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Digitale in Adelaide, South Australia | Marketing agency

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25.01.2022 Understanding brand awareness Brand awareness represents how familiar your target audience is with your brand and how well they recognise it. Establishing brand awareness is valuable when marketing and promoting your company and products, especially in the early stages of a business.... Although there isn't one clear cut way to measure brand awareness doesn't mean it carry heavy weight within overall brand and marketing efforts. Brand awareness fosters trust - In a world where consumers rely on extensive research and others’ opinions before making a purchase, brand trust is everything. Once a consumer bonds to your brand, they’re more likely to make repeat purchases with little to no forethought which then bridges the gap between trust and loyalty. Brand awareness creates association - When you had a pressing question, I’m sure you’ve Googled it, right? That’s what brand awareness does. It associates actions and products with particular brands, subconsciously encouraging us to replace common words with branded terms. Brand awareness builds brand equity - Brand equity describes a brand’s value, which is determined by consumer experiences with and overall perception of the brand. Positive experiences and perception equal positive brand equity, and the same goes for negative notions. The power of turning your business into a brand

25.01.2022 Nobody panic, it's October Never miss a key date again - our free content planner is back! Designed to help you in structuring your social media posts and content creation to eliminate the dreaded "i have nothing to post" feeling.... By adopting the content pillar approach to your social media platforms and aligning with key dates you can better plan for content creation and marketing opportunities. Get yours by subscribing to DigiMail at See more

25.01.2022 66% of visits to business profiles come from users who don’t follow them yet Just because someone doesn't follow your business doesn't mean they aren't watching It's so important to consider reach and impressions as well as profile views when measuring your success on social media. ... Page likes and Instagram followers are only 1 piece of the puzzle

25.01.2022 Can traditional marketing amplify your digital efforts? Short answer; yes Both mediums offer different results, depending on the product being marketed. To generate the best, most effective results, it's always a good idea to market both online and offline. This approach will attract and convert more people than just marketing in one medium. Not everyone is online all the time so this is where traditional marketing comes in to fill the gap ... Incorporating both marketing methods that tie together to send the customer through the sales funnel will provide businesses with the best conversion and sales results (who doesn't like high quality leads) Let's have a chat about all things social media & how you can adopt a strategic approach to achieve your business goals. Book your free strategy call at @amblesidedistillers

23.01.2022 Do you know what kind of content your audience want to see? Creating content with your target audience is mind is key on social media. There are a number of different ways you to determine which content speaks to your audience best; ... Post performance - Consider likes, comments saves and shares. You should be able to start to identify some clear patterns in terms of the post visuals and captions that are performing the best. Location - The current geographical location of your audience may surprise you or it may be pretty obvious but either way, it should reaffirm why some posts were high performing or highlight some opportunities to nurture these areas with specific content. Age - It’s important you factor in both your current and target age group into your instagram strategy to ensure you are sharing content that speaks to this audience as each age bracket consumes content in different ways. eg; Gen X-ers prefer video Active times - The times that your audience are most active will give you an insight into their daily routines and can help you to create smarter content that caters to these habits. Let's have a chat about all things social media & how you can adopt a strategic approach to achieve your business goals. Book your free strategy call at

23.01.2022 Spaces & places Just as much as your audience want to see what you offer and who you are, they also want to see where you are. Many consumers nowadays will go to a venue or book a service provider based on the aesthetic of their space. (if you've got in, flaunt it )... Never fear if your space isn't gram-worthy, what's around you? Utilise your surroundings that may be a bit more aesthetically pleasing to diversify your socials. Now let's admire this jaw dropping bathroom at @henschke by @jacqui_dunn_x

20.01.2022 As a business on social media it's important to think about why people would be following you on each platform. What value can you provide to each unique audience and what can you offer beyond your products or services?

