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Dingo Dog Bootcamp
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24.01.2022 While paving the way to your greater physique and health, remember, the most basic and most important of all is Core Strength. Its a component of all the other forms of strength!
24.01.2022 CLAM SHELL will always make Glutes workout more spicy Go for it guys and remember to have many treats with you! Of course, men benefit from this exercise als...o! Strong glutes keep us upright and let us move fast. Just got my bands delivery! Cant wait to use them
24.01.2022 Life and business is like the changing season. You cannot change the seasons but you can change yourself. Life is better by change. Life wont get better by chance!... Jim Rohn
23.01.2022 ABS FALSE MYTH Many people have a misunderstanding that training abs, will create that abs appearance. In the reality everyone of us has ABS. Only difference is in the % of body fat covering them. Body fat percentage has to be reduced to make abs visible. With that understanding we know that multi-compound movements e.g. Squats, Push Ups, Pull Ups, Burpees and proper nutrition are the key for success! Dont want to make you think that core workout is not that important.... IT IS! AND you should do it! Core strength protects spine and helps to empower all movements we use daily. Nutrition and multicompound movements for visible ABS Core training for strong ABS
22.01.2022 Adventure- what does it mean for you? We may think only about exploring new countries, places communities and cultures. Thats right. And I also think the biggest adventure and place to explore is our body, hidden skills and capabilities. And more then this is our persistence and ability to show up every day after day and pushing ourselves to be better. Stay consistent with your goals.
22.01.2022 STAY CONSISTENT WITH YOUR EXERCISE & MEAL PLAN Why dont I say just to be consistent with an exercise and healthy food? Because we need a plan also here. Early Food preparation day or week before will help you eliminate any other possibilities. Training plan will help you to stay accountable to your goal and do the work. First week is the hardest, trust me, because you cant see any changes, nothing. But as you go with a same plan for a week or two! Get picture of your idol ...and look at it every morning. Set Up one goal which you would like to achieve this month - Can be as little as just staying consistent with exercising 4x a week and having 2 salads with some protein per day. One more thing- Educate yourself! It will keep you focused. Read every evening short article about weight loss or successful journey of other people. Simple like that! Once you are done with it, set up other little goal. Remember be kind to yourself and allow your body to change upon the time. Be kind and stay accountable with your goals!
19.01.2022 LEG WORKOUT - Wall Sit Swapping legs every 10 seconds for 1 minute is the best deal for you! Repeat 3-4 times and have a low intensity run between sets with your pup
18.01.2022 Working out, at home or in the gym can let you with out the breath! Open window, breath in fresh air. Sweat it out, release toxins from your body and nourish your body with a great healthy meal! Each of my client says the same after first two weeks of training. They feel lighter, far more energetic! ... Grab your mat and show up on the field for better tomorrow!
18.01.2022 And thats how Jake makes me smile every time when we meet Happiness is mot something you postpone for the future; It is something you design for the present. Jim Rohn
17.01.2022 Days are going to be more difficult and its okay. Because we always stand up if we have to. Since the beginning we were born to solve problems what keep us alive, sharp and happy because of the progress. Many of us didnt step out of our comfort zones for a long time including me. This is a reminder for all of us for a consistent growth and development. Find your personal challenge to conquer, imagine yourself standing there at the end celebrating your success! You are success, you are unstoppable!
17.01.2022 PUSHUP ADVANCED Advanced weight training utilise 5 basic exercises for overall body development. One of them is bench press (gym version) or Push ups (wherever version). Once you can control your movement with diamond push-ups (triceps push-ups) you can upgrade to this version for new stimulation.... Your training buddy should remain next to you. If your pup is still beginner, treat him after each push up. Treat always come at this stage to the ground what makes him eventually lie down and relax after while :) Use leash or calm environment at the beginning and amazing smelling treats. Jake eats only kibbles and he is totally fine with it. Sausage only if other dog passing. But will talk about that later then! Stay tuned and pawsitive!
16.01.2022 PUSH UP PLANK / SINGLE ARM As you could see in video we are able to do nice push ups with correct form. Some of us may like to start with isometric (holding) exercise like Push Up Plank while taking quick rests for treating your doggie in drop position. Quick cues: Hands under shoulders, pushing floor away. Back remain straight like plank. ... For more challenge keep treating your pup from that position for 30sec (support with one arm). Send me your video if you can do it! @ Sydney, Australia
16.01.2022 Thanks to Jake I can start day with smile and good mood! What makes you smile? Is it activity, moment when you do something? What is it? Tell me in the comment please, would love to know.
