Australian Desert Expeditions in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Environmental conservation organisation
Australian Desert Expeditions
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 669 780
Address: 222A Barry Parade Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2008. Another walking day in a magical landscape concludes at yet another beautiful campsite. Smoke rises from the fire at our camp - the camels are visible grazing amongst the trees. ... We love walking & living in the desert. Photo Ken Johnson. . . #simpsondesert #australiandesert #desert #desertlife #outbackqueensland #queenslandoutback #australianoutback #greatdesertwalks #bushwalkingaustralia #bushwalking #seeaustralia_qld #travelaustralia #desertwalk #desertwalking #deserthikes #ecotourismaustralia See more
25.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2016. Cameleer John Barnes watches over the boiling of the billy. The most important afternoon ritual once camp is made. .... . . Photo @andrewharperexplorer #cameltreks #cameltreksaustralia #camelexpedition #greatdesertwalks #simpsondesert #outbackqueensland #cuppateatime #cuppatea #boilingthebilly #cameleers #cameleerlife #cameleer #australiancameleers See more
24.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2007. Since 2007 we have been privileged to camp in hundreds of stunning locations in the Simpson Desert each with their own unique and beautiful ambience. And this one was perhaps the most aesthetically ‘picture perfect’ campsite, near the Kallakoopah Creek. Photo @andrewharperexplorer ... . . #simpsondesert #australiandesert #southaustralia #outbacksouthaustralia #outbackaustralia #outbackphotography #outbackphotographer #desertlandscapes #desertlandscape #greatdesertwalks #deserthikes #deserthiking #deserthiking #travelaustralia #exploreaustralia #exploreaustralia #seeaustralia_sa #seeaustralia #exploreyourownbackyard #southaustraliatourism #southaustraliantourism See more
24.01.2022 Balance. Your head rests in my hands. Raj and Steph share a moment in time. Spending time in nature with animals is an experience that deep down is intrinsically natural for all of us. After all, we humans are animals too.... Walking with our camels in the desert is one of the most connected experiences to the landscape that you can have. This beautiful photo taken by @fuchsia.sims . . . . #adventurejunky #camel #camels #outbacknorthernterritory #outbacknt #outbackaustralia #camelsafari #getoutside #animalsofinstagram #animalsofinsta #picoftheday #soulconnection #camelsareawesome #camelsarecool #camelsarethebest #exploreaustralia #seeaustralia #camelsinthedesert #camelsinaustralia #greatwalksofaustralia #greatwalksofoz #simpsondesert #greatdesertwalks #hikeaustralia #holidayherethisyear #camelsofig #desertwalk #desertwalking #desertwalker #desertwalks See more
24.01.2022 Chief Scientist Max Tischler in a field of flowers in the eastern Simpson Desert this week. Max has been there for three weeks working with Outback Camel Company - who supply the camels for our surveys. Photo @andrewharperexplorer . .... #simpsondesert #desertflowers #outbackaustralia #outbackqueensland @ Simpson Desert See more
23.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2011. Our 2021 surveys are part of a three year program called Songlines & Shared Journeys, Knowledge Mapping the Simpson Desert. What does this mean? Here’s an example.... The Simpson has been home to several different groups of First Nation peoples for many thousands of years, and songlines and myths often describe numerous stories of how the various geographical landmarks in the desert were formed. Surrounding the Simpson Desert on all sides are areas of rock, ranging from the vast gibber plains on the Eastern and western sides to the more isolated rocky outcrops and small ranges to the north. All these rocks provided canvasses for people to provide directions, ‘paint pictures’ and embellish the important songlines. We are always drawn to anything in the landscape that looks out of place. We have found dozens and dozens of stone arrangements in the past, but this was the first time that we found large rocks with petroglyphs. What was their story? Unfortunately we don’t know for sure, but it may have been connected with the Fire Story. Who knows, perhaps we will discover more stone arrangements which will help explain which Songline/story these rocks are part of. It’s how our surveys are helping to Knowledge Map the desert. Photos @andrewharperexplorer #simpsondesert #outbackqueensland #australianoutback #desertlife #greatdesertwalks #petroglyphs #ancientstories #cameltrekking #cameltreksaustralia #camelsafari #camelexpedition #hikingaustralia #deserthiker #desertwalker @ Simpson Desert
21.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2018. A large base grinding plate sits partially covered near a gidgee tree. Stones such as these were always left where they could be easily found again the next time that people returned to the area. Often the nearby tree would be a ‘signpost’ as to the location of the stone if it had been covered by sand in the intervening years.... Photo @andrewharperexplorer . . #simpsondesert #artefacts #australianhistory #ourhistory #australiandesert #archaeologist @ Simpson Desert See more
