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25.01.2022 Sunday Funday Are you going camping these school holidays? Are you taking your dogs!?!... 10 of WA's best dog-friendly campgrounds Everyone needs a holiday every once in a while - even our pets. Two thirds of Australian households consider their pet as part of their family, so it makes sense they're a part of a family holiday, too. And when it comes to enjoying a getaway with your furry friend, a great option is camping. Just keep in mind that when you're camping with a dog, they must be kept on a leash at all times so they don't impact the environment too much - like running off and eating all the native flora and fauna, for instance.

25.01.2022 Friday Food Day What is food enrichment? The purpose of enrichment is to add mental stimulation into your dog's life, not just give extra food. Split up their daily feed or take some out if you are adding extra bits in, remember a little goes a long way. Try to pick the healthiest option for the dog. Beware of harmful or toxic foods and always check the label!... When you feed all your dog's meals out of enrichment toys it gives your dog something to work for. Dogs like working for their food. You need to feed your dog, why not take the opportunity for it to be highly beneficial to their day as well? The whole point of enrichment is that it adds something beneficial to your dog's life. Start easy, then gradually increase the difficulty not because you want to 'win one over' on your dog, but because your dog is getting BETTER at the activity. If they need help, help them a couple times. If they still don't get it the activity is too difficult or they don't enjoy it enough. I use tasty treats in difficult ones, and main meals in kongs. Not all dogs will enjoy the same enrichment. For example: Linka doesn't enjoy being destructive. I have tried lots of different items in different ways and she just doesn't want to destroy things. That's okay, I try things sometimes, but she is allowed to have preferences. Whereas Bosco loves destroying things. Oh, the joy it brings him! So, we do that often for him. Dogs are individuals. In enrichment and in general life. Find what your dog loves and do more of that. Trick training is a wonderful activity which boosts your relationship and let's face it, how cool is it to receive a doggy hi-five?! Take treats wherever you go, reward the behaviours you want repeated. You can also brush up on your basic training skills that take more time to learn like loose lead and recall. Dogs, especially puppies, need to sleep most of the day. Your dog should be getting around 14 hours of rest in the day. Engage your dog, but also make sure you aren't trying to keep them occupied constantly. Take breaks within the day. Many enrichment activities focus around being calm, feed into that mentality. Never leave your dog unsupervised, especially with an item they have not encountered before. While there are enrichment activities which foster destruction, your dog's health is most important. Enrichment is not a babysitter. There are some fantastic enrichment toys and items out there, but don't feel the need to rush out and buy everything. There are many (safe) items in your home right now which can be modified or used for the purpose of enrichment. Why not look in your recycling for cardboard or paper and at old clothes which could be given another go as something enriching! Check out Bosco's laziness when we used to use a bowl!

25.01.2022 I bought some of these off Amazon! Can't wait to try this. Christina Hunger, a speech pathologist has devised an adaptive device to help her dog Stella to communicate her thoughts and feelings in words. When the Catahoula/Blue Heeler mix wants to talk, she steps on buttons corresponding with words Hunger has recorded and programmed into the device. One day, the pup was whining at the front door and started pacing back and forth. Hunger assumed that she needed to go outside.... Instead, Stella walked to her device and tapped out, Want, Jake Come then stood in front of the door until Hunger’s fiancé, Jake, came home a few minutes later and then Stella immediately pressed Happy and rolled over for a belly rub.

23.01.2022 The Danger of Water Intoxication in Dogs Swimming dogs are at risk of ingesting too much water Drinking too much causes electrolyte levels to drop, thinning blood plasma and leading to swelling of the brain and other organs.... Before I learned about water intoxication, I thought that playing in the lake was safe if your dog was a strong swimmer. But now I know to be mindful of how my guys interact with the water and to force them to take ample breaks. Dogs can even drink too much water from playing with a lawn sprinkler.

