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25.01.2022 15 yr fertility journey... 50 yrs old... 41 weeks... THIS IS BIRTH
25.01.2022 Some interesting words ...pertinant to the current obstetrical viewpoint? ‘Nothing has changed so much in the health-care system over the past twenty-five years as the public’s perception of its own health. The change amounts to a loss of confidence in the human form. The general belief these days seems to be that the body is fundamentally flawed, subject to disintegration at any moment, always on the verge of mortal disease, always in need of continual monitoring and support by health-care professionals. This is a new phenomenon in our society.’ Dr Clifton Meador.
23.01.2022 So awesome, can't wait for this...
22.01.2022 Would you like to give your baby the best start at life through breastfeeding? When we asked over 25,000 pregnant women this question, 97% of them said YES...... Unfortunately, only around 15% will still be breastfeeding at 5 months... Why? Why do most women around the world want to connect with their babies through breastfeeding but struggle from the very first day their baby is born? As a midwife with over 45 years experience who was awarded a PhD for my research into why so many women were being discharged from hospital with painful nipple trauma and other complications, I found that a delay or interruption to the first breastfeed along with commonly taught forceful techniques increases the risk of common breastfeeding complications. The most common breastfeeding complications are Nipple Trauma, Breast Engorgement & Mastitis. In order to support women on their breastfeeding journeys, I developed a gentle, evidence-based breastfeeding program that thousands of women around the world are using right now to successfully breastfeed their babies. In honour of World Breastfeeding Week and to support our mission of helping women breastfeed their babies, save 50% off the program when you enrol today #WBW2020 It’s on sale for a limited time only See more
22.01.2022 Our rainbow after the storm caught into the arms of daddy. Baby #3...Under the circumstances we decided to completely change our hospital birth plan at 30 week...s due to Covid to a homebirth. Strong instincts took over to make that decision and I went with my gut. It was a calm beautiful empowering experience that I would wish on any expecting mama, the touch of my kids and husband, the confidence in my abilities and words of affirmations from the doula and Midwife are still with me, this is what birth uninterrupted feels like. It’s pure bliss - @_mama_bear_2 See more
21.01.2022 Perineal bundle article...
20.01.2022 Not anywhere near can't adjust to changing needs by reading chemical messages in babies saliva for a start! Link to the article from Monash in the comments...
17.01.2022 If anyone knows a Helen who is trying to contact me please let her know to try again. Her number cuts out...
16.01.2022 A glorious day for birth choices, informed consent, respecting autonomy in decision making and for this family. This home schooling mom had two previous cesarean sections when she found out she was pregnant with Di-Di Twins. Her Orange County midwife @bornwithanangell_midwife referred her to @birthinginstincts as pretty much her only option for a trial of labor. She really didn’t want another cesarean and needless to say there was not much support for her coming from the hospital based world. Early this morning, at 37 weeks, she and her husband and two sons welcomed these twins at home just before dawn. Baby boy A was breech. Baby girl B came head first 35 minutes later. Such an honor. We are all totally jazzed! #homebirth #twins #breechbaby #vba2c #birthchoices #trustbirth #collaborativecare
15.01.2022 "If you don't let me perform a VE on you, we will not allow you to get into the birth pool." . . Because there is a policy that a vaginal exam must be performed... before the labouring woman can access warm water, as a coping measure. . . Because a midwife may be censured for negligence, if she does not conform to the policy. and make the "patient" comply. . . So you tell me. How is this not coercion? . . Reposted from @michellepalasia . . "I recently had an interesting experience with someone commenting on one of my posts and immediately after, a quote came through my feed that resonated perfectly, If your idea of supporting women is dismissing their lived experiences, you don’t support women. ~ @mama_wilder Let me post was explaining an incident that I had witnessed, where my client was in the shower in well established labour. The midwife on duty had requested several times for my client to consent to a vaginal exam, which my client declined each time. The team leader midwife then came in, got down to eye level with my client (who was squatting) and threatened that unless she consented to a vaginal exam, she wouldn’t be allowed to get in to the tub...knowing full well that birthing in the tub was part of my clients birth plan, as was NO vaginal exams. This this birthing woman and directly in front of me. The comment that came through was: Midwives don’t threaten they inform the best process for the mums and babies health. This, is dismissing a womans lived experience. This, is labelling me a liar. This, is gaslighting. This, is coming from a place of ignorance. This, is glorifying threatening behaviour, fear mongering and coercion. This, is why so many women don’t share their traumatic birth stories. When I share stories, they’re either lived experiences that I’ve witnessed or lived experiences that have been shared with me. I know sometimes what I share can seem unbelievable but trust me when I say, I don’t make this shit up. As a birthworker, I’m not governed or gagged by anyone so I have the freedom to share these stories, which I’ll continue to do so." . . #birthonmyterms #birthchoices #birthrights
14.01.2022 How many people know this is a practice in some countries?
10.01.2022 The fear of childbirth is so ingrained into our culture. Everyone is always so quick to share 'horror' stories and to disregard any positive birth stories. In ...relaying my birth experience of my son (which has been my greatest experience and achievement of my life) to another mother once, she told me to my face that what I was saying was BS. Why? Possibly due to ignorance and/or this outright fear driven from the media and negative stories from others. #positivebirth #birthstories #freetobirth #labourandbirth #vbacwithoutfear #bornencaul #brisbanebusiness #birthwithoutfear #serenitybirths See more
10.01.2022 join the beautiful and inspiring Giselle on Monday for all things birth talking...
08.01.2022 Much food for thought...
07.01.2022 Mumma possum leaving for the night...hang on tight baby, it's a rough ride! Just back from an amazing birth journey of a first-time mumma, whose baby will be absolutely cherished. So much joy... and welcome to this crazy world Button!
06.01.2022 Listening to this...classic 70's English/French folk/rock/psychedelic/prog rock band started by an Australian. Shakti Yoni is a member of the band. An awesome name!
06.01.2022 Great illustration...
03.01.2022 Many of you will already know that there are myriad advantages to leaving the umbilical cord intact, so that the baby can get their full complement of blood. ...This is not cord blood. (No matter what the cord blood banking people want you to believe). This is baby's blood. And nature designed it so that, in the first few minutes after birth, the baby can take the blood it needs. Unless we clamp the cord early and prevent it from doing so. If you'd like to know more about this, there are several good resources around. (I recommend you look for the independent ones, not those sponsored by companies who harvest cord blood.) There are some resources on my website,, and I also wrote about this in a book that I co-authored with Nadine Edwards, "Birthing Your Placenta." Scientific research continues to demonstrate that there are so many good reasons not to interfere with pregnancy and childbirth unless there is a genuine problem which can better be solved with intervention. Find out more and see my information at #midwife #doula #birtheducator #childbirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #writersofinstagram #bookstagram #positivebirth #quotes #optimalcordclamping #stemcells #placenta #drsarawickham #delayedcordclamping See more