Divinity in Busselton, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Locality: Busselton, Western Australia
Phone: +61 409 228 652
Address: Geographe Bay Road 6280 Busselton, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Vaccines Process I connect with the Creator, the source of all healing. I accept blessings for all of creation. ... My intention with this healing is to bring my DNA, and all bodily systems at the cellular level to the standard that the Creator and I had planned for me to have now. I go back in time to before my first experience of being administered vaccines. From that time and place I make a different choice, one which does not permit any vaccine I am given to have a negative impact on my DNA, or all bodily systems at the cellular level or in any way take me away from the Creator’s standard of health for me. By changing the past I have changed the potential of the present moment, by removing the cause of damage to my DNA and bodily systems at the cellular level, I can release any effects so I do. I allow and accept this healing process to bring about immediate, positive change and my heart fills with gratitude. - Regenerative Healing Process Ken Graydon
17.01.2022 "Ascension Symptoms" The Herxheimer reaction is a handy bit of knowledge that anyone on the awakening/self healing path will find great benefit by understanding... Basically, as you purge toxins from the body, whether they be physical toxins, emotional stagnancy, trauma or dead chi, you will often times feel the effect of the toxin being released. Many recognize as they achieve a higher level of vibrational frequency that often times they begin to notice body pain, emotional instability and discomfort. Often times, they call these discomforts "Ascension Symptoms". There is quite a bit of information behind "high vibration" and "low vibration" that needs to be understood in order to recognize how this energy works, but more importantly, what we can do to make "Ascension Symptoms" disappear. I do a full breakdown here, I recommend reading the article before proceeding or it might not make sense. https://www.unleashingnaturalhumanity.com//What-does-it-me Let us then observe these symptoms as nothing more than dense energy flushing out of the body as the frequency rises into more open, flowing, softer energies. Almost like sand bags in a hot air balloon. As we rise up, anything trapped inside of the muscle memory anchoring energy opposite of this lifting, clean feeling begins to become obvious as it tries to drag back down into heavy density. It feels painful, tense, anxious or just plain heavy, like a piece of you is suddenly 4x heavier than the rest of you. Trauma cannot exist in a light, joyous, open and free flowing system. A decent example would be rocks in the ocean, eventually they are broken down into sand. As the body's frequency skyrockets, all heavy things stuck in that system force their way out almost as if in response to a Cosmic gravity. Anything holding tension is forced to stretch without warning as it violently purges. Think along the lines of a muscle stretched to is breaking point without warming it up beforehand. This can be traumatic in and of itself, yet the same process with a gently warmed up muscle, exercised and stretched, can bring life changing results as the trauma has a pathway of relaxation to flush through. In order to make "Ascension Symptoms" a term of the past, we need to take the proactive role in our ascension. We cannot wait for that burst of epiphany and connection that spontaneously raises our conscious frequency. We have to go about consciously creating this. We have to go about consciously flushing the trauma, ancestral programs and rotten energy in a safe, purposeful way. The wild bursts of conscious awareness will still occur, but instead of it being centered on releasing all the density you cannot take with you to the next level, you will be able to explore the new range of awareness the way it is meant to be explored. With wonder. Awe. Joy, gratitude and Love Love Love. #LeadtoGold
13.01.2022 VIRUS PROTECTION FREE REPORT BY Medical Medium - DOWNLOAD NOW http://bit.ly/2W8bZQM We are up against all kinds of viruses on this planet. No matter what virus ...you want protection from, or which virus might be the hot topic in the media at any given time, all of the Medical Medium healing information can help protect you and your loved ones. In my new Free Report Virus Protection, I offer suggestions for how you can help build up your immune system so you can fight off anything you might be exposed to. I also give you healing information and tools, such as antiviral foods, antiviral herbs and supplements, and antiviral practices, that can help you recover more quickly and effectively from anything you might contract. http://bit.ly/2W8bZQM This information and the tools I share in this free report are also helpful year-round, not just during high-risk times. My hope is that having some of these Medical Medium tools in your healing toolkit will empower you to take charge of your health and your family’s health, and the knowledge of how to protect your health will give you peace of mind. http://bit.ly/2W8bZQM Get your Virus Protection Free Report now: http://bit.ly/2W8bZQM