23.01.2022 Sunday Funday Because ofthis heat I've been getting up at 4 or 5 am to take the dogs out. Today is cooler, but my body clock woke me at 430!!! Here's us exploring some new areas with no one else around. 430 might be our new favourite running time! ... What have you been doing differently with your animals in this extreme heat?

22.01.2022 Mental Health Monday 6 Ways to Improve Your Dog’s Mental Health When we talk about psychology, there’s not often a mention of our dog’s mental health. ... Much of the discussion about things like depression and stress refer to humans, not our canine counterparts. In fact, when you search dog’s mental health online, what you get is a long list of articles about how our dogs can help us with our own mental health issues. But if we really want to be responsible Pet Owners, we should know how to read the signs of mental health issues in our dogs. Being able to treat any signs of emotional distress should be as normalised as taking our pups to the groomers or hiring an on-demand Dog Walker!

22.01.2022 An all too common theme! #animals adapt to pain pretty well, and learn to hide it and get on with life. Sometimes it just means they don't do something, like get up by themself, or chase a ball, or bend at the neck to pick up food. This makes it hard for their humans to know they need help Often I'm the first person they ever growl at, because I'm the first person that's found the sore spot! It seems to be particularly true of #dogs with #caninearthritis... In fact, I'm pretty sure most dogs think they feel better because I leave, not because of the work I do Check out my blog for some handy tips to help YOUR #dogsofperth #dogsofperth #perthpups #petrehab #perthdogs #tinydogs #bigdogs

22.01.2022 Here is Stu before his treatment. He couldn't bend properly to eat, sit, get his tail up or walk properly. His human was stressing as his whole attitude and personality were different. He was just sad and in pain, not interacting, and wouldn't go on walks.... See the comments for videos of him after His treatment

22.01.2022 Mental Health Monday Humans are apes and dogs are wolves. Not quite accurate because we have evolution to consider, however, we are descended from a specific touchy, grabby, touch to soothe animal and dogs are descended from an animal that communicates very differently, only touching through familiarity, consent or aggression. ...

21.01.2022 Like many breeds that are linked as similar to #wolves, #samoyeds are predisposed to hip issues. Dad had a funny gait where his back legs flicked out to the sides instead of moving through the normal range of motion. I could see where he was a bit out of shape, but every time I went to the bits that needed work, he'd gently try distract me. This is part of why I need a person there who they trust, so they can hold the pointy end while I work into the bits that hurt. You are ...their safe space! Dax's lower back was also very tender, which is not surprising, being so close to the hips that weren't working properly. During his treatment he got his bounce back in his hips, his back legs were taking longer strides, and his whole back end had better movement. He is now able to stretch out his back legs properly and his stance was improved. His whole gait has changed! Contact me if you know an animal who could use this sort of help. #perthpups #petrehab #perthdogs #dogstagram #samoyed #doglife #samoyedsofperth #pethealth #doghealth #samoyedsofwestaustrescue

18.01.2022 I often hear "They have trouble getting up stairs but run coming down stairs" and that just HURTS my heart. If they have trouble getting up it's because their hips have issues taking the weight. Their hips are their brakes, so coming down they have no way to control their speed. They're basically hoping for the best as they come hurtling down. #Hipdysplasia or #caninehipdysplasia and #arthritis or #caninearthritis are common, especially in some #wolfdogs and #bigdog #dogbree...ds. I can help your pet by resetting and waking up the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around their joints so they're not just relying on the bone joint for mobility and strength. Whether it's from an injury or the progression of a disease, I can help get their hips working better. Do you know an animal who could benefit from what I do? Contact me to book in or for more information. #dogsofperth #perthpups #petrehab #perthdogs

17.01.2022 Sunday Funday We like to go to these tennis courts and run around to file our nails down. Well.... That WAS the plan!!! Until magpies decided to swoop us

17.01.2022 Mental Health Monday Dogs and Depression Could your dog be depressed? ... Do dogs even get depressed? Like humans, some dogs can occasionally suffer from bouts of depression. Although dogs do not have the same capacity for reasoning as we humans, it doesn't mean they cannot experience depression. In dogs, depression is not exactly the same complex clinical disorder that it is in people. However, dogs can certainly experience depression.

