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D's Dynamic Living
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25.01.2022 YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS .... People wonder how on earth we get 30 different plants into teeny tiny capsules... Let's see if I can break the process down for you: First they’re grown, vine ripened, and hand picked. Tested 4 times for herbicides, pesticides and contaminants.... The whole plant is turned into a juice, nothing is left out. It’s then dehydrated into a powder while being kept at very low temps so the enzymes are still live. And then put in a vegan capsule. This explains why it’s not a multi vitamin, it’s wholefood nutrition. The results speak for themselves. What’s even better is the control process allows a capsule to be traced back to the exact farm the plant was grown! Pretty amazing!
24.01.2022 Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." Eckhart TolAcknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." Eckhart Tol
22.01.2022 You do not need to say YES to everything. Empower yourself to say NO to things, no matter how many 'pushers' are around!You do not need to say YES to everything. Empower yourself to say NO to things, no matter how many 'pushers' are around!
21.01.2022 TEENAGE BOYS LOVE THIS - Keep the kids entertained this school holidays with "fizzy lemonade!" Making lemonade at home brings back fond childhood memories of setting up a street lemonade stand. We've got an alternative to the sugar-loaded version that the kids can help with! Simply squeeze fresh lemons and add this to soda water. If you want to get extra fancy, add in some fresh mint and berries!... For children, there is something extra novel about hand-squeezing fresh juice. And hey adults, you can enjoy this one too! Add a splash of gin to keep your sanity
20.01.2022 I work with a lot of women who need to read this - sending huge love to all You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here. Ram Dass
20.01.2022 Exercise Sunshine Smoothie
18.01.2022 Are you trying to go meat free? We've got heaps of plant-based recipes for you to download for free! Feeling inspired - drop a book below
16.01.2022 H E L L O M O N D A Y Did you spring out of bed or did you hit snooze? Mondays can be a dreaded day of the week - but have you tried to change what it means to you? Instead of dreaded Monday-itis and oh crap it's back to work, how about seeing it as a wonderful day to be grateful for and an opportunity to reset your targets/habits/goals.... I've been doing this for a few weeks and it has made all the difference - in fact I start thinking about how excited I am about Monday the night before. Now when my alarm goes off at 5am on Monday I am already anticipating a fantastic day and am able to slip out of bed and into my gym gear with a smile on my face Give it a try and let me know if it helps get you excited about MONDAY
16.01.2022 How P E R F E C T was yesterday: Sept 1st and spring has sprung. The sun was out loud and proud here in Canberra which added to my JOY - but even if the sun was hidden and rain was blessing us I would still be excited, there is just something so special about stepping forward and into a new season To fully embrace and kickstart the warmer months I invite you to join me in saying YES to feeling REFRESHED this summer. No big overhauls, no massive lifestyle changes,... nothing at all you have to change overnight. Just a simple process of holistic steps that fit YOU and let the DIVA that is already within you shine through. We kick off on Monday 7th September - so drop me a Sunflower in the comments and I'll get in touch.
14.01.2022 Step forward, become a LION and roar FREEDOM.
14.01.2022 Don't sweat the small stuff - I am rarely a fancy cook and sometimes I simply throw everything in: 2 types of parsley ... baby spinach cos lettuce rocket cucumber avocado tomatoes lemon juice Blueberries Raspberries Shallots Cheese Yummm I can already imagine the taste explosion in my mouth AND the nutrients running through my cells. 15yo won't eat the raspberries or blueberries 14yo won't eat the tomatoes hubby won't eat the salmon - he gets chicken kiev We will enjoy roasted carrots and potatoe wedges.
