Rise Health Co in Yorkeys Knob, Queensland, Australia | Sports & fitness instruction
Rise Health Co
Locality: Yorkeys Knob, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 2103 2635
Address: Shop 7, 453-467 Varley Street 4878 Yorkeys Knob, QLD, Australia
Website: https://deeliciousfitness.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Still so many women scared of weights. Yes they’re normally black (they get dirty) they make clanging noises (you get used to it) you may feel pain (need some correction) but oh so so so important for health. No more than 3-4 times a week, incorporated with some body weight stuff, cardio and recovery (not sitting On your butt) like massage, rolling, red light, infrared sauna, stretching, salt bath, ice bath, turmeric, protein and some good quality SLEEP! Just do it
22.01.2022 Yoga with Amy starts in October with 2 classes times available. Men Tuesday nights 6.30pm and Thursday, Yoga for all 10am.
21.01.2022 Goals/Desires/Dreams are GREAT, but without a solid plan, they just stay as a thought. When you have a goal, have a solid plan to reach it, try not to timeline it, for eg. "I want to be fit and healthy in 3 months" it takes a while to cement in habits and being fit and healthy is a lifelong commitment, so allow for some ups and downs, sickness and health, you know how that vow ends.
21.01.2022 Uh yeah.. T&C’s first
20.01.2022 Group training is not going anywhere. From someone who has spent many years training by herself because you’ve just gotta get it done I know that group training is indicative of the energy transferring from peer to peer. You may come in super tired but once all of the group get started your energy lifts to the highest in the room. This makes you work harder than you would if you were by yourself and gives you a sense of an ant like colony, where you work hard for the same... purpose. Don’t take my word for it, here’s what the research says One study found that 95 percent of those who started a weight-loss program with friends completed the program, compared to a 76 percent completion rate for those who tackled the program alone. The friend group was also 42 percent more likely to maintain their weight loss. For most people, it’s difficult to stay consistent with workout routines, but having a certain group there waiting for you provides you with the motivation and accountability everyone needs to be successful, One reason why you may push yourself harder when others are grunting alongside of you is the innate competitive streak in all of us. Group settings can lead to a positive competitiveness. For instance, wanting to keep up with those around you can make you push yourself harder than you would on your own,
20.01.2022 Tuesdays tip. Some days you just don’t wanna. I get it, I feel the same, however I always make sure I do something so I can tick it off my list. Yesterday I h ad a day where I didn’t even want to get in my tights, so I kept it simple and put some flow Pants on and went with it.... I didn’t want to do my training and really only gave it 60% but it better than nothing. I live by the KIS rule, (keep it simple) and chose 2 exercises and did them until I couldn’t do anymore. I see people all the time thinking more is more but I can tell you optimal health and performance is close to a 30 min rule for everything- No more than 30 minutes working out/exercise 30 minutes meditation 30 minutes recovery. With the infrared sauna I can combine meditation with recovery, it means I’m spending 4-6% of my day focussed on my mental, physical and emotional well-being so I can be the best of me. Stop trying to do more of the same thing and keep it simple so you can be productive in all areas of your life. Tip 1 Tip 2 Choose 2 things when you just don’t want to and do them well See more
19.01.2022 Tuesday tips. The only way to do cardio is crank up the music and do it like you would advise to take off a bandaid. Hard and fast, may hurt but it’s over and done with, just like Enduro, a 27 minute class, done and dusted
18.01.2022 FrIdAy fUnNy or not...? Oh the feels.. the other day one of my babes asked why she had to empty the dishwasher and I quote surely you’ve been home today to do it? Hmmmm
17.01.2022 Just do it Didn’t want to work out today, didn’t want to do washing today, didn’t want to do ‘life’ today but did it all anyway. Being successful in your own life is breaking it down to small chunks or goals to get it done.... So the things you don’t want to do if you break in into the present moment it won’t overwhelm you. Make a promise- 5 minutes of exercise after 5 minutes ask can I do another 5? Washing overload- 1 load of washing- can I do more? Dinner tonight- cut up some veg for 5 minutes, come back to it.. The smaller the junks that more success. I see it all the time I have a 6 week, 12 week, 1 year, wedding date goal. Too much.. live in This moment right now, break it down to small goals = success.
