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Divine Bliss in Mernda, Victoria, Australia | Meditation centre

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Divine Bliss

Locality: Mernda, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 403 329 498


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25.01.2022 Bring your body back into bioenergetic balance with this wearable frequency device

23.01.2022 DAILY ANGEL MESSAGE! Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know! Y...OUR MESSAGE Everyone has a guardian angel who has been with them since their soul’s creation. Now your guardian angel is drawing closer to you than ever. This angel guide knows you, loves you, and accepts you completely. Before your incarnation on Earth, you danced across the stars together. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or alone at this time, know that your angel guide is with you to share their love and make you feel safe. You never walk this path aloneangels are always there to light the way. This card is a huge reminder that you always have their help, support, and companionship available to you. EXTENDED MESSAGE You are an independent soul and often find yourself trying to do everything on your own, but know that even just a quick prayer to your guardian angel can take away some of that pressure. Your angel wants to hear more from you. In order to support you fully, they must be invited to do so, and then no request is too much. Your angel guide was made for you and is dedicated to you. Take time today for an easy and informal conversation with them. Speak openly and in a heartfelt way about your life, any challenges you are facing, and anything you need help with. Through that conversation, their help will find its way to you. When you draw this card, they want you to know they are with you. DECK: Angel Guide Oracle (release September 2020) ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!

21.01.2022 Have you ever wondered about the saying "music soothes the savage soul" ..... It's all about frequencies. Have you heard of the Solfeggio Scale in music ? The S...olfeggio scale was introduced way back in the 11th century, by a Benedictine monk named Guido d’Arezzo, although some argue they’re even older than that. The monks used these original six Solfeggio notes in their Gregorian chants. (Please note, the Healy has over 144,000 frequencies for your well being.) The Solfeggio frequencies are mathematically consistent with the patterns of our universe and have been shown to have significant healing abilities; from repairing emotional trauma and opening up our consciousness, to deepening our relationships and even altering our very DNA, this ancient scale has far-reaching potential. Unfortunately, the scale was lost and replaced by the Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament by the 16th century. They Solfeggio frequencies are as follows and relate to the chakras accordingly: 396 Hz - Do - Base - Liberating Guilt and Fear 417 Hz - Re - Sacral - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change 528 Hz - Mi - Solar Plexus - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) 639 Hz - Fa - Heart - Connecting/Relationships 741 Hz - So - Throat - Expression/Solutions 852 Hz - La - 3rd Eye - Returning to Spiritual Order 963 Hz - Ti - Crown - Highest plane of consciousness If this is what just six frequencies can do .. imagine what a Healy (with over 144,000 frequencies) can do for you and loved ones. The Healy can also scan and read your chakras ... PM me for your free chakra scan and reading

20.01.2022 A successful person is one who has tasted the joy of giving and goes on giving. This is a sign of success.

20.01.2022 Don’t waste your energy waiting; make it happen. ~ Grandmaster Issam Kadamani #healingthesoul #journeywithin #healingthesoul #awakenthesoul... #theuniversehasyourback #soulpurpose #vibrationalenergy #raiseyourfrequency #raiseyourvibe #socialclubcommunity #spiritualconnection #universalguidance #manifestingdreams #manifestyourdreams #manifestationcoach #powerofpositivity #lawofabundance #lawofattractiontips #lawofattractioninaction #expandingconsciousness #healersofhumanity #loveiswhatyoudo #lovestrong #allowinglifetoflow #dailyaffirmations #positivityquotes #positivequotestoday #positivityiskey #abundancemindset #socialclubmembership See more

18.01.2022 A simple yet profound analogy that teaches us why we should not give up and keep going!

18.01.2022 Is it time to get a Healy wearable device that emits healing frequencies for your well being and quality of life. Small, compact and syncs with your smart phone..., the Healy is made in Germany. With a special deal on at the moment until the 10th of September, now is the best time for the best price. For more info - Search Face book: @LindaFergusonIndependentHealyDistributor Or go to the website: Please note: prices are quoted in Singapore dollars the conversion rates vary daily, but on average 1SG$ approx 1A$

18.01.2022 Being of service to others and giving back is so important, but so is self-care What one act of self-care can you commit to doing today? Shared from Daily Inspirational Quotes

17.01.2022 Words have a vibration, an energy. Whatever you sound out to the universe returns back to you. When we choose to speak with love, kindness and compassion ...we are sending out that vibration to whomever we speak it to, and to the universe. In turn that vibration returns to us and becomes part of us. Choose to say beautiful and uplifting things to others. Let’s raise the vibration of the world around us. @good_vibes_yoga #livewithintention #intuitiveliving #soulwisdom #socialclubcommunity #innerwisdom #spiritualevolution #heartcentred #heartcentered #yogalife #kindnessistheway #socialclubmembership #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessliving #mindfulnessmatters #mindfullife #northcote #thornbury #preston #socialclubmembership #melbourneyoga #yogaislife #melbournebusiness #melbournebusinesswomen #melbournebusinesses #smallbusinessmelbourne #melbournesmallbusiness #raiseyourfrequency #raiseyourvibe #highervibrations #spiritualconnection See more

15.01.2022 A man is born gentle and weak; at his death he is hard and stiff. All things, including the grass and trees, are soft and pliable in life; dry and brittle i...n death. Stiffness is thus a companion of death; flexibility a companion of life. An army that cannot yield will be defeated. A tree that cannot bend will crack in the wind. The hard and stiff will be broken; the soft and supple will prevail. ~ Lao Tzu See more

15.01.2022 God is an Essential Essence that permeates everything, the Prime Source of unlimited intelligence and the Prime Force of unlimited creation.