10.01.2022 Dandelion greens reduce histamines in the body http://amzn.to/2DjQjE9
05.01.2022 Fountain of Youth - Dioxydanium H3O2 What I am about to share is something that can be made at home easily. It is one of the strongest revitalization and rejuve...nation I have come across over 20 years of research. I do not run any business or selling anything, this is to give guidance to those wishing to find something to improve the daily life with no extra monthly cost and to find something possessing stronger healing effects if compared with most of the things for sale in the market. To give some background. I came across some experimentation in 2008, done with a fruit-mixer and strong neodymium magnets. Water was added with Sea-salt and mixed for 3-5 minutes. The effects of this were felt within minutes and after 2 days remarkable effects were noticed on hair, skin, mood, sleep, recovery, endurance, and cognitive functions. I needed to continue with my research on other things. This was called Ormus Water", it took many years to understand more of what it was and how to make it stronger. The human body is mostly made of water, it is not h2o as many believe. Our main building component is h3o2 - Dioxydanium. A different type of water molecule possessing unique electrostatic properties. This is abundant everywhere in nature and much of the scientific research showing the medical effect has been suppressed from the mainstream. This water is sold over the internet expensively and the effects reported by costumers are the same as own observations and research with h3o2 water made at home. After a few years of research, I noticed how this water also could absorb the electrostatic charge and learned how to make it stronger by using the Inner Abilities of the Awareness. It became powerful. Over almost 12 years, countless people have tried it. The effects of this charged water are stronger if compared with all the medical herbs and most of the things for sale on the market that I have tried and researched over the 20 years. Stronger if compared with white powder gold as both acts as a capacitor for storing electrostatic energy but this water molecule is also the main building component for the human body. Effect on pain, where synthetic painkillers even did even not reduce the pain, one glass of this water took away all the pain for 1-2 days in a few minutes. Anxiety or mood imbalance. I have met many people with an overactive nervous system experiencing anxiety or mood swings. With one glass of charged water, the nervous system becomes stabilized in a few minutes. Many have felt a euphoria or mild hallucinogenic effect first times. The hallucinogenic effect can be the activation of 3:eyes that I also felt first times of use. Effects on cognitive functions with more clarity in all the senses. Vision becomes brighter with more deeps in the textures. Smells and the taste also becomes clear. Cigarettes start to taste horrible. This water when charged is great for quit smoking or dealing with other addictions. It even takes away the craving for cocked-food. You can easily fast for few days and maintain the energy levels by drinking this water when it is charged. It is great for dealing with food-craving and becomes easy to Fast or switch fully to raw-food. Switching fully to Organic Raw-Food is the best "medicine" for the body and mind, from what I have found by the research and trial done by me over the 20 years. This is already proven by many others long times ago but we tend to forget the things that are too Easy and Simple for us. Many have noticed anabolic effects with more muscle mass and less body fat. It is great for psychical exercise with more endurance and strength. You will notice it. Have given this water to many people over the years and seen the result. It affects the metabolic/anabolic rate in the body and stabilizing the hormone secretion. Seen it on people who need to detoxify from drug substance. With this water, it takes of the time to clear all substances from the body. Just to name a few effects that been reported when it has been mixed for 9 minutes and statically charged by the Consciousness. * Pain-reliefs within few minutes * Very easy to sleep and get deep sleep. * For hyperactivity. Creating relaxed effects in the nervous system and muscles. * Balancing the mood, creating more wellbeing and stillness. * For tiredness, producing smooth a clean physical and mental