Dr Jason Kaplan | Health & wellness website
Dr Jason Kaplan
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24.01.2022 This is a very good resource page for COVID- 19 .
24.01.2022 I often refer patients to read " The Blue Zones" as we can get so caught up about some of the small details regarding lifestyle and health, yet we forget to lay down the important roots in our cardiovascular health. The populations here were not concerned if they took the right supplements for health but focused on diet, activity and exercise connection, and stress. I would also wager that their use of medication was considerably lower than the population seen in many urban areas. Worth a listen
23.01.2022 A Preventative Cardiologist Perspective on COVID-19 - Dr Jason Kaplan MBBS FRACP FACC We are living in unprecedented times, and each day brings new challenges in the medical management of this pandemic. We are lucky in Australia to have experts guide us to help best handle this, and we are learning from other countries are affected by COVID -19 as well. This is an edited portion of the abstract from a fast-tracked press review in the Journal of the American College of Car...Continue reading
23.01.2022 We are hearing this again and again. Its better from the plate than the bottle !
22.01.2022 Great article from NY times with commentary from one of the leaders in preventative cardiology - Dariush Mozaffarian from Tufts in Boston. There has never been a more important time to consider changing our dietary patterns to support our health. Poor diet is now one of the leading causes of poor health in our society. If you would like to discuss how your diet and lifestyle support your cardiovascular health, there are opportunities to do this via telemedicine in our practi...ce with the current generous Australian government support of these initiatives especially for people with chronic health conditions. This is available Australia wide. Simple metrics are all that is needed including a recent cholesterol test, fasting blood sugar, Blood pressure readings and if possible a high sensitivity CRP. https://www.nytimes.com//coronavirus-diet-metabolic-health
22.01.2022 https://www.gwinganna.com//specialty-weekend-your-heart-y/ This is the eighth year in a row we will be presenting this seminar, and as the knowledge base in evidence-based lifestyle medicine grows, we are excited to present the latest scientific information in an accessible and practical form that participants will be able to apply in their everyday lives. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions and engage with myself and Prof Schwartz throughout the weekend, and we are keen to share our knowledge in the beautiful surrounds of Gwinganna.
20.01.2022 Several professional societies have put forward their guidance regarding the use of ACEIs/ARBs in patients with #COVID19. In summary, all guidelines recommend continuing ACEIs/ARBs in patients with COVID-19 unless clinically indicated. https://ja.ma/34919Mz
20.01.2022 During this time we are moving a lot of our office based follow-ups to telehealth and I will be available for telehealth consultations . These consults are ideal to discuss evidence-based lifestyle recommendations for heart disease prevention and treatment. We have a great video-based platform that allows the sharing of information, graphics and articles. Please contact the practice if you would like to arrange this.
20.01.2022 A recent study published in the The New England Journal of Medicine found that COVID-19 remains on some surfaces for several hours to days. These results highl...ight the importance of: - cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces (door handles, phones, keyboards & kitchenware) - frequently washing your hands - avoiding touching your mouth, nose and eyes Stay safe everyone.
19.01.2022 An interesting study published in JAMA - stick to extra virgin olive oil. If looking for good evidence for EVOO look no further than the PREDIMED study published originally in NEJM in 2013 and then Reanalysed in 2018.
18.01.2022 A great study in JAMA internal medicine on choosing plant-based protein sources. Dose-dependent mortality benefit by using more plant-based protein sources. https://www.medpagetoday.com/primarycare/dietnutrition/87563
17.01.2022 also good for heart health
16.01.2022 We meet again with Dr Jason Kaplan, a specialist cardiologist and visiting Medical Officer at the Macquarie University Teaching Hospital and St Vincent Private ...Clinic. In our first episode with Dr Kaplan, we shared the importance of diet on heart health. The latest research shows that people are dying from coronavirus not from respiratory problems but from heart health. In this episode, Dr Kaplan will talk you through the role and importance of exercise on heart health. You will learn: * Why there has been a 50% reduction in heart attacks during COVID-19 restrictions * Why it is beneficial to have a mix of exercise types * Is there a correlation between too much exercise and poor heart health * How aerobic exercise and intense interval training leads to living longer * The dose and types of exercise we should be aiming for * The role meditation plays when it comes to heart health * and much, much more APPLE: http://bit.ly/ahigherbranchapplepodcast SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/ahigherbranchspotifypodcast #drjasonkaplan #podcast #ahigherbranch #covid-19 #coronavirus #heartdisease #exercise #meditation #heartattack
15.01.2022 While there have been some otherwise healthy people compromised by COVID-19, those that have had a poor diet, have metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease seem to be affected the most. https://edition.cnn.com//healthy-diet-immune-sy/index.html
15.01.2022 Heed these wise words. Diets high in animal foods age you and increase disease risk. #plantbased
13.01.2022 The very sensible Dr Mark Hyman
13.01.2022 A nurse I know recently sent me this... Here’s why masking up is a good idea. - Katrina
13.01.2022 This is very true #plantbasedDrK https://t.co/StfF140Wv5?amp=1
13.01.2022 Good stuff from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