19.01.2022 & just like that we are 1 We were supposed to be celebrating this milestone in the company of our clients but instead and rather ironically, i'm right back to where it began, in the study with a glass of wine. But we made it through our first year of business - and boy, oh boy I could not have done it without the help of our amazing team here at Digitale. ... It's been a year of highs and lows for businesses across all industries and I am honestly so proud and grateful of our clients who have persevered through the not so good times to be where they are today. If anything, what we have experienced this year has really highlighted the importance of digital communications and the need for consistent and meaningful messaging across social media on a proactive rather than reactive basis. Thank you for your continued support this past year and bring on 2021!

18.01.2022 It's world podcast day And what a time to celebrate; with global podcast listens having increased by 42% since March this year! A recent survey by ARN found that weekly podcast listeners listened to six podcasts per week on average, with Smartphones and tablets being the devices used most often to listen to podcasts with 85% listening this way versus 11% using a computer.... Ever wondered how a podcast could work for your brand? or even how to get started? Well, what if we told you we can help you create your podcast from brand, to marketing, to recording and streaming! say hi at [email protected] to chat all things podcasting See more

17.01.2022 Congratulations to our friends Ambleside Distillers on taking out BEST GIN 2020 & DISTILLER OF THE YEAR at the @tastingaustralia Spirit Awards last night

17.01.2022 What a week! Yes, we have had to pivot so many times this year but it's the ability to do so that will keep us strong enough to push through in to 2021 Give yourself a pat on the back and a bit of me time, just 5 weeks until Christmas!

16.01.2022 Are you maximising video for specific platforms? Thinking about how each individual platform works and how you can make the most impact with your video is essential in standing out on social media. The reality is that less than 30% of users will turn their phones sideways to watch video, and users who do turn their phones sideways only watch about 14%.... Adapting for each platform will see better results in engagement - think landscape for Facebook and 1 - 3 minutes, portrait for Instagram and less than 1 minute as a good rule of thumb

16.01.2022 Even the stunning uniforms at Eos by SkyCity have a tale Designer Liza Emanuele sat down with us to share the depth of detail and individuality each piece holds.

12.01.2022 Play it cool When it comes to captions, write like a human (not a robot) Authenticity matters most. In content and captions, put your real self out there and write as you speak. Yes, we all want to be strategic but we also want to come across natural and like a friend to the user to build long term brand equity....

12.01.2022 Have conversations WITH your audience, not AT them Conversational content is the key to building meaningful relationships with your audience. Social media is a two-way platform and your audience want to feel that they are gaining value and are being invited to converse with the accounts that they follow. ... Utilising questions is the simplest way to identify and speak to a pain point of your audience. That's not to say that every post needs to have a question but doing so every now and then will allow you to organically provide your product or service as a solution to their problem. Your tone of voice and caption structure will also determine whether your audience feels like they are being spoken at or with. Try reading your captions aloud, write like you would speak and break up your paragraphs as you would like if you were actually having a conversation with someone. Would it be cheeky if we threw a question in here What do you struggle with the most when it comes to your captions?

11.01.2022 Social media data shows that men and women communicate very differently on social platforms Men are more likely to use authoritative language and more formal speech than women. Males tend to respond more negatively in interactions whereas women are known to use 'warmer' and more positive language. Women also use words more emotionally. A recent study examined 15.4 million status updates made by 68,000 Facebook users and found that words describing positive emotions (e.g., "...excited", "happy", "love"), social relationships (e.g., "friends", "family"), and intensive adverbs (e.g., "sooo", "sooooo", "ridiculously") were predominantly used by women. As a direct comparison, male topics were fact-oriented and included words related to politics (e.g., "government", "tax"), sports and competition (e.g., "football", "season", "win", "battle"). Men and women communicate differently in real life, which naturally reflects how they use social media. They post about different things, prefer certain platforms and even use language differently. Think about your core audience and remember to speak like the person you want to attract