16.01.2022 Sunday Funday Linka has serious FOMO (fear of missing out) She'd rather stare through this fence and dream, because this park isn't good enough!!!... Do your dogs have any habits you don't understand?

15.01.2022 The weather is warming up, and with it comes our slithery friends! Know someone who has had a snake show up somewhere unexpected or unsafe? Here is a link to the list of snake catchers who can safely catch and relocate them, and my lovely Linka and Bosco with toy snakes instead of bitey ones ... ***The original post will be continually updated and is public for sharing**** ****Please always call a relocator and don't try to capture or kill the animal!! *******These are all relocators working in their own time. Prices may vary depending on the relocators. Usually a donation to cover fuel is asked for.******** List of snake catchers. Post is shareable or just copy the link.

15.01.2022 Kennel Cough in Dogs If your dog is hacking away or constantly making noises that make it sound like he's choking on something, he may have a case of kennel cough, or canine infectious tracheobronchitis. Although kennel cough can sound terrible, most of the time it is not a serious condition, and most dogs will recover without treatment. Dogs can be affected differently. My Linka coughed for maybe two days then was fine, my Bosco spent two weeks coughing....

15.01.2022 Gorgeous Stu is a little #jackrussell cross who is usually full of energy, loves #walks and loves his #playtime. Out of nowhere he started refusing walks, wouldn't play or interact, couldn't get his tail up, and would just stand there shaking! His poor human hadn't seen him injure himself, but could see something was wrong. After his #bowentherapy and #emmett4dogs treatment he was moving around very well, and we may not know what he did, but we know it's over now! #dogsofperth #perthdogs #jackrussellsofperth

11.01.2022 Dog's Favorite Toy Gets Discontinued So Store Sends Him A Whole Box Of Them "He Spent An Hour Going Through Them All Giving Each Of Them A Nudge So They Would Squeak! Https://

10.01.2022 Why do they do that Wednesday? Why Do Dogs Roll In Smelly Things? As you’ve undoubtedly noticed, you and your dog have very different notions of what smells nice. To your dog, something could smell quite wonderful. But to you, in a word, it’s yucky. And vice versa.... A few theories

09.01.2022 Friday Food Day 15 Tips To Improve Your Dog’s Diet Today Deciding what to feed your dog or anyone in your care for that matter isn’t something you should take lightly. Apart from exercise and mental health, diet is the biggest contributor to wellbeing. Feeding a healthy dog food is really important.... You can always contact a doggy dietician if you want more info! Https://

09.01.2022 I'm Donna from Dynamic Animal Therapies. I work with animals who have physical pain or behavioural issues from that pain, the way my boy dog used to. Are you sick of choosing between stopping your animal from playing, and watching them play knowing it will lead to pain and limping? ... I remind the body how to work properly, and align it so it can. I give dogs the ability to do dog things again. Contact me to see how I can help.

09.01.2022 I'm Donna from Dynamic Animal Therapies. I'm a mobile bodywork therapist, working closely with animals in pain or experiencing behavioural issues from that pain. I use gentle, non drug, non invasive bodywork techniques so you can avoid putting your animal through expensive surgeries that may not work. ... I've been where you are, and I know how hard it is to see your much-loved animal in distress. I was desperate, until I found the therapies I now practice, and I'm getting great results. Let's improve your pet's quality of life together.

08.01.2022 Why do they do that Wednesday? All dogs lick, but some dogs lick in excess. There is often a behavioral or medical reason for the licking. Behavioral Reasons Why Dogs Lick... Behavioral reasons for why a dog licks are far more common than medical reasons. It is not usually the sign of a serious health condition. This behavior might include the dog licking or grooming themselves, furniture or other surfaces, and even you! Dogs may lick because they like the salty taste of their owner’s skin, as a sign of affection, or out of habit and boredom. Licking can also be calming or soothing, much like when people receive a massage. Sheldon here licked his sore paw RAW because it felt funny after surgery!!! A treatment with me sorted him out by relaxing the muscles that were tight and sending spasms down his leg, annoying him from the inside.