15.01.2022 If you were given one car to drive for the rest of the life, which would you rather have? 1. A fine tuned car with a powerful engine or.. 2. An old beater car with rusted frame? Your Body is your vehicle. You are stuck in it for the rest of your life. So you might as well rebuild its engine and streamline its visual appeal. While considering weight loss journey, here are few ideas for your nutritious delicious lunch. However, can be used as a dinner! ... Mexican Tuna Salad Thai Turkey Salad Grilled Chicken Breast with Salad With all above use healthy fat like 1/2 Avocado, 1 tsp Olive oil, 10 Almonds or other nuts. Enjoy your foods:) Body adapts to it.
15.01.2022 Good morning Sydney, ready for some fun today? Today we are going to enjoy lot of jumping, running and fresh air! What is your quarantined weekend plan? :)
15.01.2022 TREAT TIME! Haha I love those moments when you think about something and 5 minutes later an angel come with a solution Even I am on my diet, I wont say no to those cute creations with Guiness Beer inside ... We can always ENJOY life even we have settled goals up. LIFE is about finding a BALANCE between MUSTS & WANTS! THANK YOU @sharonweecreations!! It was delicious! ... You made me and Jake workout harder today! :D
14.01.2022 Good morning everyone! Ready for the day? This year I havent set up any goals.. I felt empty at the beginning but now is the time! 2020 is about new beginnings for all of us and I know exactly what I want. Do you?! I want to see happy dog owners who understand their dogs better, living actively, appreciating beauty of the nature we got. Light work spread out Worldwide Now we have internet to spread our vision many time faster in a massive way! Share what you love, speak about it, because you have something with in you to share with us and we will listen to you!
14.01.2022 Letting your pup follow you is at the very beginning of dog obedience training. Here should we all start! Havent you start yet? Join us and burn some extra calories also! Oh, do you know what BMR is? Basic Metabolic Rate is a number of calories your body spend during the day based on your weight, age, activity level etc.... If you consume more than that you most likely increase your weight if you are not super skinny dude as I have never been! Depending on training program and nutrition this extra weight can be muscle mass or fat. Choose what you want and lets get to work while having fun Personal training sessions in Centennial Park and Kissing Point Park (Putney) available SOON!
14.01.2022 Watch Your Foodie Today at Your Training Day! On the days when you have your session, increase carbohydrates consumption prior the training. It is particularly important 1-3 hours prior to your session ( starchy carbs like sweet potato, rice, oats ) or a snack 1hr prior ( apple, banana, yoghurt and berries )... AFTER your session, it is vital that you consume a fast acting protein source that is easily digested and ready to repair damaged muscles. Max your results and get the most of your hard work! Make sure you have your shake 20-30min after every workout! My favourite AUS Whey #Protein Concentrat (WPC) product is available on www.professionalwhey.com.au
14.01.2022 LEG WORKOUT Reverse Lunges are terrific functional exercise! If you dont do any sports you will appreciate how much better you will be in walking! While both the front and reverse lunge do a great job of working thighs, glutes, hamstrings and calves I have chosen today Reverse Lunge as its more challenging then classic squat and you can still stay close to your buddy while filling him up for some gainz Also, he is enjoying your presence and learning to pay attention to ...you rather then others :) To begin, start with a large controlled step backward. Shoulder, hip and rear ankle are aligned. Front ankle should be straight under the left knee or slightly over. After finishing all your reps, enjoy game with your buddy and back to work for the next round While doing that my camera felt down and I noticed that person passing me were smiling and capturing me. Its a nice feeling to make other people smile while doing your own workout sessions #staypawsitive
13.01.2022 OUTDOOR BENEFITS How far benefits of spending time outside go?? According to research from July 2018; University of East Anglia: Living close to the nature and spending time outside has significant and wide ranging benefits according to new research. A new report reveals that exposure to greenspace reduces the risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, preterm birth, stress, and high blood pressure.
13.01.2022 Wuhuu New Agility Course with social distancing launching next week 3rd and 4th of April! Freshly sanitised mats, happy buddies enjoying tunelling, weaving and jumping around Cant wait for new mixed classes, thats gonna be fun muhehe. ... Hi Paw everyone!
12.01.2022 You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills Jim Rohn
11.01.2022 Hi Team, as already some of you noticed we are changing name for Pawsitive Vibe Fitness. To keep it clear, idea is to represent all activities with our pups including Dog Agility, Adventures (Social Walks) and Dog Friendly Fitness under one name. Even its hard for me to pronounce Pawsitive clearly if somebody ask for details, I love that name . Thanks Jalyn Neysmith and Andrew Hodge for finding right name! Also, Im going to try post educational videos more frequently about Agility, Fitness so you can improve from your home!