17.01.2022 Monday motivation post... See picture below #wemadeitthrough #keepingitreal
17.01.2022 2021 Workout Recovery Mediation It naturally comes to me to work through a morning routine, I hold myself accountable to make sure I do the things that continually keep me working towards my dreams and the main ticket is a balanced mind.... Blocking out essential time for these things is so important. I see women, particularly Mums feel so much guilt for giving themselves this time and I used to too, before when I had no self worth or value to use my voice and say no, I need this I can tell you that by blocking out that time for yourself, it will make you more patient, more understanding, a better you and overall a better Mum and well balanced kids who will also growing up knowing that they need to apply the same principles to their life. #mumlife #cantpourfromanemptycup #selflove #lifecoach
17.01.2022 Totally feel this! Have started to book an appointment with myself. The perfect way to self care 1. Sleep- go to bed early 2.hydrate... 3. Eat healthy and foods that give me energy 4. Exercise/ train 5. Mediate/ take some uninterrupted time Everrrrrry day... See more
16.01.2022 Tuesday tip.. Get a better mirror
16.01.2022 Monday Mojo. No one ever wants to do it but no one ever regrets doing it. If you want to feel strong, capable, confident, push through mental barriers, get a control on emotions, help anxiety and depression, you just have to move.
15.01.2022 When you’re planning your health retreat and you use the most inappropriate stationary there is, and have a light bulb moment.. that it is so appropriate to use at health retreat to really get into the good stuff.. Effing brilliant I say
14.01.2022 Ugh coming back from the Christmas indulge was tough today.. However, well done to all of you that pushed through and sweat/cleansed out the
14.01.2022 Tuesday’s tip You are enough. Simple right? You are worthy of a good relationship with yourself. Move your body,... Rest your body, Nourish your body Because you’re worth taking care of yourself, the more you do it the more you’ll believe. Self care is exercise even if you don’t want to, go to bed early even if you don’t want to, eat and cook nourishing foods even if you don’t want to, because you’re worth feeling great. See more
13.01.2022 Wednesday wellness. People often see exercise that it is only efficient if you *sweat a lot *hurt the next day or two *heavy breathing/fast heart beat... *longer is better If This was true then being in FNQ you wouldn’t have to exercise because we naturally sweat A LOT in the heat. hurting all the time can be the opposite of good and that you may not be getting rid of the lactic acid with enough recovery measures people who have anxiety have rapid heart beat and can breathe heavier through lack of oxygen longer is never better unless your job or goals are wrapped around training (paid athlete or events athlete) the average person still has to do life and the longer you go the more you need recovery and most people don’t commit to adequate recovery. What is a good workout? 1- showing up and giving it a go, even when you don’t feel like it, you’ll never regret it once it’s finished. 2-focus on small steps, when you’re exercising it’s a great way to still your mind by only concentrating on the movement you are doing in that very moment and not feeling overwhelmed with how many you have left or the time left. 3- never compare yourself to others, just do you. 4. All the movements that mean you’re working towards over all strength, reduced pain and a body that moves well. 5- for women’s health, understanding your cycles and where your strength and weaknesses are around that, even if you’re on contraception your body still cycles. There will be days you’ll be tired & fatigued and work around that by lowering your output, (still exercise ) Angry and overwhelmed- know your output and strength capacity and choose a healthy Avenue to clear it ie. boxing and some weights. The benefits of exercise far outweigh anything. Even when you don’t wanna, you do because even putting in 50% effort is better than 0 you don’t need to push hard all the time, you just need show up and move.
12.01.2022 Photo of the day! The recovery room is awesome!! Couldn’t feel any better walking out from a red light therapy session and an infrared sauna. You will see improvements such as *weightloss, toning and cellulite reduction... *better, quality sleep *mood enhancer *any aches and pains (and I seriously mean ANY) *akin tone, acne and line reducer *open wound and/or infection healer *improves hair growth * better muscle recovery or f you exercise *enhanced physical performance (so you can get the most out of your workout) *Detox *balance hormones So much! Special opening order 5x 60 minute sessions for only $99! Get it here https://deeliciousfitness.ptminder.com/store/packages/39
12.01.2022 Take advantage of our black Friday Specials. 10 session class pass for GROUP TRAINING $66 5 x 60 minute Sessions in the Recovery Room (infrared sauna & red light therapy $99 1x Nutrition coaching roadmap session with 4 week meal plan $39
11.01.2022 pOd ToDaY was cray cray.