06.01.2022 MacGyver is a #seniordogsperth and a #bordercolliesofperth with #caninearthritis As he gets older he is slowing down and he needs some help with his body-which is very common AND treatable! MacGyver is arthritic, has rheumatoid arthritis, and had his carpal joints fused on both front legs years ago. In the last couple of years just slowed down a lot.... He did some serious sooking while I worked on him, but the next day was powering through his walk instead of wanting to go home after ten minutes I can't do anything about fused bones but I can release and realign the muscles around them! This eases stress on joints and pain in muscles. Do you know a dog who could benefit from having their muscles eased back into place? Send me a message and let's see how I can help your #perthdogsandcats #perthdoggos #dogco #perthpups #doglife #furparents

05.01.2022 Why This Heartwarming Story of a Hero Dog Is Going Viral on Twitter "I WILL NEVER GET MAD AT HIM FOR BARKINGEVER AGAIN."

03.01.2022 Look at this picture of a mural in Sandringham, Victoria (Melbourne suburb)! Sandringham won awards for their murals and this is called 'Dogs of Sandringham'. All the local dogs in town with their names. ... So very cute and what a great idea!

03.01.2022 Friday Food Day So. Tazzy's new thing is to stand near an empty food bowl and scream.... I can't see this getting annoying... How do yours let you know they're hungry?

02.01.2022 Sunday Funday 10 of the best dog-friendly campgrounds within two hours of Perth Camping is a great way for locals to escape the bustle of the city and luckily for dog owners, there are a few campgrounds that will let you bring your furry friend along.... If you’re a Perth local searching for a nearby getaway, these are the spots you should know about.

01.01.2022 Running into clients out in public is exciting, especially when they couldn't run before! Back when #dogsofperth were wild animals, being weak made them a target. So animals hide their pain. There was no hiding it for Bosco though, his limp and issues were obvious. I was amazed to find Linka also had #hipdysplasia, but had gone undiagnosed by vets and unnoticed by myself alongside her obviously crippled brother. ... Linka had slight but noticeable improvements after treatment. Bosco improved so much with #bowentherapy that I HAD TO learn it for myself, so I could spread these results to other animals, to other people who were close to giving up. Contact me to see what results this can get for your animal. Don't forget I'm also teaching a one day Canine Bowen Therapy course on September 27th, a Sunday. #dogsofperth #perthpups #petrehab #perthdogs #dogco #hipdysplasiadogs #caninearthritis

01.01.2022 Mental Health Monday 5 Things to Know About A Dog’s Threshold Does your dog sometimes lose it" or shut down? Understanding his "thresholds" will help you teach him to stay calm and happy."... The term threshold is often tossed around by dog behavior experts when they talk about working through a canine behavior issue. When you work with your dog on, for example, reactivity with other dogs or fear of children, the usual recommendation is to work with the dog under threshold. The concept is most often used in relationship to canine aggression, fear, and reactivity. But understanding a behavior threshold is helpful for everyday training and learning situations, too. It can be a key element when socializing puppies or young dogs, instrumental in teaching excitable dogs to be calm, and essential for insecure dogs to find confidence.

01.01.2022 Ear Infections Ear infections are very common in dogs, especially in dogs that spend a lot of time outside. Often, dirt, dust or some other alien object like a grass seed can become lodged inside your dog’s ear, causing it to become irritated and, eventually, infected. You’ll know if your dog has an ear infection if they’re pawing at their ears a lot.... Look at the difference in the before and after of this girls ears after a few sessions. I worked on her lymphatic drainage system, getting her body moving on the inside so it could spit out the congestion Ear drops with antibiotics will usually be prescribed by your vet in order to fight off the infection. Another good habit to get into is cleaning your dogs’ ears!

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