energy. * Anti-depressive effect after one day. * Muscle gain, loss of body, boosting all anabolic/metabolic functions. * Increased stamina and endurance. * Increased resistance to cold/heath. * Increased recovery for the whole body. * Enhancement in all cognitive functions. * Brighter colors in vision with more depths. * Clearer senses and Awareness. * Powerful antioxidant activity. * Repairing damage in internal organs. This will be needed: * A Fruit mixer * 8-10 Neodymium magnets that can hold at least 4-7 kg each. * Tape or glue to hold the magnets. * Sea Salt or Natural Salt * Good quality of water. Normal table salt will have no electrostatic effect in the water, use 1-2 tea-spoons sea-salt. Stronger magnets create more electrostatic charge in the water when mixing also. For the best effect, you will need to place the magnets in one line with the same polarity and the other polarity on the opposite side. Place the magnets outside of the blender. * Place 4-5 strong Neodymium magnets in one line with the same magnetic side (+ plus side). You will need a magnetic compass for more ease. Use glue or tape to hold the magnets. * Place 4-5 Magnets on the opposite side with opposite magnetic polarity (- minus side). It is the Vortex-rotation of the water with sea-salt and magnets that creates a small electrostatic current that leads to a faster chemical reaction, making heavier water molecules. * Start mixing for 6 minutes, rest the water rest for 1-2 minutes and use your Consciousness to electrostatically charge. You can mix for 3 more minutes and charge with your Consciousness a second time. You charge the water by placing your Intention on the water and Manifesting Light there, it will create a subtle electrostatic field that will be absorbed by the h3o2. The amount of energy and the amount of h3o2 can be measured with dowsing tools. When it becomes oily then it's done, the more oily velocity in the water - the stronger electrostatic charged. * Add some organic orange nectar with some ice-cubes and mix the water for 3 more minutes. When you are mixed for 9 or 12 minutes, Use the same techniques with Visual Manifestation and use your Purer Higher Inner Feelings when holding the intentions on the water. Our feelings hold the amount of energy and our Intentions are the direction for that energy. You can manifest pure colors into the water or ask your guides, angels or higher aspects to imprint the water with your daily energy dose, or the energies that you are in need of. This will create a delicious and powerful nectar-drink you can enjoy and feel good on. Many get sleepy those first times or get very euphoric. It is a great tool for practicing your Inner Abilities on and you will notice the effects immediately when drinking the water. It is assisting every organ, every cell and every function in the body. Effecting the mood, emotions, senses, awareness and every energy system within a few minutes. This is great for coping with Cosmic energies and aiding in the Ascension both psychically and energetically. Most of the benefits come from the electrostatic charge affecting all the energy centers and the electromagnetic flow in the body. This is the same water phase as in clouds, absorbing electric energies from the Sun like batteries and bringing it down to all lives on the Planet. You can share this information to help those who are looking for some help with psychical or emotional unbalances they are experiencing. Bio-resonance scanning is great for getting a good overview. Use Tesla-coil with Noble Gas "Violet Ray Machine" for stimulation of stem-cell production same time neutralizing all the viruses and bacteria together with Colloidal Silver. Combine that with noble and unique minerals in Clays from Glacier Milk. Fine clean clay is detoxifying the body internally. That will be fast and powerful healing when combined with Raw-food. Will add a picture of a mixer with magnets and other links in the comment section. For those who already tried it, please share your experiences with the group. That will be very helpful and add a comment if you wish to get more updates with experiences that will be shared later. Hope you can start own research and find this useful for supporting your daily lives. Brother Bilal To Support upcoming Research, Sharings and Coordinating Advanced Planetary Groundwork: GofundMe.com : https://gf.me/u/yjijdn We - The Wise Ancient Ones - Coordinating Planetary Groundwork: https://www.facebook.com/groups/221604355652307/