13.01.2022 sss - 70% off - Save $110 - Ends tonight Sign up today for just $55 and get everything you need to start creating another income ... ... I work my side hustle with, around and for my family AND FOR ME. I work my side hustle so I can take better care of my health and wellbeing. I work my side hustle as I love connecting with more like minded people. I love my side hustle because I truly enjoy inspiring health, wellness and self-care in others! What could and extra $300 to $500 a month do for you? Reach out and let's see if you are side-hustle ready #sidehustle #dsdynamicliving
12.01.2022 Vegan powders High biological value plant protein Great on-the-go snack No artificial colours or flavours Gluten free *... Excellent source of Dietary Fiber Good balance of nutrients Non GMO ingredients Low GI All this happening in my glass
12.01.2022 Not a huge fan of cows milk - there are so many alternatives available. When it comes to cows milk although for some a it’s a cold refreshing drink but for others it’s a warfare in the gut. By reducing this diary liquid also reduces inflammation on your digestive system. Gut health issues stem from many factors and one factor is diary. When the gut is surrounded by inflammation many other health issues begin to arise and the health of your mind movement sleep and mood become...s effected. Would you reduce or eliminate dairy for ten days to to cleanse repair and nourish your Gut? I turn to nut milks for our milk needs for smoothies, oats, granola, and froth for my weekly macchiato or cappuccino. My top milk alternatives are + Almond Milk + Cashew & Date Milk + Cashew + Coconut Milk + Kefir / Turkish Milk What's your milk alternative of choice?
11.01.2022 Sending Happy Fathers Day blessings to all the Dad's out there
11.01.2022 We value SIMPLICITY. We make everything from plant-based nutrition to earning extra income as simple as possible. #juiceplusproud
09.01.2022 Out the door and ready to go in 3, 2... all you have to choose is which flavour!? Complete 30 Variety gives you the best of both worlds, with 15 Chocolate and 15 Vanilla serves. Shop now to receive a BONUS shaker: https://davinabrown.juiceplus.com.au///30-complete-variety... *First 1000 orders only!
09.01.2022 HOW ARE YOU SPENDING YOUR SUNDAY? I enjoyed a sleep in A little housework (I might have gone to bed without cleaning the kitchen) Dropped 1 child off to a catchup with his mate ... AND then I stopped at the bakery, bought sourdough (if in Canberra I highly recommend BAKEHOUSE in Ainslie AND I even bought a coffee (if you have been following this page you might remember that I gave away my daily coffee due to my body reacting badly - and I haven't missed it and been feeling so much better however today I 'really' wanted one so I did. It was fabulous but I only drank 1/2 of it, that's all I wanted. See more
09.01.2022 The most empowering thing you can do for yourself is - listen to what you are craving - then go get that damn thing!The most empowering thing you can do for yourself is - listen to what you are craving - then go get that damn thing!
09.01.2022 Do you need an egg substitute in baking? Maybe if you're vegan, have allergies in your household or you've just simply run out! Check out these alternatives. Do you have any others you use?... https://www.veganaustralia.org.au/egg_substitute_guide_for_
08.01.2022 Some days I do ... Some days I don't... Like cooking that is. Today I was motivated and as the rain and hail pelted down I popped the slow cooker on.... All day the house smelt 'delicious'. So easy, so perfect, so deliciously nourishing for my teenage boys.
08.01.2022 I can see you - beating yourself up after weeks of celebrating food / drinks / irregular eating times - and now you feel BLAH!!! I have found one of the easiest ways to curb this feeling is to start your day with a delicious smoothie (I honestly crave these smoothies and if I miss my morning blend, because I slept in til noon haha TRUTH , I must have it for afternoon tea) I used to think protein shakes were gross and chalky, until I tried this these Complete smoothies!... Personally I'm a VANILLA girl but the CHOCOLATE is a massive hit with my kids. For all of the statisticians, it's: Plant based protein Dairy free Gluten free Non GMO No nasties 17 superfoods Pregnancy, breastfeeding & kid friendly FACTS COMPLETE = full range of essential amino acids - 100% vegan Protein = 13g - Bioavailable, easily digested and absorbed Fibre = 7.7g - healthy bowl = glowing skin and no fatigue Iron = 26% of RDI (for adults so heaps for kids) VitaminD = 40% of RDI (for adults so heaps for kids) VitaminC = 50% of RDI (no need for synthetic tablets) VitaminB6 + B12 = 50% of RDI ARE YOU READY TO JOIN MY SMOOTHIE TRIBE?