11.01.2022 CLIENTALE @sculptr_ Not just your ordinary hair styling product - Sculptr was created by senior stylist, Chris Rea to make styling any hair type achievable. Recently we took over both the Sculptr Instagram and the influencer marketing with a specific niche in mind. ... Influencer marketing doesn't always mean paying for individuals with enormous followers to promote your product and that's not even a sure fire way to get results. We've tapped into the barber community to engage with the guys and girls who proudly use Sculptr on their clients in the salon and when styling their own hair to create an organic and specific approach to influencer marketing. Let's have a chat about all things social media & how you can adopt a strategic approach to achieve your business goals. Book your free strategy call at

09.01.2022 You've got mail Email is as strong as ever and the opportunity to grow your brand through email marketing doesn't show any signs of slowing down. A recent study by campaign monitor reported that email marketing is capable of earning $44 for every $1 spent (if that's not a good looking ROI we don't know what is) ... So, how can you make the most of your email campaigns segment your audiences - email segmentation increases open rates by 203%. you can group your audience based on their particular interests, locations and even level of engagement utilise automations for timely email delivery - automated emails drive 320% more revenue. most mail platforms have flows that you can create to utilise relevant automations as much as possible. design your emails to be mobile friendly - 53% of emails are only opened on mobile devices. it's important to ensure your message looks great across both mobile & desktop for maximum impact include personalisation as much as possible - personalised emails deliver 6x transaction rates. focus on one or two CTA's - emails with a single CTA increased clicks by 371%. keep it simple, when there are too many CTA's your communication can come across too much of a hard sell and subscribers are less likely to engage. take time to write an attention grabbing subject - 34% of email recipients open an email based on the subject

09.01.2022 Happy world coffee day! Your coffee is about to get a whole lot better

06.01.2022 PSA: No chocolate was harmed in the making of this video But seriously, free @heytigerco with every @heysundaylab party pack purchased - yes, please

05.01.2022 For most people that's almost 25% of their day Compared to 2 hours spent listening to the radio or watching the TV which begs the question - why isn't your business active on social media? We hear a lot of business owners say that social media isn't for them or that their customers aren't on social media but in 2020 that most definitely isn't the case. ... Yes, they may be located on one more than another but that doesn't mean that being active isn't an essential element of your over arching marketing strategy. Let's have a chat about all things social media & how you can adopt a strategic approach to achieve your business goals. Book your free strategy at

05.01.2022 How often should you post on social media? Good question, and the bad news is there's no magic number. You need to be asking yourself (and being honest) as to how many posts a week is achievable with quality content because consistency really is key.... It’s actually better to post fewer updates with great photos and videos than a larger volume that isn't going to capture the interest of your audience. There's only one thing worse than not posting on social media, and that's posting something that's not relevant. How frequently do you post on social?

05.01.2022 Roger that!

04.01.2022 Why settle for good, when you can feel great!

04.01.2022 guilty so how do you make sure your video has maximum impact on Facebook then? Subtitles! Adding subtitles to your videos on Facebook increases the view time by 12% We recommend using websites like to make the most out of your video content...

03.01.2022 Why aren't you using a scheduling tool? It's scary how many people and businesses aren't utilising a scheduling tool. Facebook even has one in built and there are a number of third party tools that are actually free! Our personal go to is @latermedia and we manage our client's content through it too. There are a number of reasons why you should be using a scheduling tool but we'll get started with the big 3;... consistency! if there's one way to make sure you post at the same time day in, day out it's by using a scheduling tool maintaining visual aesthetic - scheduling tools allow you to map out your instagram feed so you can easily see how your posts will flow visually content planning - you can store all of your content in most platforms which allows you to understand the types of content you have enough of and where you need to spend time creating some more of other types & the list goes on...

02.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who joined us yesterday for our fundamentals of Instagram workshop & of course huge thanks to Tammy's Table by Tammy Edwards & Kelly Hody Mkt Etc for organising! Instagram really is a unique platform and going back to basics to identify who you are talking to and what they want to see will prove to be a solid foundation for success. ... Let's have a chat about all things social media & how you can adopt a strategic approach to achieve your business goals. Book your free strategy call at

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