11.01.2022 "what is the difference between sweating it out in the infrared sauna and exercise and why should I do both?" A great question that I do get asked a lot! Both the infrared and exercise make you sweat, increase your heart rate and help aid in weight loss so what is the actual difference?... When far infra red waves penetrate the skin, it causes the pores to dilate and easily bring the unwanted toxins up & out and onto the skin, for an amazing and effective whole body detox! After both type of sweats were analyzedguess what they found? *The sweat of people using a far infrared sauna contained cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, heavy metals (such as mercury, aluminum, and arsenic), nicotine, sulfuric acid, ammonia, and other undesirable elements! (proof of this is the sweat has a completely different smell than it does after exercise) *Normal sweat produced by jogging, exercise and steam saunas is mostly water and sodium chloride (salt). WAH! This includes the same sweat from living in a hot environment like Cairns ^ So while it seems like a good idea to just 'sweat it out' by either just exercising, getting hot or siting in the sauna, it really is more like two sides of the same coin, you need to do both. In our TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION 28 day challenge, we do start with a detox to get the best results, this includes a sauna sessions to successfully 'clean the house' We start 1st February, register your interest here https://deeliciousfitness.com.au/tbt/ Me dying on the brutal stepper before a session in the sauna
10.01.2022 Merry Christmas This year has been challenging and both long and quick at the same time. Looking forward to some much needed time off. Be safe, merry and hug your loved ones tight xxxx
09.01.2022 Wednesday wellness So many different diets trends promising the goods. we are told diets are bad, I myself have said they’re a vicious cycle. What I am going to say is that they do serve a purpose, let me explain. First, if a a diet is just focussed on weight loss/gain etc then it’s a vicious cycle of an emotional matter. ... Put weight on, feel crap, start diet, feel good, can’t maintain diet, feel like a failure, put more weight on- this is an emotional roller coaster and comes down to how you feel about yourself (self worth) However I have done all the diets there is, my end game was never about weight but always about health and navigating my way through the bottomless pit of information. Here’s what I have found Intermittent fasting, quite enjoy it- however didn’t want to stick to a clock as life is not as black and white as our timetable. I do this in my cardio days and eat later. Paleo- love love how I felt on paleo, totally align with it but for me I also want to have some cheese and wine, it was hard to maintain. Keto- allowed cheese.. and other non paleo foods, thought it was cool but I also like to have carbs ie. more fruit.. Vegan- too hard core for me but it did make me think more about vegetables being a meal rather than a side, also met some nice vegans along my way. Vegetarian- got sick from not enough protein and can’t eat the other protein options like beans and pulses as they upset my stomach.. low fat everything- hmmm nope I’m not going to bore you with everything I’ve tried which includes your supplement companies, juicing, 3 days fast, soup detox, lemon detox... My whole point, without trying all of these diets I wouldn’t have learnt what I can do, can’t do, can have, can’t have and even so I have done my nutrition quals, nothing beats first hand trial & elimination. Where I am now in my diet..? Moderation and knowing the lines of when I over indulge and when I’m being restrictive and find a balance. You can only receive true balance once you’ve walked both sides of the plank Ready to join us? Get started for only $99 for 28 days here> https://deeliciousfitness.ptminder.com/store/packages/30
08.01.2022 Friday funny. Only laughing so hard at this because of Jamie Nolan and Hannah Smith...
08.01.2022 Not getting half naked to show my body, not putting on makeup to make me look better than I am, Not cleaning up around me to have an insta worthy photo. Real life vs social media. Our expectations are that we have to be something to get followers or customers.... I say no thanks I’m not a trainer to get you your fit bod by showing my own bod, it’s mine and not up for judgement. I’m not going to lie and say that I do everything you’re ‘supposed to do’ to live a ‘fit chick’ life. I’ve done that in my 20’s, trained so hard I wore myself to exhaustion, ruined relationships because I was dedicated to ‘being ultra fit’ thought I had to have the perfect body or else I wouldn’t be good enough to train other women. I trained 2 hours a day for the perfect bod and never got it because my expectation was far too high! And here I am now, perfectly content with training 4 days a week, 20-30 minutes a day and taking a photo for social media without feeling the need to pretend to be anything I’m not. So when a fitness business coach says, people buy what you look like (meaning I need to get half naked for the gram and FB) then I say.. Nah I’m good, People will come to me when they’ve finally had enough of the pretending, quick fixes and high expectations See more
08.01.2022 Monday Motivation It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up I see people quit all the time, they didn’t get the results they wanted in 6-8 weeks or 4-5 months.... The reason you start is never the reason you keep going. I started when I was 18, when people ask me how long it takes, I respond with the rest of my life It’s hard work, but nothing easy is worth having any way. It will change your life, You’ve just got to start and not expect a quick fix. Keep going
08.01.2022 #AreUok Very important day, I feel like we need this once a month like breast cancer check in day. Why not a check in day on RUOK? A day like today is also important to check in with how you’re treating people.. Do you absentmindedly day things like you’re weird or toughen up or you’re one of them these phrases although seemingly harmless and roll of the tongue can really hit a persons self esteem and they can plummet into some dark days, not your fault of course but it’s worth mentioning to check in with yourself to help others too. Now R U Ok? Do you have someone you can talk to?