07.01.2022 WTF = WHAT THE FAT Who the bloody hell is this plus size woman ... Why the heck does she think she can teach you about health and fitness Hi my name is Davina and I have been involved in the health and fitness industry for 'a really really long time'. I was the super hot, super fit and super fun aerobics instructor and now after a long journey with 4 earth babies (1 baby in heaven) and hitting my early 50's I am showing you that it's never too late to be healthy, be active AND DAMN WELL HAVE FUN PS that is a mini-tramp in my kitchen whilst I cook
05.01.2022 to the cue (clues) that your body gives you? Here is an example: I love a good cup of coffee but I have been noticing how the caffeine is reacting with my body it’s not leaving me feeling invigorated and it’s been leaving a weird sensation in my throat. ... I have been toying with the idea to give away my daily cuppa (sometimes 2 especially in the freezing temps we have been experiencing lately) and this is what happened Friday I made a coffee, it tasted ‘off’ so I tipped it out. Later after cleaning the machine I made another WT it also tasted ‘off’ so down the drain it went = NO COFFEE for me Saturday I made a coffee, popped it in my travel mug and headed out to rugby with my boys. I took my first sip and almost spat it out . It was so milky and just not fun to drink, I mean I like a little milk with my coffee NOT a little coffee with my milk (PS I don’t like milk I only ever have it in my coffee). So I dropped my boys to rugby to warm up and off I trooped to the coffee shop and bought myself my regular ‘skinny flat white please’. Back in the car, back to rugby, take my first sip OMG what is happening my coffee was milky AGAIN. In the bin it went. Sunday another ‘off’ tasting coffee and I did not bother with a second attempt. Monday here we are I am ready I have bought new milk first attempt was foul, second attempt foul but I didn’t give up (seriously I have been up since 3.30am aarrgghh I just want to enjoy a small cup of coffee) I go for a third attempt ANOTHER FOUL COFFEE. So here I am packing away my coffee machine as my body has decided there will be no more coffee (at least for the foreseeable future). I am listening to my body - is there something that your body has been signalling to you?
05.01.2022 It's an exciting day Guess what's just arrived in our warehouse!? Kick Start Packs are about to be shipped out to our Kick Starters ready to start a new health journey on Monday!... What's inside you may ask? 2 Bulk-Sized packs of Dutch Chocolate Complete 2 Bulk-Sized packs of French Vanilla Complete Four-month supply of Juice Plus+ Fruit and Vegetable Blend Capsules PLUS extra goodies like... Habit tracker magnet + pen 8-page Kick Start guidelines and recipes booklet ...and more! Head over to https://[email protected]/buy/bundles/kick-start-pack to see the full pack and to shop!
03.01.2022 August is almost over, and so is our Vibrancy sale! If you’re looking for an all natural way to GLOW, this is for you! This is my favourite combo What are the benefits of this beautiful combo: ... Full of antioxidants Healthy skin, hair and nails Healthy teeth and gums Reduces inflammation. Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure levels Improve heart, brain and eye health Natural detox Increased energy The list goes on!! Come join the VIBRANCE lovers I'll get you started.
02.01.2022 What will you do with your day ?
02.01.2022 I get it ... I truly truly get it ... When you feel that you are ready to make a change - When you feel that you need to make a change -... BUT it's hard, it scares you. What if's start consuming you and so you push the 'change' thoughts away and sit in your comfortable 'prison' or 'life'. But it's not really comfortable is it and the thoughts return. I remember teaching group fitness, super fit, super strong, and feeling fantastic. I looked great and I felt great (well most of the time). I would be approached by women about what my secret was and could I help them get fit and lose weight - well yes I could BUT I didn't really get it .... truly truly get it. You know sometimes we need to travel a journey, and it's usually not a pleasant journey, to somewhat walk in the shoes of others to get it ... truly truly get it. I sit here as an not so fit anymore, over-weight, menopausal 54 yo and I finally get it ... truly truly get it. IT'S DAMN HARD - so many curve balls, so many opinions, so many things. So I am hear to ask you to be KIND to yourself, seek the guidance from someone (and it probably won't be the first someone you approach - there might be loads) to help you discover the right path for you. Keep striving - keep asking - keep taking moments for you and IF you want to chat know that I am here x Love my photo then head to Tracey Murray Photography she is amazing AND she get's me (you should see some of the 'bloopers' hahaha)
01.01.2022 SUGAR CRAVINGS BE GONE ... My top 5 tips are: Eat a piece of fruit Drink a large glass of water... Distract yourself - go for a walk for 20 minutes, change the sheets on your bed, play with your puppy Make a Complete smoothie Don't skip meals Interested in joining our Kick Start 10 program - let's chat :) it might just be what you are looking for.