Dick Smith Holdings Limited DSH Class Action | Other
Dick Smith Holdings Limited DSH Class Action
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25.01.2022 A short, compelling read about what shareholders and retailers can learn from the collapse of Dick Smith Holdings Limited (ASX:DSH) (In Liquidation). Were you a shareholder? You may be eligible for compensation. Make sure you register your interest in Bannister Laws potential class action here: http://dshclassaction.com.au/register/
25.01.2022 Check out news.com.au's update from this morning regarding our class action, where the Supreme Court of NSW gave our class action the green light. "[Bannister Law] alleges that the retailer misled shareholders about the financial health of the company through directors' declarations that the accounts during 2015 were up to Australian Accounting Standards." If you held shares in Dick Smith Holdings Ltd, you may be eligible for compensation. Register interest for our class action now: http://dshclassaction.com.au/register/
23.01.2022 We have now launched our class action against Dick Smith Holdings Ltd and two of its former directors; Nick Abboud and Michael Potts. We allege that the company and its directors published misleading and deceptive financial information to the stock market in 2015 that did not give a true and fair view of the companys performance. If you purchased Dick Smith Holdings shares between February 16, 2015 and January 3, 2016 register your details immediately at http://dshclassaction.com.au/
19.01.2022 CASE UPDATE: Bannister Law has filed an application in the Supreme Court of NSW for permission to commence a class action on behalf of shareholders. A Directions Hearing date has been set for 11 July 2017 in the Supreme Court of NSW. Were looking forward to commencing the legal process on behalf of our class members.
19.01.2022 "The shareholders were treated very badly they had a right to correct information to make an informed decision on the Australian share market." We are seeking leave from the Supreme Court of New South Wales to file a class action against Dick Smith Holdings Limited. You can read our ABC News coverage below; and if you purchased shares you should register your interest in our class action immediately: http://dshclassaction.com.au/
19.01.2022 Hundreds of investors who lost money in the collapse of retailer Dick Smith Holdings Limited (ASX:DSH) (In Liquidation) have registered their interest in joining our class action. If you were purchased shares between February 16 and December 31 2015, you should too.
17.01.2022 Dick Smith Holdings Limited (ASX:DSH) (In Receivership) administrators have advised shareholders they will not recoup any of their investment from the retail giant following the companys collapse. Bannister Law is investigating a potential class action to fight for compensation.
17.01.2022 Wondering what the basis of our class action is? Diane Chapman explains that shareholders were unhappy with how Dick Smith Holdings Ltd (ASX:DSH) (In Liquidation) was trading in the last 12 months. Shareholders believed they were getting bargain prices for a brand they believed wouldnt let them down. But, the company was allegedly purchasing stock based off supplier rebates rather than demand, which led to a massive stock write off. Whats more, they failed to disclose this to the market at the time.
16.01.2022 Catch Bannister Law Solicitor, Diane Chapman as she talks to ABC News about the grounds for our class action including Dick Smith Holdings Ltd (ASX:DSH) (In Liquidation) violating the terms of continuous disclosure and reporting that was inconsistent with Australian accounting rules.
15.01.2022 I wanted to support an Australian company. It just seemed like a strong, solid retail company there was no detail to say otherwise. One of our own plaintiffs, Kris Pierce spoke to news.com.au about his shock at the collapse of Dick Smith Holdings Limited and the money he lost as a result. If you purchased shares you should register your interest in Bannister Laws class action immediately: http://dshclassaction.com.au/
13.01.2022 CASE UPDATE: The Supreme Court has given Bannister Law the green light to proceed with the class action against DSHE Holdings Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) (formerly known as Dick Smith Holdings Ltd) (DSHE). As the DSHE is now in liquidation, Bannister Law on behalf of shareholders had to apply for leave from the Supreme Court before action could commence. "The Courts ruling is great news for those shareholders. Had the Court denied leave, our case was over before it really began, said Charles Bannister.
12.01.2022 Bannister Law is committed to achieving the best possible outcome and the maximum possible compensation for all affected consumers and shareholders. We are currently investigating a potential class action for the affected shareholders and gift card purchasers of Dick Smith Holdings Limited (ASX:DSH) (In Receivership). To get involved, or for more information, please visit http://dshclassaction.com.au/
11.01.2022 Check out news.com.aus update from this morning regarding our class action, where the Supreme Court of NSW gave our class action the green light. "[Bannister Law] alleges that the retailer misled shareholders about the financial health of the company through directors declarations that the accounts during 2015 were up to Australian Accounting Standards." If you held shares in Dick Smith Holdings Ltd, you may be eligible for compensation. Register interest for our class action now: http://dshclassaction.com.au/register/
09.01.2022 Did you miss the coverage of our class action on ABC? Catch up below and watch two of our own plaintiffs, Paul Handley and Gerry Pauley explain how they felt deceived by the actions of Dick Smith Holdings Ltd. If you were a shareholder of Dick Smith Holdings Ltd (ASX:DSH) (In Liquidation), then make sure you register your interest in Bannister Laws class action here: http://dshclassaction.com.au/register/
06.01.2022 Which Dick Smith shareholders are included in our class action? If you acquired shares in Dick Smith Holdings Limited (in liquidation) on the Australian Stock Exchange in the period of 16 February 2015 to 31 December 2015 then you are included in this action and can claim for loss suffered. Register here: http://dshclassaction.com.au/register/
06.01.2022 Read about the series of events that lead to the collapse of Dick Smith Holdings Limited (ASX:DSH) (In Receivership) and what came after.
06.01.2022 Paul Handley, Sydney father-of-two said he had lost $3,800 - almost a third of his portfolio - after getting sucked in to buying shares with Dick Smith Holdings Ltd (ASX:DSH) In Liquidation. That $3,800 was a months wages for me. I can think of better things to do with $3,800 - holidays or school fees or just putting some food on the table, he said.
04.01.2022 Wondering how long our class action against Dick Smith Holdings Ltd (ASX:DSH) In Liquidation might take? Diane Chapman, Solicitor at Bannister Law, answers. If you havent already, make sure youve registered your interest in our shareholder class action here: http://dshclassaction.com.au/register/
03.01.2022 Were you a Dick Smith Holdings Ltd shareholder? Diane Chapman, Solicitor at Bannister Law speaks about some of the plaintiffs of our class action and how hard it has been for them. Mum and Dad investors and self funded retirees invested because they believed the Dick Smith brand would be a great long term investment but lost a lot of money after the truth was withheld from them, and Dick Smith Holdings Ltd (ASX:DSH) ultimately collapsed. If you were one of the shareholders, then make sure you register your interest in our class action now: http://dshclassaction.com.au/register/
01.01.2022 Hundreds of investors who lost money in the collapse of retailer Dick Smith Holdings Limited (ASX:DSH) (In Liquidation) have registered interest in joining a potential class action. Were you a shareholder? You may be eligible for compensation. Register now: http://dshclassaction.com.au/register/