendments to your lease to ensure it is Code-compliant. The Code will also be enforced through a mandatory mediation process, overseen by the states and territories. As more information comes to light on the proposed Code, we will update you. Live Q&A Today at 2pm AEST to Answer Your COVID-19 Questions Due to popular demand, we are now running bi-weekly free Q&A sessions on Tuesdays and Thursday to help business owners navigate the COVID-19 situation. Todays live stream with Lachlan McKnight (CEO) will take place at 2pm AEST on Facebook Live to answer any questions about managing your business through this crisis. Remember to click the Interested or Going to be alerted when the live stream has commenced
07.01.2022 Brainstorming ideas with your team? Follow these five key principles as outlined in ‘The Innovators Toolkit’ by Harvard Business Press: 1. Focus: concentrate on a particular problem or opportunity and make sure it is bounded by real-world constraints.... 2. Suspend Judgement: refrain from judging ideas while you are generating them. Judging (commenting on) puts the brakes on creativity and can cause the team to pull back. Consider even the wildest ideas as this is often where the gold lies. 3. Personnel Safety: make sure everyone knows that there will be no negative repercussions for ideas that rock the boat, challenge status quo, buck the trend. 4. Serial Discussion: stay focused on the topic at hand and prevent multiple conversations from occurring. 5. Build on Ideas: try to build on the ideas of others as they are generated. Just because an idea starts in one place doesn’t mean it has to finish there. Keep the creative juices flowing! #covid19leadership #covid19business #businesstips #brainstorming #decisions
06.01.2022 Is your business taking too much of your time and draining you? Do you recognise that you need better processes and systems? Or perhaps you are not sure what you need but you know you need to do something differently!... I can help. Ive consulted and coached over 200 businesses and quickly solved the issue of low sales, poor productivity, low morale, too much stress, and too much time spent in the business. Just because the solution is relatively simple doesnt mean the problem isnt significant. When you are in the forest it is hard to see the wood for the trees. When you are driving around lost without a GPS it can seem impossible to get to a destination. Yet as soon as you get directions you easily get to your destination and you didnt need to change vehicles - it was just a matter of getting the right directions. Perhaps you can relate? When you are busy with day to day operations it can be nearly impossible to gain insights on how to improve things. It takes a fresh perspective and external view point to provide the answers. This is what I provide and I do this with no lock-in contracts or complicated plans - plus I provide a money back guarantee. Im only happy if Im providing real value. If I cant get you the results you need Im the first to admit it - but I havent failed yet. NEED PROOF? You are welcome to talk to my past or existing clients for their feedback on my services and effectiveness. WANT TO CHAT? If youd like to have an obligation free chat, feel free to message me or follow the links via my webpage connected to this post. https://www.davidlennon.com.au/processes/
05.01.2022 Looking for quick sales? BEFORE you spend time and money on another marketing strategy...watch this short video! I outline an overlooked gold mine of opportunity for sales.
05.01.2022 VALUES DURING A PANDEMIC This pandemic requires businesses to be flexible but one thing you should not be flexible on are your values (e.g. quality and service). Communicate this to your team and your customers. And it's a great time to ask your team, ‘how can we add a quantum leap in value during this period?’ ... What might an ‘ideal solution’ look like? This gets everyone thinking outside the popular doom and gloom and could generate ideas to help you survive and thrive. #covid19leadership #businesstips #covid19business
02.01.2022 Whether your vice is food, alcohol, social media, work, or television, when faced with increasing anxiety fueled by the Covid crisis, why does your brain urge you toward distractions?
01.01.2022 Free eBook: COVID Small Business Survival Guide - Leadership and Mental Health Are you wondering about different and effective leadership styles during a pandemic? What should and shouldnt do? Are you looking for practical and effective strategies to make decisions during COVID? Or manage the mental health of yourself and your team?... Download my free eBook covering this and more. https://www.davidlennon.com.au/free-ebook-covid-survival-g/
01.01.2022 MYTH BUSTING MONDAY - TURNING AROUND AN UNPRODUCTIVE WORKPLACE TAKES A LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT Nope, it can take just a few days. I'm writing this to had hope to any business owners out there that are dreading going to work, at their wits end with how to fix productivity and have reached a point of throwing in the towel.... I'm not saying ALL productivity issues can be fixed easily but many can be based on my experience. And I'm wondering just how many more businesses are out there in similar situations to my clients - a lot of lost profits and passion that can be restored. Two recurring causes of the issue is a workforce that feel they have no say in how things are done and no understanding of the vision of the company. Both of these destroy motivation. Rectifying them is very straight forward and can produce instant improvements. Shifts in motivation can happen during a meeting and produce immediate results that day. I've even had one business owner comment that I must have 'used a big stick to get them turned around'. But there was no stick...just a strategy to allow them to be heard and their suggestions acted upon. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss a productivity issue.
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