20.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2019. Last year we welcomed animal science students from Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga to our camp. Three students each spent two weeks on a survey as part of their work placement program, and we are delighted to say that all three have fallen for our camels and want to return to the desert on future treks. Here’s a camel selfie with Emma and Raj.... . . #simpsondesert #camelexpedition #cameltreking #cameltrekking #cameltreksaustralia #camels #camelsarecool #camelsareawesome #camelsarethebest See more
20.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2019. Trekkers listen intently to ADE archaeologist Professor Mike Smith (National Museum of Australia) as he examines and describes a stone artefact found on a small claypan. It’s this sort of hands on interaction with our scientists that makes our surveys a fully rounded educational experience. .... . @andrewharperexplorer . . #simpsondesert #outbacksouthaustralia #saoutback #greatdesertwalks #ecotour #ecotourismaustralia #desertarchaeology #australiandesert #wattiwatticutodialservices #nationalmuseumofaustralia #deserthiking #exploringaustralia #exploreaustralia #holidayherethisyear #seeyourownbackyard #desertwalking See more
20.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2007. Cameleers Josef and Danae lead the last camels of B String across a small channel near the Kallakoopah Creek on the Arid Rivers Expedition. The churned up area in the foreground shows where the camels of A String crossed successfully. Cameleers must be extremely vigilant when crossing terrain like this, as the camels can sink into the mud.... Hence, we lead the camels across in pairs, rather than the entire mob of 18 in one go. . . @andrewharperexplorer . . #simpsondesert #outbacksouthaustralia #outbackaustralia #saoutback #greatdesertwalks #camels #australiancamels #cameltreksaustralia #cameltrek #camelexpedition #cameleer #cameleers #australiancameleers #australiandesert See more
20.01.2022 You can read our SPRING NEWSLETTER here! Slow Travel on the 2021 Desert Surveys -
17.01.2022 The giant wobbly caravan makes its way through the landscape. Slow Travel.
16.01.2022 Some thoughts from cameleer Chloe Phillips-Harris
15.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2014. Big blue sky & camels on the move. The two strings of camels walk along the edge of a small salt lake in the south eastern Simpson Desert. We are returning to this area next August to revisit several palaeontology sites.... Photo @andrewharperexplorer . . #simpsondesert #australiandesert #camelexpedition #camelsafari #cameltreksaustralia #greatdesertwalks #australiandesert #deserthike #deserthiking #deserthikes #desertwalk #desertwalkers #travelaustralia #exploreaustralia #ecotourismaustralia #desertlife #desertphotography #outbackphotography #outbackphotographer #camelsafaris See more
14.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2010. Cameleers Margie and Ric walking alongside B String during the survey on Australian Wildlife Conservancy’s Kalamurina sanctuary, Tirari Desert. Photo David Taylor ... . . #australianwildlifeconservancy #australiandesert #tiraridesert #ecotourismaustralia #greatdesertwalks #cameltreksaustralia #camelexpedition #travelaustralia #deserthikes #walkingtours #southaustralia #seesouthaustralia #seeaustralia_sa See more
13.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2011. Believe it or not, this is a photo of our camp! There’s 18 saddles and all the gear hidden amongst the thriving spinifex and grasses on Bush Heritage Australia’s Ethabuka Reserve. Camps like this are not ideal, simply because of the fire risk, but sometimes there’s no other option.... Photo Anthony Molyneaux . . #simpsondesert #cameltrekking #outbackqueensland #outbackaustralia #queenslandoutback #australiandesert #spinifex See more
13.01.2022 Max and Andrew (pictured) will be talking through the 2021 Survey Season, and what you can expect to experience whilst walking country alongside our camels. You can ask questions about any aspect of our trips if you are thinking about joining us on the Great Desert Walks in 2021. Please register here: . . Photo (selfie) @andrewharperexplorer See more
12.01.2022 Cameleers Max, Kate, and Emily loading the utility boxes into Ned. Each box has a light steel frame with a vinyl skin, and can weigh approximately 70-90 kilos when full, depending on what we decide to put in it. Usually we have the tents and other various items that are too small to tie onto saddles individually. . . photo @andrewharperexplorer 2019... . . #simpsondesert #camelsafari #camelexpedition #cameltrek #cameltrekking #cameltreking #cameltreksaustralia #camelsofinstagram #camelsareawesome #australiancamels #cameleers #cameleerlife #outbackqueensland #queensland #greatdesertwalks #exploreaustralia #holidayherethisyear #outbacklife #bushwalkingaustralia #bushwalkingadventures #bushwalking #desertwalk #desertwalking #exploreaustralia #seeaustralia #seeaustralia_qld See more
12.01.2022 Our friend Don Rowlands and his family recently returned to country. The stories that Don refers to are part of our current Songlines & Shared Journeys survey program in 2021, and we are working in partnership with Don and Watti Watti Custodial Services to help discover more about his family story.