10.01.2022 All of the showed exercises are static - the aim is to touch your knee with a forehead Shoulder strength, proper flexibility and massive core engagement required ! Once you are able to get into the right position, you are able to strengthen your muscular and skeletal chain and hold for longer!!! ... >>>30s x 3 and one minute rest between<<< Comment bellow which level you are capable of now Lvl1 Top pic pushing shoulders away from the floor Lvl2 Pic under knee close to the chest Lvl3 pic on the left - knee touching forehead Leave a comment bellow :)
10.01.2022 Wuhaa Misha is preparing for her exams! Cross fingers and paws for you team!
08.01.2022 Weight Loss Program. Dont feeling motivated? Just START. Start by working out for 2 minutes. Its better than doing nothing at all. Whats more, your workout buddy will happily join you too!
07.01.2022 FOCUS & DISTRACTIONS Its in the human and dogs nature that we are attracted by things which appear to be more exciting or attractive! Lets take an example of Toyota vs Lamborghini. Got it? ... Its a same thing on the walks in the park. You wanna be Lamborghini for your pup! Keep some extra special treats on walks, act more exciting while passing other dogs, birds and have more fun! Have a lovely day and stay Pawsitive!
07.01.2022 OUR NEW FB PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/Pawsitive-Vibe-Fitness-103580281297320 STAY CONNECTED, STAY PAWSITIVE! New contact information: www.pawsitivevibefitness.com [email protected]
06.01.2022 Just want to say thank you to all our students as we all are, who keep coming train with positive contagious energy! I was asked if dog trainers wont get bored from doing something over and over again. Hell NO! Every day brings something new, special, and its such a great feeling to see you improving as time go. Thank you for sharing your Pawsitive attitude around! Special thanks to @sallyletsrun and @little_red_ted with carrying and assembling agility stuff before and after training as car access to the park was denied! Thank You Happy Easter everyone and stay Pawsitive! @ Sydney, Australia
06.01.2022 ENDURANCE TRAINING How do I burn abdominal fat effectively?! My advice is to go for a any sort of long distance hike or event. Keeping slow steady tempo at 50-60% of your max heart rate will help you use mostly fat as the source of energy. 30-60min steady fast walk might feel boring but you can always enjoy company of your pooch or listening some nice music :)
04.01.2022 Teaching and learning new TRICKS IMPROVE BOND between you and your buddy, ENHANCE dogs FOCUS, allows you to get his ATTENTION when you need because ITS FUN and your pup love to do that! Whats more, kids can learn it also and have feelings of achievement and entertainment at the same time!... Pawsitive Vibes Only!
03.01.2022 The Best Part of my day is when I wake up and do my routine. If we can successfully handle morning, nothing else appears that difficult during the day. Do whatever you can to get you to get into GREAT MOOD early morning! Whatever works for you. Meditation, reading, exercise, music, gratitude.. those all are great options!
02.01.2022 CHILL OUT Many times underestimated command ‘Place’ ‘Wait’ ‘Relax’ should be in your library to pick when you go for a coffee or just dining with your family. The best time to train - at the end of the training when pup is more chilled.... Once he know how to lay down and remain position for a bit you can train him to stay chilled. Treat frequently as much as he need to and by each training minimise treatment. If your pup stand up from down position, he is just letting you know that you want too much from him for now. So, treat more frequently and finish training earlier. I tried toys for Jake to keep him calm but he was too excited and running around so we chosen this way. That work for us. I did circuit for core meanwhile. 4 rounds 4 exercises No extra rest. Have a fun and let us know if you have any questions Www.pawsitivevibefitness.com
02.01.2022 CHILL OUT Many times underestimated command Place Wait Relax should be in your library to pick when you go for a coffee or just dining with your family. The best time to train - at the end of the training when pup is more chilled.... Once he know how to lay down and remain position for a bit you can train him to stay chilled. Treat frequently as much as he need to and by each training minimise treatment. If your pup stand up from down position, he is just letting you know that you want too much from him for now. So, treat more frequently and finish training earlier. I tried toys for Jake to keep him calm but he was too excited and running around so we chosen this way. That work for us. I did circuit for core meanwhile. 4 rounds 4 exercises No extra rest. Have a fun and let us know if you have any questions Www.pawsitivevibefitness.com
01.01.2022 Jake 6 months old
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