14.01.2022 The frenzy is on .... Australia is selling 1 device every 10 seconds. Get your free upgrade to the next level when you purchase your device before the prices return to normal. PM me for the discount code to get your free upgrade

11.01.2022 The peace and safety for which you yearn is not a matter of food, clothing, and shelter. It is a matter of love. Love and be loved, and all else will be added unto you.

11.01.2022 There is beauty to be found in every moment of your day, in every place you look. It’s all dependent on how you choose to see your world. If you believe the... world is a beautiful place, you will find beauty everywhere. @slc_london #highstreetnorthcote #highsttreethornbury #highstreetpreston #northcotehighstreet #socialclubmembership #socialclubcommunity #darebin #northcotecommunity #northcotemeditation #thornburymeditation #prestonmeditation #westgarthmeditation #melbournemeditation #melbournelocalbusiness #healingmelbourne #melbournehealing #highervibrations #spiritualconnection #universalguidance #manifestingdreams #manifestyourdreams #manifestationcoach #powerofpositivity #lawofabundance #melbournemums #allowinglifetoflow #raiseyourvibe #highervibrations #spiritualconnection #universalguidance See more

11.01.2022 I meditate twice a day for half an hour. In meditation, I can let go of everything. I'm not Hugh Jackman. I'm not a dad. I'm not a husband. I'm just dipping int...o that powerful source that creates everything. I take a little bath in it. It's not just finding quiet; it's finding bliss. And that is natural, that is for everybody. You see it in babies, you don't have to teach it to them. We somehow forget. And what meditation has done for me, and for Deb, and the kids, is to get us back to that thing we've forgotten. Which is, it is our birthright to be happy, to be alert, to actually connect with people in a real way. I meditated before I hosted the Oscars, I meditate before I go on stage, I meditate in the morning and lunch time. When I'm on a film set, the energy is finer and the decisions you make are more authentic and, you're more able to listen to other people. It has helped me in every way. Immeasurably. I'm a way different person from when I began meditation. Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It's like the ultimate rest. It's better than the best sleep you've ever had. It's a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh. ~Hugh Jackman

09.01.2022 Every thought you hold onto is a prayer. If you have any fleeting negative idea at all, don’t give it a second thought.

06.01.2022 If frequencies do this to Styrofoam... imagine what the correct frequencies do to the atoms and neutrons in your body. The right frequency can return you to wellness. I'm an independent Healy distributor. Healy is a microcurrent frequency device for your health and wellness... Msg me if u want to find out more

06.01.2022 You are deeply loved by God. Do you know that? I mean, do you really know that? Because if you do, you will move through life without fear. You will know that only Perfection can occur.

05.01.2022 Raise your energy .... buy a Healy device before the 6th of September and get a free upgrade. Purchase a Healy Gold and get upgraded to Holistic Health. Purchase Holistic Health and get upgraded to Holistic Health Plus. Purchase Holistic Health Plus and get upgraded to Resonance.... Purchase Here: Please note - Aussie prices listed below - website will appear in Singapore dollars - conversion rate changes daily.

05.01.2022 It is you who are choosing, in any moment, to be happy. Or choosing to be sad. Or choosing to be angry, or forgiving, or enlightened, or whatever. You are choosing. YOU.

04.01.2022 The future is now ..... soon everyone will have their own smart healing device that scans your own body and corrects imbalances.

03.01.2022 Listen to your Self today. You have been telling yourself something very important for days now. Today, listen more closely. And heed. Trust the still small voice within. Your soul is gently leading you to your next step.

01.01.2022 Teach me how to meditate he asked ..... 'One day a Canadian man arrived for his first visit with Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji). He didn’t know much about Maharaj-ji but had heard about him. Maharaj-ji didn’t give lectures or formal teachings; didn’t write books; and, as far as I know, didn’t formally initiate people. He just kept shining like the sun.... When Maharaj-ji asked this man why he’d come and what he wanted, he was unsure how to respond. Finally, he replied, "Can y...ou teach me how to meditate?" 'Maharaj-ji’s response was: "Meditate like Christ." 'We asked him about his darshan. He told us that Maharaj-ji had said to meditate like Christ. At first we were surprised. "What! Meditate like Christ! What does that mean?" But then we thought about it. We were always trying to get Maharaj-ji to tell us what practice to do, but he’d never give us any specific instructions about yoga or meditation. Now he’d said this. If he said it, he must know how Jesus meditated. We decided to ask him about it. We were so excited we were going to get the secret teachings at last! 'Later in the day, when Maharaj-ji came to the back of the temple to hang out with the Westerners, one of us broached the subject that had us all buzzing. "You said to meditate like Christ. How DID he meditate?" 'It seemed as if Maharaj-ji was about to answer, but instead his eyes closed and he sat there completely still, completely silent. It felt like he’d totally disappeared. In all the time I’d been with him, I’d only seen him sitting motionless like this a couple of times before. It was extraordinarily powerful, as if the whole universe had become silent. Then a tear came down his cheek. We were in awe. After a couple of minutes, his eyes half opened and, with great emotion, he quietly said, "He lost himself in love, that’s how he meditated. He was one with all beings. He loved everyone, even the people who crucified him. He never died. He is the atman. He lives in the hearts of all. He lost himself in love." ~Krishna Das

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