11.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2007. The camels pass by the shell of an Inland Freshwater Crab (Austrothelphusa transversa), found throughout the desert river systems. This photo was taken near the Warburton River in South Australia. Photo Virginia Dale .... . #simpsondesert #greatdesertwalks #southaustralia #ecotourismaustralia #travelaustralia #desertecology #desertlife See more
10.01.2022 Looking for some wilderness space to clear your head space? As we get more accustomed to life in a 'Covid normal' scenario, the ADE crew are looking forward to being able to stretch the legs and explore the desert in 2021. Beginning in April, we have a full program of 14 surveys next year that will see us traverse parts of the Simpson Desert that we have never walked in before. ... Our longer expeditions are already booked out, but there are some places available on the shorter treks. Drop into for a summary.
09.01.2022 If you are wondering what Slow Travel in the desert is all about, then perhaps you may like to listen to this interview from ADE Founder Andrew Harper. Recorded in 2015, it gives a good all round account of not only why it's important that we do what we do, but the other personal "side benefits" that are gained from Slow Walking.
09.01.2022 There are very few places remaining on our winter 2021 survey schedule. Some spots are available on the shorter 5 day trek in May, and a few places on treks in late July/early August. . Are you ready for Slow Travel in 2021?... . . Ben Deacon ABC . . #simpsondesert #outbackqueensland #mungathirrinationalpark #australianoutback #greatdesertwalks #camelexpedition #camelsafari #cameltreksaustralia #cameltreks #cameltrekking #australiancamels #camels #deserthike #desertbushwalk #bushwalkingaustralia #ecotourism #ecotours #australiagram #exploreaustralia #seeaustralia #seeaustralia_qld #australiandesert See more
08.01.2022 Yes indeed! We have three paleo surveys in 2021 and two are already booked out with the third filling fast. So if you are considering walking with our palaeontologists and learning more about the Simpson Desert megafauna, then now is the time to contact our office. Visit our website for full information - link in bio. Photo @andrewharperexplorer ... #camelexpedition #camelexpeditions #greatdesertwalks #simpsondesert #australiandesert #walkingthedesert #deserthiking #paleontology See more
08.01.2022 The Walking (Driving) Country Chronicles 2018. . Behind our 23 weeks of winter walking with our camels, is a complex and extensive logistics program, supplying food & water for each survey, as well as transporting cameleers, scientists, trekkers and volunteers. It’s a big job of long hours and thousands of kms of desert driving, and it has its many big sky highlights... ... . . @andrewharperexplorer . . #simpsondesert #outbackaustralia #australianoutback #outbacksunset #ntoutback #ntoutbackaustralia #toyotalandcruiser #toyota79series #70serieslandcruiser #landcruisersofaustralia #landcruiser #tuffbullbars See more
08.01.2022 Poached egg daisy (Polycalymma stuartii), were prolific in much of the eastern Simpson this winter, particularly in the southern section of the Munga-Thirri National Park. . . Photo September 2020 @andrewharperexplorer ... . #simpsondesert #australiandesert #desertflowers #australianwildflowers #wildflowersofinstagram #outbackqueensland #australianoutback #outbackaustralia #seeaustralia #seeaustralia_qld #greatdesertwalks #cameltreks #cameltreksaustralia #camelexpeditions See more