05.01.2022 I dreamt I had a bottle of corona virus cure and the label said Quinine. Copied this from a friend, use your discernment as always; Just take a good look at thi...s which has just surfaced Hydroxychloroquine:....The drug that is currently treating this VIRUS.....watch below as I show you the recipe and how to make this solution at home, minus Big Pharmas fillers and preservatives. Thats right........this is the REAL reason that the drug companies were furious about this cure. Not only has it proven to eliminate this virus....but others as well. It was supposed to be a BIG kept secret...but TRUMP blew that for them right away. What is Hydroxychloroquine exactly? It is nothing but Quinine. Something that anyone can make at home....and something that is being manufactured each and every day in the form of something we have all seen at the grocery and liquor stores.........None other than TONIC WATER. Yes....Tonic Water has the exact same Quinine that this drug being used to treat the Covid virus has. This was NEVER supposed to be leaked out...because even a full treatment regime of pills from the Doctor is less than a 100.00 for someone that does NOT have insurance. Something else you may find interesting is that when they created this virus, they also put a STRAIN of HIV in it. This was to make it even more fatal. But.....guess what........the Quinine Killed that part of the AIDS virus as well. Can you see now why they were screaming that this was a Dangerous Drug and NOT TO DARE USE IT. Behind the scene studies are now coming forth that show it being effective other diseases as well and even on Cancers. I think in the days to come, we are going to find out a whole lot more than we ever thought we knew. If you listened to our President this week, he said that "in one year, every treatment that we are now using in the hospitals will be obsolete". What does he know? He knows that they have withheld these cures to keep people sick and to make millions off of insurance companies. Quinine has many uses and applications. It is analgesic, anesthetic, antiarrhythmic, antibacterial, antimalarial, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, bactericide, cytotoxic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, nervine, stomachic, tonic.......so you can be SURE that BIG PHARMA is scared to death at this point and screaming that this drug DOES NOT WORK...when the entire world sees that it is working. If you ever feel a chest cold coming on or just feel like crap....make your own Quinine. It is made out of the peelings of Grapefruits and Lemons, ...but especially Grapefruits. I will give you the recipe here and you take this concoction throughout the day...or you can make a TEA out of it and drink it all day. This should take away all your fears about this VIRUS, because you now have the defense against it and many other things. If you take ZINC with this recipe, the zinc propels the Quinine into your cells for a much faster healing. Here is all you need to do to make your very own Quinine.................................Take the rind of 2-3 grapefruits. Take the peel only and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels.Put a glass lid on your pot if you have one....a metal one is fine if you dont. Let it simmer for about 2 hours. Do not take the lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this will allow the Quinine to escape in the steam. Sweeten the tea with honey or sugar since it will be bitter. Take 1 tablespoon every couple of hours to bring up the phlegm from your lungs. Discontinue as soon as you get better......Please Share this with those that need to reduce FEAR and allow them to see that GOD in all of HIS glory, provides us with all that we need !.........................Just for truths sake, let it be known that in addition to this, Doctors are also prescribing the antibiotic Azythromicin (zpack).............................(..For the record, I am NOT a doctor of any sorts and only offer this from my own data research. I am not prescribing this in any way, and it is up to the individual reading this to do with this information what they want, in accordance with our Freedom from the United States Constitution)
01.01.2022 One of the biggest hijacks right now is what happens within your mind (and the minds of others) when you get a harmless cold or flu that your body would natural...ly work with. Often colds and flu viruses are cleansing for the body. The minute someone becomes affected with the slightest cough, sniffle or sore throat they will go into panic and fear thinking they have a deadly virus that is potentially going to kill them. Even if they are able to realise this is not the case, others they come into contact with will see their 'harmless sniffle' as a threat to their life. So take action as you must on the physical level but even with colds, coughs and flu, stand strong in the knowing and trust that your body knows what to do. Take your superherbs and other immune boosting nourishments and rest, allowing your body to cleanse naturally and ride the storm until the sun shines once more. Magenta Pixie and the Nine See more
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