07.01.2022 And that is Monday done. With the silly season fast approaching we are making sure that we utilise our exercise time efficiently so you can still get everything you need to get done without giving up your self care time.
07.01.2022 Friday Funny. Today’s POD was in 5 minute sections. No one seemed to be laughing. Until the end that is.. weird* POD is a fav of mine because I get to watch everyone push through their limits, they think they can’t and every time they do!
06.01.2022 January Timetable 2021
05.01.2022 Boxing energy always livens me up. After a tough week I like nothing more than stepping back and watching everyone turn that afternoon slug into a wave of energy
03.01.2022 We do understand that price is a big factor in your decision of where to join for your fitness and health. We are always asked about price as we don't display it right in your face, it is not a secret, we just prefer to get to know you first. You see we have an abundance of services to offer you, it is not as simple as 'just a class or bootcamp' Our coach Dee is a qualified rehab trainer, nutrition coach, life coach, pre & post natal coach, she is serious about guiding you th...rough to ensure that you have the best experience getting healthy. Our services include a full range of different styles of exercise formats to ensure you target all aspects of Fitness in a safe environment. We are also so passionate about health and living pain free we have just added our new recovery room, equipped with an infrared sauna, red light therapy, shakti massage mat and foam rollers to keep you safe from injury and have your body responding so well because recovery is as important as your movement. Our recovery room also gives you the time you so need to yourself to sit and be present. You don't need to be a member of the group classes to use the recovery room. We also have a kids area that can be used for any class times. See? So much to offer its hard to focus on just price, however we have added a little price list here so you know we are not hiding it from anyone.. You can also sign up at anytime here to purchase and book in https://deeliciousfitness.ptminder.com although we do offer a complimentary call with Dee to discuss your health path. See more
03.01.2022 Saturday sculpt. Scuplt has fast become one of my favourties! Scuplt is a focus on Barre, pilates, yoga, an infusion as such. We really focus one core and glute strength, coupled with balance, which is really challenging and finish with a beautiful stretch and mobility for the joints. Its a great way to finish the week if oyu have trained hard. It is also very important for anyone struggling with injury, or any women who are pregnant or post pregnancy. #pregnancyexercise #postpregnant #tone #fitness #cairnsgyms #womenstraining
01.01.2022 Wednesday Wellness Do you eat the colours of the rainbow? Balance is to fight free radicals and maintain a healthy functioning body. What colours do you not have a lot of?
01.01.2022 I don’t often post about myself, so today I thought I would share a little something. I am one of the people that’s always trying to learn, I love taking courses. My biggest achievement and most fulfilling is doing my life coach certification. Although I am passionate about fitness and nutrition, I light up when I get to delve into peoples minds and change their language, their thoughts and work themselves to a place where they become their authentic self.... I’m so blessed to have two beautiful girls that I love to coach as well, although my eldest daughter has said to me before Mum if you don’t mind, I don’t want to be coached today, I just want to complain What is your skill/purpose or calling in life?
01.01.2022 Total Body Transformation Starts 1st February 4 weeks of making changes for success. We start with a mini 'clean out' An infrared sauna session, a few cut outs off food to clean the system, only 3 days ... Then a simple DIETICIAN APPROVED meal plan to get rid of some of 2020...if you know what I mean a sustainable and easy program to follow that even your Family can have so no making meals for just you. Guaranteed you will feel great and start your total body transformation. Book in a call here to get some more Info https://deeliciousfitness.com.au/tbt/ See more
01.01.2022 Sunday’s secret sauce. Less is best!! It always is. Being more efficient is more effective for you. Most people always feel they need to do more exercise but you really don’t need to if your intensity is a higher output.... I always use the air conditioning principle to explain why a shorter workout that is more intense is better than a longer workout. When you put the air con on full blast and freezing cold, everytime you turn it on that setting it will use so much more power, if you were to set on a low setting and an average temp it will take longer to cool down but won’t use as much ‘energy’, applying the same principal to training/exercise that if your rest is lower, your volume (temp high) you will use more energy and your body will utilise it efficiently. This means you can do a short workout from 20-30 minutes MAXIMUM and yield the results. The most important thing people forget is recovery. It really is the most important part to any training routine. After a workout you need to recover 24 hours after and this is where I see people trying to add more and coming undone. You don’t need more.. 30 minutes or less per day is perfect.. Trust me when I say I have been the person who has over exercised because I never felt like it was enough and ran the hamster wheel getting nowhere, at 38 years old I am the fittest, fastest and healthiest I have ever been and I do less than ever. Also I make sure I choose what I really don’t want to do because it’s exactly what I should do. Great ways to recover are sleep, infrared and red light therapy, adequate protein and foam roll/massage.
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