08.01.2022 Looking for some space in 2021? Join us on a Great Desert Walk. Limited places are still available for some treks, departing from April to September. Time to get away from all the humbug... ... . . Photo @andrewharperexplorer . . #bushwalkingaustralia #bushwalkingadventures #bushwalkingqueensland #greatdesertwalks #desertwalking #desertwalks #exploreaustralia #seeaustralia #seeaustralia_qld #seeaustralia_sa #seeaustralia_nt #exploreyourbackyard #seeaustraliafirst #outbackaustralia #australisndesert #bushwalking #deserthiking See more
08.01.2022 Thanks Alan! Walking the desert alongside our camels is an enriching experience. Photo @andrewharperexplorer .... . #simpsondesert #australiandesert #camels #cameltreking #cameltrekking #cameltreksaustralia #camelsafari #camelexpedition #greatdesertwalks #greatwalksofaustralia #greatwalks #bushwalkingaustralia #bushwalkingqueensland #bushwalking #seeaustralia #seeaustralia_nt #seeaustralia_qld #seeaustralia_sa #travelaustralia #australiatravels #hikinginaustralia #desertwalk #desertwalkers #desertwalking #desertwalker #hikingthedesert See more
05.01.2022 Please register here -
03.01.2022 The results of our recent collaboration with scientists from the University of New England and University of New South Wales has now been published in the Journal of Arid Environments. We will be continuing and expanding this study during the South Australian section of our 2021 survey program in the Simpson Desert next winter. You can read about the study here:... See more
02.01.2022 Another day in the office. Chief Scientist & Expedition Leader Dr Max Tischler checks the pitfall traps. Setting pitfalls is one of the standard methodologies we use on our surveys. Photo July 2020 @andrewharperexplorer .... . #simpsondesert #desertecology #outbackqueensland #desertflowers #bushwalkingaustralia #bushwalkingadventures #bushwalking #exploreaustralia #seeaustralia #seeaustralia_qld #seeaustralia_sa #exploreyourownbackyard #exploreyourbackyard #greatdesertwalks See more
02.01.2022 Have a close look at the bottom right corner of the photo. What do you see? Not much. The tracks that 16 camels make in the sand is hardly noticeable, and what pad prints there are, will soon be smothered by the desert wind. .... Our Great Desert Walks leave nothing but footprints Or pad prints . . ABC TV. Ben Deacon 2019. . . #greatdesertwalks #simpsondesert #outbacksouthaustralia #saoutback #mungathirri #wattiwatticutodialservices #camels #cameltrek #cameltrekking #camelexpedition #camelsafari #cameltreksaustralia #australiancamels #australiandesert #camelgram #camelphoto #camelsofinstagram #camelsofinsta #exploreaustralia #seeaustralia_sa #deserthike #deserthiking #ecotourism #ecotourismaustralia #ecotour #bushwalkingaustralia #desertwalking #desertwalks #camelshadow #camelshadows See more
02.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2015. Heading south, Munga-Thirri National Park, Queensland. Photo @andrewharperexplorer .... . #simpsondesert #outbackqueensland #outbackaustralia #outbackphotography #outbackphotographer #camels #camelexpedition #camelsafari #cameltreking #cameltreksaustralia #camelsofinstagram #greatdesertwalks #travelaustralia #explorequeensland #exploreaustralia #exploreyourownbackyard #desertwalker #desertwalking #desertwalks #desertwalkers See more
01.01.2022 The Walking Country Chronicles 2011. Yes, this is in the Simpson Desert. It’s rare that our surveys include fishing, but the floods in the Mulligan River/Eyre Creek system in 2011 resulted in a native fish boom. Our ecologists were pulling hundreds and hundreds of fish from the nets in the major waterholes - all were measured and then returned back to the water.... Photos @andrewharperexplorer . . #simpsondesert #eyrecreek #desertecology #outbackqueensland #australianoutback #australiandesert #ecotourismaustralia #ecotourismaus #exploreaustralia #queenslandoutback #queenslandtourism #bushheritageaus @ Simpson Desert See more
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