11.01.2022 Really enjoyed this great discussion with Sam Makhoul on exercise and the Heart. Would highly recommend looking at Sam's books and website and his annual Upgrade your Life weekend seminar. It has been so good to see so many people exercising outdoors and taking time to take care of themselves. Exercise has som many beneficial effects on the heart in the longterm, but also the short term including healthier endothelial function ( the one cell lining of all ur blood vessels... ) , not to mention on our mood and stress levels. APPLE: http://bit.ly/ahigherbranchapplepodcast SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/ahigherbranchspotifypodcast
11.01.2022 People who are dying from coronavirus often are dying of heart problems rather than respiratory problems. Bob Graham, the Executive Director of the Victor Ch...ang Cardiac Research Institute Heart disease is not just something that kills us slowly over the long term. It causes complications from acute viruses in the short term. How do you know you have heart disease? How do you prevent it from progressing and in some cases how can you reverse it? In this weeks podcast, we interview Dr Jason Kaplan, Specialist Cardiologist and international lecturer. In this first of two episodes with Dr Kaplan You will learn: What the worlds longest living people tell us about heart disease. It will surprise. What one simple blood test on a bio marker called lipoprotein-a tells us about your heart Find out how choline from some food sources such as red meat and bacon can damages the heart in some people Is a plant based diet the best for your heart health? Yes, find out why. You cannot ignore the research. The surprising truth about keto diets New research on blood pressure Is dairy bad for the heart? What about oils, including olive oil? Is protein really that important? Latest research! The truth about fish oils latest research! Is coffee and tea good for heart health? Why almost all supplements dont help and the small few that do How having a sense of purpose is good for you heart The 5 lifestyle changes you should be making Listen to the full Why Its So Important to Protect Your Heart During COVID-19 podcast episode . APPLE: http://bit.ly/ahigherbranchapplepodcast SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/ahigherbranchspotifypodcast #drjasonkaplan #podcast #ahigherbranch #covid-19 #coronavirus #heartdisease
09.01.2022 Up-to-date infographic from the University of Birmingham summarising the latest evidence internationally available on the management, treatment and science of COVID-19.
09.01.2022 A nurse I know recently sent me this... Heres why masking up is a good idea. - Katrina
08.01.2022 Here is a link to a Podcast I recorded recently with the very impressive Sam Makhoul, the host of a Higher Branch and the convenor of the Upgrade Your LIfe Annual retreat. Sam is a real force for good and it is a privilege to be on this podcast. The Podcast covers lifestyle and diet aspects to cardiac longevity and optimum dietary patterns for cardiac health. A second Podcast is coming which will cover exercise and the heart and will include the best types and optimum pr...escription for long life. https://podcasts.apple.com//p/a-higher-branch/id1463052912 https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Nxo4ILvxjEEcKZynBeXv9
06.01.2022 Cardiologist Dr Jason Kaplan gives an insight into how COVID-19 can affect those with an existing heart condition and shares practical tips on how to care for y...our heart during this pandemic. Join us at 12.30pm on 7th April, as our physiotherapist goes LIVE with simple to follow HOME HEART EXERCISES.
04.01.2022 Often I remind patients about some of these principles when we talk about cardiovascular risk reduction. Get the rocks in place first - diet, exercise , sleep, stress and connection .
04.01.2022 How science is ranked. The Cochrane Database at the top recently determined that lowering saturated fat (eggs, butter, cheese, dairy, meats, coconut oil) lowers HEART disease. Believe it. 70 years of science. #science #plants #heart
03.01.2022 This is a great resource that my colleague Prof Cameron Holloway helped put together.
03.01.2022 Just published a review article on COVID-19 effects on the cardiovascular system. The recommendation is to control risk factors and disease according to guidelines. During this time it is worthwhile thinking about what your risk of cardiovascular disease and is there sub- clinical ( not readily detectable with symptoms or examination ) disease present.
01.01.2022 https://www.goodfood.com.au//five-vegpacked-hearthealthy-r
01.01.2022 I wanted to provide some practical information that people can use during this time where new information is continually being presented to us. This is a link to a self-diagnosis tool from the human diagnostics project developed with the Mayo Clinic and CDC amongst others. https://www.humandx.org/covid-19/assessment... I have also included a graphic summarizing some essential information about COVID 19 that was shared on #MedTwitter #Curbsiders. What is also emerging based on data from Wuhan is that people with significant coronary artery disease may also be at risk due to the considerable inflammatory response the virus causes in our body. We also seeing heart muscle involvement in many of the more severe cases. This link contains an interview with an infectious disease expert from Johns Hopkins. The key take-home points are that any novel therapies for COVID 19 have little evidence as yet , and the best thing is to prevent getting the infection in the first place. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/927453 This is a link to a radio interview done on SBS radio where I provide some basic facts that people with heart conditions need to be aware of during the COVID-19 Pandemic. It mentions some of the key points from last weeks post. https://www.sbs.com.au//cardiologist-dr-jason-kaplan-the-r https://www.facebook.com/SBSHebrew/ I want to thank my colleagues that are on the front line in emergency departments and intensive care units around the country caring for people that are acutely unwell with COVID-19, and I wish for them that they stay well and out of harm's way. In Europe, healthcare workers account for many infections. I want to acknowledge what a stressful and challenging time this is for people in so many ways. Reach out to those around you and see if you can help in any capacity. Keep up the healthy plant-based diet, keep exercising ( but not too much ) and keep managing stress the best you can ( yoga, meditation, Qigong).
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